Re: [virt-tools-list] [RFC] virt-disk : a command line tool for modify domain XML's disk of inactive domains.

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On 02/21/2011 03:23 AM, KAMEZAWA Hiroyuki wrote:
> Hi, now, with qemu, virsh attach-disk doesn't work with inactive disks and
> we need to edit XML with virsh edit.
> IIUC, libvirt and virsh is designed as it is.
> But I want to modify domain XML via commandline tools
>  - for middleware, which modify domains by scripting.
>  - for concsoles, where curses can't work correctly.
>  - for me, I can't remember XML definition detaisl ;)
> So, I write one.
> Following script is a script for modify domain XML and allows
>   - add disks
>   - delete disks
>   - show list of disks
> I think most of elements defined in
> is supported. But I'm an only qemu user and didn't test with Xen and other VMs.
> What I wanted to hear opinions as 'RFC' is
>  - Can this be shipped with libvirt as one of a tool ? (with more documents)
>    (If so, we'll write other scripts for cpu,network,memory,etc...)
>  - If not, what is the best way other than making this as my house script ?
>    I'm grad if this is shipped with libvirt is because catching new definition
>    of XML is easy.
>  - Doesn't this one work with your environment ?

Thanks for taking a stab at this, I've been meaning to start a similar tool
for some time. However, you should be able to leverage virtinst to accomplish
nearly all the XML parsing, and reuse existing virt-install command line
options and documentation. Additionally the tool could build or edit any
arbitrary domain XML and wouldn't be specific to disks.

Take a look at tests/ in the virtinst repo to see how the parsing
works and what it's capable of.


> Example)
> [root@bluextal pydom]# ./ --domain Guest02 --virtio --source /dev/iscsi_lvm/disk02
> Name            :       vdb
> Device Type     :       block
> Media Type      :       disk
> Bus Type        :       virtio
> Driver Name     :       qemu
> Driver Type     :       raw
> Driver Cache    :       default
> ReadWrite       :       ReadWrite
> Source          :       /dev/iscsi_lvm/disk02
> Address:        :       AutoFill
> Add this device Y/N ? y
> [root@bluextal pydom]# virsh dumpxml Guest02
> <domain type='kvm'>
> .....
>     <disk type='block' device='disk'>
>       <driver name='qemu' type='raw'/>
>       <source dev='/dev/iscsi_lvm/disk02'/>
>       <target dev='vdb' bus='virtio'/>
>       <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x08' function='0x0'/>
>     </disk>
> ==
> Thanks,
> -Kame
> ==
> #!/usr/bin/python
> #
> #
> # 'virt-disk' is a command for maintaining disk entities in XML description
> # of libvirt's VM definition. Default vm assumes 'qemu'
> #
> # Copyright (C) 2011 Fujitsu LTD.
> # 
> # KAMEZAWA Hiroyuki <kamezawa.hiroyu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> #
> # Usage:
> #
> # Brief help is
> # %virt-disk --help
> #
> # When you want to see list of disks of domain
> # %virt-disk --domain <domain name> --list
> # 
> # When you want to remove 'vdb'
> # %virt-disk --domain <domain name> --delete vdb
> #
> # When you want to add block device as virtio block device.
> # %virt-disk --domain <domain name> --virtio --source /dev/to/mydisk
> #
> # When you want to add an IDE cdrom
> # %virt-disk --domain <domain name> --ide --media cdrom
> #            --source /path/to/ISO.img 
> #
> # When you want to add a network image as virtio disk.
> # %virt-disk --domain <domain name> --type network --protocol sheepdog
> #            --host address:port --source resource_name --virtio
> #
> # This commad does
> #
> # - parse options.
> # - connect libvirt and get domain xml
> # - add all devices to disks[] List.
> # - add all pci address to PCIS[] List
> # - create new BlockDevice object with regard to options.
> # - create a XML entry of device
> # - insert and save it.
