On 1/14/22 3:29 PM, Ján Tomko wrote:
On a Friday in 2022, Laine Stump wrote:
Since it's Friday and we're talking about personal preferences - I
personally dislike the use of i and j (and anything else with a single
letter) as variable names, because it makes using a text search for
occurences pointless. Sure, longer variable names could also be a
substring of something else, and any variable could be re-used
elsewhere, but even then a search is mildly usable.
Well, you need to search for the word i instead of the letter i.
grep has the '-w' switch for that, or you can specify some boundaries:
vim searches for the word under the cursor with '*' by default
Surely other search tools have some equivalent.
This forced me to go look for it in emacs, and after 28 years, I've
learned about isearch-forward-symbol-at-point, which is by default bound
to [alt-s .]. But that's just another different keystroke I have to
remember. Much easier if I can just use an expansion of the ctl-s
(incremental search) that I already know and use for pretty much all
searching within a single file.
(On the other hand, sometimes a loop is just a loop and it takes too
much brain capacity to think of a meaningful name for the index. I
used to work with someone who always used "ii" and "jj" for generic
loop indexes because they were then easy to search for with few false
positives (well - "ascii", "skiing", and a surprisingly high number of
other more obscure words, but still...) , and I internalized that
practice myself. After having libvirt patches with that rejected a
couple times, I unlearned and conformed to the hive :-))
II thank you.
KKind of you,