Re: Fixing the output of "virsh help"

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On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 06:51:18PM +1100, Justin Clift wrote:
> Hi all,
> The output of virsh --help has become pretty unwieldy for people,
> so I'd like to adjust it to display things in a fashion that's
> easier to locate things in.
> Below is my first mock up of what the new output should look like,
> with it broken into functional categories.

It is rather wierd to have 'domain management' and then put many
of the domain management commands in different places.

> **********************************************************************
> virsh # help
> Commands:
>     CPU Management
>     **************
>     cpu-baseline    compute baseline CPU
>     cpu-compare     compare host CPU with a CPU described by an ...
>     maxvcpus        connection vcpu maximum
>     setvcpus        change number of virtual CPUs
>     vcpucount       domain vcpu counts
>     vcpuinfo        detailed domain vcpu information
>     vcpupin         control domain vcpu affinity

These are all domain management tasks

>     Device Management
>     *****************
>     attach-device   attach device from an XML file
>     attach-disk     attach disk device
>     detach-device   detach device from an XML file
>     detach-disk     detach disk device
>     update-device   update device from an XML file

These are all domain management tasks

>     Domain Management
>     *****************
>     autostart       autostart a domain
>     create          create a domain from an XML file
>     destroy         destroy a domain
>     define          define (but don't start) a domain from an XML...
>     domid           convert a domain name or UUID to domain id
>     domuuid         convert a domain name or id to domain UUID
>     dominfo         domain information
>     domjobinfo      domain job information
>     domjobabort     abort active domain job
>     domname         convert a domain id or UUID to domain name
>     domstate        domain state
>     domblkstat      get device block stats for a domain
>     domifstat       get network interface stats for a domain
>     dommemstat      get memory statistics for a domain
>     domblkinfo      domain block device size information
>     domxml-from-native Convert native config to domain XML
>     domxml-to-native Convert domain XML to native config
>     dump            dump the core of a domain to a file for anal...
>     dumpxml         domain information in XML
>     edit            edit XML configuration for a domain
>     list            list domains
>     managedsave     managed save of a domain state
>     managedsave-remove Remove managed save of a domain
>     memtune         Get/Set memory paramters
>     migrate         migrate domain to another host
>     migrate-setmaxdowntime set maximum tolerable downtime
>     reboot          reboot a domain
>     restore         restore a domain from a saved state in a file
>     resume          resume a domain
>     save            save a domain state to a file
>     setmem          change memory allocation
>     setmaxmem       change maximum memory limit
>     shutdown        gracefully shutdown a domain
>     start           start a (previously defined) inactive domain
>     suspend         suspend a domain
>     undefine        undefine an inactive domain
>     Management of Secrets
>     *********************
>     secret-define   define or modify a secret from an XML file
>     secret-dumpxml  secret attributes in XML
>     secret-set-value set a secret value
>     secret-get-value Output a secret value
>     secret-undefine undefine a secret
>     secret-list     list secrets
>     Networking
>     **********
>     net-autostart   autostart a network
>     net-create      create a network from an XML file
>     net-define      define (but don't start) a network from...
>     net-destroy     destroy a network
>     net-dumpxml     network information in XML
>     net-edit        edit XML configuration for a network
>     net-list        list networks
>     net-name        convert a network UUID to network name
>     net-start       start a (previously defined) inactive network
>     net-undefine    undefine an inactive network
>     net-uuid        convert a network name to network UUID
>     Network Interfaces
>     ******************
>     attach-interface attach network interface
>     detach-interface detach network interface

These two are domain management.

>     iface-list      list physical host interfaces
>     iface-name      convert an interface MAC address to inte...
>     iface-mac       convert an interface name to interface M...
>     iface-dumpxml   interface information in XML
>     iface-define    define (but don't start) a physical host...
>     iface-undefine  undefine a physical host interface (remo...
>     iface-edit      edit XML configuration for a physical ho...
>     iface-start     start a physical host interface (enable ...
>     iface-destroy   destroy a physical host interface (disab...
>     Nodes
>     *****
>     nodeinfo        node information
>     nodedev-list    enumerate devices on this host
>     nodedev-dumpxml node device details in XML
>     nodedev-dettach dettach node device from its device driver
>     nodedev-reattach reattach node device to its device driver
>     nodedev-reset   reset node device
>     nodedev-create  create a device defined by an XML file o...
>     nodedev-destroy destroy a device on the node
>     NWfilter
>     ********
>     nwfilter-define define or update a network filter from a...
>     nwfilter-undefine undefine a network filter
>     nwfilter-dumpxml network filter information in XML
>     nwfilter-list   list network filters
>     nwfilter-edit   edit XML configuration for a network filter
>     Snapshots
>     *********
>     snapshot-create Create a snapshot
>     snapshot-current Get the current snapshot
>     snapshot-delete Delete a domain snapshot
>     snapshot-dumpxml Dump XML for a domain snapshot
>     snapshot-list   List snapshots for a domain
>     snapshot-revert Revert a domain to a snapshot
>     Storage Pools
>     *************
>     find-storage-pool-sources discover potential storage poo...
>     find-storage-pool-sources-as find potential storage pool...
>     pool-autostart  autostart a pool
>     pool-build      build a pool
>     pool-create     create a pool from an XML file
>     pool-create-as  create a pool from a set of args
>     pool-define     define (but don't start) a pool from an ...
>     pool-define-as  define a pool from a set of args
>     pool-destroy    destroy a pool
>     pool-delete     delete a pool
>     pool-dumpxml    pool information in XML
>     pool-edit       edit XML configuration for a storage pool
>     pool-info       storage pool information
>     pool-list       list pools
>     pool-name       convert a pool UUID to pool name
>     pool-refresh    refresh a pool
>     pool-start      start a (previously defined) inactive pool
>     pool-undefine   undefine an inactive pool
>     pool-uuid       convert a pool name to pool UUID
>     Storage Volumes
>     ***************
>     vol-create      create a vol from an XML file
>     vol-create-from create a vol, using another volume as input
>     vol-create-as   create a volume from a set of args
>     vol-clone       clone a volume.
>     vol-delete      delete a vol
>     vol-wipe        wipe a vol
>     vol-dumpxml     vol information in XML
>     vol-info        storage vol information
>     vol-list        list vols
>     vol-pool        returns the storage pool for a given ...
>     vol-path        returns the volume path for a given ...
>     vol-name        returns the volume name for a given ...
>     vol-key         returns the volume key for a given ...
>     Virsh itself
>     **************
>     cd              change the current directory
>     connect         (re)connect to hypervisor

>     console         connect to the guest console

This is domain management.

>     echo            echo arguments
>     exit            quit this interactive terminal
>     help            print help
>     pwd             print the current directory
>     quit            quit this interactive terminal
>     uri             print the hypervisor canonical URI
>     version         show version

>     vncdisplay      vnc display

This is domain managment

>     Not sure (need suggestions) :>
>     ******************************
>     capabilities    capabilities
>     freecell        NUMA free memory
>     hostname        print the hypervisor hostname

These are host information.

>     schedinfo       show/set scheduler parameters
>     ttyconsole      tty console

These are domain management

|: Red Hat, Engineering, London    -o- :|
|: -o- -o- :|
|:        -o- :|
|: GnuPG: 7D3B9505  -o-   F3C9 553F A1DA 4AC2 5648 23C1 B3DF F742 7D3B 9505 :|

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