[PATCH 4/5] ESX: Driver support to define new domain using an OVA pacakge

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This patch provides implementation support to define new domain
using given OVA package for an ESXi server.

As per vSphere API documentation, the OVA installation consists of
following steps:
1. Run OVF descriptor against hypervisor to check if it can be
2. Obtain ImportSpec object from hypervisor defining new domain's
   specifications such as: virtual hrdware detials, networks etc.
3. Create virtual machine entity on the hypervisor.
4. Upload virtual disk contained inside OVA package using lease
   obtained from step 3.
 src/esx/esx_driver.c           |  573 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 src/esx/esx_vi_generator.input |  856 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 src/esx/esx_vi_generator.py    |   13 +-
 src/esx/esx_vi_types.c         |   13 +-
 4 files changed, 1430 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/esx/esx_driver.c b/src/esx/esx_driver.c
index 1366c81..d4f4ce4 100644
--- a/src/esx/esx_driver.c
+++ b/src/esx/esx_driver.c
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Red Hat, Inc.
  * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Matthias Bolte <matthias.bolte@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  * Copyright (C) 2009 Maximilian Wilhelm <max@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Ata E Husain Bohra <ata.husain@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -32,6 +33,7 @@
 #include "viralloc.h"
 #include "virlog.h"
 #include "viruuid.h"
+#include "virfile.h"
 #include "vmx.h"
 #include "virtypedparam.h"
 #include "esx_driver.h"
@@ -46,10 +48,16 @@
 #include "esx_vi_methods.h"
 #include "esx_util.h"
 #include "viruri.h"
+#include "virova.h"
 static int esxDomainGetMaxVcpus(virDomainPtr domain);
+static int esxDomainUploadDisks(virConnectPtr conn,
+                                esxVI_ManagedObjectReference *nfcLease,
+                                esxVI_OvfCreateImportSpecResult *importResult,
+                                virOVAPtr ova);
 typedef struct _esxVMX_Data esxVMX_Data;
@@ -59,7 +67,6 @@ struct _esxVMX_Data {
 static void
 esxFreePrivate(esxPrivate **priv)
@@ -3304,6 +3311,569 @@ esxDomainDefineXML(virConnectPtr conn, const char *xml)
 static int
+esxDomainUploadDisks(virConnectPtr conn,
+                     esxVI_ManagedObjectReference *nfcLease,
+                     esxVI_OvfCreateImportSpecResult *importResult,
+                     virOVAPtr ova)
+    int result = -1;
+    esxPrivate* priv = conn->privateData;
+    esxVI_Context *ctx = priv->primary;
+    esxVI_String *propertyNameInfo = NULL;
+    esxVI_DynamicProperty *dynamicProperty = NULL;
+    esxVI_ObjectContent *infoObject = NULL;
+    esxVI_HttpNfcLeaseInfo *httpNfcInfo = NULL;
+    esxVI_HttpNfcLeaseDeviceUrl *deviceUrl  = NULL;
+    esxVI_FileData *fileData = NULL;
+    esxVI_CURL *curl = NULL;
+    virBuffer buffer = VIR_BUFFER_INITIALIZER;
+    virOVADiskListPtr listDisk = NULL;
+    bool ready = false;
+    char *uploadUrl = NULL;
+    char *fileExtension = NULL;
+    off_t bytesToSend = 0;
+    int numAttempts = 0;
+    char cl_string[64] = {'\0'};
+    int fd = -1;
+    if (!ova || !ova->fHandle) {
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    /**
+     * obtain file handle for OVA file, it is better to re-open
+     * file while uploading given disk. Cleanup for esxVI_FileData and
+     * virFreeOVA remains simple and clean this way
+     */
+    fd = fileno(ova->fHandle);
+    if (fd <= 0) {
+        virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s",
+                _("Invalid fielno for OVA file"));
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    if (esxVI_String_AppendValueListToList(&propertyNameInfo,
+                                       "info\0state\0error\0") < 0) {
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (esxVI_CURL_Alloc(&curl) < 0) {
+        virReportOOMError();
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    /**
+     * CURL headers for streaming vmdk are different from normal
+     * execution headers, open a dedicated curl->handle to upload
+     * VMDKs
+     */
+    curl->handle = curl_easy_init();
+    if (!curl->handle) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "curl init failed");
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    /**
+     * vSphere API recommends wait till ESX sets the status to
+     * "ready" before initiating disk transfer. Wait for max
+     * 10 seconds before giving up!
+     *
+     * TODO May be convert it to WaitForUpdate call */
+    for (ready = false, numAttempts = 0;
+         ready != true && numAttempts < 10; ++numAttempts) {
+        esxVI_ObjectContent_Free(&infoObject);
+        if (esxVI_LookupObjectContentByType(ctx, nfcLease,
+                    "HttpNfcLease", propertyNameInfo,
+                    &infoObject, esxVI_Occurrence_RequiredItem) < 0) {
+            goto cleanup;
+        }
+        for (dynamicProperty = infoObject->propSet; dynamicProperty != NULL;
+                dynamicProperty = dynamicProperty->_next) {
+            if (STREQ(dynamicProperty->name, "state")) {
+                if (STREQ(dynamicProperty->val->value, "initializing")) {
+                    /* check after sometime */
+                    sleep(1);
+                } else {
+                    ready = true;
+                }
+            } else if (STREQ(dynamicProperty->name, "error")) {
+                virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s",
+                                dynamicProperty->val->value);
+                goto cleanup;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (!ready) {
+        virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s",
+                        _("ESX server not ready for disk upload"));
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Better to retrieve "info" object again once the ESX server
+     * is "ready"
+     */
+    esxVI_String_Free(&propertyNameInfo);
+    esxVI_ObjectContent_Free(&infoObject);
+    if (esxVI_String_AppendValueListToList(
+          &propertyNameInfo, "info\0") < 0 ||
+        esxVI_LookupObjectContentByType(
+          ctx, nfcLease, "HttpNfcLease", propertyNameInfo,
+          &infoObject, esxVI_Occurrence_RequiredItem) < 0) {
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    for (dynamicProperty = infoObject->propSet; dynamicProperty != NULL;
+         dynamicProperty = dynamicProperty->_next) {
+        if (STREQ(dynamicProperty->name, "info")) {
+            if (esxVI_HttpNfcLeaseInfo_CastFromAnyType(
+                  dynamicProperty->val, &httpNfcInfo) < 0) {
+                goto cleanup;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    bytesToSend = ova->totalSize;
+    for (listDisk = ova->head; listDisk != NULL; listDisk = listDisk->next) {
+        fileExtension = strrchr(listDisk->data->name, '.');
+        if (!fileExtension || STRNEQ(fileExtension, ".vmdk")) {
+            /* not a VMDK */
+            continue ;
+        }
+        /* iterate over deviceUri and upload VMDK files from OVA */
+        for (deviceUrl = httpNfcInfo->deviceUrl;
+             deviceUrl != NULL; deviceUrl = deviceUrl->_next) {
+            virOVADiskListPtr candidate = NULL;
+            esxVI_OvfFileItem *fileItem = NULL;
+            int position = -1;
+            char *ptr_char = NULL;
+            /* ESXi HttpLeaseInfo object when returned have "url"(s) to be
+             * used to upload VMDK files. The format of the url is
+             * https://\\*\\/<session-id>/<vmdk-file-name>
+             * Replaces the "\\*" with approriate server IP address.
