On 09/16/2010 03:02 AM, Eric Blake wrote:
[adding bug-gnulib]
On 09/15/2010 06:36 AM, Justin Clift wrote:
OSX MacPorts has libtool named as glibtool, with libtoolize
named as glibtoolize. This patch adds support for this, and also
adds a check for pkg-config, to warn when it is missing.
Hmm - would it be easier to make bootstrap.conf list pkg-config as a
prerequisite, rather than having to hack up autogen.sh to do that?
Heh, whatever works best. You know this stuff a lot better than me. :)
Also, if I'm reading the code right, changing bootstrap.conf to list
'libtoolize' instead of 'libtool' as the prerequisite will let you get
by with overriding just $LIBTOOLIZE instead of both $LIBTOOL and
Additionally it may be sufficient to just teach upstream
gnulib/build-aux/bootstrap to use 'find_tool LIBTOOLIZE libtoolize
glibtoolize', at which point re-syncing to upstream bootstrap will
automatically pick up on the right libtool for MacOS without you having
to hack libvirt's autogen.sh in the first place :)
All good. We'll still have to hack up libvirt's autogen.sh a bit
anyway, because at the moment it has the word "libtool" hard coded
before it gets up to the bootstrapping:
(libtool --version) < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
So, NACK to this version of the libvirt patch, and instead let me do
some gnulib work... Not to mention that Gary is working on some upstream
patches to improve bootstrap modularity, and there is also a request to
add 'bootstrap --skip-git' that I need to respond to...
If you can figure a way to address this OSX specific thing in gnulib at
the same time, that would be nifty:
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