[libvirt] [PATCH] fix virt-aa-helper failure when host arch and os.type arch are different

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This is a fix for Ubuntu bug #448671[1]. virt-aa-helper's
get_definition() now calls the new caps_mockup() function which will
parse the XML for os.type, os.type.arch and then sets the wordsize.
These attributes are needed only to get a valid virCapsPtr for
virDomainDefParseString(). The -H and -b options are now removed from
virt-aa-helper (they weren't used yet anyway). The patch also adds
several tests and fixes another.

Please also 'chmod 755 tests/virt-aa-helper-test' so it can be run with
'make check'.



[1] https://launchpad.net/bugs/448671

Jamie Strandboge             | http://www.canonical.com
diff -Naurp libvirt.orig/src/security/virt-aa-helper.c libvirt/src/security/virt-aa-helper.c
--- libvirt.orig/src/security/virt-aa-helper.c	2009-10-08 09:48:50.000000000 -0500
+++ libvirt/src/security/virt-aa-helper.c	2009-10-14 16:17:14.000000000 -0500
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ typedef struct {
     virDomainDefPtr def;        /* VM definition */
     virCapsPtr caps;            /* VM capabilities */
     char *hvm;                  /* type of hypervisor (eg hvm, xen) */
+    char *arch;                 /* machine architecture */
     int bits;                   /* bits in the guest */
     char *newdisk;              /* newly added disk */
 } vahControl;
@@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ vahDeinit(vahControl * ctl)
+    free(ctl->arch);
     return 0;
@@ -85,8 +87,6 @@ vah_usage(void)
             "    -R | --remove                  unload profile\n"
             "    -h | --help                    this help\n"
             "    -u | --uuid <uuid>             uuid (profile name)\n"
-            "    -H | --hvm <hvm>               hypervisor type\n"
-            "    -b | --bits <bits>             architecture bits\n"
             "\n", progname);
     fprintf(stdout, "This command is intended to be used by libvirtd "
@@ -551,35 +551,132 @@ valid_path(const char *path, const bool 
     return 0;
+/* Called from SAX on parsing errors in the XML. */
+static void
+catchXMLError (void *ctx, const char *msg ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ...)
+    xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlParserCtxtPtr) ctx;
+    if (ctxt) {
+        if (virGetLastError() == NULL &&
+            ctxt->lastError.level == XML_ERR_FATAL &&
+            ctxt->lastError.message != NULL) {
+                char *err_str = NULL;
+                if (virAsprintf(&err_str, "XML error at line %d: %s",
+                                ctxt->lastError.line,
+                                ctxt->lastError.message) == -1)
+                    vah_error(NULL, 0, "Could not get XML error");
+                else {
+                    vah_error(NULL, 0, err_str);
+                    VIR_FREE(err_str);
+                }
+        }
+    }
+ * Parse the xml we received to fill in the following:
+ * ctl->hvm
+ * ctl->arch
+ * ctl->bits
+ *
+ * These are suitable for setting up a virCapsPtr
+ */
+static int
+caps_mockup(vahControl * ctl, const char *xmlStr)
+    int rc = -1;
+    xmlParserCtxtPtr pctxt = NULL;
+    xmlDocPtr xml = NULL;
+    xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt = NULL;
+    xmlNodePtr root;
+    /* Set up a parser context so we can catch the details of XML errors. */
+    pctxt = xmlNewParserCtxt ();
+    if (!pctxt || !pctxt->sax)
+        goto cleanup;
+    pctxt->sax->error = catchXMLError;
+    xml = xmlCtxtReadDoc (pctxt, BAD_CAST xmlStr, "domain.xml", NULL,
+                          XML_PARSE_NOENT | XML_PARSE_NONET |
+                          XML_PARSE_NOWARNING);
+    if (!xml) {
+        if (virGetLastError() == NULL)
+            vah_error(NULL, 0, "failed to parse xml document");
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    if ((root = xmlDocGetRootElement(xml)) == NULL) {
+        vah_error(NULL, 0, "missing root element");
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    if (!xmlStrEqual(root->name, BAD_CAST "domain")) {