> #
> import xml.dom
> import xml.dom.minidom
> import os
> import stat
> import sys
> import libvirt
> import re,string
> from xml.dom import Node
> from optparse import OptionParser,OptionGroup
> PCIS = []
> disks = []
> class Address :
>     pci = []
>     drive = []
>     def __init__(self, type) :
>         self.type = type
>         self.domain = None
>         self.bus = None
>         self.slot = None
>         self.function = None
>         self.controller = None
>         self.function = None
>         if type == 'pci' :
>             PCIS.append(self)
> class BlockDevice :
>     def __init__(self) :
>         self.type = None
> = None
>         self.driver_cache = None
>         self.driver_name = None
>         self.driver_type = None
>         self.driver_error_policy = None
>         self.driver_io = None
>         self.source = None
>         self.protocol = None
>         self.protocol_addr = None
>         self.protocol_port = None
>         self.target_dev = None
>         self.target_bus = None
>         self.readonly = False
>         self.address_type = None
>         self.address_bus = ''
>         self.address_domain = ''
>         self.address_function = ''
>         self.address_slot = ''
>         self.address_controller= ''
>         self.address_unit=''
>         self.boot_order = None
>         self.shareable = False
>         self.serial = None
>         self.encrypt_format = None
>         self.encrypt_type = None
>         self.encrypt_uuid = None
>     def get_attr(self, name, attr) :
>         x = name.getAttribute(attr)
>         if x == '' :
>              return None
>         return x
>     def find_element(self, ent, name) :
>         for member in ent.childNodes :
>             if member.nodeName == name :
>                 return member
>         return None       
>     def parse_info(self, name) :
> 	# parsing <disk .....
>         self.type = self.get_attr(name, 'type')
> = self.get_attr(name, 'device')
>         # parsing <driver ....
>         driver = self.find_element(name, 'driver')
>         if driver != None :
>             self.driver_name = self.get_attr(driver, 'name')
>             if self.driver_name == 'qemu' :
>                 self.driver_type = self.get_attr(driver, 'type')
>                 self.driver_cache = self.get_attr(driver, 'cache')
>                 self.driver_error_policy =\
>                      self.get_attr(driver, 'error_policy')
>                 self.driver_io = self.get_attr(driver, 'io')
>         # parsing <source
>         source = self.find_element(name, 'source')
>         if source != None :
>             self.source = self.get_attr(source, 'dev')
>             if self.source == None :
>                 self.source = self.get_attr(source, 'file')
>             if self.source == None :
>                 self.protocol = self.get_attr(source, 'protocol')
>                 self.source = self.get_attr(source, 'name')
>         else :
>             self.source = None
>         #
>         # check protocol and host, port
>         #
>         if self.protocol != None :
>             source = self.find_element(name, 'source')
>             host = self.find_element(source, 'host')
>             if host != None :
>                 self.protocol_host = self.get_attr(host, 'host')
>                 self.protocol_port = self.get_attr(host, 'port')
>         # parsing <target
>         target = self.find_element(name, 'target')
>         if target != None :
>             self.target_dev = self.get_attr(target, 'dev')
>             self.target_bus = self.get_attr(target, 'bus')
>         # check readonly
>         if self.find_element(name, 'readonly') != None :
>             self.readonly = True
>         # check shareable
>         if self.find_element(name, 'shareable') != None:
>             self.shareable = True
>         # check boot order
>         boot = self.find_element(name, 'boot')
>         if boot != None :
>             self.boot_order = self.get_attr(boot, 'order')
>         # check shareable
>         if self.find_element(name, 'shareable') != None :
>             self.shareable = True
>         # check address
>         address = self.find_element(name, 'address')
>         if address != None :
>             self.address_type = self.get_attr(address, 'type')
>             if self.address_type == 'pci' :
>                 self.address_bus = self.get_attr(address, 'bus')
>                 self.address_slot = self.get_attr(address, 'slot')
>                 self.address_function = self.get_attr(address, 'function')
>                 self.address_domain = self.get_attr(address, 'domain')
>             elif self.address_type == 'drive' :
>                 self.address_bus = self.get_attr(address, 'bus')
>                 self.address_controller = self.get_attr(address, 'controller')
>                 self.address_unit = self.get_attr(address, 'unit')
>         # check serial ID
>         serial = self.find_element(name, 'serial')
>         if serial != None :
>             for member in serial.childNodes :
>                 if member.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE :
>                     self.serial =
>         # check encryption
>         encrypt = self.find_element(name, 'encryption')
>         if encrypt != None :
>             self.encrypt_format = self.get_attr(encrypt, 'format')
>             sec = self.find_element(encrypt, 'secret')
>             if sec != None :
>                 self.encrypt_type = self.get_attr(sec, 'type')
