[PATCH V2 10/13] libxl: move libxlVmStart to libxl_domain

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Move libxlVmStart from libxl_driver to libxl_domain for
use by other libxl modules.  For consistency, rename to

Signed-off-by: Jim Fehlig <jfehlig@xxxxxxxx>
 src/libxl/libxl_domain.c | 181 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/libxl/libxl_domain.h |   6 ++
 src/libxl/libxl_driver.c | 196 ++---------------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 192 insertions(+), 191 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/libxl/libxl_domain.c b/src/libxl/libxl_domain.c
index 3163c2a..c5b18a1 100644
--- a/src/libxl/libxl_domain.c
+++ b/src/libxl/libxl_domain.c
@@ -892,3 +892,184 @@ libxlDomainFreeMem(libxlDomainObjPrivatePtr priv, libxl_domain_config *d_config)
     return ret;
+ * Start a domain through libxenlight.
+ *
+ * virDomainObjPtr must be locked on invocation
+ */
+libxlDomainStart(libxlDriverPrivatePtr driver, virDomainObjPtr vm,
+                 bool start_paused, int restore_fd)
+    libxl_domain_config d_config;
+    virDomainDefPtr def = NULL;
+    virObjectEventPtr event = NULL;
+    libxlSavefileHeader hdr;
+    int ret = -1;
+    uint32_t domid = 0;
+    char *dom_xml = NULL;
+    char *managed_save_path = NULL;
+    int managed_save_fd = -1;
+    libxlDomainObjPrivatePtr priv = vm->privateData;
+    libxlDriverConfigPtr cfg;
+    libxl_domain_restore_params params;
+    virHostdevManagerPtr hostdev_mgr = driver->hostdevMgr;
+    if (libxlDomainObjPrivateInitCtx(vm) < 0)
+        return ret;
+    if (libxlDomainObjBeginJob(driver, vm, LIBXL_JOB_MODIFY) < 0)
+        return ret;
+    cfg = libxlDriverConfigGet(driver);
+    /* If there is a managed saved state restore it instead of starting
+     * from scratch. The old state is removed once the restoring succeeded. */
+    if (restore_fd < 0) {
+        managed_save_path = libxlDomainManagedSavePath(driver, vm);
+        if (managed_save_path == NULL)
+            goto endjob;
+        if (virFileExists(managed_save_path)) {
+            managed_save_fd = libxlDomainSaveImageOpen(driver, cfg,
+                                                       managed_save_path,
+                                                       &def, &hdr);
+            if (managed_save_fd < 0)
+                goto endjob;
+            restore_fd = managed_save_fd;
+            if (STRNEQ(vm->def->name, def->name) ||
+                memcmp(vm->def->uuid, def->uuid, VIR_UUID_BUFLEN)) {
+                char vm_uuidstr[VIR_UUID_STRING_BUFLEN];
+                char def_uuidstr[VIR_UUID_STRING_BUFLEN];
+                virUUIDFormat(vm->def->uuid, vm_uuidstr);
+                virUUIDFormat(def->uuid, def_uuidstr);
+                virReportError(VIR_ERR_OPERATION_FAILED,
+                               _("cannot restore domain '%s' uuid %s from a file"
+                                 " which belongs to domain '%s' uuid %s"),
+                               vm->def->name, vm_uuidstr, def->name, def_uuidstr);
+                goto endjob;
+            }
+            virDomainObjAssignDef(vm, def, true, NULL);
+            def = NULL;
+            if (unlink(managed_save_path) < 0)
+                VIR_WARN("Failed to remove the managed state %s",
+                         managed_save_path);
+            vm->hasManagedSave = false;
+        }
+        VIR_FREE(managed_save_path);
+    }
+    libxl_domain_config_init(&d_config);
+    if (libxlBuildDomainConfig(driver, vm, &d_config) < 0)
+        goto endjob;
+    if (cfg->autoballoon && libxlDomainFreeMem(priv, &d_config) < 0) {
+        virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
+                       _("libxenlight failed to get free memory for domain '%s'"),
+                       d_config.c_info.name);
+        goto endjob;
+    }
+    if (virHostdevPrepareDomainDevices(hostdev_mgr, LIBXL_DRIVER_NAME,
+                                       vm->def, VIR_HOSTDEV_SP_PCI) < 0)
+        goto endjob;
+    /* Unlock virDomainObj while creating the domain */
+    virObjectUnlock(vm);
+    if (restore_fd < 0) {
+        ret = libxl_domain_create_new(priv->ctx, &d_config,
+                                      &domid, NULL, NULL);
+    } else {
+        params.checkpointed_stream = 0;
+        ret = libxl_domain_create_restore(priv->ctx, &d_config, &domid,
+                                          restore_fd, &params, NULL, NULL);
+        ret = libxl_domain_create_restore(priv->ctx, &d_config, &domid,
+                                          restore_fd, NULL, NULL);
+    }
+    virObjectLock(vm);
+    if (ret) {
+        if (restore_fd < 0)
+            virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
+                           _("libxenlight failed to create new domain '%s'"),
+                           d_config.c_info.name);
+        else
+            virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
+                           _("libxenlight failed to restore domain '%s'"),
+                           d_config.c_info.name);
+        goto endjob;
+    }
+    /*
+     * The domain has been successfully created with libxl, so it should
+     * be cleaned up if there are any subsequent failures.
