On 12/07/2015 01:20 PM, Jan Grashöfer wrote:
autostarting (and autostopping) based on what event?
Based on start/shutdown of the host or starting/stopping libvirtd. I
just wrote a script to start with systemd but as there is that autostart
functionality in libvirtd this might not be the best solution.
networks with autostart set will be started when libvirtd is started if
they are seen to be inactive, but they will never be stopped by libvirt.
libvirtd is designed so that it can be restarted at any time without
disrupting any active guest or network, and doing an auto-shutdown of
the network would go against that.
Also, when using libvirt's hook scripts, you need to keep in mind that
the scripts cannot call back into libvirt (e.g. using virsh) as that
would create a deadlock.
None of that really answers your question, but hopefully it at least
gives you a better idea of what you've got to work with :-)
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