[libvirt-php PATCH 04/13] Split up the bindings for libvirt connection API

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* add libvirt-connection.h and libvirt-connection.c
* move all libvirt_connect_* function declarations and definitions to
  above files
* other minor adjusments to libvirt-php.h and util.h to keep the code
  compilable while the code is being moved around.
 src/Makefile.am          |   3 +-
 src/libvirt-connection.c | 885 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/libvirt-connection.h |  83 +++++
 src/libvirt-php.c        | 919 +----------------------------------------------
 src/libvirt-php.h        | 104 +++---
 src/util.h               |   7 -
 6 files changed, 1024 insertions(+), 977 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/libvirt-connection.c
 create mode 100644 src/libvirt-connection.h

diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
index bbee667..0819dc6 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ libvirt_php_la_SOURCES = \
 	util.c util.h	\
 	vncfunc.c vncfunc.h	\
 	sockets.c sockets.h \
-	libvirt-php.c libvirt-php.h
+	libvirt-php.c libvirt-php.h \
+	libvirt-connection.c libvirt-connection.h
 libvirt_php_la_CFLAGS = \
 	$(AM_CFLAGS) \
diff --git a/src/libvirt-connection.c b/src/libvirt-connection.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcebd44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libvirt-connection.c
@@ -0,0 +1,885 @@
+ * libvirt-connection.c: The PHP bindings to libvirt connection API
+ *
+ * See COPYING for the license of this software
+ */
+#include <libvirt/libvirt.h>
+#include "libvirt-connection.h"
+ * Private function name:   free_resources_on_connection
+ * Since version:           0.4.2
+ * Description:             Function is used to free all the resources assigned to the connection identified by conn
+ * Arguments:               @conn [virConnectPtr]: libvirt connection pointer
+ * Returns:                 None
+ */
+static void
+free_resources_on_connection(virConnectPtr conn TSRMLS_DC)
+    int binding_resources_count = 0;
+    resource_info *binding_resources;
+    int i;
+    binding_resources_count = LIBVIRT_G(binding_resources_count);
+    binding_resources = LIBVIRT_G(binding_resources);
+    for (i = 0; i < binding_resources_count; i++) {
+        if ((binding_resources[i].overwrite == 0) && (binding_resources[i].conn == conn))
+            free_resource(binding_resources[i].type, binding_resources[i].mem TSRMLS_CC);
+    }
+/* Destructor for connection resource */
+php_libvirt_connection_dtor(virt_resource *rsrc TSRMLS_DC)
+    php_libvirt_connection *conn = (php_libvirt_connection *) rsrc->ptr;
+    int rv = 0;
+    if (conn != NULL) {
+        if (conn->conn != NULL) {
+            free_resources_on_connection(conn->conn TSRMLS_CC);
+            rv = virConnectClose(conn->conn);
+            if (rv == -1) {
+                DPRINTF("%s: virConnectClose(%p) returned %d (%s)\n", __FUNCTION__, conn->conn, rv, LIBVIRT_G(last_error));
+                php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "virConnectClose failed with %i on destructor: %s", rv, LIBVIRT_G(last_error));
+            } else {
+                DPRINTF("%s: virConnectClose(%p) completed successfully\n", __FUNCTION__, conn->conn);
+                resource_change_counter(INT_RESOURCE_CONNECTION, NULL, conn->conn, 0 TSRMLS_CC);
+            }
+            conn->conn = NULL;
+        }
+        efree(conn);
+    }
+/* Authentication callback function.
+ *
+ * Should receive list of credentials via cbdata and pass the requested one to
+ * libvirt
+ */
+static int libvirt_virConnectAuthCallback(virConnectCredentialPtr cred,
+                                          unsigned int ncred, void *cbdata)
+    unsigned int i, j;
+    php_libvirt_cred_value *creds = (php_libvirt_cred_value *) cbdata;
+    for (i = 0; i < (unsigned int)ncred; i++) {
+        DPRINTF("%s: cred %d, type %d, prompt %s challenge %s\n ", __FUNCTION__, i, cred[i].type, cred[i].prompt, cred[i].challenge);
+        if (creds != NULL)
+            for (j = 0; j < (unsigned int)creds[0].count; j++) {
+                if (creds[j].type == cred[i].type) {
+                    cred[i].resultlen = creds[j].resultlen;
+                    cred[i].result = (char *)malloc(creds[j].resultlen + 1);
+                    memset(cred[i].result, 0, creds[j].resultlen + 1);
+                    strncpy(cred[i].result, creds[j].result, creds[j].resultlen);
+                }
+            }
+        DPRINTF("%s: result %s (%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, cred[i].result, cred[i].resultlen);
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int libvirt_virConnectCredType[] = {
+ * Function name:   libvirt_connect
+ * Since version:   0.4.1(-1)
+ * Description:     libvirt_connect() is used to connect to the specified libvirt daemon using the specified URL, user can also set the readonly flag and/or set credentials for connection
+ * Arguments:       @url [string]: URI for connection
+ *                  @readonly [bool]: flag whether to use read-only connection or not
+ *                  @credentials [array]: array of connection credentials
+ * Returns:         libvirt connection resource
+ */
+    php_libvirt_connection *conn;
+    php_libvirt_cred_value *creds = NULL;
+    zval *zcreds = NULL;
+    zval *data;
+    int i;
+    int j;
+    int credscount = 0;
+    virConnectAuth libvirt_virConnectAuth = {
+        libvirt_virConnectCredType,
+        sizeof(libvirt_virConnectCredType) / sizeof(int),
+        libvirt_virConnectAuthCallback,
+        NULL
+    };
+    char *url = NULL;
+    strsize_t url_len = 0;
+    zend_bool readonly = 1;
+    HashTable *arr_hash;
+    HashPosition pointer;
+    int array_count;
+    zend_ulong index;
+    unsigned long libVer;
+    if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "|sba", &url, &url_len, &readonly, &zcreds) == FAILURE) {
+        RETURN_FALSE;
+    }
+    if (virGetVersion(&libVer, NULL, NULL)!= 0)
+        RETURN_FALSE;
+    if (libVer < 6002) {
+        set_error("Only libvirt 0.6.2 and higher supported. Please upgrade your libvirt" TSRMLS_CC);
+        RETURN_FALSE;
+    }
+    if ((count_resources(INT_RESOURCE_CONNECTION TSRMLS_CC) + 1) > LIBVIRT_G(max_connections_ini)) {
+        DPRINTF("%s: maximum number of connections allowed exceeded (max %lu)\n", PHPFUNC, (unsigned long)LIBVIRT_G(max_connections_ini));
+        set_error("Maximum number of connections allowed exceeded" TSRMLS_CC);
+        RETURN_FALSE;
+    }
+    /* If 'null' value has been passed as URL override url to NULL value to autodetect the hypervisor */
+    if ((url == NULL) || (strcasecmp(url, "NULL") == 0))
+        url = NULL;
+    conn = (php_libvirt_connection *)emalloc(sizeof(php_libvirt_connection));
+    if (zcreds == NULL) {
+        /* connecting without providing authentication */
+        if (readonly)
+            conn->conn = virConnectOpenReadOnly(url);
+        else
+            conn->conn = virConnectOpen(url);
+    } else {
+        /* connecting with authentication (using callback) */
+        arr_hash = Z_ARRVAL_P(zcreds);
+        array_count = zend_hash_num_elements(arr_hash);
+        credscount = array_count;
+        creds = (php_libvirt_cred_value *)emalloc(credscount * sizeof(php_libvirt_cred_value));
+        j = 0;
+        /* parse the input Array and create list of credentials. The list (array) is passed to callback function. */
+        VIRT_FOREACH(arr_hash, pointer, data) {
+            if (Z_TYPE_P(data) == IS_STRING) {
+                php_libvirt_hash_key_info info;
+                VIRT_HASH_CURRENT_KEY_INFO(arr_hash, pointer, index, info);
+                if (info.type == HASH_KEY_IS_STRING) {
+                    PHPWRITE(info.name, info.length);
+                } else {
+                    DPRINTF("%s: credentials index %d\n", PHPFUNC, (int)index);
+                    creds[j].type = index;
+                    creds[j].result = (char *)emalloc(Z_STRLEN_P(data) + 1);
+                    memset(creds[j].result, 0, Z_STRLEN_P(data) + 1);
+                    creds[j].resultlen = Z_STRLEN_P(data);
+                    strncpy(creds[j].result, Z_STRVAL_P(data), Z_STRLEN_P(data));
+                    j++;
+                }
+            }
+        } VIRT_FOREACH_END();
+        DPRINTF("%s: Found %d elements for credentials\n", PHPFUNC, j);
+        creds[0].count = j;
+        libvirt_virConnectAuth.cbdata = (void *)creds;
+        conn->conn = virConnectOpenAuth(url, &libvirt_virConnectAuth, readonly ? VIR_CONNECT_RO : 0);
+        for (i = 0; i < creds[0].count; i++)
+            efree(creds[i].result);
+        efree(creds);
+    }
+    if (conn->conn == NULL) {
+        DPRINTF("%s: Cannot establish connection to %s\n", PHPFUNC, url);
+        efree(conn);
+        RETURN_FALSE;
+    }
+    resource_change_counter(INT_RESOURCE_CONNECTION, NULL, conn->conn, 1 TSRMLS_CC);
