I am a new user of libvirt ,i really appreciate libvirt,and want to use it in my work.I want to use it to conncet to a ESXi server.when I try to connect to the server ,I use the command :virsh -c esx://name@xxxxxxxxxxx,And I get an
1.error :error: internal error curl_easy_perform() returned an error: Couldn't connect to server (7) : couldn't connect to host
so I think maybe the firewall shutdown the 443 for https,so I used command:virsh -c esx://name@xxxxxxxxxxx/?transport=http And I still get an error like:
error: internal error HTTP response code 417 for call to 'RetrieveServiceContent'
error: failed to connect to the hypervisor
error: failed to connect to the hypervisor
so ,I still can't find the way to connet the server,if you kown how to handle this problem ,i hope you can help me thanks a lot. i will wait for you letter day and night.
Best regards
Best regards