These days I am trying to understand the interaction relationship
between the libvirt and KVM kernel module, eg. kvm_intel.ko.
We know that KVM kernel module expose an entry in form of device file
"/dev/kvm" which can be accessed by user space application to control,
for example, create a VM using KVM_CREATE_VM with help of ioctl.
Now let's say the tool virsh based upon libvirt, we can create a guest
domain with the command looks like:
#virsh create guest.xml
Obviously, the above command will create a VM. But when I try to
investigate the libvirt code, I can't find any code play with the
"/dev/kvm" to send KVM_CREATE_VM ioctl code to KVM kernel module. But
I do found that the reference count of the kvm_intel.ko changed before
the virsh create command launched and after.
So my question is: how does the libvirt interaction with KVM to create a
VM? Anybody can give me some tips about that, eg, the corresponding
codes in libvirt?
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