[PATCH v7 03/18] config: Introduce ThrottleGroup and corresponding XML parsing

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Introduce throttlegroup into domain and provide corresponding methods

* Define new struct 'virDomainThrottleGroupDef' and corresponding destructor
* Add operations(Add, Update, Del, ByName, Copy, Free) for
* Update _virDomainDef to include virDomainThrottleGroupDef
* Support new resource "Parse" and "Format" for operations between
struct and DOM XML
* Make sure "group_name" is defined in xml

Signed-off-by: Harikumar Rajkumar <harirajkumar230@xxxxxxxxx>
 src/conf/domain_conf.c  | 300 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/conf/domain_conf.h  |  27 ++++
 src/conf/virconftypes.h |   2 +
 3 files changed, 329 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/conf/domain_conf.c b/src/conf/domain_conf.c
index 87f87bbe56..fd08e67edc 100644
--- a/src/conf/domain_conf.c
+++ b/src/conf/domain_conf.c
@@ -3799,6 +3799,32 @@ virDomainIOThreadIDDefArrayInit(virDomainDef *def,
+virDomainThrottleGroupDefFree(virDomainThrottleGroupDef *def)
+    if (!def)
+        return;
+    g_free(def->group_name);
+    g_free(def);
+static void
+virDomainThrottleGroupDefArrayFree(virDomainThrottleGroupDef **def,
+                                   int nthrottlegroups)
+    size_t i;
+    if (!def)
+        return;
+    for (i = 0; i < nthrottlegroups; i++)
+        virDomainThrottleGroupDefFree(def[i]);
+    g_free(def);
 virDomainResourceDefFree(virDomainResourceDef *resource)
@@ -4086,6 +4112,8 @@ void virDomainDefFree(virDomainDef *def)
     virDomainIOThreadIDDefArrayFree(def->iothreadids, def->niothreadids);
+    virDomainThrottleGroupDefArrayFree(def->throttlegroups, def->nthrottlegroups);
@@ -7830,6 +7858,123 @@ virDomainDiskDefIotuneParse(virDomainDiskDef *def,
+/* the field changes must also be applied to the other function that formats
+ * the <disk> throttling definition virDomainThrottleGroupFormat. */
+    if (virXPathULongLong("string(./" #val ")", \
+                          ctxt, &group->val) == -2) { \
+        virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, \
+                       _("throttle group field '%1$s' must be an integer"), #val); \
+        return NULL; \
+    }
+static virDomainThrottleGroupDef *
+virDomainThrottleGroupDefParseXML(xmlNodePtr node,
+                                  xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt)
+    g_autoptr(virDomainThrottleGroupDef) group = g_new0(virDomainThrottleGroupDef, 1);
+    ctxt->node = node;
+    PARSE_THROTTLEGROUP(total_bytes_sec);
+    PARSE_THROTTLEGROUP(read_bytes_sec);
+    PARSE_THROTTLEGROUP(write_bytes_sec);
+    PARSE_THROTTLEGROUP(total_iops_sec);
+    PARSE_THROTTLEGROUP(read_iops_sec);
+    PARSE_THROTTLEGROUP(write_iops_sec);
+    PARSE_THROTTLEGROUP(total_bytes_sec_max);
+    PARSE_THROTTLEGROUP(read_bytes_sec_max);
+    PARSE_THROTTLEGROUP(write_bytes_sec_max);
+    PARSE_THROTTLEGROUP(total_iops_sec_max);
+    PARSE_THROTTLEGROUP(read_iops_sec_max);
+    PARSE_THROTTLEGROUP(write_iops_sec_max);
+    PARSE_THROTTLEGROUP(size_iops_sec);
+    PARSE_THROTTLEGROUP(total_bytes_sec_max_length);
+    PARSE_THROTTLEGROUP(read_bytes_sec_max_length);
+    PARSE_THROTTLEGROUP(write_bytes_sec_max_length);
+    PARSE_THROTTLEGROUP(total_iops_sec_max_length);
+    PARSE_THROTTLEGROUP(read_iops_sec_max_length);
+    PARSE_THROTTLEGROUP(write_iops_sec_max_length);
+    /* group_name is required */
+    if (!(group->group_name = virXPathString("string(./group_name)", ctxt))) {
+        virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s",
+                       _("missing group name"));
+        return NULL;
+    }
+   return g_steal_pointer(&group);
+ * virDomainThrottleGroupByName:
+ * @def: domain definition
+ * @name: throttle group name
+ *
+ * search throttle group within domain definition
+ * by @name
+ *
+ * Returns a pointer to throttle group found.