+    DPRINTF("%s: Connection to %s established, returning %p\n", PHPFUNC, url, conn->conn);
+    VIRT_REGISTER_RESOURCE(conn, le_libvirt_connection);
+    conn->resource = VIRT_RESOURCE_HANDLE(return_value);
+ * Function name:   libvirt_connect_get_uri
+ * Since version:   0.4.1(-1)
+ * Description:     Function is used to get the connection URI. This is useful to check the hypervisor type of host machine when using "null" uri to libvirt_connect()
+ * Arguments:       @conn [resource]: resource for connection
+ * Returns:         connection URI string or FALSE for error
+ */
+    zval *zconn;
+    char *uri;
+    php_libvirt_connection *conn = NULL;
+    GET_CONNECTION_FROM_ARGS("r", &zconn);
+    uri = virConnectGetURI(conn->conn);
+    DPRINTF("%s: virConnectGetURI returned %s\n", PHPFUNC, uri);
+    if (uri == NULL)
+        RETURN_FALSE;
+    free(uri);
+ * Function name:   libvirt_connect_get_hostname
+ * Since version:   0.4.1(-1)
+ * Description:     Function is used to get the hostname of the guest associated with the connection
+ * Arguments:       @conn [resource]: resource for connection
+ * Returns:         hostname of the host node or FALSE for error
+ */
+    php_libvirt_connection *conn = NULL;
+    zval *zconn;
+    char *hostname;
+    GET_CONNECTION_FROM_ARGS("r", &zconn);
+    hostname = virConnectGetHostname(conn->conn);
+    DPRINTF("%s: virConnectGetHostname returned %s\n", PHPFUNC, hostname);
+    if (hostname == NULL)
+        RETURN_FALSE;
+    VIRT_RETVAL_STRING(hostname);
+    free(hostname);
+ * Function name:   libvirt_connect_get_hypervisor
+ * Since version:   0.4.1(-2)
+ * Description:     Function is used to get the information about the hypervisor on the connection identified by the connection pointer
+ * Arguments:       @conn [resource]: resource for connection
+ * Returns:         array of hypervisor information if available
+ */
+    php_libvirt_connection *conn = NULL;
+    zval *zconn;
+    unsigned long hvVer = 0;
+    const char *type = NULL;
+    char hvStr[64] = { 0 };
+    GET_CONNECTION_FROM_ARGS("r", &zconn);
+    if (virConnectGetVersion(conn->conn, &hvVer) != 0)
+        RETURN_FALSE;
+    type = virConnectGetType(conn->conn);
+    if (type == NULL)
+        RETURN_FALSE;
+    DPRINTF("%s: virConnectGetType returned %s\n", PHPFUNC, type);
+    array_init(return_value);
+    VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(return_value, "hypervisor", (char *)type);
+    add_assoc_long(return_value, "major", (long)((hvVer/1000000) % 1000));
+    add_assoc_long(return_value, "minor", (long)((hvVer/1000) % 1000));
+    add_assoc_long(return_value, "release", (long)(hvVer % 1000));
+    snprintf(hvStr, sizeof(hvStr), "%s %d.%d.%d", type,
+             (long)((hvVer/1000000) % 1000), (long)((hvVer/1000) % 1000), (long)(hvVer % 1000));
+    VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(return_value, "hypervisor_string", hvStr);
+ * Function name:   libvirt_connect_get_capabilities
+ * Since version:   0.4.1(-2)
+ * Description:     Function is used to get the capabilities information from the connection
+ * Arguments:       @conn [resource]: resource for connection
+ *                  @xpath [string]: optional xPath query to be applied on the result
+ * Returns:         capabilities XML from the connection or FALSE for error
+ */
+    php_libvirt_connection *conn = NULL;
+    zval *zconn;
+    char *caps;
+    char *xpath = NULL;
+    strsize_t xpath_len;
+    char *tmp = NULL;
+    int retval = -1;
+    GET_CONNECTION_FROM_ARGS("r|s", &zconn, &xpath, &xpath_len);
+    caps = virConnectGetCapabilities(conn->conn);
+    if (caps == NULL)
+        RETURN_FALSE;
+    tmp = get_string_from_xpath(caps, xpath, NULL, &retval);
+    if ((tmp == NULL) || (retval < 0)) {
+        VIRT_RETVAL_STRING(caps);
+    } else {
+        VIRT_RETVAL_STRING(tmp);
+    }
+    free(caps);
+    free(tmp);
+ * Function name:   libvirt_connect_get_emulator
+ * Since version:   0.4.5
+ * Description:     Function is used to get the emulator for requested connection/architecture
+ * Arguments:       @conn [resource]: libvirt connection resource
+ *                  @arch [string]: optional architecture string, can be NULL to get default
+ * Returns:         path to the emulator
+ */
+    php_libvirt_connection *conn = NULL;
+    zval *zconn;
+    char *arch = NULL;
+    strsize_t arch_len;
+    char *tmp;
+    GET_CONNECTION_FROM_ARGS("r|s", &zconn, &arch, &arch_len);
+    if ((arch == NULL) || (arch_len == 0))
+        arch = NULL;
+    tmp = connection_get_emulator(conn->conn, arch TSRMLS_CC);
+    if (tmp == NULL) {
+        set_error("Cannot get emulator" TSRMLS_CC);
+        RETURN_FALSE;
+    }
+    free(tmp);
+ * Function name:   libvirt_connect_get_nic_models
+ * Since version:   0.4.9
+ * Description:     Function is used to get NIC models for requested connection/architecture
+ * Arguments:       @conn [resource]: libvirt connection resource
+ *                  @arch [string]: optional architecture string, can be NULL to get default
+ * Returns:         array of models
+ */
+    php_libvirt_connection *conn = NULL;
+    zval *zconn;
+    char *arch = NULL;
+    strsize_t arch_len;
+    char *tmp;
+    GET_CONNECTION_FROM_ARGS("r|s", &zconn, &arch, &arch_len);
+    /* Disable getting it on remote connections */
+    if (!is_local_connection(conn->conn)) {
+        set_error("This function works only on local connections" TSRMLS_CC);
+        RETURN_FALSE;
+    }
+    /* This approach is working only for QEMU driver so bails if not currently using it */
+    if (strcmp(virConnectGetType(conn->conn), "QEMU") != 0) {
+        set_error("This function can be used only for QEMU driver" TSRMLS_CC);
+        RETURN_FALSE;
+    }
+#ifndef EXTWIN
+    if ((arch == NULL) || (arch_len == 0))
+        arch = NULL;
+    tmp = connection_get_emulator(conn->conn, arch TSRMLS_CC);
+    if (tmp == NULL) {
+        set_error("Cannot get emulator" TSRMLS_CC);
+        RETURN_FALSE;
+    }
+    char cmd[4096] = { 0 };
+    char tmp2[16]  = { 0 };
+    snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s -net nic,model=? 2>&1", tmp);
+    FILE *fp = popen(cmd, "r");
+    if (fp == NULL)
+        RETURN_FALSE;
+    array_init(return_value);
+    while (!feof(fp)) {
+        memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
+        if (!fgets(cmd, sizeof(cmd), fp))
+            break;
+        if ((tmp = strstr(cmd, "Supported NIC models:")) != NULL) {
+            tmp = strstr(tmp, ":") + 2;
+            int i;
+            tTokenizer t = tokenize(tmp, ",");
+            for (i = 0; i < t.numTokens; i++) {
+                snprintf(tmp2, sizeof(tmp2), "%d", i);
+                VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(return_value, tmp2, t.tokens[i]);
+            }
+            free_tokens(t);
+        }
+    }
+    fclose(fp);
+ * Function name:   libvirt_connect_get_soundhw_models
+ * Since version:   0.4.9
+ * Description:     Function is used to get sound hardware models for requested connection/architecture
+ * Arguments:       @conn [resource]: libvirt connection resource
+ *                  @arch [string]: optional architecture string, can be NULL to get default
+ *                  @flags [int]: flags for getting sound hardware. Can be either 0 or VIR_CONNECT_SOUNDHW_GET_NAMES
+ * Returns:         array of models
+ */
+    php_libvirt_connection *conn = NULL;
+    zval *zconn;
+    char *arch = NULL;
+    strsize_t arch_len;
+    char *tmp;
+    zend_long flags = 0;
+    GET_CONNECTION_FROM_ARGS("r|sl", &zconn, &arch, &arch_len, &flags);
+    if ((arch == NULL) || (arch_len == 0))
+        arch = NULL;
+    /* Disable getting it on remote connections */
+    if (!is_local_connection(conn->conn)) {
+        set_error("This function works only on local connections" TSRMLS_CC);
+        RETURN_FALSE;
+    }
+#ifndef EXTWIN
+    /* This approach is working only for QEMU driver so bails if not currently using it */
+    if (strcmp(virConnectGetType(conn->conn), "QEMU") != 0) {
+        set_error("This function can be used only for QEMU driver" TSRMLS_CC);
+        RETURN_FALSE;
+    }
+    tmp = connection_get_emulator(conn->conn, arch TSRMLS_CC);
+    if (tmp == NULL) {
+        set_error("Cannot get emulator" TSRMLS_CC);
+        RETURN_FALSE;
+    }
+    char cmd[4096] = { 0 };
+    snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s -soundhw help 2>&1", tmp);
+    FILE *fp = popen(cmd, "r");
+    if (fp == NULL)
+        RETURN_FALSE;
+    short inFunc = 0;
+    int n = 0;
+    array_init(return_value);
+    while (!feof(fp)) {
+        memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
+        if (!fgets(cmd, sizeof(cmd), fp))
+            break;
+        if (strncmp(cmd, "Valid ", 6) == 0) {
+            inFunc = 1;
+            continue;
+        } else
+            if (strlen(cmd) < 2)
+                inFunc = 0;
+        if (inFunc) {
+            int i = 0;
+            char desc[1024] = { 0 };
+            tTokenizer t = tokenize(cmd, " ");