>                 self.encrypt_uuid = self.get_attr(sec, 'uuid')
>         return True 
>     def show_ent(self, name, value) :
>         if value != None :
>             print '%-16s:\t%s' %(name, value)
>     def show(self) :
>         self.show_ent('Name', self.target_dev)
>         self.show_ent('Device Type', self.type)
>         self.show_ent('Media Type',
>         self.show_ent('Bus Type', self.target_bus)
>         self.show_ent('Driver Name', self.driver_name)
>         self.show_ent('Driver Type', self.driver_type)
>         self.show_ent('Driver Cache', self.driver_cache)
>         self.show_ent('Driver I/O', self.driver_io)
>         self.show_ent('Error Policy', self.driver_error_policy)
>         if self.readonly :
>             self.show_ent('ReadWrite', 'ReadOnly')
>         else :
>             self.show_ent('ReadWrite', 'ReadWrite')
>         if self.shareable :
>             self.show_ent('Shareable', 'Yes')
>         self.show_ent('Device Boot Order',self.boot_order)
>         self.show_ent('Protocol', self.protocol)
>         self.show_ent('Hostname', self.protocol_addr)
>         self.show_ent('Port', self.protocol_port)
>         self.show_ent('Source', self.source)
>         if self.address_type == None :
>             self.show_ent('Address:', 'AutoFill')
>         elif self.address_type == 'pci' :
>             x = '%s/%s/%s' %\
>                 (self.address_bus, self.address_slot, self.address_function)
>             self.show_ent('PCI Address', x)
>         elif self.address_type == 'drive' :
>             x = '%s/%s/%s'\
>                 %(self.address_controller, self.address_bus, self.address_unit)
>             self.show_ent('Drive Index', x)
>         if self.serial != None :
>             self.show_ent('Serial', self.serial)
>         if self.encrypt_format != None :
>             self.show_ent('Encryption', self.encrypt_format)
>             self.show_ent('  Type', self.encrypt_type)
>             self.show_ent('  UUID', self.encrypt_uuid)
> def is_block_device(node) :
>     if node.nodeName == 'disk' :
>         return True
>     return False
> def parse_address(addr) :
>     type = addr.getAttribute('type')
>     ent = Address(type)
>     if ent.type == 'pci' :
>         ent.bus = addr.getAttribute('bus')
>         ent.slot = addr.getAttribute('slot')
>         ent.function = addr.getAttribute('function')
>         ent.domain = addr.getAttribute('domain')
>     elif ent.type == 'drive' :
>         ent.controller = addr.getAttribute('controller')
>         ent.bus = addr.getAttribute('bus')
>         ent.unit = addr.getAttribute('unit')
>     # Nothing happens 
>     return True
> def check_pci_conflict(bus, slot, function) :
>     sloti = int(slot, 16)
>     for addr in PCIS :
>         if int(addr.slot, 16) == sloti :
>             return True
>     return False
> def get_free_pci_slot(devname) :
>     for i in range(3, 31) : #qemu allows only 32 slots
>         x = str(i)
>         if not check_pci_conflict('0x00', x, '0x00') :
>             slot = '0x%02x'%(i)
>             return ['0x00', slot, '0x00']
>     return []
> def check_get_free_scsi_slot(index) :
>     addr = scsi_index_to_addr(index)
>     conflict = False
>     for disk in disks :
>         if disk.target_device != scsi:
>             continue
>             if disk.target_controller == addr[0] and\
>                disk.target_bus == addr[1] and\
>                disk.target_units == addr[2] :
>                conflict = True
>                break
>     if conflict == False:
>         return addr
>     return []
> def check_drive_conflict(type, controller, bus, unit) :
>     for addr in drives :
>         conflict = False
>         for disk in disks :
>             if disk.target_bus != 'type' :
>                     continue
>             if disk.address_controller == controller and\
>                disk.address_bus == bus and\
>                disk.address_unit == unit :
>                 conflict = True
>                 break
>         return conflict
>     return True
> def check_device_conflict(devices, name) :
>     for dev in devices :
>         if dev.target_dev == name :
>             return True
>     return False 
> def gen_scsi_name_from_index(index) :
>     name = 'sd'
>     if index < 26 :
>         name = name + chr(ord('a') + index)
>     elif index < (26 + (26 * 26)) :
>         x = index / 26 - 1
>         y = index % 26
>         name = name + chr(ord('a') + x)
>         name = name + chr(ord('a') + y)
>     else :
>         x = (index / 26 - 1) / 26 - 1
>         y = (index / 26 - 1) % 26
>         x = index % 26
>         name = name + chr(ord('a') + x)
>         name = name + chr(ord('a') + y)
>         name = name + chr(ord('a') + z)
>     return name
> def gen_device_name(devices, head) :
>     if head == 'hd' :
>         for x in 'abcd' :
>             name = 'hd' + x
>             if not check_device_conflict(devices, name) :
>                 return name
>     if head == 'vd' :
>         for x in range(0, 26) :
>             name = head + chr(ord('a') + x)
>             if not check_device_conflict(devices, name) :
>                 return name
>     if head == 'sd' :
>         for index in range(0, 18278) :
>             name = gen_scsi_name_from_index(index)
>             if not check_device_conflict(devices, name) :
>                 return name
>     return None
> #
> # Commandline Parser
> # Using optparse package. Deafault value is below.
