[PATCHv5 13/19] conf: Add resctrl monitor configuration

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Introducing <monitor> element under <cachetune> to represent
a cache monitor.

Supports two kind of monitors, which are, monitor under default
allocation or monitor under particular allocation.

Monitor supervises the cache or memory bandwidth usage for
interested vcpu thread set, if the vcpu thread set is belong to some
resctrl allocation, then the monitor will be created under this
allocation, that is, creating a resctrl monitoring group directory under
the directory of '@alloc->path/mon_group'. Otherwise, the monitor
will be created under default allocation.

For default allocation monitor, it will have such kind of XML layout:

    <cachetune vcpus='1'>
      <monitor level=3 vcpus='1'/>

For other type monitor, the XML layout will be something like:

    <cachetune vcpus='2-4'>
      <cache id='0' level='3' type='both' size='3' unit='MiB'/>
      <cache id='1' level='3' type='both' size='3' unit='MiB'/>
      <monitor level=3 vcpus='2'/>

Signed-off-by: Wang Huaqiang <huaqiang.wang@xxxxxxxxx>
 docs/formatdomain.html.in                          |  26 +++
 docs/schemas/domaincommon.rng                      |  10 +
 src/conf/domain_conf.c                             | 217 ++++++++++++++++++++-
 src/conf/domain_conf.h                             |  11 ++
 tests/genericxml2xmlindata/cachetune-cdp.xml       |   3 +
 .../cachetune-colliding-monitor.xml                |  30 +++
 tests/genericxml2xmlindata/cachetune-small.xml     |   7 +
 tests/genericxml2xmltest.c                         |   2 +
 8 files changed, 301 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/genericxml2xmlindata/cachetune-colliding-monitor.xml