+            if (t.numTokens == 0)
+                continue;
+            if ((i > 0) && (flags & CONNECT_FLAG_SOUNDHW_GET_NAMES)) {
+                zval *arr;
+                memset(desc, 0, sizeof(desc));
+                for (i = 1; i < t.numTokens; i++) {
+                    strcat(desc, t.tokens[i]);
+                    if (i < t.numTokens - 1)
+                        strcat(desc, " ");
+                }
+                VIRT_ARRAY_INIT(arr);
+                VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(arr, "name", t.tokens[0]);
+                VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(arr, "description", desc);
+                add_next_index_zval(return_value, arr);
+            } else {
+                char tmp2[16] = { 0 };
+                snprintf(tmp2, sizeof(tmp2), "%d", n++);
+                VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(return_value, tmp2, t.tokens[0]);
+            }
+            free_tokens(t);
+        }
+    }
+    fclose(fp);
+ * Function name:   libvirt_connect_get_maxvcpus
+ * Since version:   0.4.1(-2)
+ * Description:     Function is used to get maximum number of VCPUs per VM on the hypervisor connection
+ * Arguments:       @conn [resource]: resource for connection
+ * Returns:         number of VCPUs available per VM on the connection or FALSE for error
+ */
+    php_libvirt_connection *conn = NULL;
+    zval *zconn;
+    const char *type = NULL;
+    GET_CONNECTION_FROM_ARGS("r", &zconn);
+    type = virConnectGetType(conn->conn);
+    if (type == NULL)
+        RETURN_FALSE;
+    RETURN_LONG(virConnectGetMaxVcpus(conn->conn, type));
+ * Function name:   libvirt_connect_get_sysinfo
+ * Since version:   0.4.1(-2)
+ * Description:     Function is used to get the system information from connection if available
+ * Arguments:       @conn [resource]: resource for connection
+ * Returns:         XML description of system information from the connection or FALSE for error
+ */
+    php_libvirt_connection *conn = NULL;
+    zval *zconn;
+    char *sysinfo;
+    GET_CONNECTION_FROM_ARGS("r", &zconn);
+    sysinfo = virConnectGetSysinfo(conn->conn, 0);
+    if (sysinfo == NULL)
+        RETURN_FALSE;
+    VIRT_RETVAL_STRING(sysinfo);
+    free(sysinfo);
+ * Function name:   libvirt_connect_is_encrypted
+ * Since version:   0.4.1(-2)
+ * Description:     Function is used to get the information whether the connection is encrypted or not
+ * Arguments:       @conn [resource]: resource for connection
+ * Returns:         1 if encrypted, 0 if not encrypted, -1 on error
+ */
+    php_libvirt_connection *conn = NULL;
+    zval *zconn;
+    GET_CONNECTION_FROM_ARGS("r", &zconn);
+    RETURN_LONG(virConnectIsEncrypted(conn->conn));
+ * Function name:   libvirt_connect_is_secure
+ * Since version:   0.4.1(-2)
+ * Description:     Function is used to get the information whether the connection is secure or not
+ * Arguments:       @conn [resource]: resource for connection
+ * Returns:         1 if secure, 0 if not secure, -1 on error
+ */
+    php_libvirt_connection *conn = NULL;
+    zval *zconn;
+    GET_CONNECTION_FROM_ARGS("r", &zconn);
+    RETURN_LONG(virConnectIsSecure(conn->conn));
+ * Function name:   libvirt_connect_get_information
+ * Since version:   0.4.1(-2)
+ * Description:     Function is used to get the information about the connection
+ * Arguments:       @conn [resource]: resource for connection
+ * Returns:         array of information about the connection
+ */
+    zval *zconn;
+    char *tmp;
+    unsigned long hvVer = 0;
+    const char *type = NULL;
+    char hvStr[64] = { 0 };
+    int iTmp = -1, maxvcpus = -1;
+    php_libvirt_connection *conn = NULL;
+    GET_CONNECTION_FROM_ARGS("r", &zconn);
+    tmp = virConnectGetURI(conn->conn);
+    DPRINTF("%s: Got connection URI of %s...\n", PHPFUNC, tmp);
+    array_init(return_value);
+    VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(return_value, "uri", tmp ? tmp : "unknown");
+    free(tmp);
+    tmp = virConnectGetHostname(conn->conn);
+    VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(return_value, "hostname", tmp ? tmp : "unknown");
+    free(tmp);
+    if ((virConnectGetVersion(conn->conn, &hvVer) == 0) && (type = virConnectGetType(conn->conn))) {
+        VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(return_value, "hypervisor", (char *)type);
+        add_assoc_long(return_value, "hypervisor_major", (long)((hvVer/1000000) % 1000));
+        add_assoc_long(return_value, "hypervisor_minor", (long)((hvVer/1000) % 1000));
+        add_assoc_long(return_value, "hypervisor_release", (long)(hvVer % 1000));
+        snprintf(hvStr, sizeof(hvStr), "%s %d.%d.%d", type,
+                 (long)((hvVer/1000000) % 1000), (long)((hvVer/1000) % 1000), (long)(hvVer % 1000));
+        VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(return_value, "hypervisor_string", hvStr);
+    }
+    if (strcmp(type, "QEMU") == 0) {
+        /* For QEMU the value is not reliable so we return -1 instead */
+        maxvcpus = -1;
+    } else {
+        maxvcpus = virConnectGetMaxVcpus(conn->conn, type);
+    }
+    add_assoc_long(return_value, "hypervisor_maxvcpus", maxvcpus);
+    iTmp = virConnectIsEncrypted(conn->conn);
+    if (iTmp == 1)
+        VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(return_value, "encrypted", "Yes");
+    else
+        if (iTmp == 0)
+            VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(return_value, "encrypted", "No");
+        else
+            VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(return_value, "encrypted", "unknown");
+    iTmp = virConnectIsSecure(conn->conn);
+    if (iTmp == 1)
+        VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(return_value, "secure", "Yes");
+    else
+        if (iTmp == 0)
+            VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(return_value, "secure", "No");
+        else
+            VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(return_value, "secure", "unknown");
+    add_assoc_long(return_value, "num_inactive_domains", virConnectNumOfDefinedDomains(conn->conn));
+    add_assoc_long(return_value, "num_inactive_interfaces", virConnectNumOfDefinedInterfaces(conn->conn));
+    add_assoc_long(return_value, "num_inactive_networks", virConnectNumOfDefinedNetworks(conn->conn));
+    add_assoc_long(return_value, "num_inactive_storagepools", virConnectNumOfDefinedStoragePools(conn->conn));
+    add_assoc_long(return_value, "num_active_domains", virConnectNumOfDomains(conn->conn));
+    add_assoc_long(return_value, "num_active_interfaces", virConnectNumOfInterfaces(conn->conn));
+    add_assoc_long(return_value, "num_active_networks", virConnectNumOfNetworks(conn->conn));
+    add_assoc_long(return_value, "num_active_storagepools", virConnectNumOfStoragePools(conn->conn));
+    add_assoc_long(return_value, "num_total_domains", virConnectNumOfDomains(conn->conn) + virConnectNumOfDefinedDomains(conn->conn));
+    add_assoc_long(return_value, "num_total_interfaces", virConnectNumOfInterfaces(conn->conn) + virConnectNumOfDefinedInterfaces(conn->conn));
+    add_assoc_long(return_value, "num_total_networks", virConnectNumOfNetworks(conn->conn) + virConnectNumOfDefinedNetworks(conn->conn));
+    add_assoc_long(return_value, "num_total_storagepools", virConnectNumOfStoragePools(conn->conn) +  virConnectNumOfDefinedStoragePools(conn->conn));
+    add_assoc_long(return_value, "num_secrets", virConnectNumOfSecrets(conn->conn));
+    add_assoc_long(return_value, "num_nwfilters", virConnectNumOfNWFilters(conn->conn));
+ * Function name:   libvirt_connect_get_machine_types
+ * Since version:   0.4.9
+ * Description:     Function is used to get machine types supported by hypervisor on the conneciton
+ * Arguments:       @conn [resource]: resource for connection
+ * Returns:         array of machine types for the connection incl. maxCpus if appropriate
+ */
+    zval *zconn;
+    php_libvirt_connection *conn = NULL;
+    char *caps = NULL;
+    char **ret = NULL;
+    int i, num = -1;
+    GET_CONNECTION_FROM_ARGS("r", &zconn);
+    caps = virConnectGetCapabilities(conn->conn);
+    if (caps == NULL)
+        RETURN_FALSE;
+    array_init(return_value);
+    ret = get_array_from_xpath(caps, "//capabilities/guest/arch/@name", &num);
+    if (ret != NULL) {
+        for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+            int num2, j;
+            char tmp[1024] = { 0 };
+            snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "//capabilities/guest/arch[@name=\"%s\"]/domain/@type", ret[i]);
+            char **ret2 = get_array_from_xpath(caps, tmp, &num2);
+            if (ret2 != NULL) {
+                zval *arr2;
+                VIRT_ARRAY_INIT(arr2);
+                for (j = 0; j < num2; j++) {
+                    int num3, k;
+                    char tmp2[1024] = { 0 };
+                    zval *arr3;
+                    VIRT_ARRAY_INIT(arr3);