> #
> usage='usage:%prog --domain Domain <options>....'
> parser = OptionParser(usage)
> def help_choice(help, list, default) :
>     help = help + " "
>     help = help + ",".join(list)
>     if (default == True) :
>         help = help + " default: %default"
>     return help
> parser.add_option('-c', '--connect', action='store',
>     type='string', dest='connect_uri', help='libvirtd connect URI')
> parser.add_option('-d', '--domain', action='store',
>     type='string',dest="domain",
>     help='domain name.')
> parser.add_option('-l', '--list', action='store_true', dest='show_list',
>     help='see device list')
> parser.add_option('--delete', action='store', dest='delete', type='string'
>     , help='remove device')
> #
> # 'block' or 'file' can be detected by --source option.
> #
> typeChoices=('block','file','network','dir')
> parser.add_option('--type', choices=typeChoices, dest='type', type='choice',
>     help=help_choice('device type:', typeChoices, False))
> mediaChoices=('disk','cdrom')
> parser.add_option('--media', choices=mediaChoices,
>     type='choice',dest="media",
>     help=help_choice('media type:', mediaChoices, True))
> parser.add_option('--source', action='store', type='string', dest='source',
>     help='select source file/device to be shown as disk')
> protocolChoices=('nbd','rbd', 'sheepdog')
> parser.add_option('--protocol', choices=protocolChoices,
>     type='choice', dest='protocol',
>     help=help_choice('netdisk protocol:', protocolChoices, False))
> parser.add_option('--host', action='store', type='string', dest='host',
>     help='<host:port> for rbd and sheepdog, network devices')
> parser.add_option('--devname', action='store', type='string', dest='devname',
>     help='device name to be shown to guest(auto at default)')
> qemu_group = OptionGroup(parser, "Qemu Options")
> qemuFormatChoices=('raw','bochs','qcow2','qed')
> qemu_group.add_option('--qemu_disk_format', choices=qemuFormatChoices,
>                       type='choice', dest='qemu_format',
>     help=help_choice('disk format(qemu):',qemuFormatChoices, True))
> ioChoices=('threads','native')
> qemu_group.add_option('--io',choices=ioChoices, type='choice', dest='io',
>     help=help_choice('io option(qemu):', ioChoices, False))
> cacheChoices=('none','writeback','writethrough','default')
> qemu_group.add_option('--cache', choices=cacheChoices, type='choice',
>     dest='cache', help=help_choice('cache policy:(qemu)', cacheChoices, True))
> errorChoices=('stop','ignore','enospace')
> parser.add_option('--error_policy', choices=errorChoices, type='choice',
>     dest='error_policy',
>     help=help_choice('error policy:', errorChoices, False))
> xen_group = OptionGroup(parser, "Xen Options")
> xenDriverChoices=('tap','tap2','phy','file')
> xen_group.add_option('--driver', choices=xenDriverChoices,
>     type='choice', dest='driver_name',
>     help=help_choice('Xen driver type:', xenDriverChoices, False))
> xen_group.add_option('--aio', action='store_true',
>     dest='xen_aio', help='using Xen aio driver')
> parser.add_option('--virtio', action='store_true',
>     dest='virtio', help='create a virtio device')
> parser.add_option('--readonly', action='store_true',
>     dest='readonly', help='attach device as read only')
> parser.add_option('--scsi', action='store_true',
>     dest='scsi', help='create a scsi device')
> parser.add_option('--ide', action='store_true',
>     dest='ide', help='create a ide device')
> parser.add_option('--pci', action='store', dest='pci', type='string',
>     help='customize pci resource by hand as bus:slot:function')
> parser.add_option('--drive_id', action='store', dest='drive_id', type='string',
>     help='customize ide/scsi resource ID as controller:bus:unit')
> parser.add_option('--yes', action='store_true', dest='yes',
>      help='don\'t ask before save')
> parser.add_option('--nosave', action='store_true', dest='nosave',
>      help='show created device XML instead of saving.')
