here is my problem :
i migrated an old debian server, with kvm host and guests vm, on a new
one (wheezy to jessie).
Everything worked fine on this old server.
On the new server, i created a storage pool, copy the qcow2 guests files
(from the old server) inside this storage pool, copy the xml guests
files (from the old server) to /etc/libvirt/qemu ,
then virsh define guests and virsh start guests.
Every guests works fine.
My problem is about virt-viewer and virt-manager
when i connect from my station to my kvm host from ssh (ssh -X I cant use virt-manager or virt-user
virt-manager display all the guests but i cant display the guest itself
or the guest informations
virt-viewer open a blanck window
when i do vncviewer it works fine
then i think the problem come from virt-viewer and virt-manager, but i
cant see where is the problem.
Does someone could help to solve this problem.
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