+     */
+    vm->def->id = domid;
+    if (libxlDomainEventsRegister(vm) < 0)
+        goto cleanup_dom;
+    if ((dom_xml = virDomainDefFormat(vm->def, 0)) == NULL)
+        goto cleanup_dom;
+    if (libxl_userdata_store(priv->ctx, domid, "libvirt-xml",
+                             (uint8_t *)dom_xml, strlen(dom_xml) + 1)) {
+        virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s",
+                       _("libxenlight failed to store userdata"));
+        goto cleanup_dom;
+    }
+    if (libxlDomainSetVcpuAffinities(driver, vm) < 0)
+        goto cleanup_dom;
+    if (!start_paused) {
+        libxl_domain_unpause(priv->ctx, domid);
+    } else {
+        virDomainObjSetState(vm, VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED, VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_USER);
+    }
+    if (virDomainSaveStatus(driver->xmlopt, cfg->stateDir, vm) < 0)
+        goto cleanup_dom;
+    if (virAtomicIntInc(&driver->nactive) == 1 && driver->inhibitCallback)
+        driver->inhibitCallback(true, driver->inhibitOpaque);
+    event = virDomainEventLifecycleNewFromObj(vm, VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STARTED,
+                                     restore_fd < 0 ?
+                                         VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STARTED_BOOTED :
+                                         VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STARTED_RESTORED);
+    if (event)
+        libxlDomainEventQueue(driver, event);
+    ret = 0;
+    goto endjob;
+    libxl_domain_destroy(priv->ctx, domid, NULL);
+    vm->def->id = -1;
+    if (!libxlDomainObjEndJob(driver, vm))
+        vm = NULL;
+    libxl_domain_config_dispose(&d_config);
+    VIR_FREE(dom_xml);
+    VIR_FREE(managed_save_path);
+    virDomainDefFree(def);
+    VIR_FORCE_CLOSE(managed_save_fd);
+    virObjectUnref(cfg);
+    return ret;
diff --git a/src/libxl/libxl_domain.h b/src/libxl/libxl_domain.h
index 7dacb36..4b5767a 100644
--- a/src/libxl/libxl_domain.h
+++ b/src/libxl/libxl_domain.h
@@ -131,4 +131,10 @@ int
 libxlDomainFreeMem(libxlDomainObjPrivatePtr priv,
                    libxl_domain_config *d_config);
+libxlDomainStart(libxlDriverPrivatePtr driver,
+                 virDomainObjPtr vm,
+                 bool start_paused,
+                 int restore_fd);
 #endif /* LIBXL_DOMAIN_H */
diff --git a/src/libxl/libxl_driver.c b/src/libxl/libxl_driver.c
index add08d2..af7317b 100644
--- a/src/libxl/libxl_driver.c
+++ b/src/libxl/libxl_driver.c
@@ -77,10 +77,6 @@ static int
 libxlDomainManagedSaveLoad(virDomainObjPtr vm,
                            void *opaque);
-static int
-libxlVmStart(libxlDriverPrivatePtr driver, virDomainObjPtr vm,
-             bool start_paused, int restore_fd);
 /* Function definitions */
 static virDomainObjPtr
@@ -114,7 +110,7 @@ libxlAutostartDomain(virDomainObjPtr vm,
     if (vm->autostart && !virDomainObjIsActive(vm) &&
-        libxlVmStart(driver, vm, false, -1) < 0) {
+        libxlDomainStart(driver, vm, false, -1) < 0) {
         err = virGetLastError();
         VIR_ERROR(_("Failed to autostart VM '%s': %s"),
@@ -241,7 +237,7 @@ restart:
     libxl_domain_destroy(ctx, vm->def->id, NULL);
     libxlDomainCleanupJob(driver, vm, VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF_SHUTDOWN);
-    libxlVmStart(driver, vm, 0, -1);
+    libxlDomainStart(driver, vm, 0, -1);
     if (vm)
@@ -308,188 +304,6 @@ const struct libxl_event_hooks ev_hooks = {
- * Start a domain through libxenlight.