> parser.add_option('--boot_order', action='store', dest='boot_order',
>     type='int', help='boot order of the device', metavar='Num')
> parser.add_option('--shareable', action='store_true', dest='shareable',
>     help='the device can be shareable between device')
> parser.add_option('--serial', action='store', dest='serial',
>     type='string', help='optional serial ID of the device')
> EncChoices = ['qcow']
> qemu_group.add_option('--encryption_format', choices=EncChoices,
>     type='choice', dest='encryption_format', 
>     metavar='qcow', help='Only \"qcow\" is supported')
> EncTypeChoices =['passphrase']
> qemu_group.add_option('--encryption_type', choices=EncTypeChoices,
>     type='choice', dest='encryption_type',
>     help=help_choice('encription_type', EncTypeChoices, True))
> qemu_group.add_option('--encryption_uuid', action='store',
>     metavar='UUID', dest='encryption_uuid',
>     help='UUID for encrypted deivce')
> parser.add_option_group(qemu_group)
> parser.add_option_group(xen_group)
> parser.set_defaults(list=False, media='disk')
> parser.set_defaults(qemu_format='raw', cache='default', media='disk')
> parser.set_defaults(virtio=False, readonly=False, scsi=False, ide=False)
> parser.set_defaults(xen_aio=False,)
> parser.set_defaults(yes=False)
> (options, args) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv)
> #
> # Confirm domain XML is not updated since we opened it.
> #
> def check_domain_unchanged(origin, domain):
>     if origin != domain.XMLDesc(0) :
>         print 'Domain file may be updated while we open'
>         print 'please retry'
>         exit(1)
> #
> # Connect libvirt and get domain information.
> #
> if options.domain == None :
>     print 'please specify domain to be modified'
>     exit(1)
> try :
>     conn =
> except:
>     print 'Can\'t connect libvirt with URI %s'%(options.connect_uri)
>     exit(1)
> conn_uri = conn.getURI()
> info = re.split(':/', conn_uri)
> # From the name of connection URI, we detect vmname.
> vmname = info[0]
> # domain look up.
> domain = conn.lookupByName(options.domain)
> if domain == None:
>     print 'Can\'t find domain %s' %(options.domain)
>     exit(1)
> # read XML description.
> origin = domain.XMLDesc(0)
> dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(domain.XMLDesc(0))
> # At 1st, we need to find <device> block.
> names = dom.getElementsByTagName('devices')
> if (names == None) :
>      print '<device> element not found in %s\n' % filename
>      exit(1)
> for devices in names :
>     if devices.hasChildNodes() :
>         for name in devices.childNodes :
>             if (is_block_device(name)) :
>                 disk = BlockDevice()
>                 disk.parse_info(name)
>                 disks.append(disk)
>             if name.hasChildNodes() :
>                 for elem in name.childNodes :
>                     if elem.nodeName == 'address' :
>                         addr = parse_address(elem)
> #
> # Show List.
> #
> if options.show_list == True :
>     for disk in disks :
>         print ''
>     exit(0)
> # delete is easy.
> if options.delete != None :
>    disk = None
>    for name in devices.childNodes :
>        if (not is_block_device(name)) :
>            continue
>        disk = BlockDevice()
>        disk.parse_info(name)
>        if disk.target_dev == options.delete :
>            devices.removeChild(name)
>            break
>        disk = None
>    if disk == None :
>        print 'no such device %s'%(options.delete)
>        exit(1)
>    if not options.yes :
>        print 'You\'ll delete this device!'
>        x = raw_input('Really delete Y/N ? ')
>        if x != 'Y' and x != 'y' :
>            exit(0)
>    str = dom.toxml()
>    check_domain_unchanged(origin, domain)
>    conn.defineXML(str)
>    exit(1)
> #
> # Build a newdisk information from command line options
> # and default values.