+        vah_error(NULL, 0, "incorrect root element");
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    if ((ctxt = xmlXPathNewContext(xml)) == NULL) {
+        vah_error(ctl, 0, "could not allocate memory");
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    ctxt->node = root;
+    ctl->hvm = virXPathString(NULL, "string(./os/type[1])", ctxt);
+    if (!ctl->hvm || STRNEQ(ctl->hvm, "hvm")) {
+        vah_error(ctl, 0, "os.type is not 'hvm'");
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    ctl->arch = virXPathString(NULL, "string(./os/type[1]/@arch)", ctxt);
+    if (!ctl->arch) {
+        /* The XML we are given should have an arch, but in case it doesn't,
+         * just use the host's arch.
+         */
+        struct utsname utsname;
+        /* Really, this never fails - look at the man-page. */
+        uname (&utsname);
+        if ((ctl->arch = strdup(utsname.machine)) == NULL) {
+            vah_error(ctl, 0, "could not allocate memory");
+            goto cleanup;
+        }
+    }
+    if (STREQ(ctl->arch, "x86_64"))
+        ctl->bits = 64;
+    else
+        ctl->bits = 32;
+    rc = 0;
+  cleanup:
+    xmlFreeParserCtxt (pctxt);
+    xmlFreeDoc (xml);
+    xmlXPathFreeContext(ctxt);
+    return rc;
 static int
 get_definition(vahControl * ctl, const char *xmlStr)
     int rc = -1;
-    struct utsname utsname;
     virCapsGuestPtr guest;  /* this is freed when caps is freed */
      * mock up some capabilities. We don't currently use these explicitly,
      * but need them for virDomainDefParseString().
+    if (caps_mockup(ctl, xmlStr) != 0)
+        goto exit;
-    /* Really, this never fails - look at the man-page. */
-    uname (&utsname);
-    /* set some defaults if not specified */
-    if (!ctl->bits)
-        ctl->bits = 32;
-    if (!ctl->hvm)
-        ctl->hvm = strdup("hvm");
-    if ((ctl->caps = virCapabilitiesNew(utsname.machine, 1, 1)) == NULL) {
+    if ((ctl->caps = virCapabilitiesNew(ctl->arch, 1, 1)) == NULL) {
         vah_error(ctl, 0, "could not allocate memory");
         goto exit;
     if ((guest = virCapabilitiesAddGuest(ctl->caps,
-                                         utsname.machine,
+                                         ctl->arch,
@@ -794,11 +891,8 @@ vahParseArgv(vahControl * ctl, int argc,
         {"replace", 0, 0, 'r'},
         {"remove", 0, 0, 'R'},
         {"uuid", 1, 0, 'u'},
-        {"hvm", 1, 0, 'H'},
-        {"bits", 1, 0, 'b'},
         {0, 0, 0, 0}
-    int bits;
     while ((arg = getopt_long(argc, argv, "acdDhrRH:b:u:f:", opt,
             &idx)) != -1) {
@@ -806,13 +900,6 @@ vahParseArgv(vahControl * ctl, int argc,
             case 'a':
                 ctl->cmd = 'a';
-            case 'b':
-                bits = atoi(optarg);
-                if (bits == 32 || bits == 64)
-                    ctl->bits = bits;
-                else
-                    vah_error(ctl, 1, "invalid bits (should be 32 or 64)");
-                break;
             case 'c':
                 ctl->cmd = 'c';
@@ -830,10 +917,6 @@ vahParseArgv(vahControl * ctl, int argc,
-            case 'H':
-                if ((ctl->hvm = strdup(optarg)) == NULL)
-                    vah_error(ctl, 1, "could not allocate memory for hvm");
-                break;
             case 'r':
                 ctl->cmd = 'r';
diff -Naurp libvirt.orig/tests/virt-aa-helper-test libvirt/tests/virt-aa-helper-test
--- libvirt.orig/tests/virt-aa-helper-test	2009-10-08 09:48:50.000000000 -0500
+++ libvirt/tests/virt-aa-helper-test	2009-10-14 16:17:31.000000000 -0500
@@ -155,13 +155,11 @@ testme "1" "no -u with -R" "-R"
 testme "1" "non-existent uuid" "-R -u $nonexistent_uuid"
 testme "1" "no -u with -r" "-r"
 testme "1" "old '-n' option" "-c -n foo -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml"
-testme "1" "invalid bits" "-c -b 15 -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml"
-testme "1" "invalid bits2" "-c -b a -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml"