+             */
+            VIR_FREE(uploadUrl);
+            virBufferFreeAndReset(&buffer);
+            if (!deviceUrl->url) {
+                goto cleanup;
+            }
+            position = strcspn(deviceUrl->url, "*");
+            if (position <= 0) {
+                goto cleanup;
+            }
+            virBufferAdd(&buffer, deviceUrl->url, position);
+            ptr_char = strchr(deviceUrl->url, '*');
+            if (ptr_char == NULL) {
+                goto cleanup;
+            }
+            virBufferStrcat(&buffer, ctx->ipAddress, NULL);
+            virBufferStrcat(&buffer, ptr_char + 1, NULL);
+            uploadUrl = virBufferContentAndReset(&buffer);
+            /* iterate virOVA struct to find relevant file details */
+            for (fileItem = importResult->fileItem;
+                 fileItem != NULL; fileItem = fileItem->_next) {
+                if (STREQ(deviceUrl->importKey, fileItem->deviceId)) {
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            if (!fileItem || !fileItem->path) {
+                goto cleanup;
+            }
+            candidate = ova->head;
+            for (; candidate != NULL; candidate = candidate->next) {
+                if (STREQ(candidate->data->name, fileItem->path)) {
+                    esxVI_FileData_Free(&fileData);
+                    if (esxVI_FileData_Alloc(&fileData) < 0) {
+                        virReportOOMError();
+                        goto cleanup;
+                    }
+                    fileData->fHandle = VIR_FDOPEN(fd, "r");
+                    if (!fileData->fHandle) {
+                        goto cleanup;
+                    }
+                    /* Seek the file to the proper offset */
+                    if (fseeko(fileData->fHandle, candidate->data->offset,
+                               SEEK_SET) < 0) {
+                        goto cleanup;
+                    }
+                    fileData->ctx = ctx;
+                    fileData->lease = nfcLease;
+                    fileData->cur_size = candidate->data->size;
+                    fileData->time_elapsed = time(NULL);
+                    fileData->total_size = bytesToSend;
+                    fileData->type = OVA_DISK;
+                    if (curl->headers) {
+                        curl_slist_free_all(curl->headers);
+                    }
+                    /**
+                     * Prepare the header to reflect the vmware-vdisk
+                     * stream with proper size sever should expect
+                     */
+                    curl->headers = curl_slist_append(curl->headers,
+                      "Connection: Keep-Alive");
+                    curl->headers = curl_slist_append(curl->headers,
+                      "Content-Type: application/x-vnd.vmware-streamVmdk");
+                    memset(cl_string, '\0', sizeof(cl_string));
+                    snprintf(cl_string, sizeof(cl_string),
+                                "Content-Length: %ld", fileData->cur_size);
+                    curl->headers = curl_slist_append(curl->headers, cl_string);
+                    if (curl->headers == NULL) {
+                        virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s",
+                          _("Could not build CURL header list"));
+                        goto cleanup;
+                    }
+                    curl_easy_setopt(
+                      curl->handle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER , curl->headers);
+                    curl_easy_setopt(curl->handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
+                    curl_easy_setopt(curl->handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
+                    if (esxVI_CURL_FileUpload(curl, uploadUrl,
+                                              fileData) < 0) {
+                        goto cleanup;
+                    }
+                    bytesToSend -= candidate->data->size;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    result = 0;
+    esxVI_String_Free(&propertyNameInfo);
+    esxVI_ObjectContent_Free(&infoObject);
+    esxVI_HttpNfcLeaseInfo_Free(&httpNfcInfo);
+    esxVI_FileData_Free(&fileData);
+    esxVI_CURL_Free(&curl);
+    virBufferFreeAndReset(&buffer);
+    VIR_FREE(uploadUrl);
+    return result;
+static virDomainPtr
+esxDomainDefineOVA(virConnectPtr conn, const char *ovaPath,
+                   const char *datastoreName)
+    virDomainPtr domain = NULL;
+    virOVAPtr ova = NULL;
+    esxPrivate* priv = conn->interfacePrivateData;
+    esxVI_Context *ctx = priv->primary;
+    esxVI_OvfParseDescriptorParams *pdp = NULL;
+    esxVI_OvfParseDescriptorResult *pdResult = NULL;
+    esxVI_OvfCreateImportSpecParams *cisp = NULL;
+    esxVI_ObjectContent *datastore = NULL;
+    esxVI_OvfCreateImportSpecResult *importResult = NULL;
+    esxVI_ManagedObjectReference *nfcLease = NULL;
+    esxVI_ManagedObjectReference *ovfManager = NULL;
+    char *ovfDescriptor = NULL;
+    char *escapedOvfDescriptor = NULL;
+    char *domainName = NULL;
+    struct curl_slist *headers = NULL;
+    const struct curl_slist *old_headers = NULL;
+    if (esxVI_EnsureSession(priv->primary) < 0 ||
+        virParseOVA(ovaPath, &ova) < 0) {
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    /**
+     * FIXME: vSphere API v2.5 does expose all relevant information
+     *        needed by ESXi servers suporting vSphere API version 4.0
+     *        or above. As per API version 4.0, the connection header
+     *        or execution CURL header should include:
+     *        "SOAPACTION: urn:vim25"
+     *        header field, otherwise, ServiceContent object is not
+     *        fully populated and miss references to MoBs such as:
+     *        ovfManager. Also, this namespace is necessary to expose
+     *        API methods such as: ParseDescriptor, CreateImportSpec
+     *        and ImportVApp.
+     *
+     *        But, adding this header item in esxVI_XXX initial functions has
+     *        various bad affects:
+     *        1. Ordering of other MoB deserialization is affected that breaks
+     *           existing code (this one is big risk)
+     *        2. Namespace add extra fields that may cause warning messages
+     *           (this one is benign though)
+     *
+     * To avoid breaking existing API calls, modify CURL headers in this
+     * routine to include "SOAPACTION" field.