> #
> newdisk = BlockDevice()
> if options.type != None :
>     newdisk.type = options.type
> =
> #
> # qemu only has a drive name as 'qemu'. 'type' and 'cache' are selectable.
> #
> if vmname == 'qemu' :
>     newdisk.driver_name = 'qemu'
>     newdisk.driver_type = options.qemu_format
>     if options.cache == None :
>         newdisk.driver_cache = 'default'
>     else :
>         newdisk.driver_cache = options.cache
> else : # Xen can select drive name.
>     newdisk.driver_name = options.driver_name
>     if options.xen_aio == True :
>         newdisk.driver_type = 'aio'
> if options.error_policy != None :
>     newdisk.driver_error_policy = options.error_policy
> if != None :
> =
> # Make readonly if crdom is specified.
> if == 'cdrom' or options.readonly == True:
>     newdisk.readonly = True;
> # Check Device Name and detect device bus from device name.
> if options.devname != None :
>     if re.match('vd[a-z]', options.devname) :
>         newdisk.target_dev = options.devname
>         newdisk.target_bus = 'virtio'
>     elif re.match('hd[a-d]', options.devname) :
>         newdisk.target_dev = options.devname
>         newdisk.target_bus = 'ide'
>     elif re.match('sd[a-z]', options.devname) :
>         newdisk.target_dev = options.devname
>         newdisk.target_bus = 'scsi'
>     else :
>         newdisk.target_dev = options.devname
> #
> # Define device name automatically with regard to the bus.
> #
> if options.virtio == True :
>     newdisk.target_bus = 'virtio'
>     if options.devname == None:
>         newdisk.target_dev = gen_device_name(disks, 'vd')
>         if newdisk.target_dev == None:
>             print 'failed to define virtio drive name as vd*'
>             print 'please define by hand with --devname'
>             exit(1)
> elif options.ide == True :
>     newdisk.target_bus = 'ide'
>     if options.devname == None:
>         newdisk.target_dev = gen_device_name(disks, 'hd')
>         if newdisk.target_dev == None :
>             print 'failed to define ide drive name as hd*'
>             print 'please define by hand with --devname'
>             exit(1)
> elif options.scsi == True :
>     newdisk.target_bus = 'scsi'
>     if options.devname == None:
>         newdisk.target_dev = gen_device_name(disks, 'sd')
>         if newdisk.target_dev == None :
>             print 'failed to define scsi drive name as sd*'
>             print 'please define by hand with --devname'
>             exit(1)
> #
> # If we can't detelct target bus, retrun error.
> #
> if newdisk.target_bus == None :
>     print 'need to specify device name or target bus for drive'
>     exit(1)
> #
> # If there is a device with the same name, error.
> #
> if check_device_conflict(disks, newdisk.target_dev) :
>     print 'device name conflicts %s' %(newdisk.target_dev)
>     print 'please specify an other name with --devname'
> #
> # Handle 'source' type.
> #
> if options.source != None and options.protocol == None:
>     # No network case. check local FS. 
>     # Only absolute path is allowed.
>     if options.source[0] != '/' :
>         print 'please use absolute path for source %s:' %(options.source)
>         exit(1)
>     try:
>         mode = os.stat(options.source)[stat.ST_MODE]
>     except:
>         print 'can\'t handle file %s' %(options.source)
>         exit(1)
>     #
>     # check 'file' and 'block'
>     #
>     newdisk.source = options.source
>     if stat.S_ISREG(mode) != 0:
>         if newdisk.type == None :
>             newdisk.type = 'file'
>         if newdisk.type != 'file' :
>             print '%s specified in --source is file' %(options.source)
>             exit(1)
>     if stat.S_ISBLK(mode) != 0 :
>         if newdisk.type == None :
>             newdisk.type = 'block'
>         if newdisk.type != 'block' :
>             print '%s specified in --source is blkdev' %(options.source)
>             exit(1)
>     if newdisk.type == None :
>         print 'can\'t detect source type %s'%(options.source)
> elif options.type == 'network' :
>     if options.protocol == None :
>         print 'need to select protocol for network drive.'