+                    snprintf(tmp2, sizeof(tmp2), "//capabilities/guest/arch[@name=\"%s\"]/machine",
+                             ret[i]);
+                    char **ret3 = get_array_from_xpath(caps, tmp2, &num3);
+                    if (ret3 != NULL) {
+                        for (k = 0; k < num3; k++) {
+                            char *numTmp = NULL;
+                            char key[8] = { 0 };
+                            char tmp3[2048] = { 0 };
+                            snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%d", k);
+                            //VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(arr2, key, ret3[k]);
+                            snprintf(tmp3, sizeof(tmp3), "//capabilities/guest/arch[@name=\"%s\"]/machine[text()=\"%s\"]/@maxCpus",
+                                     ret[i], ret3[k]);
+                            numTmp = get_string_from_xpath(caps, tmp3, NULL, NULL);
+                            if (numTmp == NULL) {
+                                VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(arr2, key, ret3[k]);
+                            } else {
+                                zval *arr4;
+                                VIRT_ARRAY_INIT(arr4);
+                                VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(arr4, "name", ret3[k]);
+                                VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(arr4, "maxCpus", numTmp);
+                                add_assoc_zval_ex(arr2, key, strlen(key) + 1, arr4);
+                                free(numTmp);
+                            }
+                            free(ret3[k]);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    /* Domain type specific */
+                    snprintf(tmp2, sizeof(tmp2), "//capabilities/guest/arch[@name=\"%s\"]/domain[@type=\"%s\"]/machine",
+                             ret[i], ret2[j]);
+                    ret3 = get_array_from_xpath(caps, tmp2, &num3);
+                    if (ret3 != NULL) {
+                        for (k = 0; k < num3; k++) {
+                            char key[8] = { 0 };
+                            char tmp3[2048] = { 0 };
+                            char *numTmp = NULL;
+                            snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%d", k);
+                            snprintf(tmp3, sizeof(tmp3),
+                                     "//capabilities/guest/arch[@name=\"%s\"]/domain[@type=\"%s\"]/machine[text()=\"%s\"]/@maxCpus",
+                                     ret[i], ret2[j], ret3[k]);
+                            numTmp = get_string_from_xpath(caps, tmp3, NULL, NULL);
+                            if (numTmp == NULL) {
+                                VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(arr3, key, ret3[k]);
+                            } else {
+                                zval *arr4;
+                                VIRT_ARRAY_INIT(arr4);
+                                VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(arr4, "name", ret3[k]);
+                                VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(arr4, "maxCpus", numTmp);
+                                add_assoc_zval_ex(arr3, key, strlen(key) + 1, arr4);
+                                free(numTmp);
+                            }
+                            free(ret3[k]);
+                        }
+                        add_assoc_zval_ex(arr2, ret2[j], strlen(ret2[j]) + 1, arr3);
+                    }
+                }
+                //free(ret2[j]);
+                add_assoc_zval_ex(return_value, ret[i], strlen(ret[i]) + 1, arr2);
+            }
+            free(ret[i]);
+        }
+    }
+ * Function name:   libvirt_connect_get_all_domain_stats
+ * Since version:   0.5.1(-1)
+ * Description:     Query statistics for all domains on a given connection
+ * Arguments:       @conn [resource]: resource for connection
+ *                  @stats [int]: the statistic groups from VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_*
+ *                  @flags [int]: the filter flags from VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_*
+ * Returns:         assoc array with statistics or false on error
+ */
+    php_libvirt_connection *conn = NULL;
+    zval *zconn;
+    int retval = -1;
+    zend_long flags = 0;
+    zend_long stats = 0;
+    const char *name = NULL;
+    int i;
+    int j;
+    virTypedParameter params;
+    virDomainStatsRecordPtr *retstats = NULL;
+    GET_CONNECTION_FROM_ARGS("r|l|l", &zconn, &stats, &flags);
+    retval = virConnectGetAllDomainStats(conn->conn, stats, &retstats, flags);
+    array_init(return_value);
+    if (retval < 0)
+        RETURN_FALSE;
+    for (i = 0; i < retval; i++) {
+        zval *arr2;
+        VIRT_ARRAY_INIT(arr2);
+        for (j = 0; j < retstats[i]->nparams; j++) {
+            params = retstats[i]->params[j];
+            switch (params.type) {
+            case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_INT:
+                add_assoc_long(arr2, params.field, params.value.i);
+                break;
+            case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_UINT:
+                add_assoc_long(arr2, params.field, params.value.ui);
+                break;
+            case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_LLONG:
+                add_assoc_long(arr2, params.field, params.value.l);
+                break;
+            case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG:
+                add_assoc_long(arr2, params.field, params.value.ul);
+                break;
+            case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_DOUBLE:
+                add_assoc_double(arr2, params.field, params.value.d);
+                break;
+            case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_BOOLEAN:
+                add_assoc_bool(arr2, params.field, params.value.b);
+                break;
+            case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_STRING:
+                VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(arr2, params.field, params.value.s);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        name = virDomainGetName(retstats[i]->dom);
+        zend_hash_update(Z_ARRVAL_P(return_value), zend_string_init(name, strlen(name), 0), arr2);
+        zend_hash_update(Z_ARRVAL_P(return_value), name, strlen(name)+1, &arr2, sizeof(arr2), NULL);
+    }
+    virDomainStatsRecordListFree(retstats);
diff --git a/src/libvirt-connection.h b/src/libvirt-connection.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c50ec9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libvirt-connection.h
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ * libvirt-connection.h: The PHP bindings to libvirt connection API
+ *
+ * See COPYING for the license of this software
+ */
+# include "util.h"
+# define PHP_LIBVIRT_CONNECTION_RES_NAME "Libvirt connection"
+# define PHP_FE_LIBVIRT_CONNECTION                                                             \
+    PHP_FE(libvirt_connect,                      arginfo_libvirt_connect)                      \
+    PHP_FE(libvirt_connect_get_uri,              arginfo_libvirt_conn)                         \
+    PHP_FE(libvirt_connect_get_hostname,         arginfo_libvirt_conn)                         \
+    PHP_FE(libvirt_connect_get_hypervisor,       arginfo_libvirt_conn)                         \
+    PHP_FE(libvirt_connect_get_capabilities,     arginfo_libvirt_conn_xpath)                   \
+    PHP_FE(libvirt_connect_get_emulator,         arginfo_libvirt_connect_get_emulator)         \
+    PHP_FE(libvirt_connect_get_nic_models,       arginfo_libvirt_connect_get_emulator)         \
+    PHP_FE(libvirt_connect_get_soundhw_models,   arginfo_libvirt_connect_get_soundhw_models)   \
+    PHP_FE(libvirt_connect_get_maxvcpus,         arginfo_libvirt_conn)                         \
+    PHP_FE(libvirt_connect_get_sysinfo,          arginfo_libvirt_conn)                         \
+    PHP_FE(libvirt_connect_get_encrypted,        arginfo_libvirt_conn)                         \
+    PHP_FE(libvirt_connect_get_secure,           arginfo_libvirt_conn)                         \
+    PHP_FE(libvirt_connect_get_information,      arginfo_libvirt_conn)                         \
+    PHP_FE(libvirt_connect_get_machine_types,    arginfo_libvirt_conn)                         \
+    PHP_FE(libvirt_connect_get_all_domain_stats, arginfo_libvirt_connect_get_all_domain_stats)
+# define GET_CONNECTION_FROM_ARGS(args, ...)                                   \
+    do {                                                                       \
+        reset_error(TSRMLS_C);                                                 \
+        if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC,                   \
+                                  args,                                        \
+                                  __VA_ARGS__) == FAILURE) {                   \
