Hi developers, Thanks for developing and maintaining such a great tool. I'm new and I'm trying to use the no-shutdown feature of qemu with libvirt. I've confirmed with the user list that currently there's no such feature in libvirt that supports what I want to do, so I'm posting here and see if anyone is aware of any existing project that can achieve this or anything under development to avoid re-implementing the wheel. Here is what I'm doing on qemu: When I start a VM with the qemu command I can specify the -no-shutdown flag so that my qemu process doesn't quit even if I shutdown the VM from the inside (issue shutdown or halt command inside VM). The VM is shutdown but the qemu process is not killed so that the jobs I submitted before for example backup (drive-backup) can continue to run even after VM gets shutdown by the user, and I'm able to check the status of the job through qmp commands (by communicating with the qemu process). Is anyone aware of any project that is currently implementing this functionality? Thanks for reading. Thanks, Luna