+     */
+    if (ctx->service->ovfManager == NULL) {
+        headers = curl_slist_append(headers,
+          "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8");
+        headers = curl_slist_append(headers, "Expect:");
+        headers = curl_slist_append(headers,
+          "SOAPAction: \"urn:vim25\"");
+        if (headers == NULL) {
+            virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s",
+              _("Could not build CURL header list"));
+            goto cleanup;
+        }
+        old_headers = ctx->curl->headers;
+        curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl->handle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER , headers);
+        if (esxVI_ManagedObjectReference_Alloc(&ovfManager) < 0) {
+            virReportOOMError();
+            goto cleanup;
+        }
+        ovfManager->_next = NULL;
+        ovfManager->_type = esxVI_Type_ManagedObjectReference;
+        ovfManager->type = strdup("OvfManager");
+        ovfManager->value = strdup("ha-ovf-manager");
+    }
+    /**
+     * OVA installation is a multi step process:
+     *
+     * Step 1: ParseDescriptor:
+     *         run OVF descriptor by hypervisor to see if it is deployable.
+     */
+    if (esxVI_OvfParseDescriptorParams_Alloc(&pdp) < 0) {
+        virReportOOMError();
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    pdp->locale = strdup("en-US");
+    pdp->deploymentOption = strdup("");
+    if (virGetOVFDescriptor(ova, &ovfDescriptor) < 0 ||
+        ovfDescriptor == NULL) {
+        virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s",
+                        _("Missing OVF descriptor"));
+        goto cleanup;
+    };
+    escapedOvfDescriptor = esxUtil_EscapeForXml(ovfDescriptor);
+    if (escapedOvfDescriptor == NULL) {
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    if (ctx->service->ovfManager) {
+        if (esxVI_ParseDescriptor(ctx, ctx->service->ovfManager,
+                                  escapedOvfDescriptor, pdp, &pdResult) < 0) {
+            goto cleanup;
+        }
+    } else {
+        if (esxVI_ParseDescriptor(ctx, ovfManager, escapedOvfDescriptor,
+                                  pdp, &pdResult) < 0) {
+            goto cleanup;
+        }
+    }
+    if (pdResult == NULL) {
+        virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s",
+                          _("ParseDescriptor: NULL return value"));
+        goto cleanup;
+    } else if (pdResult->error) {
+        esxVI_LocalizedMethodFault *pFault = NULL;
+        for (pFault = pdResult->error;
+          pFault != NULL;
+          pFault = pFault->_next) {
+            if (pFault->localizedMessage) {
+                virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s",
+                  pFault->localizedMessage);
+            }
+        }
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Step 2: InstallvAPP:
+     *         create virtual machine entity on the hypervisor.
+     */
+    if (esxVI_OvfCreateImportSpecParams_Alloc(&cisp) < 0) {
+        virReportOOMError();
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    domainName = virGetOVFDomainName(ovfDescriptor);
+    if (domainName == NULL) {
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    cisp->locale = strdup("en-US");
+    cisp->deploymentOption = strdup("");
+    cisp->entityName = strdup(domainName);
+    if (esxVI_ManagedObjectReference_DeepCopy(
+          &cisp->hostSystem, priv->host->hostSystem->_reference) < 0 ||
+        esxVI_LookupDatastoreByName(ctx, datastoreName, NULL, &datastore,
+                                    esxVI_Occurrence_RequiredItem) < 0) {
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    cisp->ipAllocationPolicy = strdup("fixedPolicy");
+    cisp->ipProtocol = strdup("IPv4");
+    cisp->diskProvisioning = strdup("thick");
+    if (ctx->service->ovfManager) {
+        if (esxVI_CreateImportSpec(
+              ctx, ctx->service->ovfManager, escapedOvfDescriptor,
+              priv->primary->computeResource->resourcePool,
+              datastore->obj, cisp, &importResult) < 0) {
+            goto cleanup;
+        }
+    } else {
+        if (esxVI_CreateImportSpec(
+              ctx, ovfManager, escapedOvfDescriptor,
+              priv->primary->computeResource->resourcePool,
+              datastore->obj, cisp, &importResult) < 0) {
+            goto cleanup;
+        }
+    }
+    if (importResult == NULL) {
+        virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s",
+                        _("CreateImportSpec returned NULL."));
+        goto cleanup;
+    } else {
+        if (!importResult->error) {
+            if (importResult->warning) {
+                esxVI_LocalizedMethodFault *pWarn= NULL;
+                for (pWarn = importResult->warning;
+                     pWarn != NULL;
+                     pWarn = pWarn->_next) {
+                    if (pWarn->localizedMessage) {
+                        VIR_WARN("%s", pWarn->localizedMessage);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            esxVI_LocalizedMethodFault *pFault = NULL;
+            for (pFault = importResult->error;
+              pFault != NULL;
+              pFault = pFault->_next) {
+                if (pFault->localizedMessage) {
+                    virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s",
+                      pFault->localizedMessage);
+                }
+            }
+            goto cleanup;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!importResult->importSpec) {
+        virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s",
+                        _("InstallVApp : ImportSpec is NULL"));
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    /* Step 3: ImportVApp: this will create the VApp entity on the
+     * ESXi box.
+     */
+    if (esxVI_ImportVApp(ctx,
+                         priv->primary->computeResource->resourcePool,
+                         importResult->importSpec,
+                         priv->primary->datacenter->vmFolder,
+                         priv->host->hostSystem->_reference,
+                         &nfcLease) < 0) {
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    if (nfcLease == NULL) {
+        virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s",
+                        _("ImportVApp: lease NULL."));
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Step 3: Transfer VMDKs:
+     *         if VM creation is a success, ESX provides the lease object
+     *         with URL to upload vmdks to the ESX server.
+     */
+    if (esxDomainUploadDisks(conn, nfcLease, importResult, ova) < 0) {
+        goto abort;
+    }
+    /* Done: installation */
+    if (esxVI_HttpNfcLeaseComplete(ctx, nfcLease) < 0) {
+        virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s",
+                        _("ImportVApp: VMDK upload complete error"));
+        goto abort;
+    }
+    domain = esxDomainLookupByName(conn, domainName);
+ cleanup:
+    esxVI_OvfParseDescriptorParams_Free(&pdp);
+    esxVI_OvfParseDescriptorResult_Free(&pdResult);
+    esxVI_OvfCreateImportSpecParams_Free(&cisp);
+    esxVI_OvfCreateImportSpecResult_Free(&importResult);
+    esxVI_ObjectContent_Free(&datastore);
+    esxVI_ManagedObjectReference_Free(&nfcLease);
+    esxVI_ManagedObjectReference_Free(&ovfManager);
+    VIR_FREE(ovfDescriptor);
+    VIR_FREE(escapedOvfDescriptor);
+    VIR_FREE(domainName);
+    virFreeOVA(ova);
+    if (old_headers) {
+        curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl->handle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER , old_headers);
+    }
+    if (headers) {
+        curl_slist_free_all(headers);
+    }
+    return domain;
+ abort:
+    /* Abort the Lease */
+    if (nfcLease != NULL) {
+        /**
+         * ESXi will clean up the lease objects when the timeout expires
+         * ignore if this calls fails.
