De : Eric Blake [mailto:eblake@xxxxxxxxxx] Envoyé : jeudi 7 novembre 2013 17:09 À : NEVEU Stephane; libvirt-users@xxxxxxxxxx Objet : Re: RBD images locking On 11/07/2013 09:04 AM, NEVEU Stephane wrote: > Eric, [please don't top-post on technical lists] Sorry ! > > Well, in case where several servers may start the same virtual machines after a reboot for exemple. > > .html Isn't the existing virtlockd support already sufficient for this? If not, what is preventing the virtlock framework from interacting with rbd disks? Ok, I'll take a look. -- Eric Blake eblake redhat com +1-919-301-3266 Libvirt virtualization library _______________________________________________ libvirt-users mailing list libvirt-users@xxxxxxxxxx