+ */
+virDomainThrottleGroupDef *
+virDomainThrottleGroupByName(const virDomainDef *def,
+                             const char *name)
+    size_t i;
+    if (!def->throttlegroups || def->nthrottlegroups == 0)
+        return NULL;
+    for (i = 0; i < def->nthrottlegroups; i++) {
+        if (STREQ(def->throttlegroups[i]->group_name, name))
+            return def->throttlegroups[i];
+    }
+    return NULL;
+static int
+virDomainDefThrottleGroupsParse(virDomainDef *def,
+                                xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt)
+    size_t i;
+    int n = 0;
+    g_autofree xmlNodePtr *nodes = NULL;
+    if ((n = virXPathNodeSet("./throttlegroups/throttlegroup", ctxt, &nodes)) < 0)
+        return -1;
+    if (n == 0)
+        return 0;
+    def->throttlegroups = g_new0(virDomainThrottleGroupDef *, n);
+    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+        g_autoptr(virDomainThrottleGroupDef) group = NULL;
+        if (!(group = virDomainThrottleGroupDefParseXML(nodes[i], ctxt))) {
+            return -1;
+        }
+        if (virDomainThrottleGroupByName(def, group->group_name)) {
+            virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR,
+                           _("duplicate group name '%1$s' found"),
+                           group->group_name);
+            return -1;
+        }
+        def->throttlegroups[def->nthrottlegroups++] = g_steal_pointer(&group);
+    }
+    return 0;
 static int
 virDomainDiskDefMirrorParse(virDomainDiskDef *def,
@@ -19211,6 +19356,9 @@ virDomainDefParseXML(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt,
     if (virDomainDefParseBootOptions(def, ctxt, xmlopt, flags) < 0)
         return NULL;
+    if (virDomainDefThrottleGroupsParse(def, ctxt) < 0)
+        return NULL;
     /* analysis of the disk devices */
     if ((n = virXPathNodeSet("./devices/disk", ctxt, &nodes)) < 0)
         return NULL;
@@ -22511,6 +22659,94 @@ virDomainIOThreadIDDel(virDomainDef *def,
+ * virDomainThrottleGroupDefCopy:
+ * @src: throttle group to be copied from
+ * @dst: throttle group to be copied to
+ *
+ * copy throttle group content from @src to @dst,
+ * this function does not allocate memory for @dst - the caller must ensure
+ * @dst is already allocated before calling this function.
+ */
+virDomainThrottleGroupDefCopy(const virDomainThrottleGroupDef *src,
+                              virDomainThrottleGroupDef *dst)
+    *dst = *src;
+    dst->group_name = g_strdup(src->group_name);
+ * virDomainThrottleGroupAdd:
+ * @def: domain definition
+ * @throttle_group: throttle group definition within domain
+ *
+ * add new throttle group into @def
+ *
+ * return a pointer to throttle group added
+ */
+virDomainThrottleGroupDef *
+virDomainThrottleGroupAdd(virDomainDef *def,
+                          virDomainThrottleGroupDef *throttle_group)
+    virDomainThrottleGroupDef * new_group =  g_new0(virDomainThrottleGroupDef, 1);
+    virDomainThrottleGroupDefCopy(throttle_group, new_group);
+    VIR_APPEND_ELEMENT_COPY(def->throttlegroups, def->nthrottlegroups, new_group);
+    return new_group;
+ * virDomainThrottleGroupUpdate:
+ * @def: domain definition
+ * @info: throttle group definition within domain
+ *
+ * Update corresponding throttle group in @def using new config @info. If a
+ * throttle group with given name doesn't exist this function does nothing.
+ */
+virDomainThrottleGroupUpdate(virDomainDef *def,
+                             virDomainThrottleGroupDef *info)
+    size_t i;
+    if (!info->group_name)
+        return;
+    for (i = 0; i < def->nthrottlegroups; i++) {
+        virDomainThrottleGroupDef *t = def->throttlegroups[i];
+        if (STREQ_NULLABLE(t->group_name, info->group_name)) {
+            VIR_FREE(t->group_name);
+            virDomainThrottleGroupDefCopy(info, t);
+        }
+    }
+ * virDomainThrottleGroupDel:
+ * @def: domain definition
+ * @name: throttle group name
+ *
+ * Delete throttle group @name in @def
+ */
+virDomainThrottleGroupDel(virDomainDef *def,
+                          const char *name)
+    size_t i;
+    for (i = 0; i < def->nthrottlegroups; i++) {
+        if (STREQ_NULLABLE(def->throttlegroups[i]->group_name, name)) {
+            virDomainThrottleGroupDefFree(def->throttlegroups[i]);
+            VIR_DELETE_ELEMENT(def->throttlegroups, i, def->nthrottlegroups);
+            return;
+        }
+    }
