On 09/27/2010 02:26 PM, Daniel Veillard wrote:
<vcpu current="2">4</vcpu>
Possible, but consider that we have:
<domain ...>
So I was modeling after<memory>/<currentMemory> for consistency.
Preferences on whether the parallel element or the attribute
approach is better?
Well, the attribute cpuset possible on vcpu which indicate on which
physical CPU the virtual CPUs may be mapped would make as much sense if
not more on currentVcpu instead. Also both attributes are indications
used for domain startup. So I think it's a bit more coherent in the
end to have current on the vcpu as an attribute. It's not a big deal
though, but I assume the change for the patch is trivial, just a change
of XPath expression.
Fair enough. With <memory>/<currentMemory>, there are no attributes;
but since <vcpu> already has an attribute, adding another attribute
instead of a parallel element makes the use of <vcpu
cpuset="...">n</vcpu> less confusing. I'm adjusting my current work
accordingly (and yes, it is a pretty trivial switch).
Eric Blake eblake@xxxxxxxxxx +1-801-349-2682
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