>         exit(1)
>     newdisk.protocol = options.protocol
>     if options.source == None :
>         print 'source name for network should be privded --soruce'
>         exit(1)
>     newdisk.source = options.source
>     if not re.match('[0-9a-zA-z\._-]+:[0-9]+', :
>         print 'host should be specified in address:port manner'
>         exit(1)
>     (addr, port) = re.split(':',
>     newdisk.protocol_addr = addr
>     newdisk.protocol_port = port
> if != 'cdrom' and options.source == None :
>     print 'you need to specify source if not cdrom'
>     exit(1)
> #
> # Define PCI/IDE/SCSI drive address.
> # (Usually, all this will be defined automatically.)
> #
> # format check
> if options.pci != None :
>     if options.drive_id != None :
>         print 'pci address and drive-id cannot be set at the same time'
>         exit(1)
>     if not re.match("0x[0-9a-f]+:0x[0-9a-f]+:0x[0-9-a-f]", options.pci) :
>         print 'bad pci address ',options.pci
>         print '0xXX:0xXX:0xXX is expected',options.pci
>         exit(1)
> if options.drive_id != None :
>     if not re.match("[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+", options.drive_id) :
>         print 'bad drive_id address', options.drive_id
>         exit(1)
> # define BUS ID.
> #
> # In this case, device name should meet bus ID(especially IDE),
> # which the user specified. The user should specify device
> # name by himself.
> #
> if options.pci != None or options.drive_id != None :
>     if options.devname == None :
>         print 'We recommend that --drive_id should be used with --devname',
>         print 'device name <-> drive ID relationship is at random, now'
> if options.pci != None :
>     pci = re.split(':', options.pci)
>     if '0x00' != pci[0] :
>         print 'only bus 0x00 can be used in pci'
>         exit(1)
>     if check_pci_conflict(pci[0], pci[1], pci[2]) :
>         print 'bus %s conflicts' % (options.pci)
>     newdisk.address_type = 'pci'
>     newdisk.address_bus = pci[0]
>     newdisk.address_slot = pci[1]
>     newdisk.address_function = pci[2]
> elif options.drive_id != None :
>     drive = re.split(':', options.drive_id)
>     if options.ide == True :
>         if check_drive_conflict('ide', drive[0],drive[1],drive[2]) :
>             print 'drive %s conflicts' % (options.drive_id)
>     else :
>         if check_drive_conflict('scsi',drive[0], drive[1], drive[2]) :
>             print 'drive %s conflicts' % (options.drive_id)
>     newdisk.address_type = 'drive'
>     newdisk.address_controller = drive[0]
>     newdisk.address_bus = drive[1]
>     newdisk.address_unit = drive[2]
> if options.boot_order != None :
>     newdisk.boot_order = str(options.boot_order)
> if options.shareable == True:
>     newdisk.shareab;e = True
> if options.serial != None :
>     newdisk.serial = options.serial
> #
> # Handle encryption
> #
> if options.encryption_format != None :
>     if options.encryption_type == None or\
>        options.encryption_uuid == None :
>         print 'encryption passphrase or UUID is not specified'
>         exit(1)
>     newdisk.encrypt_format = options.encryption_format
>     newdisk.encrypt_type = options.encryption_type
>     newdisk.encrypt_uuid = options.encryption_uuid
> #
> # Okay, we got all required information. Show the newdisk.
> #
> if options.yes != True :
> #
> # Build XML from 'newdisk'
> #
> def append_attribute(doc, elem, attr, value) :
>     x = doc.createAttribute(attr)
>     elem.setAttributeNode(x)
>     elem.setAttribute(attr, value)
> def append_text(doc, elem, text) :
>     x = doc.createTextNode(text)
>     elem.appendChild(x)
> def append_element(doc, parent, name, level) :
>     append_text(doc, parent, '\n')
>     while level > 0 :
>         append_text(doc, parent, '  ')
>         level = level - 1
>     element = doc.createElement(name)
>     parent.appendChild(element)
>     return element
> # <disk ....
> element = dom.createElement('disk')
> append_attribute(dom, element, 'device',
> append_attribute(dom, element, 'type', newdisk.type)
> #
> # <driver ...
