Understood completely.
I appreciate your patience.
Best Regards,
Xuda Zhang
Laine Stump <laine@xxxxxxxxxx> 于2025年2月5日周三 21:41写道:
On 2/5/25 1:39 AM, Xuda Zhang wrote:
> Hi Laine,
> You mentioned:
> But again, already-existing tap devices can't be used for interface
> type='bridge' or type='network' (which also connects the tap to a
> bridge).
> However, the documentation does not *explicitly *state that already-
> existing tap devices *cannot *be used for interface type='bridge' or
> interface type='network'.
Any reasonably large piece of software has many many behaviors that
aren't explicitly stated.
> I also conducted another test, which confirmed that whenever the VM is
> shut down, the existing tap device is deleted.
> This suggests that the correct understanding is *recreation *rather than
> modification.
That's basically what I told you. It's unfortunate that I ever brought
up the idea of pre-existing tap devices, since they are only allowed in
one very narrow use case.
> Can I conclude that, in a bridge network type, libvirt is expected to
> create and manage the tap device automatically?
> This would mean that the tap device is always created by libvirt, its
> lifecycle is tied to the VM (guest OS), and it is deleted when the VM
> stops.
> Additionally, each time the VM starts, a new tap device is created with
> slight variations, likely derived from the VM's MAC address.
I guess you mean "... with a MAC address that is the same as the guest
interface's MAC except the first byte is changed to 0xFE." If so then yes.
> Would you agree with this assessment?
> Best regards,
> Xuda Zhang
> Laine Stump <laine@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:laine@xxxxxxxxx>> 于2025年2月5日周
> 三 14:03写道:
> On 2/4/25 11:04 PM, Xuda Zhang wrote:
> > Could you help confirm the exact behavior in this case? Specifically:
> >
> > 1. If a target tap device already exists, does libvirt modify
> the MAC
> > address instead of recreating the device?
> Sorry, I needed to qualify that detail a bit (and actually I probably
> shouldn't have even brought it up, since it doesn't apply to tap
> devices
> used to connect to a bridge device) - *only for
> "<interface type='ethernet' managed='no'>" * an already-existing tap
> device can be specified in the XML (with <target dev='blah'/>).
> type='ethernet' is used for tap devices that aren't connected to any
> bridge (all communication with the guest must then be *routed* by the
> host at the IP level, rather than being bridged).
> And a detail that I misremembered - when libvirt uses a pre-existing
> tap
> device, it assumes that the creator of the tap already set the MAC
> appropriately, so it doesn't modify it.
> But again, already-existing tap devices can't be used for interface
> type='bridge' or type='network' (which also connects the tap to a
> bridge).
> > 2. Under what circumstances does libvirt destroy and recreate
> the tap
> > device instead of modifying its attributes?
> Another detail that I've forgotten over the long time since I last
> looked at this code. libvirt doesn't explicitly delete the tap device,
> it just closes the device. In the case of tap devices that libvirt
> itself created, they are automatically deleted when they are closed.
> In the case of pre-existing tap devices (which again doesn't apply in
> your use case), 1) libvirt assumes that the creator of the pre-existing
> device has already set the MAC address to something appropriate, so it
> doesn't attempt to change it, and 2) again libvirt won't explicitly
> delete the tap device. If it was created as a persistent device, then
> closing it doesn't cause it to be auto-deleted, but if the original
> creator of the tap device didn't create it as persistent, and no other
> process has an open handle for the device, then again closing the
> device
> will auto-delete it.
> But again, for your use case (where the tap is connected to a bridge)
> the creator of the tap device is always libvirt, and so it will always
> be auto-deleted when libvirt closes the final handle it has open on the
> device.
> > Looking forward to your insights!
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Xuda Zhang