+           set_error("Invalid arguments" TSRMLS_CC);                           \
+           RETURN_FALSE;                                                       \
+        }                                                                      \
+                                                                               \
+        VIRT_FETCH_RESOURCE(conn, php_libvirt_connection*, &zconn,             \
+                            PHP_LIBVIRT_CONNECTION_RES_NAME,                   \
+                            le_libvirt_connection);                            \
+                                                                               \
+        if (conn == NULL || conn->conn == NULL)                                \
+            RETURN_FALSE;                                                      \
+    } while (0)
+int le_libvirt_connection;
+typedef struct _php_libvirt_connection {
+    virConnectPtr conn;
+    virt_resource_handle resource;
+} php_libvirt_connection;
+typedef struct _php_libvirt_cred_value {
+    int count;
+    int type;
+    char *result;
+    unsigned int    resultlen;
+} php_libvirt_cred_value;
+void php_libvirt_connection_dtor(virt_resource *rsrc TSRMLS_DC);
diff --git a/src/libvirt-php.c b/src/libvirt-php.c
index aea69e7..3e11e9d 100644
--- a/src/libvirt-php.c
+++ b/src/libvirt-php.c
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@
 #include "util.h"
 #include "vncfunc.h"
 #include "sockets.h"
+#include "libvirt-connection.h"
-/* PHP functions are prefixed with `zif_` so strip it */
-#define PHPFUNC (__FUNCTION__ + 4)
 #ifndef EXTWIN
 /* Additional binaries */
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ const char *features_binaries[] = { NULL };
 /* ZEND thread safe per request globals definition */
-int le_libvirt_connection;
 int le_libvirt_domain;
 int le_libvirt_storagepool;
 int le_libvirt_volume;
@@ -478,21 +477,7 @@ static zend_function_entry libvirt_functions[] = {
     /* Common functions */
     PHP_FE(libvirt_get_last_error,               arginfo_libvirt_void)
     /* Connect functions */
-    PHP_FE(libvirt_connect,                      arginfo_libvirt_connect)
-    PHP_FE(libvirt_connect_get_uri,              arginfo_libvirt_conn)
-    PHP_FE(libvirt_connect_get_hostname,         arginfo_libvirt_conn)
-    PHP_FE(libvirt_connect_get_capabilities,     arginfo_libvirt_conn_xpath)
-    PHP_FE(libvirt_connect_get_emulator,         arginfo_libvirt_connect_get_emulator)
-    PHP_FE(libvirt_connect_get_nic_models,       arginfo_libvirt_connect_get_emulator)
-    PHP_FE(libvirt_connect_get_soundhw_models,   arginfo_libvirt_connect_get_soundhw_models)
-    PHP_FE(libvirt_connect_get_information,      arginfo_libvirt_conn)
-    PHP_FE(libvirt_connect_get_machine_types,    arginfo_libvirt_conn)
-    PHP_FE(libvirt_connect_get_hypervisor,       arginfo_libvirt_conn)
-    PHP_FE(libvirt_connect_get_sysinfo,          arginfo_libvirt_conn)
-    PHP_FE(libvirt_connect_get_maxvcpus,         arginfo_libvirt_conn)
-    PHP_FE(libvirt_connect_get_encrypted,        arginfo_libvirt_conn)
-    PHP_FE(libvirt_connect_get_secure,           arginfo_libvirt_conn)
-    PHP_FE(libvirt_connect_get_all_domain_stats, arginfo_libvirt_connect_get_all_domain_stats)
     /* Stream functions */
     PHP_FE(libvirt_stream_create,                arginfo_libvirt_conn)
     PHP_FE(libvirt_stream_close,                 arginfo_libvirt_conn)
@@ -703,21 +688,6 @@ zend_module_entry libvirt_module_entry = {
-    char *last_error;
-    char *vnc_location;
-    zend_bool longlong_to_string_ini;
-    char *iso_path_ini;
-    char *image_path_ini;
-    zend_long max_connections_ini;
-    int debug;
-    resource_info *binding_resources;
-    int binding_resources_count;
 /* PHP init options */
@@ -729,7 +699,9 @@ PHP_INI_END()
 void change_debug(int val TSRMLS_DC)
     LIBVIRT_G(debug) = val;
@@ -1245,28 +1217,6 @@ void free_resource(int type, void *mem TSRMLS_DC)
- * Private function name:   free_resources_on_connection
- * Since version:           0.4.2
- * Description:             Function is used to free all the resources assigned to the connection identified by conn
- * Arguments:               @conn [virConnectPtr]: libvirt connection pointer
- * Returns:                 None
- */
-void free_resources_on_connection(virConnectPtr conn TSRMLS_DC)
-    int binding_resources_count = 0;
-    resource_info *binding_resources;
-    int i;
-    binding_resources_count = LIBVIRT_G(binding_resources_count);
-    binding_resources = LIBVIRT_G(binding_resources);
-    for (i = 0; i < binding_resources_count; i++) {
-        if ((binding_resources[i].overwrite == 0) && (binding_resources[i].conn == conn))
-            free_resource(binding_resources[i].type, binding_resources[i].mem TSRMLS_CC);
-    }
  * Private function name:   check_resource_allocation
  * Since version:           0.4.2
  * Description:             Function is used to check whether the resource identified by type and memory is allocated for connection conn or not
@@ -1383,30 +1333,6 @@ int is_local_connection(virConnectPtr conn)
-/* Destructor for connection resource */
-static void php_libvirt_connection_dtor(virt_resource *rsrc TSRMLS_DC)
-    php_libvirt_connection *conn = (php_libvirt_connection *)rsrc->ptr;
-    int rv = 0;
-    if (conn != NULL) {
-        if (conn->conn != NULL) {
-            free_resources_on_connection(conn->conn TSRMLS_CC);
-            rv = virConnectClose(conn->conn);
-            if (rv == -1) {
-                DPRINTF("%s: virConnectClose(%p) returned %d (%s)\n", __FUNCTION__, conn->conn, rv, LIBVIRT_G(last_error));
-                php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "virConnectClose failed with %i on destructor: %s", rv, LIBVIRT_G(last_error));
-            } else {
-                DPRINTF("%s: virConnectClose(%p) completed successfully\n", __FUNCTION__, conn->conn);
-                resource_change_counter(INT_RESOURCE_CONNECTION, NULL, conn->conn, 0 TSRMLS_CC);
-            }
-            conn->conn = NULL;
-        }
-        efree(conn);
-    }
 /* Destructor for domain resource */
 static void php_libvirt_domain_dtor(virt_resource *rsrc TSRMLS_DC)
@@ -1950,19 +1876,6 @@ PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(libvirt)
 /* Macros for obtaining resources from arguments */
-#define GET_CONNECTION_FROM_ARGS(args, ...)                                                     \
-    do {                                                                                        \
-        reset_error(TSRMLS_C);                                                                  \
-        if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, args, __VA_ARGS__) == FAILURE) {   \
-           set_error("Invalid arguments" TSRMLS_CC);                                            \
-           RETURN_FALSE;                                                                        \
-        }                                                                                       \
-                                                                                                \
-        VIRT_FETCH_RESOURCE(conn, php_libvirt_connection*, &zconn, PHP_LIBVIRT_CONNECTION_RES_NAME, le_libvirt_connection);\
-        if ((conn == NULL) || (conn->conn == NULL))                                             \
-            RETURN_FALSE;                                                                       \
-    } while (0)                                                                                 \
 #define GET_DOMAIN_FROM_ARGS(args, ...)                                                         \
     do {                                                                                        \
         reset_error(TSRMLS_C);                                                                  \
@@ -2080,40 +1993,6 @@ PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(libvirt)
         VIRT_RETURN_STRING(tmpnumber);                      \
     } while (0)
-/* Authentication callback function. Should receive list of credentials via cbdata and pass the requested one to libvirt */
-static int libvirt_virConnectAuthCallback(virConnectCredentialPtr cred, unsigned int ncred, void *cbdata)
-    unsigned int i, j;
-    php_libvirt_cred_value *creds = (php_libvirt_cred_value *) cbdata;
-    for (i = 0; i < (unsigned int)ncred; i++) {
-        DPRINTF("%s: cred %d, type %d, prompt %s challenge %s\n ", __FUNCTION__, i, cred[i].type, cred[i].prompt, cred[i].challenge);
-        if (creds != NULL)
-            for (j = 0; j < (unsigned int)creds[0].count; j++) {
-                if (creds[j].type == cred[i].type) {
-                    cred[i].resultlen = creds[j].resultlen;
-                    cred[i].result = (char *)malloc(creds[j].resultlen + 1);
-                    memset(cred[i].result, 0, creds[j].resultlen + 1);
-                    strncpy(cred[i].result, creds[j].result, creds[j].resultlen);
-                }
-            }