- *
- * virDomainObjPtr should be locked on invocation
- */
-static int
-libxlVmStart(libxlDriverPrivatePtr driver, virDomainObjPtr vm,
-             bool start_paused, int restore_fd)
-    libxl_domain_config d_config;
-    virDomainDefPtr def = NULL;
-    virObjectEventPtr event = NULL;
-    libxlSavefileHeader hdr;
-    int ret = -1;
-    uint32_t domid = 0;
-    char *dom_xml = NULL;
-    char *managed_save_path = NULL;
-    int managed_save_fd = -1;
-    libxlDomainObjPrivatePtr priv = vm->privateData;
-    libxlDriverConfigPtr cfg;
-    libxl_domain_restore_params params;
-    virHostdevManagerPtr hostdev_mgr = driver->hostdevMgr;
-    if (libxlDomainObjPrivateInitCtx(vm) < 0)
-        return ret;
-    if (libxlDomainObjBeginJob(driver, vm, LIBXL_JOB_MODIFY) < 0)
-        return ret;
-    cfg = libxlDriverConfigGet(driver);
-    /* If there is a managed saved state restore it instead of starting
-     * from scratch. The old state is removed once the restoring succeeded. */
-    if (restore_fd < 0) {
-        managed_save_path = libxlDomainManagedSavePath(driver, vm);
-        if (managed_save_path == NULL)
-            goto endjob;
-        if (virFileExists(managed_save_path)) {
-            managed_save_fd = libxlDomainSaveImageOpen(driver, cfg,
-                                                       managed_save_path,
-                                                       &def, &hdr);
-            if (managed_save_fd < 0)
-                goto endjob;
-            restore_fd = managed_save_fd;
-            if (STRNEQ(vm->def->name, def->name) ||
-                memcmp(vm->def->uuid, def->uuid, VIR_UUID_BUFLEN)) {
-                char vm_uuidstr[VIR_UUID_STRING_BUFLEN];
-                char def_uuidstr[VIR_UUID_STRING_BUFLEN];
-                virUUIDFormat(vm->def->uuid, vm_uuidstr);
-                virUUIDFormat(def->uuid, def_uuidstr);
-                virReportError(VIR_ERR_OPERATION_FAILED,
-                               _("cannot restore domain '%s' uuid %s from a file"
-                                 " which belongs to domain '%s' uuid %s"),
-                               vm->def->name, vm_uuidstr, def->name, def_uuidstr);
-                goto endjob;
-            }
-            virDomainObjAssignDef(vm, def, true, NULL);
-            def = NULL;
-            if (unlink(managed_save_path) < 0)
-                VIR_WARN("Failed to remove the managed state %s",
-                         managed_save_path);
-            vm->hasManagedSave = false;
-        }
-        VIR_FREE(managed_save_path);
-    }
-    libxl_domain_config_init(&d_config);
-    if (libxlBuildDomainConfig(driver, vm, &d_config) < 0)
-        goto endjob;
-    if (cfg->autoballoon && libxlDomainFreeMem(priv, &d_config) < 0) {
-        virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
-                       _("libxenlight failed to get free memory for domain '%s'"),
-                       d_config.c_info.name);
-        goto endjob;
-    }
-    if (virHostdevPrepareDomainDevices(hostdev_mgr, LIBXL_DRIVER_NAME,
-                                       vm->def, VIR_HOSTDEV_SP_PCI) < 0)
-        goto endjob;
-    /* Unlock virDomainObj while creating the domain */
-    virObjectUnlock(vm);
-    if (restore_fd < 0) {
-        ret = libxl_domain_create_new(priv->ctx, &d_config,
-                                      &domid, NULL, NULL);
-    } else {
-        params.checkpointed_stream = 0;
-        ret = libxl_domain_create_restore(priv->ctx, &d_config, &domid,
-                                          restore_fd, &params, NULL, NULL);
-        ret = libxl_domain_create_restore(priv->ctx, &d_config, &domid,
-                                          restore_fd, NULL, NULL);
-    }
-    virObjectLock(vm);
-    if (ret) {
-        if (restore_fd < 0)
-            virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
-                           _("libxenlight failed to create new domain '%s'"),
-                           d_config.c_info.name);
-        else
-            virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
-                           _("libxenlight failed to restore domain '%s'"),
-                           d_config.c_info.name);
-        goto endjob;
-    }
-    /*
-     * The domain has been successfully created with libxl, so it should
-     * be cleaned up if there are any subsequent failures.