diff --git a/docs/formatdomain.html.in b/docs/formatdomain.html.in
index b1651e3..2fd665c 100644
--- a/docs/formatdomain.html.in
+++ b/docs/formatdomain.html.in
@@ -759,6 +759,12 @@
     &lt;cachetune vcpus='0-3'&gt;
       &lt;cache id='0' level='3' type='both' size='3' unit='MiB'/&gt;
       &lt;cache id='1' level='3' type='both' size='3' unit='MiB'/&gt;
+      &lt;monitor level='3' vcpus='1'/&gt;
+      &lt;monitor level='3' vcpus='0-3'/&gt;
+    &lt;/cachetune&gt;
+    &lt;cachetune vcpus='4-5'&gt;
+      &lt;monitor level='3' vcpus='4'/&gt;
+      &lt;monitor level='3' vcpus='5'/&gt;
     &lt;memorytune vcpus='0-3'&gt;
       &lt;node id='0' bandwidth='60'/&gt;
@@ -978,6 +984,26 @@
+          <dt><code>monitor</code></dt>
+          <dd>
+            The optional element <code>monitor</code> creates the cache
+            monitor(s) for current cache allocation and has the following
+            required attributes:
+            <dl>
+              <dt><code>level</code></dt>
+              <dd>
+                Host cache level the monitor belongs to.
+              </dd>
+              <dt><code>vcpus</code></dt>
+              <dd>
+                vCPU list the monitor applies to. A monitor's vCPU list
+                can only be the member(s) of the vCPU list of associating
+                allocation. The default monitor has the same vCPU list as the
+                associating allocation. For non-default monitors, there
+                are no vCPU overlap permitted.
+              </dd>
+            </dl>
+          </dd>
diff --git a/docs/schemas/domaincommon.rng b/docs/schemas/domaincommon.rng
index 5c533d6..7ce49d3 100644
--- a/docs/schemas/domaincommon.rng
+++ b/docs/schemas/domaincommon.rng
@@ -981,6 +981,16 @@
+            <zeroOrMore>
+              <element name="monitor">
+                <attribute name="level">
+                  <ref name='unsignedInt'/>
+                </attribute>
+                <attribute name="vcpus">
+                  <ref name='cpuset'/>
+                </attribute>
+              </element>
+            </zeroOrMore>
diff --git a/src/conf/domain_conf.c b/src/conf/domain_conf.c
index 9a514a6..4f4604f 100644
--- a/src/conf/domain_conf.c
+++ b/src/conf/domain_conf.c
@@ -2955,13 +2955,30 @@ virDomainLoaderDefFree(virDomainLoaderDefPtr loader)
 static void
+virDomainResctrlMonDefFree(virDomainResctrlMonDefPtr domresmon)
+    if (!domresmon)
+        return;
+    virBitmapFree(domresmon->vcpus);
+    virObjectUnref(domresmon->instance);
+static void
 virDomainResctrlDefFree(virDomainResctrlDefPtr resctrl)
+    size_t i = 0;
     if (!resctrl)
+    for (i = 0; i < resctrl->nmonitors; i++)
+        virDomainResctrlMonDefFree(resctrl->monitors[i]);
+    VIR_FREE(resctrl->monitors);
@@ -18919,6 +18936,154 @@ virDomainCachetuneDefParseCache(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt,
     return ret;
+/* Checking if the monitor's vcpus is conflicted with existing allocation
+ * and monitors.
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if @vcpus equals to @resctrl->vcpus, means it is a default
+ * monitor. Returns - 1 if a conflict found. Returns 0 if no conflict and
+ * @vcpus is not equal to @resctrl->vcpus.
+ * */
+static int
+virDomainResctrlMonValidateVcpu(virDomainResctrlDefPtr resctrl,
+                                virBitmapPtr vcpus)
+    size_t i = 0;
+    int vcpu = -1;
+    if (virBitmapIsAllClear(vcpus)) {
+        virReportError(VIR_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "%s",
+                       _("vcpus is empty"));
+        return -1;
+    }
+    while ((vcpu = virBitmapNextSetBit(vcpus, vcpu)) >= 0) {
+        if (!virBitmapIsBitSet(resctrl->vcpus, vcpu)) {
+            virReportError(VIR_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "%s",
+                           _("Monitor vcpus conflicts with allocation"));
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }
+    if (resctrl->alloc && virBitmapEqual(vcpus, resctrl->vcpus))
+        return 1;
+    for (i = 0; i < resctrl->nmonitors; i++) {
+        if (virBitmapEqual(resctrl->vcpus, resctrl->monitors[i]->vcpus))
+            continue;
+        if (virBitmapOverlaps(vcpus, resctrl->monitors[i]->vcpus)) {
+            virReportError(VIR_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "%s",
+                           _("Monitor vcpus conflicts with monitors"));
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int
+virDomainResctrlMonDefParse(virDomainDefPtr def,
+                            xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt,