+         */
+        esxVI_HttpNfcLeaseAbort(ctx, nfcLease);
+    }
+    goto cleanup;
+static int
 esxDomainUndefineFlags(virDomainPtr domain,
                        unsigned int flags)
@@ -5284,6 +5854,7 @@ static virDriver esxDriver = {
     .domainCreate = esxDomainCreate, /* 0.7.0 */
     .domainCreateWithFlags = esxDomainCreateWithFlags, /* 0.8.2 */
     .domainDefineXML = esxDomainDefineXML, /* 0.7.2 */
+    .domainDefineOVA = esxDomainDefineOVA, /* 1.0.2 */
     .domainUndefine = esxDomainUndefine, /* 0.7.1 */
     .domainUndefineFlags = esxDomainUndefineFlags, /* 0.9.4 */
     .domainGetAutostart = esxDomainGetAutostart, /* 0.9.0 */
diff --git a/src/esx/esx_vi_generator.input b/src/esx/esx_vi_generator.input
index eec135e..5f0df45 100644
--- a/src/esx/esx_vi_generator.input
+++ b/src/esx/esx_vi_generator.input
@@ -51,10 +51,17 @@
 # Enumerations
+enum ArrayUpdateOperation
+   add
+   edit
+   remove
 enum AutoStartWaitHeartbeatSetting
-    yes
-    no
-    systemDefault
+   yes
+   no
+   systemDefault
@@ -66,6 +73,14 @@ enum FibreChannelPortType
+enum HttpNfcLeaseState
+    initializing
+    ready
+    done
+    error
 enum ManagedEntityStatus
@@ -122,6 +137,27 @@ enum TaskInfoState
+enum VirtualDeviceConfigSpecFileOperation
+    create
+    destroy
+    replace
+enum VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation
+    add
+    edit
+    remove
+enum VirtualSCSISharing
+    noSharing
+    physicalSharing
+    virtualSharing
 enum VirtualMachineMovePriority
@@ -136,6 +172,17 @@ enum VirtualMachinePowerState
+enum VirtualMachineToolsStatus
+    toolsNotInstalled
+    toolsNotRunning
+    toolsOk
+    toolsOld
+enum vStorageSupport
+    vStorageUnknown
 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
 # Objects
@@ -158,6 +205,12 @@ object AboutInfo
+object ArrayUpdateSpec
+   ArrayUpdateOperation                      operation                      r
+   AnyType                                   removeKey                      o
 object AutoStartDefaults
     Boolean                                  enabled                        o
     Int                                      startDelay                     o
@@ -184,6 +237,26 @@ object ChoiceOption                  extends OptionType
+object ClusterDasVmConfigSpec extends ArrayUpdateSpec
+    ClusterDasVmConfigInfo                   info                           i
+object ClusterDpmHostConfigSpec extends ArrayUpdateSpec
+    ClusterDpmHostConfigInfo                 info                           i
+object ClusterRuleSpec extends ArrayUpdateSpec
+    ClusterRuleInfo                          info                           i
+object ClusterDrsVmConfigSpec extends ArrayUpdateSpec
+   ClusterDrsVmConfigInfo                    info                           i
 object DatastoreHostMount
     ManagedObjectReference                   key                            r
     HostMountInfo                            mountInfo                      r
@@ -740,6 +813,64 @@ object HostVmfsVolume                extends HostFileSystemVolume
+object HttpNfcLease
+    LocalizedMethodFault                     error                          o
+    HttpNfcLeaseInfo                         info                           o
+    Int                                      initializeProgress             r
+    HttpNfcLeaseState                        state                          r
+object HttpNfcLeaseDatastoreLeaseInfo
+    String                                  datastoreKey                    r
+    HttpNfcLeaseHostInfo                    hosts                           rl
+object HttpNfcLeaseDeviceUrl
+    String                                   datastoreKey                   o
+    Boolean                                  disk                           o
+    Long                                     fileSize                       o
+    String                                   importKey                      r
+    String                                   key                            r
+    String                                   sslThumbprint                  r
+    String                                   targetId                       o
+    String                                   url                            r
+object HttpNfcLeaseHostInfo
+    String                                   sslThumbprint                  r
+    String                                   url                            r
+object HttpNfcLeaseInfo
+    HttpNfcLeaseDeviceUrl                    deviceUrl                      ol
+    ManagedObjectReference                   entity                         r
+    HttpNfcLeaseDatastoreLeaseInfo           hostMap                        ol
+    ManagedObjectReference                   lease                          r
+    Int                                      leaseTimeout                   r
+    Long                                     totalDiskCapacityInKB          r
+object HttpNfcLeaseManifestEntry
+    Long                                     capacity                       o
+    Boolean                                  disk                           r
+    String                                   key                            r
+    Long                                     populatedSize                  o
+    String                                   sha1                           r
+    Long                                     size                           r
+object ImportSpec
+     VAppEntityConfigInfo                    entityConfig                    o
 object IsoImageFileInfo              extends FileInfo
@@ -754,6 +885,12 @@ object KeyAnyValue
+object KeyValue
+    String                                   key                            r
+    String                                   value                          r
 object LocalDatastoreInfo            extends DatastoreInfo
     String                                   path                           o
@@ -792,6 +929,11 @@ object ObjectUpdate
+object OptionDef extends ElementDescription
+    OptionType                               optionType                     r
 object OptionType
     Boolean                                  valueIsReadonly                o
@@ -803,6 +945,97 @@ object OptionValue
+object OvfCreateImportSpecParams extends OvfManagerCommonParams
+    String                                  entityName                      r
+    ManagedObjectReference                  hostSystem                      o
+    OvfNetworkMapping                       networkMapping                  ol
+    String                                  ipAllocationPolicy              o
+    String                                  ipProtocol                      o
+    String                                  diskProvisioning                o
+    KeyValue                                propertyMapping                 ol
+    OvfResourceMap                          resourceMapping                 ol
+object OvfCreateImportSpecResult
+    LocalizedMethodFault                    error                           ol
+    OvfFileItem                             fileItem                        ol
+    VirtualMachineImportSpec                importSpec                      o
+    LocalizedMethodFault                    warning                         ol
+object OvfDeploymentOption
+    String                                  description                     r
+    String                                  key                             r
+    String                                  label                           r
+object OvfFileItem
+    Long                                    chunkSize                       o
+    Int                                     cimType                         r
+    String                                  compressionMethod               o
+    Boolean                                 create                          r
+    String                                  deviceId                        r
+    String                                  path                            r
+    Long                                    size                            o
+object OvfManagerCommonParams
+    String                                   locale                         r
+    String                                   deploymentOption               r
+    KeyValue                                 msgBundle                      ol
+object OvfNetworkInfo
+    String                                  description                     r
+    String                                  name                            r
+object OvfNetworkMapping
+    String                                  name                            r
+    ManagedObjectReference                  network                         r