 static int
 virDomainEventActionDefFormat(virBuffer *buf,
                               int type,
@@ -27696,6 +27932,68 @@ virDomainDefIOThreadsFormat(virBuffer *buf,
     virDomainDefaultIOThreadDefFormat(buf, def);
+ * the field changes must also be applied to the other function that parses
+ * the <disk> throttling definition virDomainThrottleGroupDefParseXML
+ */
+        if (group->val > 0) { \
+            virBufferAsprintf(&childBuf, "<" #val ">%llu</" #val ">\n", \
+                              group->val); \
+        }
+static void
+virDomainThrottleGroupFormat(virBuffer *buf,
+                             virDomainThrottleGroupDef *group)
+    g_auto(virBuffer) childBuf = VIR_BUFFER_INIT_CHILD(buf);
+    FORMAT_THROTTLE_GROUP(total_bytes_sec);
+    FORMAT_THROTTLE_GROUP(read_bytes_sec);
+    FORMAT_THROTTLE_GROUP(write_bytes_sec);
+    FORMAT_THROTTLE_GROUP(total_iops_sec);
+    FORMAT_THROTTLE_GROUP(read_iops_sec);
+    FORMAT_THROTTLE_GROUP(write_iops_sec);
+    FORMAT_THROTTLE_GROUP(total_bytes_sec_max);
+    FORMAT_THROTTLE_GROUP(read_bytes_sec_max);
+    FORMAT_THROTTLE_GROUP(write_bytes_sec_max);
+    FORMAT_THROTTLE_GROUP(total_iops_sec_max);
+    FORMAT_THROTTLE_GROUP(read_iops_sec_max);
+    FORMAT_THROTTLE_GROUP(write_iops_sec_max);
+    FORMAT_THROTTLE_GROUP(size_iops_sec);
+    FORMAT_THROTTLE_GROUP(total_bytes_sec_max_length);
+    FORMAT_THROTTLE_GROUP(read_bytes_sec_max_length);
+    FORMAT_THROTTLE_GROUP(write_bytes_sec_max_length);
+    FORMAT_THROTTLE_GROUP(total_iops_sec_max_length);
+    FORMAT_THROTTLE_GROUP(read_iops_sec_max_length);
+    FORMAT_THROTTLE_GROUP(write_iops_sec_max_length);
+    virBufferEscapeString(&childBuf, "<group_name>%s</group_name>\n",
+                          group->group_name);
+    virXMLFormatElement(buf, "throttlegroup", NULL, &childBuf);
+static void
+virDomainDefThrottleGroupsFormat(virBuffer *buf,
+                                 const virDomainDef *def)
+    g_auto(virBuffer) childrenBuf = VIR_BUFFER_INIT_CHILD(buf);
+    size_t n;
+    for (n = 0; n < def->nthrottlegroups; n++) {
+        virDomainThrottleGroupFormat(&childrenBuf, def->throttlegroups[n]);
+    }
+    virXMLFormatElement(buf, "throttlegroups", NULL, &childrenBuf);
 static void
 virDomainIOMMUDefFormat(virBuffer *buf,
@@ -28398,6 +28696,8 @@ virDomainDefFormatInternalSetRootName(virDomainDef *def,
     virDomainDefIOThreadsFormat(buf, def);
+    virDomainDefThrottleGroupsFormat(buf, def);
     if (virDomainCputuneDefFormat(buf, def, flags) < 0)
         return -1;
diff --git a/src/conf/domain_conf.h b/src/conf/domain_conf.h
index e51c74b6d1..4977747d9c 100644
--- a/src/conf/domain_conf.h
+++ b/src/conf/domain_conf.h
@@ -3079,6 +3079,9 @@ struct _virDomainDef {
     virDomainDefaultIOThreadDef *defaultIOThread;
+    size_t nthrottlegroups;
+    virDomainThrottleGroupDef **throttlegroups;
     virDomainCputune cputune;
     virDomainResctrlDef **resctrls;
@@ -4600,3 +4603,27 @@ virDomainObjGetMessages(virDomainObj *vm,
 virDomainDefHasSpiceGraphics(const virDomainDef *def);
+virDomainThrottleGroupDefFree(virDomainThrottleGroupDef *def);
+G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC(virDomainThrottleGroupDef, virDomainThrottleGroupDefFree);
+virDomainThrottleGroupDef *
+virDomainThrottleGroupAdd(virDomainDef *def,
+                          virDomainThrottleGroupDef *throttle_group);
+virDomainThrottleGroupUpdate(virDomainDef *def,
+                             virDomainThrottleGroupDef *info);
+virDomainThrottleGroupDel(virDomainDef *def,
+                          const char *name);
+virDomainThrottleGroupDef *
+virDomainThrottleGroupByName(const virDomainDef *def,
+                             const char *name);
+virDomainThrottleGroupDefCopy(const virDomainThrottleGroupDef *src,
+                              virDomainThrottleGroupDef *dst);
diff --git a/src/conf/virconftypes.h b/src/conf/virconftypes.h
index 59be61cea4..1936ef6ab1 100644
--- a/src/conf/virconftypes.h
+++ b/src/conf/virconftypes.h
@@ -80,6 +80,8 @@ typedef struct _virDomainBlkiotune virDomainBlkiotune;
 typedef struct _virDomainBlockIoTuneInfo virDomainBlockIoTuneInfo;
+typedef struct _virDomainBlockIoTuneInfo  virDomainThrottleGroupDef;
 typedef struct _virDomainCheckpointDef virDomainCheckpointDef;
 typedef struct _virDomainCheckpointObj virDomainCheckpointObj;
2.39.5 (Apple Git-154)

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