+                            xmlNodePtr node,
+                            virResctrlMonitorType tag,
+                            virDomainResctrlDefPtr resctrl)
+    virDomainResctrlMonDefPtr domresmon = NULL;
+    xmlNodePtr oldnode = ctxt->node;
+    xmlNodePtr *nodes = NULL;
+    unsigned int level = 0;
+    char * tmp = NULL;
+    char * id = NULL;
+    size_t i = 0;
+    int n = 0;
+    int rv = -1;
+    int ret = -1;
+    ctxt->node = node;
+    if ((n = virXPathNodeSet("./monitor", ctxt, &nodes)) < 0) {
+        virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s",
+                       _("Cannot extract monitor nodes"));
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+        if (VIR_ALLOC(domresmon) < 0)
+            goto cleanup;
+        domresmon->tag = tag;
+        domresmon->instance = virResctrlMonitorNew();
+        if (!domresmon->instance) {
+            virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s",
+                           _("Could not create monitor"));
+            goto cleanup;
+        }
+        if (tag == VIR_RESCTRL_MONITOR_TYPE_CACHE) {
+            tmp = virXMLPropString(nodes[i], "level");
+            if (!tmp) {
+                virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s",
+                               _("Missing monitor attribute 'level'"));
+                goto cleanup;
+            }
+            if (virStrToLong_uip(tmp, NULL, 10, &level) < 0) {
+                virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR,
+                               _("Invalid monitor attribute 'level' value '%s'"),
+                               tmp);
+                goto cleanup;
+            }
+            if (virResctrlMonitorSetCacheLevel(domresmon->instance, level) < 0)
+                goto cleanup;
+            VIR_FREE(tmp);
+        }
+        if (virDomainResctrlParseVcpus(def, nodes[i], &domresmon->vcpus) < 0)
+            goto cleanup;
+        rv = virDomainResctrlMonValidateVcpu(resctrl, domresmon->vcpus);
+        /* If monitor's vcpu list is identical to allocation's vcpu list,
+         * set as default monitor */
+        if (rv == 1 && resctrl->alloc)
+            virResctrlMonitorSetDefault(domresmon->instance);
+        else if (rv < 0)
+            goto cleanup;
+        if (!(tmp = virBitmapFormat(domresmon->vcpus)))
+            goto cleanup;
+        if (virAsprintf(&id, "vcpus_%s", tmp) < 0)
+            goto cleanup;
+        if (virResctrlMonitorSetID(domresmon->instance, id) < 0)
+            goto cleanup;
+        if (VIR_APPEND_ELEMENT(resctrl->monitors,
+                               resctrl->nmonitors,
+                               domresmon) < 0)
+            goto cleanup;
+        VIR_FREE(id);
+        VIR_FREE(tmp);
+        domresmon = NULL;
+    }
+    ret = 0;
+ cleanup:
+    ctxt->node = oldnode;
+    VIR_FREE(id);
+    VIR_FREE(tmp);
+    virDomainResctrlMonDefFree(domresmon);
+    return ret;
 static virDomainResctrlDefPtr
 virDomainResctrlNew(virResctrlAllocPtr alloc,
@@ -19041,15 +19206,20 @@ virDomainCachetuneDefParse(virDomainDefPtr def,
-    if (virResctrlAllocIsEmpty(alloc)) {
-        ret = 0;
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
     resctrl = virDomainResctrlNew(alloc, vcpus);
     if (!resctrl)
         goto cleanup;
+    if (virDomainResctrlMonDefParse(def, ctxt, node,
+                                    VIR_RESCTRL_MONITOR_TYPE_CACHE,
+                                    resctrl) < 0)
+        goto cleanup;
+    if (virResctrlAllocIsEmpty(alloc) && !resctrl->nmonitors) {
+        ret = 0;
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
     if (virDomainResctrlAppend(def, node, resctrl, flags) < 0)
         goto cleanup;
@@ -27085,12 +27255,42 @@ virDomainCachetuneDefFormatHelper(unsigned int level,
 static int
+virDomainResctrlMonDefFormatHelper(virDomainResctrlMonDefPtr domresmon,
+                                   virResctrlMonitorType tag,
+                                   virBufferPtr buf)
+    char *vcpus = NULL;
+    unsigned int level = 0;
+    if (domresmon->tag != tag)
+        return 0;
+    virBufferAddLit(buf, "<monitor ");
+        level = virResctrlMonitorGetCacheLevel(domresmon->instance);
+        virBufferAsprintf(buf, "level='%u' ", level);
+    }
+    vcpus = virBitmapFormat(domresmon->vcpus);
+    if (!vcpus)
+        return -1;
+    virBufferAsprintf(buf, "vcpus='%s'/>\n", vcpus);
+    VIR_FREE(vcpus);
+    return 0;
+static int
 virDomainCachetuneDefFormat(virBufferPtr buf,