+object OvfParseDescriptorParams extends OvfManagerCommonParams
+object OvfParseDescriptorResult
+    String                                   annotation                     o
+    Long                                     approximateDownloadSize        o
+    Long                                     approximateFlatDeploymentSize  o
+    Long                                     approximateSparseDeploymentSize    o
+    String                                   defaultDeploymentOption        r
+    String                                   defaultEntityName              r
+    OvfDeploymentOption                      deploymentOption               ol
+    KeyValue                                 entityName                     ol
+    LocalizedMethodFault                     error                          ol
+    String                                   eula                           ol
+    String                                   ipAllocationScheme             ol
+    String                                   ipProtocols                    ol
+    OvfNetworkInfo                           network                        ol
+    VAppProductInfo                          productInfo                    o
+    VAppPropertyInfo                         property                       ol
+    Boolean                                  virtualApp                     r
+    LocalizedMethodFault                     warning                        ol
+object OvfResourceMap
+    ManagedObjectReference                  datastore                       o
+    ManagedObjectReference                  parent                          o
+    ResourceConfigSpec                      resourceSpec                    o
+    String                                  source                          r
 object PerfCounterInfo
     Int                                      key                            r
     ElementDescription                       nameInfo                       r
@@ -911,6 +1144,15 @@ object PropertySpec
+object ResourceConfigSpec
+    String                                  changeVersion                   o
+    ResourceAllocationInfo                  cpuAllocation                   r
+    ManagedObjectReference                  entity                          o
+    DateTime                                lastModified                    o
+    ResourceAllocationInfo                  memoryAllocation                r
 object ResourceAllocationInfo
     Long                                     reservation                    o
     Boolean                                  expandableReservation          o
@@ -1017,6 +1259,18 @@ object SharesInfo
+object StorageIOAllocationInfo
+    Long                                     limit                          o
+    SharesInfo                               shares                         o
+object StringOption                  extends OptionType
+   String                                    defaultValue                   r
+   String                                    validCharacters                o
 object TaskInfo
     String                                   key                            r
     ManagedObjectReference                   task                           r
@@ -1051,6 +1305,19 @@ object TemplateConfigFileQuery       extends VmConfigFileQuery
+object ToolsConfigInfo
+    Boolean                                  afterPowerOn                   o
+    Boolean                                  afterResume                    o
+    Boolean                                  beforeGuestStandby             o
+    Boolean                                  beforeGuestShutdown            o
+    Boolean                                  beforeGuestReboot              o
+    String                                   pendingCustomization           o
+    Boolean                                  syncTimeWithHost               o
+    String                                   toolsUpgradePolicy             o
+    Int                                      toolsVersion                   o
 object TraversalSpec                 extends SelectionSpec
     String                                   type                           r
     String                                   path                           r
@@ -1073,6 +1340,175 @@ object UserSession
     DateTime                                 lastActiveTime                 r
     String                                   locale                         r
     String                                   messageLocale                  r
+    Boolean                                  extensionSession               o
+object VAppConfigSpec extends VmConfigSpec
+    String                                   annotation                     o
+    VAppEntityConfigInfo                     entityConfig                   ol
+object VAppEntityConfigInfo
+    Boolean                                  destroyWithParent              o
+    ManagedObjectReference                   key                            o
+    String                                   startAction                    o
+    Int                                      startDelay                     o
+    Int                                      startOrder                     o
+    String                                   stopAction                     o
+    Int                                      stopDelay                      o
+    String                                   tag                            o
+    Boolean                                  waitingForGuest                o
+object VAppIPAssignmentInfo
+    String                                   ipAllocationPolicy             o
+    String                                   ipProtocol                     o
+    String                                   supportedAllocationScheme      ol
+    String                                    supportedIpProtocol           ol
+object VAppOvfSectionInfo
+   Boolean                                   atEnvelopeLevel                o
+   String                                    contents                       o
+   Int                                       key                            o
+   String                                    namespace                      o
+   String                                    type                           o
+object VAppOvfSectionSpec extends ArrayUpdateSpec
+   VAppOvfSectionInfo                        info                           o
+object VAppProductInfo
+    String                                   appUrl                         o
+    String                                   classId                        o
+    String                                   fullVersion                    o
+    String                                   instanceId                     o
+    Int                                      key                            r
+    String                                   name                           o
+    String                                   productUrl                     o
+    String                                   vendor                         o
+    String                                   vendorUrl                      o
+    String                                   version                        o
+object VAppProductSpec extends ArrayUpdateSpec
+   VAppProductInfo                           info                           o
+object VAppPropertyInfo
+    String                                   category                       o
+    String                                   classId                        o
+    String                                   defaultValue                   o
+    String                                   description                    o
+    String                                   id                             o
+    Int                                      key                            r
+    String                                   label                          o
+    String                                   type                           o
+    Boolean                                  userConfigurable               o
+    String                                   value                          o
+object VAppPropertySpec extends ArrayUpdateSpec
+    VAppPropertyInfo                         info                           o
+object VirtualDevice
+    Int                                      key                            r
+    Description                              deviceInfo                     o
+    VirtualDeviceBackingInfo                 backing                        o
+    VirtualDeviceConnectInfo                 connectable                    o
+    Int                                      controllerKey                  o