 cat "$template_xml" | sed "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" | sed "s,###DISK###,$bad_disk,g" > "$test_xml"
 testme "1" "bad disk" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml"
-cat "$template_xml" | sed "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" | sed "s,###DISK###,$bad_disk,g" | sed "s,</devices>,<disk type='file' device='disk'><source file='$disk2'<target dev='hda' bus='ide'/></disk></devices>,g" > "$test_xml"
+cat "$template_xml" | sed "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" | sed "s,###DISK###,$bad_disk,g" | sed "s,</devices>,<disk type='file' device='disk'><source file='$disk2'/><target dev='hda' bus='ide'/></disk></devices>,g" > "$test_xml"
 testme "1" "bad disk2" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml"
 cat "$template_xml" | sed "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" | sed "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" | sed "s,</devices>,<devices>,g" > "$test_xml"
@@ -173,14 +171,28 @@ testme "1" "disk in /boot" "-r -u $valid
 cat "$template_xml" | sed "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" | sed "s,###DISK###,/boot/initrd,g" > "$test_xml"
 testme "1" "-r with invalid -f" "-r -u $valid_uuid -f $bad_disk" "$test_xml"
+cat "$template_xml" | sed "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" | sed "s,###DISK###,$disk1</disk>,g" > "$test_xml"
+testme "1" "-c with malformed xml" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml"
+cat "$template_xml" | sed "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" | sed "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" | sed "s,<type arch='x86_64' machine='pc'>hvm</type>,,g" > "$test_xml"
+testme "1" "-c with no os.type" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml"
+cat "$template_xml" | sed "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" | sed "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" | sed "s,<type arch='x86_64' machine='pc'>hvm</type>,<type>hvm</type>,g" > "$test_xml"
+testme "1" "-c with no architecture" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml"
+cat "$template_xml" | sed "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" | sed "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" | sed "s,hvm</type>,hvm_invalid</type>,g" > "$test_xml"
+testme "1" "-c with invalid hvm" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml"
 echo "Expected pass:" >$output
 cat "$template_xml" | sed "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" | sed "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" > "$test_xml"
-testme "0" "create" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml"
-testme "0" "create with bits (32)" "-c -b 32 -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml"
-testme "0" "create with bits (64)" "-c -b 64 -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml"
-testme "0" "create with hvm" "-c -H hvm -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml"
-testme "0" "create with hvm and bits" "-c -H hvm --bits 32 -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml"
+testme "0" "create (x86_64)" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml"
+cat "$template_xml" | sed "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" | sed "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" | sed "s,arch='x86_64',arch='i686',g" > "$test_xml"
+testme "0" "create (i686)" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml"
+cat "$template_xml" | sed "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" | sed "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" | sed "s,arch='x86_64',arch='ppc',g" > "$test_xml"
+testme "0" "create (ppc)" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml"
 cat "$template_xml" | sed "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" | sed "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" | sed "s,</disk>,</disk><disk type='file' device='disk'><source file='$disk2'/><target dev='hdb' bus='ide'/></disk>,g" > "$test_xml"
 testme "0" "create multiple disks" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml"

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