                             virDomainResctrlDefPtr resctrl,
                             unsigned int flags)
     virBuffer childrenBuf = VIR_BUFFER_INITIALIZER;
     char *vcpus = NULL;
+    size_t i = 0;
     int ret = -1;
     virBufferSetChildIndent(&childrenBuf, buf);
@@ -27099,6 +27299,13 @@ virDomainCachetuneDefFormat(virBufferPtr buf,
                                     &childrenBuf) < 0)
         goto cleanup;
+    for (i = 0; i < resctrl->nmonitors; i ++) {
+        if (virDomainResctrlMonDefFormatHelper(resctrl->monitors[i],
+                                               VIR_RESCTRL_MONITOR_TYPE_CACHE,
+                                               &childrenBuf) < 0)
+            goto cleanup;
+    }
     if (virBufferCheckError(&childrenBuf) < 0)
         goto cleanup;
diff --git a/src/conf/domain_conf.h b/src/conf/domain_conf.h
index e30a4b2..60f6464 100644
--- a/src/conf/domain_conf.h
+++ b/src/conf/domain_conf.h
@@ -2236,12 +2236,23 @@ struct _virDomainCputune {
+typedef struct _virDomainResctrlMonDef virDomainResctrlMonDef;
+typedef virDomainResctrlMonDef *virDomainResctrlMonDefPtr;
+struct _virDomainResctrlMonDef {
+    virBitmapPtr vcpus;
+    virResctrlMonitorType tag;
+    virResctrlMonitorPtr instance;
 typedef struct _virDomainResctrlDef virDomainResctrlDef;
 typedef virDomainResctrlDef *virDomainResctrlDefPtr;
 struct _virDomainResctrlDef {
     virBitmapPtr vcpus;
     virResctrlAllocPtr alloc;
+    virDomainResctrlMonDefPtr *monitors;
+    size_t nmonitors;
diff --git a/tests/genericxml2xmlindata/cachetune-cdp.xml b/tests/genericxml2xmlindata/cachetune-cdp.xml
index 9718f06..9f4c139 100644
--- a/tests/genericxml2xmlindata/cachetune-cdp.xml
+++ b/tests/genericxml2xmlindata/cachetune-cdp.xml
@@ -8,9 +8,12 @@
     <cachetune vcpus='0-1'>
       <cache id='0' level='3' type='code' size='7680' unit='KiB'/>
       <cache id='1' level='3' type='data' size='3840' unit='KiB'/>
+      <monitor level='3' vcpus='0'/>
+      <monitor level='3' vcpus='1'/>
     <cachetune vcpus='2'>
       <cache id='1' level='3' type='code' size='6' unit='MiB'/>
+      <monitor level='3' vcpus='2'/>
     <cachetune vcpus='3'>
       <cache id='1' level='3' type='data' size='6912' unit='KiB'/>
diff --git a/tests/genericxml2xmlindata/cachetune-colliding-monitor.xml b/tests/genericxml2xmlindata/cachetune-colliding-monitor.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d481fb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/genericxml2xmlindata/cachetune-colliding-monitor.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<domain type='qemu'>
+  <name>QEMUGuest1</name>
+  <uuid>c7a5fdbd-edaf-9455-926a-d65c16db1809</uuid>
+  <memory unit='KiB'>219136</memory>
+  <currentMemory unit='KiB'>219136</currentMemory>
+  <vcpu placement='static'>4</vcpu>
+  <cputune>
+    <cachetune vcpus='0-1'>
+      <cache id='0' level='3' type='both' size='768' unit='KiB'/>
+      <monitor level='3' vcpus='2'/>
+    </cachetune>
+  </cputune>
+  <os>
+    <type arch='i686' machine='pc'>hvm</type>
+    <boot dev='hd'/>
+  </os>
+  <clock offset='utc'/>
+  <on_poweroff>destroy</on_poweroff>
+  <on_reboot>restart</on_reboot>
+  <on_crash>destroy</on_crash>
+  <devices>
+    <emulator>/usr/bin/qemu-system-i686</emulator>
+    <controller type='usb' index='0'/>
+    <controller type='ide' index='0'/>
+    <controller type='pci' index='0' model='pci-root'/>
+    <input type='mouse' bus='ps2'/>
+    <input type='keyboard' bus='ps2'/>
+    <memballoon model='virtio'/>
+  </devices>
diff --git a/tests/genericxml2xmlindata/cachetune-small.xml b/tests/genericxml2xmlindata/cachetune-small.xml
index ab2d9cf..748be08 100644
--- a/tests/genericxml2xmlindata/cachetune-small.xml
+++ b/tests/genericxml2xmlindata/cachetune-small.xml
@@ -7,6 +7,13 @@
     <cachetune vcpus='0-1'>
       <cache id='0' level='3' type='both' size='768' unit='KiB'/>
+      <monitor level='3' vcpus='0'/>
+      <monitor level='3' vcpus='1'/>
+      <monitor level='3' vcpus='0-1'/>
+    </cachetune>
+    <cachetune vcpus='2-3'>
+      <monitor level='3' vcpus='2'/>
+      <monitor level='3' vcpus='3'/>
diff --git a/tests/genericxml2xmltest.c b/tests/genericxml2xmltest.c
index fa941f0..4393d44 100644
--- a/tests/genericxml2xmltest.c
+++ b/tests/genericxml2xmltest.c
@@ -137,6 +137,8 @@ mymain(void)
     DO_TEST_FULL("cachetune-colliding-types", false, true,
+    DO_TEST_FULL("cachetune-colliding-monitor", false, true,
     DO_TEST_FULL("memorytune-colliding-allocs", false, true,

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