[PATCH 0/9] qemu: support passt as the backend for vhost-user network interfaces

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passt (https://passt.top) provides a method of connecting QEMU virtual
machines to the external network without requiring special privileges
or capabilities of any participating processes - even libvirt itself
can run unprivileged and create an instance of passt (which *always*
runs unprivileged) that is then connected to the qemu process (and
thus the virtual machine) with a unix socket.

Originally passt used its own protocol for this socket, sending both
control messages and data packets over the socket. This works, and is
already much more efficient than the previously
only-unprivileged-networking-solution slirp.

But recently passt added support for using the vhost-user protocol for
communication between the passt process (which is connected to the
external network) and the QEMU process (and thus the VM). vhost-user
also uses a unix socket, but only for control plane messages - all
data packets are "sent" between the VM and passt process via a shared
memory region. This is unsurprisingly much more efficient.

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