+    Int                                      unitNumber                     o
+object VirtualDeviceBackingInfo
+object VirtualDeviceConnectInfo
+    Boolean                                  startConnected                 r
+    Boolean                                  allowGuestControl              r
+    Boolean                                  connected                      r
+    String                                   status                         o
+object VirtualCdrom extends VirtualDevice
+object VirtualController extends VirtualDevice
+    Int                                      busNumber                      r
+    Int                                      device                         ol
+object VirtualIDEController extends VirtualController
+object VirtualPCIController extends VirtualController
+object VirtualPS2Controller extends VirtualController
+object VirtualSCSIController extends VirtualController
+    Boolean                                  hotAddRemove                   o
+    Int                                      scsiCtlrUnitNumber             o
+    VirtualSCSISharing                       sharedBus                      r
+object ParaVirtualSCSIController extends VirtualSCSIController
+object VirtualBusLogicController extends VirtualSCSIController
+object VirtualLsiLogicController extends VirtualSCSIController
+object VirtualLsiLogicSASController extends VirtualSCSIController
+object VirtualSIOController extends VirtualController
+object VirtualUSBController extends VirtualController
+    Boolean                                  autoConnectDevices             o
+    Boolean                                  ehciEnabled                    o
+object VirtualDeviceConfigSpec
+    VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation         operation                      o
+    VirtualDeviceConfigSpecFileOperation     fileOperation                  o
+    VirtualDevice                            device                         r
+object VirtualDisk extends VirtualDevice
+    Long                                     capacityInKB                   r
+    SharesInfo                               shares                         o
@@ -1082,6 +1518,283 @@ object VirtualDiskSpec
+object VirtualEthernetCard extends VirtualDevice
+    String                                   addressType                    o
+    String                                   macAddress                     o
+    Boolean                                  wakeOnLanEnabled               o
+object VirtualE1000 extends VirtualEthernetCard
+object VirtualPCNet32 extends VirtualEthernetCard
+object VirtualVmxnet extends VirtualEthernetCard
+object VirtualVmxnet2 extends VirtualVmxnet
+object VirtualVmxnet3 extends VirtualVmxnet
+object VirtualFloppy extends VirtualDevice
+object VirtualKeyboard extends VirtualDevice
+object VirtualMachineCpuIdInfoSpec
+    HostCpuIdInfo                            info                           o
+object VirtualMachineVideoCard extends VirtualDevice
+    Boolean                                  enable3DSupport                o
+    Int                                      numDisplays                    o
+    Boolean                                  useAutoDetect                  o
+    Long                                     videoRamSizeInKB               o
+object VirtualMachineVMCIDevice extends VirtualDevice
+    Boolean                                  allowUnrestrictedCommunication o
+    Long                                     id                             o
+object VirtualMachineVMIROM extends VirtualDevice
+object VirtualParallelPort extends VirtualDevice
+object VirtualPCIPassthrough extends VirtualDevice
+object VirtualPointingDevice extends VirtualDevice
+object VirtualSCSIPassthrough extends VirtualDevice
+object VirtualSerialPort extends VirtualDevice
+    Boolean                                  yieldOnPoll                    r
+object VirtualSoundCard extends VirtualDevice
+object VirtualUSB extends VirtualDevice
+    Boolean                                  connected                      r
+object VirtualDeviceBackingInfo
+object VirtualDeviceDeviceBackingInfo extends VirtualDeviceBackingInfo
+    String                                   deviceName                     r
+    Boolean                                  useAutoDetect                  o
+object VirtualCdromAtapiBackingInfo extends VirtualDeviceDeviceBackingInfo
+object VirtualCdromPassthroughBackingInfo extends VirtualDeviceDeviceBackingInfo
+    Boolean                                  exclusive                      r
+object VirtualDiskRawDiskVer2BackingInfo extends VirtualDeviceDeviceBackingInfo
+    String                                   changeId                       o
+    String                                   descriptorFileName             r
+    String                                   uuid                           o
+object VirtualDiskPartitionedRawDiskVer2BackingInfo extends VirtualDiskRawDiskVer2BackingInfo
+    Int                                      partition                      rl
+object VirtualEthernetCardLegacyNetworkBackingInfo extends VirtualDeviceDeviceBackingInfo
+object VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo extends VirtualDeviceDeviceBackingInfo
+    Boolean                                  inPassthroughMode              o
+    ManagedObjectReference                   network                        o
+object VirtualFloppyDeviceBackingInfo extends VirtualDeviceDeviceBackingInfo
+object VirtualParallelPortDeviceBackingInfo extends VirtualDeviceDeviceBackingInfo
+object VirtualPCIPassthroughDeviceBackingInfo extends VirtualDeviceDeviceBackingInfo
+    String                                   deviceId                       r
+    String                                   id                             r
+    String                                   systemId                       r
+    Int                                      vendorId                       r
+object VirtualPointingDeviceDeviceBackingInfo extends VirtualDeviceDeviceBackingInfo
+    String                                   hostPointingDevice             r
+object VirtualSCSIPassthroughDeviceBackingInfo extends VirtualDeviceDeviceBackingInfo
+object VirtualSerialPortDeviceBackingInfo extends VirtualDeviceDeviceBackingInfo
+object VirtualSoundCardDeviceBackingInfo extends VirtualDeviceDeviceBackingInfo
+object VirtualUSBUSBBackingInfo extends VirtualDeviceDeviceBackingInfo
+object VirtualDeviceFileBackingInfo extends VirtualDeviceBackingInfo
+    String                                   fileName                       r
+    ManagedObjectReference                   datastore                      o
+object VirtualCdromIsoBackingInfo extends VirtualDeviceFileBackingInfo
+object VirtualDiskFlatVer1BackingInfo extends VirtualDeviceFileBackingInfo
+    String                                   contentId                      o
+    String                                   diskMode                       r
+    VirtualDiskFlatVer1BackingInfo           parent                         o
+    Boolean                                  split                          o
+    Boolean                                  writeThrough                   o
+object VirtualDiskFlatVer2BackingInfo extends VirtualDeviceFileBackingInfo
+    String                                   changeId                       o
+    String                                   contentId                      o
+    String                                   diskMode                       r
+    VirtualDiskFlatVer2BackingInfo           parent                         o
+    Boolean                                  split                          o
+    Boolean                                  thinProvisioned                o
+    Boolean                                  eagerlyScrub                   o
+    String                                   uuid                           o
+    Boolean                                  writeThrough                   o
+object VirtualDiskRawDiskMappingVer1BackingInfo extends VirtualDeviceFileBackingInfo
+    String                                   changeId                       o
+    String                                   compatibilityMode              o
+    String                                   contentId                      o
+    String                                   deviceName                     o
+    String                                   diskMode                       o
+    String                                   lunUuid                        o
+    VirtualDiskRawDiskMappingVer1BackingInfo parent                         o
+    String                                   uuid                           o