> #
> child = append_element(dom, element, 'driver', 3)
> append_attribute(dom, child, 'name', newdisk.driver_name)
> append_attribute(dom, child, 'type', newdisk.driver_type)
> if newdisk.driver_cache != None :
>     append_attribute(dom, child, 'cache', newdisk.driver_cache)
> if newdisk.driver_error_policy != None :
>     append_attribute(dom, child, 'error_policy', newdisk.driver_error_policy)
> if newdisk.driver_io != None :
>     append_attribute(dom, child, 'io', newdisk.driver_io)
> #
> # <source....
> #
> if newdisk.type == 'file' and newdisk.source != None:
>     child = append_element(dom, element, 'source', 3)
>     append_attribute(dom, child, 'file', options.source)
> elif newdisk.type == 'block' and newdisk.source != None:
>     child = append_element(dom, element, 'source', 3)
>     append_attribute(dom, child, 'dev', options.source)
> elif newdisk.type == 'network' and newdisk.protocol != None:
>     child = append_element(dom, element, 'source', 3)
>     append_attribute(dom, child, 'protocol', options.protocol)
>     append_attribute(dom, child, 'name', options.source)
>     host = append_element(dom, child, 'host', 4)
>     address = re.split(':',
>     append_attribute(dom, host, 'name', address[0])
>     append_attribute(dom, host, 'port', address[1])
> #
> # <target....
> #
> child = append_element(dom, element, 'target', 3)
> append_attribute(dom, child, 'dev', newdisk.target_dev)
> append_attribute(dom, child, 'bus', newdisk.target_bus)
> #
> # <address.....
> # libvirt will do auto-fill in typical case.
> #
> if newdisk.address_type != None :
>     child = append_element(dom, element, 'address', 3)
>     append_attribute(dom, child, 'type', newdisk.address_type)
>     if newdisk.address_type == 'pci' :
>         append_attribute(dom, child, 'bus', newdisk.address_bus)
>         append_attribute(dom, child, 'slot', newdisk.address_slot)
>         append_attribute(dom, child, 'function', newdisk.address_function)
>         append_attribute(dom, child, 'domain', '0x0000')
>     elif newdisk.address_type == 'drive' :
>         append_attribute(dom, child, 'controller', newdisk.address_controller)
>         append_attribute(dom, child, 'unit', newdisk.address_unit)
>         append_attribute(dom, child, 'bus', newdisk.address_bus)
>         append_attribute(dom, child, 'domain', '0x0000')
> #
> # <readonly
> #
> if newdisk.readonly == True:
>     append_element(dom, element, 'readonly', 3)
> #
> # <shareable
> #
> if newdisk.shareable == True:
>     append_element(dom, element, 'readonly', 3)
> #
> # <boot
> #
> if newdisk.boot_order != None:
>     child = append_element(dom, element, 'boot', 3)
>     append_attribute(dom, child, 'order', newdisk.boot_order)
> #
> # <serial
> #
> if newdisk.serial != None:
>     child = append_element(dom, element, 'serial', 3)
>     append_text(dom, child, newdisk.serial)
> #
> # <encryption
> #
> if newdisk.encrypt_format != None :
>     child = append_element(dom, element, 'encryption', 3)
>     append_attribute(dom, child, 'format', newdisk.encrypt_format)
>     secret = append_element(dom, child, 'secret', 4)
>     append_attribute(dom, secret, 'type', newdisk.encrypt_type)
>     append_attribute(dom, secret, 'uuid', newdisk.encrypt_uuid)
>     append_text(dom, child, '\n')
> # indent for </disk>
> append_text(dom, element, '\n')
> append_text(dom, element, '    ')
> if options.nosave == True :
>     print ''
>     print element.toxml('utf-8')
>     exit(0)
> #
> # Insert newdisk to the tail of disks.
> #
> for devices in names :
>     if not devices.hasChildNodes() :
>         continue
>     for name in devices.childNodes :
>         if name.nodeName == 'controller' :
>             break
>     if name == None :
>         append_text(dom, devices, '    ')
> 	x = dom.createTextNode('\n')
>         devices.appendChild(element)
>         devices.insertBefore(x, name)
>     else:
>         devices.insertBefore(element, name)
>         x = dom.createTextNode('\n    ')
>         devices.insertBefore(x, name)
> if not options.yes :
>     x = raw_input('Add this device Y/N ? ')
>     if x != 'y' and x != 'Y' :
>         exit(1)
> str = dom.toxml('utf-8')
> check_domain_unchanged(origin, domain)
> try:
>     conn.defineXML(str)
> except:
>     print 'Failed'
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