-        DPRINTF("%s: result %s (%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, cred[i].result, cred[i].resultlen);
-    }
-    return 0;
-static int libvirt_virConnectCredType[] = {
 /* Common functions */
@@ -2130,117 +2009,6 @@ PHP_FUNCTION(libvirt_get_last_error)
- * Function name:   libvirt_connect
- * Since version:   0.4.1(-1)
- * Description:     libvirt_connect() is used to connect to the specified libvirt daemon using the specified URL, user can also set the readonly flag and/or set credentials for connection
- * Arguments:       @url [string]: URI for connection
- *                  @readonly [bool]: flag whether to use read-only connection or not
- *                  @credentials [array]: array of connection credentials
- * Returns:         libvirt connection resource
- */
-    php_libvirt_connection *conn;
-    php_libvirt_cred_value *creds = NULL;
-    zval *zcreds = NULL;
-    zval *data;
-    int i;
-    int j;
-    int credscount = 0;
-    virConnectAuth libvirt_virConnectAuth = { libvirt_virConnectCredType, sizeof(libvirt_virConnectCredType)/sizeof(int), libvirt_virConnectAuthCallback, NULL};
-    char *url = NULL;
-    strsize_t url_len = 0;
-    zend_bool readonly = 1;
-    HashTable *arr_hash;
-    HashPosition pointer;
-    int array_count;
-    zend_ulong index;
-    unsigned long libVer;
-    if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "|sba", &url, &url_len, &readonly, &zcreds) == FAILURE) {
-        RETURN_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (virGetVersion(&libVer, NULL, NULL)!= 0)
-        RETURN_FALSE;
-    if (libVer < 6002) {
-        set_error("Only libvirt 0.6.2 and higher supported. Please upgrade your libvirt" TSRMLS_CC);
-        RETURN_FALSE;
-    }
-    if ((count_resources(INT_RESOURCE_CONNECTION TSRMLS_CC) + 1) > LIBVIRT_G(max_connections_ini)) {
-        DPRINTF("%s: maximum number of connections allowed exceeded (max %lu)\n", PHPFUNC, (unsigned long)LIBVIRT_G(max_connections_ini));
-        set_error("Maximum number of connections allowed exceeded" TSRMLS_CC);
-        RETURN_FALSE;
-    }
-    /* If 'null' value has been passed as URL override url to NULL value to autodetect the hypervisor */
-    if ((url == NULL) || (strcasecmp(url, "NULL") == 0))
-        url = NULL;
-    conn = (php_libvirt_connection *)emalloc(sizeof(php_libvirt_connection));
-    if (zcreds == NULL) {
-        /* connecting without providing authentication */
-        if (readonly)
-            conn->conn = virConnectOpenReadOnly(url);
-        else
-            conn->conn = virConnectOpen(url);
-    } else {
-        /* connecting with authentication (using callback) */
-        arr_hash = Z_ARRVAL_P(zcreds);
-        array_count = zend_hash_num_elements(arr_hash);
-        credscount = array_count;
-        creds = (php_libvirt_cred_value *)emalloc(credscount * sizeof(php_libvirt_cred_value));
-        j = 0;
-        /* parse the input Array and create list of credentials. The list (array) is passed to callback function. */
-        VIRT_FOREACH(arr_hash, pointer, data) {
-            if (Z_TYPE_P(data) == IS_STRING) {
-                php_libvirt_hash_key_info info;
-                VIRT_HASH_CURRENT_KEY_INFO(arr_hash, pointer, index, info);
-                if (info.type == HASH_KEY_IS_STRING) {
-                    PHPWRITE(info.name, info.length);
-                } else {
-                    DPRINTF("%s: credentials index %d\n", PHPFUNC, (int)index);
-                    creds[j].type = index;
-                    creds[j].result = (char *)emalloc(Z_STRLEN_P(data) + 1);
-                    memset(creds[j].result, 0, Z_STRLEN_P(data) + 1);
-                    creds[j].resultlen = Z_STRLEN_P(data);
-                    strncpy(creds[j].result, Z_STRVAL_P(data), Z_STRLEN_P(data));
-                    j++;
-                }
-            }
-        } VIRT_FOREACH_END();
-        DPRINTF("%s: Found %d elements for credentials\n", PHPFUNC, j);
-        creds[0].count = j;
-        libvirt_virConnectAuth.cbdata = (void *)creds;
-        conn->conn = virConnectOpenAuth(url, &libvirt_virConnectAuth, readonly ? VIR_CONNECT_RO : 0);
-        for (i = 0; i < creds[0].count; i++)
-            efree(creds[i].result);
-        efree(creds);
-    }
-    if (conn->conn == NULL) {
-        DPRINTF("%s: Cannot establish connection to %s\n", PHPFUNC, url);
-        efree(conn);
-        RETURN_FALSE;
-    }
-    resource_change_counter(INT_RESOURCE_CONNECTION, NULL, conn->conn, 1 TSRMLS_CC);
-    DPRINTF("%s: Connection to %s established, returning %p\n", PHPFUNC, url, conn->conn);
-    VIRT_REGISTER_RESOURCE(conn, le_libvirt_connection);
-    conn->resource = VIRT_RESOURCE_HANDLE(return_value);
  * Function name:   libvirt_node_get_info
  * Since version:   0.4.1(-1)
  * Description:     Function is used to get the information about host node, mainly total memory installed, total CPUs installed and model information are useful
@@ -2531,258 +2299,6 @@ PHP_FUNCTION(libvirt_node_get_free_memory)
-//virsh capabilities | xpath '//capabilities/guest/arch[@name="x86_64"]/machine[@maxCpus=1]'
- * Function name:   libvirt_connect_get_machine_types
- * Since version:   0.4.9
- * Description:     Function is used to get machine types supported by hypervisor on the conneciton
- * Arguments:       @conn [resource]: resource for connection
- * Returns:         array of machine types for the connection incl. maxCpus if appropriate
- */
-    zval *zconn;
-    php_libvirt_connection *conn = NULL;
-    char *caps = NULL;
-    char **ret = NULL;
-    int i, num = -1;
-    GET_CONNECTION_FROM_ARGS("r", &zconn);
-    caps = virConnectGetCapabilities(conn->conn);
-    if (caps == NULL)
-        RETURN_FALSE;
-    array_init(return_value);
-    ret = get_array_from_xpath(caps, "//capabilities/guest/arch/@name", &num);
-    if (ret != NULL) {
-        for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
-            int num2, j;
-            char tmp[1024] = { 0 };
-            snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "//capabilities/guest/arch[@name=\"%s\"]/domain/@type", ret[i]);
-            char **ret2 = get_array_from_xpath(caps, tmp, &num2);
-            if (ret2 != NULL) {
-                zval *arr2;
-                VIRT_ARRAY_INIT(arr2);
-                for (j = 0; j < num2; j++) {
-                    int num3, k;
-                    char tmp2[1024] = { 0 };
-                    zval *arr3;
-                    VIRT_ARRAY_INIT(arr3);
-                    snprintf(tmp2, sizeof(tmp2), "//capabilities/guest/arch[@name=\"%s\"]/machine",
-                             ret[i]);
-                    char **ret3 = get_array_from_xpath(caps, tmp2, &num3);
-                    if (ret3 != NULL) {
-                        for (k = 0; k < num3; k++) {
-                            char *numTmp = NULL;
-                            char key[8] = { 0 };
-                            char tmp3[2048] = { 0 };
-                            snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%d", k);
-                            //VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(arr2, key, ret3[k]);
-                            snprintf(tmp3, sizeof(tmp3), "//capabilities/guest/arch[@name=\"%s\"]/machine[text()=\"%s\"]/@maxCpus",
-                                     ret[i], ret3[k]);
-                            numTmp = get_string_from_xpath(caps, tmp3, NULL, NULL);
-                            if (numTmp == NULL) {
-                                VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(arr2, key, ret3[k]);
-                            } else {
-                                zval *arr4;
-                                VIRT_ARRAY_INIT(arr4);
-                                VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(arr4, "name", ret3[k]);
-                                VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(arr4, "maxCpus", numTmp);
-                                add_assoc_zval_ex(arr2, key, strlen(key) + 1, arr4);
-                                free(numTmp);
-                            }
-                            free(ret3[k]);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    /* Domain type specific */
-                    snprintf(tmp2, sizeof(tmp2), "//capabilities/guest/arch[@name=\"%s\"]/domain[@type=\"%s\"]/machine",
-                             ret[i], ret2[j]);
-                    ret3 = get_array_from_xpath(caps, tmp2, &num3);
-                    if (ret3 != NULL) {
-                        for (k = 0; k < num3; k++) {
-                            char key[8] = { 0 };
-                            char tmp3[2048] = { 0 };
-                            char *numTmp = NULL;
-                            snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%d", k);
-                            snprintf(tmp3, sizeof(tmp3),
-                                     "//capabilities/guest/arch[@name=\"%s\"]/domain[@type=\"%s\"]/machine[text()=\"%s\"]/@maxCpus",