+object VirtualDiskSparseVer1BackingInfo extends VirtualDeviceFileBackingInfo
+    String                                   contentId                      o
+    String                                   diskMode                       r
+    VirtualDiskSparseVer1BackingInfo         parent                         o
+    Long                                     spaceUsedInKB                  o
+    Boolean                                  split                          o
+    Boolean                                  writeThrough                   o
+object VirtualDiskSparseVer2BackingInfo extends VirtualDeviceFileBackingInfo
+    String                                   changeId                       o
+    String                                   contentId                      o
+    String                                   diskMode                       r
+    VirtualDiskSparseVer2BackingInfo         parent                         o
+    Long                                     spaceUsedInKB                  o
+    Boolean                                  split                          o
+    String                                   uuid                           o
+    Boolean                                  writeThrough                   o
+object VirtualFloppyImageBackingInfo extends VirtualDeviceFileBackingInfo
+object VirtualParallelPortFileBackingInfo extends VirtualDeviceFileBackingInfo
+object VirtualSerialPortFileBackingInfo extends VirtualDeviceFileBackingInfo
+object VirtualDevicePipeBackingInfo extends VirtualDeviceBackingInfo
+    String                                   pipeName                       r
+object VirtualSerialPortPipeBackingInfo extends VirtualDevicePipeBackingInfo
+    String                                   endpoint                       r
+    Boolean                                  noRxLoss                       o
+object VirtualDeviceRemoteDeviceBackingInfo extends VirtualDeviceBackingInfo
+    String                                   deviceName                     r
+    Boolean                                  useAutoDetect                  o
+object VirtualCdromRemoteAtapiBackingInfo extends VirtualDeviceRemoteDeviceBackingInfo
+object VirtualCdromRemotePassthroughBackingInfo extends VirtualDeviceRemoteDeviceBackingInfo
+    Boolean                                  exclusive                      r
+object VirtualFloppyRemoteDeviceBackingInfo extends VirtualDeviceRemoteDeviceBackingInfo
+object VirtualMachineAffinityInfo
+    Int                                      affinitySet                    ol
 object VirtualMachineConfigSpec
     String                                   changeVersion                  o
     String                                   name                           o
@@ -1100,33 +1813,93 @@ object VirtualMachineConfigSpec
     String                                   guestId                        o
     String                                   alternateGuestName             o
     String                                   annotation                     o
-    VirtualMachineFileInfo                   files                          i
-    ToolsConfigInfo                          tools                          i
-    VirtualMachineFlagInfo                   flags                          i
-    VirtualMachineConsolePreferences         consolePreferences             i
-    VirtualMachineDefaultPowerOpInfo         powerOpInfo                    i
+    VirtualMachineFileInfo                   files                          o
+    ToolsConfigInfo                          tools                          o
+    VirtualMachineFlagInfo                   flags                          o
+    VirtualMachineConsolePreferences         consolePreferences             o
+    VirtualMachineDefaultPowerOpInfo         powerOpInfo                    o
     Int                                      numCPUs                        o
+    Int                                      numCoresPerSocket              o
     Long                                     memoryMB                       o
     Boolean                                  memoryHotAddEnabled            o
     Boolean                                  cpuHotAddEnabled               o
     Boolean                                  cpuHotRemoveEnabled            o
-    VirtualDeviceConfigSpec                  deviceChange                   i
+    VirtualDeviceConfigSpec                  deviceChange                   ol
     ResourceAllocationInfo                   cpuAllocation                  o
     ResourceAllocationInfo                   memoryAllocation               o
-    VirtualMachineAffinityInfo               cpuAffinity                    i
-    VirtualMachineAffinityInfo               memoryAffinity                 i
-    VirtualMachineNetworkShaperInfo          networkShaper                  i
-    VirtualMachineCpuIdInfoSpec              cpuFeatureMask                 i
-    OptionValue                              extraConfig                    i
+    VirtualMachineAffinityInfo               cpuAffinity                    o
+    VirtualMachineAffinityInfo               memoryAffinity                 o
+    VirtualMachineNetworkShaperInfo          networkShaper                  o
+    VirtualMachineCpuIdInfoSpec              cpuFeatureMask                 o
+    OptionValue                              extraConfig                    ol
     String                                   swapPlacement                  o
-    VirtualMachineBootOptions                bootOptions                    i
-    VmConfigSpec                             vAppConfig                     i
+    VirtualMachineBootOptions                bootOptions                    o
+    VmConfigSpec                             vAppConfig                     o
     FaultToleranceConfigInfo                 ftInfo                         i
     Boolean                                  vAppConfigRemoved              o
     Boolean                                  vAssertsEnabled                o
     Boolean                                  changeTrackingEnabled          o
+object VirtualMachineDefaultPowerOpInfo
+    String                                   defaultPowerOffType            o
+    String                                   defaultResetType               o
+    String                                   defaultSuspendType             o
+    String                                   powerOffType                   o
+    String                                   resetType                      o
+    String                                   standbyAction                  o
+    String                                   suspendType                    o
+object VirtualMachineConsolePreferences
+    Boolean                                  closeOnPowerOffOrSuspend       o
+    Boolean                                  enterFullScreenOnPowerOn       o
+    Boolean                                  powerOnWhenOpened              o
+object VirtualMachineFileInfo
+    String                                   logDrirectory                  o
+    String                                   snapshotDirectory              o
+    String                                   suspendDirectory               o
+    String                                   vmPathName                     o
+object VirtualMachineNetworkShaperInfo
+    Long                                    averageBps                      o
+    Long                                    burstSize                       o
+    Boolean                                 enabled                         o
+    Long                                    peakBps                         o
+object VirtualMachineFlagInfo
+    Boolean                                  disableAcceleration            o
+    Boolean                                  diskUuidEnabled                o
+    Boolean                                  enableLogging                  o
+    String                                   htSharing                      o
+    String                                   monitorType                    o
+    Boolean                                  recordReplayEnabled            o
+    Boolean                                  runWithDebugInfo               o
+    Boolean                                  snapshotDisabled               o
+    Boolean                                  snapshotLocked                 o
+    String                                   snapshotPowerOffBehavior       o
+    Boolean                                  useToe                         o
+    String                                   virtualExecUsage               o