-     */
-    vm->def->id = domid;
-    if (libxlDomainEventsRegister(vm) < 0)
-        goto cleanup_dom;
-    if ((dom_xml = virDomainDefFormat(vm->def, 0)) == NULL)
-        goto cleanup_dom;
-    if (libxl_userdata_store(priv->ctx, domid, "libvirt-xml",
-                             (uint8_t *)dom_xml, strlen(dom_xml) + 1)) {
-        virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s",
-                       _("libxenlight failed to store userdata"));
-        goto cleanup_dom;
-    }
-    if (libxlDomainSetVcpuAffinities(driver, vm) < 0)
-        goto cleanup_dom;
-    if (!start_paused) {
-        libxl_domain_unpause(priv->ctx, domid);
-    } else {
-        virDomainObjSetState(vm, VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED, VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_USER);
-    }
-    if (virDomainSaveStatus(driver->xmlopt, cfg->stateDir, vm) < 0)
-        goto cleanup_dom;
-    if (virAtomicIntInc(&driver->nactive) == 1 && driver->inhibitCallback)
-        driver->inhibitCallback(true, driver->inhibitOpaque);
-    event = virDomainEventLifecycleNewFromObj(vm, VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STARTED,
-                                     restore_fd < 0 ?
-                                         VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STARTED_BOOTED :
-                                         VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STARTED_RESTORED);
-    if (event)
-        libxlDomainEventQueue(driver, event);
-    ret = 0;
-    goto endjob;
-    libxl_domain_destroy(priv->ctx, domid, NULL);
-    vm->def->id = -1;
-    if (!libxlDomainObjEndJob(driver, vm))
-        vm = NULL;
-    libxl_domain_config_dispose(&d_config);
-    VIR_FREE(dom_xml);
-    VIR_FREE(managed_save_path);
-    virDomainDefFree(def);
-    VIR_FORCE_CLOSE(managed_save_fd);
-    virObjectUnref(cfg);
-    return ret;
  * Reconnect to running domains that were previously started/created
  * with libxenlight driver.
@@ -1009,7 +823,7 @@ libxlDomainCreateXML(virConnectPtr conn, const char *xml,
         goto cleanup;
     def = NULL;
-    if (libxlVmStart(driver, vm, (flags & VIR_DOMAIN_START_PAUSED) != 0,
+    if (libxlDomainStart(driver, vm, (flags & VIR_DOMAIN_START_PAUSED) != 0,
                      -1) < 0) {
         virDomainObjListRemove(driver->domains, vm);
         vm = NULL;
@@ -1789,7 +1603,7 @@ libxlDomainRestoreFlags(virConnectPtr conn, const char *from,
     def = NULL;
-    ret = libxlVmStart(driver, vm, (flags & VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_PAUSED) != 0, fd);
+    ret = libxlDomainStart(driver, vm, (flags & VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_PAUSED) != 0, fd);
     if (ret < 0 && !vm->persistent) {
         virDomainObjListRemove(driver->domains, vm);
         vm = NULL;
@@ -2677,7 +2491,7 @@ libxlDomainCreateWithFlags(virDomainPtr dom,
         goto cleanup;
-    ret = libxlVmStart(driver, vm, (flags & VIR_DOMAIN_START_PAUSED) != 0, -1);
+    ret = libxlDomainStart(driver, vm, (flags & VIR_DOMAIN_START_PAUSED) != 0, -1);
     if (vm)

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