-                                     ret[i], ret2[j], ret3[k]);
-                            numTmp = get_string_from_xpath(caps, tmp3, NULL, NULL);
-                            if (numTmp == NULL) {
-                                VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(arr3, key, ret3[k]);
-                            } else {
-                                zval *arr4;
-                                VIRT_ARRAY_INIT(arr4);
-                                VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(arr4, "name", ret3[k]);
-                                VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(arr4, "maxCpus", numTmp);
-                                add_assoc_zval_ex(arr3, key, strlen(key) + 1, arr4);
-                                free(numTmp);
-                            }
-                            free(ret3[k]);
-                        }
-                        add_assoc_zval_ex(arr2, ret2[j], strlen(ret2[j]) + 1, arr3);
-                    }
-                }
-                //free(ret2[j]);
-                add_assoc_zval_ex(return_value, ret[i], strlen(ret[i]) + 1, arr2);
-            }
-            free(ret[i]);
-        }
-    }
- * Function name:   libvirt_connect_get_information
- * Since version:   0.4.1(-2)
- * Description:     Function is used to get the information about the connection
- * Arguments:       @conn [resource]: resource for connection
- * Returns:         array of information about the connection
- */
-    zval *zconn;
-    char *tmp;
-    unsigned long hvVer = 0;
-    const char *type = NULL;
-    char hvStr[64] = { 0 };
-    int iTmp = -1, maxvcpus = -1;
-    php_libvirt_connection *conn = NULL;
-    GET_CONNECTION_FROM_ARGS("r", &zconn);
-    tmp = virConnectGetURI(conn->conn);
-    DPRINTF("%s: Got connection URI of %s...\n", PHPFUNC, tmp);
-    array_init(return_value);
-    VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(return_value, "uri", tmp ? tmp : "unknown");
-    free(tmp);
-    tmp = virConnectGetHostname(conn->conn);
-    VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(return_value, "hostname", tmp ? tmp : "unknown");
-    free(tmp);
-    if ((virConnectGetVersion(conn->conn, &hvVer) == 0) && (type = virConnectGetType(conn->conn))) {
-        VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(return_value, "hypervisor", (char *)type);
-        add_assoc_long(return_value, "hypervisor_major", (long)((hvVer/1000000) % 1000));
-        add_assoc_long(return_value, "hypervisor_minor", (long)((hvVer/1000) % 1000));
-        add_assoc_long(return_value, "hypervisor_release", (long)(hvVer % 1000));
-        snprintf(hvStr, sizeof(hvStr), "%s %d.%d.%d", type,
-                 (long)((hvVer/1000000) % 1000), (long)((hvVer/1000) % 1000), (long)(hvVer % 1000));
-        VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(return_value, "hypervisor_string", hvStr);
-    }
-    if (strcmp(type, "QEMU") == 0) {
-        /* For QEMU the value is not reliable so we return -1 instead */
-        maxvcpus = -1;
-    } else {
-        maxvcpus = virConnectGetMaxVcpus(conn->conn, type);
-    }
-    add_assoc_long(return_value, "hypervisor_maxvcpus", maxvcpus);
-    iTmp = virConnectIsEncrypted(conn->conn);
-    if (iTmp == 1)
-        VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(return_value, "encrypted", "Yes");
-    else
-        if (iTmp == 0)
-            VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(return_value, "encrypted", "No");
-        else
-            VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(return_value, "encrypted", "unknown");
-    iTmp = virConnectIsSecure(conn->conn);
-    if (iTmp == 1)
-        VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(return_value, "secure", "Yes");
-    else
-        if (iTmp == 0)
-            VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(return_value, "secure", "No");
-        else
-            VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(return_value, "secure", "unknown");
-    add_assoc_long(return_value, "num_inactive_domains", virConnectNumOfDefinedDomains(conn->conn));
-    add_assoc_long(return_value, "num_inactive_interfaces", virConnectNumOfDefinedInterfaces(conn->conn));
-    add_assoc_long(return_value, "num_inactive_networks", virConnectNumOfDefinedNetworks(conn->conn));
-    add_assoc_long(return_value, "num_inactive_storagepools", virConnectNumOfDefinedStoragePools(conn->conn));
-    add_assoc_long(return_value, "num_active_domains", virConnectNumOfDomains(conn->conn));
-    add_assoc_long(return_value, "num_active_interfaces", virConnectNumOfInterfaces(conn->conn));
-    add_assoc_long(return_value, "num_active_networks", virConnectNumOfNetworks(conn->conn));
-    add_assoc_long(return_value, "num_active_storagepools", virConnectNumOfStoragePools(conn->conn));
-    add_assoc_long(return_value, "num_total_domains", virConnectNumOfDomains(conn->conn) + virConnectNumOfDefinedDomains(conn->conn));
-    add_assoc_long(return_value, "num_total_interfaces", virConnectNumOfInterfaces(conn->conn) + virConnectNumOfDefinedInterfaces(conn->conn));
-    add_assoc_long(return_value, "num_total_networks", virConnectNumOfNetworks(conn->conn) + virConnectNumOfDefinedNetworks(conn->conn));
-    add_assoc_long(return_value, "num_total_storagepools", virConnectNumOfStoragePools(conn->conn) +  virConnectNumOfDefinedStoragePools(conn->conn));
-    add_assoc_long(return_value, "num_secrets", virConnectNumOfSecrets(conn->conn));
-    add_assoc_long(return_value, "num_nwfilters", virConnectNumOfNWFilters(conn->conn));
- * Function name:   libvirt_connect_get_uri
- * Since version:   0.4.1(-1)
- * Description:     Function is used to get the connection URI. This is useful to check the hypervisor type of host machine when using "null" uri to libvirt_connect()
- * Arguments:       @conn [resource]: resource for connection
- * Returns:         connection URI string or FALSE for error
- */
-    zval *zconn;
-    char *uri;
-    php_libvirt_connection *conn = NULL;
-    GET_CONNECTION_FROM_ARGS("r", &zconn);
-    uri = virConnectGetURI(conn->conn);
-    DPRINTF("%s: virConnectGetURI returned %s\n", PHPFUNC, uri);
-    if (uri == NULL)
-        RETURN_FALSE;
-    free(uri);
- * Function name:   libvirt_connect_get_hostname
- * Since version:   0.4.1(-1)
- * Description:     Function is used to get the hostname of the guest associated with the connection
- * Arguments:       @conn [resource]: resource for connection
- * Returns:         hostname of the host node or FALSE for error
- */
-    php_libvirt_connection *conn = NULL;
-    zval *zconn;
-    char *hostname;
-    GET_CONNECTION_FROM_ARGS("r", &zconn);
-    hostname = virConnectGetHostname(conn->conn);
-    DPRINTF("%s: virConnectGetHostname returned %s\n", PHPFUNC, hostname);
-    if (hostname == NULL)
-        RETURN_FALSE;
-    VIRT_RETVAL_STRING(hostname);
-    free(hostname);
  * Function name:   libvirt_image_create
  * Since version:   0.4.2
@@ -2904,197 +2420,6 @@ PHP_FUNCTION(libvirt_image_remove)
- * Function name:   libvirt_connect_get_hypervisor
- * Since version:   0.4.1(-2)
- * Description:     Function is used to get the information about the hypervisor on the connection identified by the connection pointer
- * Arguments:       @conn [resource]: resource for connection
- * Returns:         array of hypervisor information if available
- */
-    php_libvirt_connection *conn = NULL;
-    zval *zconn;
-    unsigned long hvVer = 0;
-    const char *type = NULL;
-    char hvStr[64] = { 0 };
-    GET_CONNECTION_FROM_ARGS("r", &zconn);
-    if (virConnectGetVersion(conn->conn, &hvVer) != 0)
-        RETURN_FALSE;
-    type = virConnectGetType(conn->conn);
-    if (type == NULL)
-        RETURN_FALSE;
-    DPRINTF("%s: virConnectGetType returned %s\n", PHPFUNC, type);
-    array_init(return_value);
-    VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(return_value, "hypervisor", (char *)type);
-    add_assoc_long(return_value, "major", (long)((hvVer/1000000) % 1000));
-    add_assoc_long(return_value, "minor", (long)((hvVer/1000) % 1000));
-    add_assoc_long(return_value, "release", (long)(hvVer % 1000));
-    snprintf(hvStr, sizeof(hvStr), "%s %d.%d.%d", type,
-             (long)((hvVer/1000000) % 1000), (long)((hvVer/1000) % 1000), (long)(hvVer % 1000));
-    VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(return_value, "hypervisor_string", hvStr);
- * Function name:   libvirt_connect_is_encrypted
- * Since version:   0.4.1(-2)
- * Description:     Function is used to get the information whether the connection is encrypted or not
- * Arguments:       @conn [resource]: resource for connection
- * Returns:         1 if encrypted, 0 if not encrypted, -1 on error
- */
-    php_libvirt_connection *conn = NULL;
-    zval *zconn;
-    GET_CONNECTION_FROM_ARGS("r", &zconn);
-    RETURN_LONG(virConnectIsEncrypted(conn->conn));
- * Function name:   libvirt_connect_is_secure
- * Since version:   0.4.1(-2)