+    String                                   virtualMmuUsage                o
+object VirtualMachineBootOptions
+    Long                                     bootDelay                      o
+    Long                                     bootRetryDelay                 o
+    Boolean                                  bootRetryEnabled               o
+    Boolean                                  enterBIOSSetup                 o
+object VirtualMachineImportSpec extends ImportSpec
+    VirtualMachineConfigSpec                 configSpec                     r
+    ManagedObjectReference                   resPoolEntity                  o
 object VirtualMachineQuestionInfo
     String                                   id                             r
@@ -1172,6 +1945,18 @@ object VmConfigFileQueryFlags
+object VmConfigSpec
+    Boolean                                  installBootRequired            o
+    Int                                      installBootStopDelay           o
+    String                                   eula                           ol
+    VAppIPAssignmentInfo                     ipAssignment                   o
+    String                                   ovfEnviornmentTransport        ol
+    VAppOvfSectionSpec                       ovfSection                     ol
+    VAppProductSpec                          product                        ol
+    VAppPropertySpec                         property                       ol
 object VmDiskFileInfo                extends FileInfo
     String                                   diskType                       o
     Long                                     capacityKb                     o
@@ -1310,6 +2095,15 @@ method CopyVirtualDisk_Task          returns ManagedObjectReference         r
+method CreateImportSpec returns OvfCreateImportSpecResult r
+    ManagedObjectReference                   _this                          r
+    String                                   ovfDescriptor                  r
+    ManagedObjectReference                   resourcePool                   r
+    ManagedObjectReference                   datastore                      r
+    OvfCreateImportSpecParams                cisp                           r
 method CreateFilter                  returns ManagedObjectReference         r
     ManagedObjectReference                   _this:propertyCollector        r
     PropertyFilterSpec                       spec                           r
@@ -1363,12 +2157,35 @@ method FindByUuid                    returns ManagedObjectReference         o
+method HttpNfcLeaseAbort
+    ManagedObjectReference                  _this                           r
+method HttpNfcLeaseComplete
+    ManagedObjectReference                  _this                           r
+method HttpNfcLeaseGetManifest returns HttpNfcLeaseManifestEntry rl
+    ManagedObjectReference                  _this                           r
 method HttpNfcLeaseProgress
     ManagedObjectReference                  _this                           r
     Int                                     percent                         r
+method ImportVApp returns ManagedObjectReference r
+    ManagedObjectReference                  _this                           r
+    VirtualMachineImportSpec                spec                            r
+    ManagedObjectReference                  folder                          o
+    ManagedObjectReference                  host                            o
 method Login                         returns UserSession                    r
     ManagedObjectReference                   _this:sessionManager           r
     String                                   userName                       r
@@ -1404,6 +2221,13 @@ method PowerOffVM_Task               returns ManagedObjectReference         r
+method ParseDescriptor returns OvfParseDescriptorResult r
+    ManagedObjectReference                   _this                          r
+    String                                   ovfDescriptor                  r
+    OvfParseDescriptorParams                 pdp                            r
 method PowerOnVM_Task                returns ManagedObjectReference         r
     ManagedObjectReference                   _this                          r
     ManagedObjectReference                   host                           o
diff --git a/src/esx/esx_vi_generator.py b/src/esx/esx_vi_generator.py
index af4e7e8..19f4ffe 100755
--- a/src/esx/esx_vi_generator.py
+++ b/src/esx/esx_vi_generator.py
@@ -1284,7 +1284,6 @@ class ManagedObject(Type):
         return source
 class Enum(Type):
     FEATURE__ANY_TYPE = (1 << 1)
     FEATURE__SERIALIZE = (1 << 2)
@@ -1518,7 +1517,8 @@ predefined_objects = ["AnyType",
 additional_enum_features = { "ManagedEntityStatus"      : Enum.FEATURE__ANY_TYPE,
                              "TaskInfoState"            : Enum.FEATURE__ANY_TYPE,
-                             "VirtualMachinePowerState" : Enum.FEATURE__ANY_TYPE }
+                             "VirtualMachinePowerState" : Enum.FEATURE__ANY_TYPE,
+                             "VirtualMachineToolsStatus" : Enum.FEATURE__ANY_TYPE }
 additional_object_features = { "AutoStartDefaults"          : Object.FEATURE__ANY_TYPE,
                                "AutoStartPowerInfo"         : Object.FEATURE__ANY_TYPE,
@@ -1527,6 +1527,7 @@ additional_object_features = { "AutoStartDefaults"          : Object.FEATURE__AN
                                "DatastoreInfo"              : Object.FEATURE__ANY_TYPE |
+                               "DynamicProperty"            : Object.FEATURE__LIST,
                                "HostConfigManager"          : Object.FEATURE__ANY_TYPE,
                                "HostCpuIdInfo"              : Object.FEATURE__LIST |
@@ -1552,8 +1553,12 @@ additional_object_features = { "AutoStartDefaults"          : Object.FEATURE__AN
                                "HostVirtualSwitch"          : Object.FEATURE__DEEP_COPY |
                                                               Object.FEATURE__LIST |
+                               "HttpNfcLeaseInfo"           : Object.FEATURE__ANY_TYPE,
                                "ManagedObjectReference"     : Object.FEATURE__ANY_TYPE,
                                "ObjectContent"              : Object.FEATURE__DEEP_COPY,
+                               "OptionDef"                  : Object.FEATURE__LIST,
+                               "OptionValue"                : Object.FEATURE__ANY_TYPE |
+                                                              Object.FEATURE__LIST,
                                "PhysicalNic"                : Object.FEATURE__DEEP_COPY |
                                                               Object.FEATURE__LIST |
@@ -1567,9 +1572,13 @@ additional_object_features = { "AutoStartDefaults"          : Object.FEATURE__AN
                                "TaskInfo"                   : Object.FEATURE__LIST |
                                "UserSession"                : Object.FEATURE__ANY_TYPE,
+                               "VirtualDeviceConfigSpec"    : Object.FEATURE__LIST,
+                               "VirtualMachineImportSpec"   : Object.FEATURE__DYNAMIC_CAST,
                                "VirtualMachineQuestionInfo" : Object.FEATURE__ANY_TYPE,
                                "VirtualMachineSnapshotTree" : Object.FEATURE__DEEP_COPY |
+                               "VirtualDevice"              : Object.FEATURE__ANY_TYPE |
+                                                              Object.FEATURE__LIST,
                                "VmEventArgument"            : Object.FEATURE__DESERIALIZE }
 removed_object_features = {}
diff --git a/src/esx/esx_vi_types.c b/src/esx/esx_vi_types.c
index d1f91ff..c1c314c 100644
--- a/src/esx/esx_vi_types.c
+++ b/src/esx/esx_vi_types.c
@@ -720,14 +720,15 @@ esxVI_GetActualObjectType(xmlNodePtr node, esxVI_Type baseType,
                       BAD_CAST "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";);
     if (type == NULL) {
-        virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
-                       _("%s is missing 'type' property"),
-                       esxVI_Type_ToString(baseType));
-        return -1;
+        /**
+         * Few ESX objects are nasty and doesn't contain any 'type' value,
+         * for instance: VmConfigSpec; set the value to baseType and proceed
+         */
+        *actualType = baseType;
+    } else {
+        *actualType = esxVI_Type_FromString(type);
-    *actualType = esxVI_Type_FromString(type);
     if (*actualType == esxVI_Type_Undefined || *actualType == esxVI_Type_Other) {
                        _("Unknown value '%s' for %s 'type' property"),

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