- * Description:     Function is used to get the information whether the connection is secure or not
- * Arguments:       @conn [resource]: resource for connection
- * Returns:         1 if secure, 0 if not secure, -1 on error
- */
-    php_libvirt_connection *conn = NULL;
-    zval *zconn;
-    GET_CONNECTION_FROM_ARGS("r", &zconn);
-    RETURN_LONG(virConnectIsSecure(conn->conn));
- * Function name:   libvirt_connect_get_all_domain_stats
- * Since version:   0.5.1(-1)
- * Description:     Query statistics for all domains on a given connection
- * Arguments:       @conn [resource]: resource for connection
- *                  @stats [int]: the statistic groups from VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_*
- *                  @flags [int]: the filter flags from VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_*
- * Returns:         assoc array with statistics or false on error
- */
-    php_libvirt_connection *conn = NULL;
-    zval *zconn;
-    int retval = -1;
-    zend_long flags = 0;
-    zend_long stats = 0;
-    const char *name = NULL;
-    int i;
-    int j;
-    virTypedParameter params;
-    virDomainStatsRecordPtr *retstats = NULL;
-    GET_CONNECTION_FROM_ARGS("r|l|l", &zconn, &stats, &flags);
-    retval = virConnectGetAllDomainStats(conn->conn, stats, &retstats, flags);
-    array_init(return_value);
-    if (retval < 0)
-        RETURN_FALSE;
-    for (i = 0; i < retval; i++) {
-        zval *arr2;
-        VIRT_ARRAY_INIT(arr2);
-        for (j = 0; j < retstats[i]->nparams; j++) {
-            params = retstats[i]->params[j];
-            switch (params.type) {
-            case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_INT:
-                add_assoc_long(arr2, params.field, params.value.i);
-                break;
-            case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_UINT:
-                add_assoc_long(arr2, params.field, params.value.ui);
-                break;
-            case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_LLONG:
-                add_assoc_long(arr2, params.field, params.value.l);
-                break;
-            case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG:
-                add_assoc_long(arr2, params.field, params.value.ul);
-                break;
-            case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_DOUBLE:
-                add_assoc_double(arr2, params.field, params.value.d);
-                break;
-            case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_BOOLEAN:
-                add_assoc_bool(arr2, params.field, params.value.b);
-                break;
-            case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_STRING:
-                VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(arr2, params.field, params.value.s);
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        name = virDomainGetName(retstats[i]->dom);
-        zend_hash_update(Z_ARRVAL_P(return_value), zend_string_init(name, strlen(name), 0), arr2);
-        zend_hash_update(Z_ARRVAL_P(return_value), name, strlen(name)+1, &arr2, sizeof(arr2), NULL);
-    }
-    virDomainStatsRecordListFree(retstats);
- * Function name:   libvirt_connect_get_maxvcpus
- * Since version:   0.4.1(-2)
- * Description:     Function is used to get maximum number of VCPUs per VM on the hypervisor connection
- * Arguments:       @conn [resource]: resource for connection
- * Returns:         number of VCPUs available per VM on the connection or FALSE for error
- */
-    php_libvirt_connection *conn = NULL;
-    zval *zconn;
-    const char *type = NULL;
-    GET_CONNECTION_FROM_ARGS("r", &zconn);
-    type = virConnectGetType(conn->conn);
-    if (type == NULL)
-        RETURN_FALSE;
-    RETURN_LONG(virConnectGetMaxVcpus(conn->conn, type));
- * Function name:   libvirt_connect_get_sysinfo
- * Since version:   0.4.1(-2)
- * Description:     Function is used to get the system information from connection if available
- * Arguments:       @conn [resource]: resource for connection
- * Returns:         XML description of system information from the connection or FALSE for error
- */
-    php_libvirt_connection *conn = NULL;
-    zval *zconn;
-    char *sysinfo;
-    GET_CONNECTION_FROM_ARGS("r", &zconn);
-    sysinfo = virConnectGetSysinfo(conn->conn, 0);
-    if (sysinfo == NULL)
-        RETURN_FALSE;
-    VIRT_RETVAL_STRING(sysinfo);
-    free(sysinfo);
  * Private function name:   get_string_from_xpath
  * Since version:           0.4.1(-1)
  * Description:             Function is used to get the XML xPath expression from the XML document. This can be added to val array if not NULL.
@@ -5102,240 +4427,6 @@ PHP_FUNCTION(libvirt_domain_get_next_dev_ids)
     add_assoc_long(return_value, "next_func", func);
- * Function name:   libvirt_connect_get_capabilities
- * Since version:   0.4.1(-2)
- * Description:     Function is used to get the capabilities information from the connection
- * Arguments:       @conn [resource]: resource for connection
- *                  @xpath [string]: optional xPath query to be applied on the result
- * Returns:         capabilities XML from the connection or FALSE for error
- */
-    php_libvirt_connection *conn = NULL;
-    zval *zconn;
-    char *caps;
-    char *xpath = NULL;
-    strsize_t xpath_len;
-    char *tmp = NULL;
-    int retval = -1;
-    GET_CONNECTION_FROM_ARGS("r|s", &zconn, &xpath, &xpath_len);
-    caps = virConnectGetCapabilities(conn->conn);
-    if (caps == NULL)
-        RETURN_FALSE;
-    tmp = get_string_from_xpath(caps, xpath, NULL, &retval);
-    if ((tmp == NULL) || (retval < 0)) {
-        VIRT_RETVAL_STRING(caps);
-    } else {
-        VIRT_RETVAL_STRING(tmp);
-    }
-    free(caps);
-    free(tmp);
- * Function name:   libvirt_connect_get_emulator
- * Since version:   0.4.5
- * Description:     Function is used to get the emulator for requested connection/architecture
- * Arguments:       @conn [resource]: libvirt connection resource
- *                  @arch [string]: optional architecture string, can be NULL to get default
- * Returns:         path to the emulator
- */
-    php_libvirt_connection *conn = NULL;
-    zval *zconn;
-    char *arch = NULL;
-    strsize_t arch_len;
-    char *tmp;
-    GET_CONNECTION_FROM_ARGS("r|s", &zconn, &arch, &arch_len);
-    if ((arch == NULL) || (arch_len == 0))
-        arch = NULL;
-    tmp = connection_get_emulator(conn->conn, arch TSRMLS_CC);
-    if (tmp == NULL) {
-        set_error("Cannot get emulator" TSRMLS_CC);
-        RETURN_FALSE;
-    }
-    free(tmp);
- * Function name:   libvirt_connect_get_nic_models
- * Since version:   0.4.9
- * Description:     Function is used to get NIC models for requested connection/architecture
- * Arguments:       @conn [resource]: libvirt connection resource
- *                  @arch [string]: optional architecture string, can be NULL to get default
- * Returns:         array of models
- */
-    php_libvirt_connection *conn = NULL;
-    zval *zconn;
-    char *arch = NULL;
-    strsize_t arch_len;
-    char *tmp;
-    GET_CONNECTION_FROM_ARGS("r|s", &zconn, &arch, &arch_len);
-    /* Disable getting it on remote connections */
-    if (!is_local_connection(conn->conn)) {
-        set_error("This function works only on local connections" TSRMLS_CC);
-        RETURN_FALSE;
-    }
-    /* This approach is working only for QEMU driver so bails if not currently using it */
-    if (strcmp(virConnectGetType(conn->conn), "QEMU") != 0) {
-        set_error("This function can be used only for QEMU driver" TSRMLS_CC);
-        RETURN_FALSE;
-    }
-#ifndef EXTWIN
-    if ((arch == NULL) || (arch_len == 0))
-        arch = NULL;
-    tmp = connection_get_emulator(conn->conn, arch TSRMLS_CC);
-    if (tmp == NULL) {
-        set_error("Cannot get emulator" TSRMLS_CC);
-        RETURN_FALSE;
-    }
-    char cmd[4096] = { 0 };
-    char tmp2[16]  = { 0 };
-    snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s -net nic,model=? 2>&1", tmp);
-    FILE *fp = popen(cmd, "r");
-    if (fp == NULL)
-        RETURN_FALSE;
-    array_init(return_value);
-    while (!feof(fp)) {
-        memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
-        if (!fgets(cmd, sizeof(cmd), fp))
-            break;
-        if ((tmp = strstr(cmd, "Supported NIC models:")) != NULL) {
-            tmp = strstr(tmp, ":") + 2;
-            int i;
-            tTokenizer t = tokenize(tmp, ",");
-            for (i = 0; i < t.numTokens; i++) {
-                snprintf(tmp2, sizeof(tmp2), "%d", i);
-                VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(return_value, tmp2, t.tokens[i]);
-            }
-            free_tokens(t);
-        }
-    }
-    fclose(fp);
- * Function name:   libvirt_connect_get_soundhw_models
- * Since version:   0.4.9
- * Description:     Function is used to get sound hardware models for requested connection/architecture
- * Arguments:       @conn [resource]: libvirt connection resource
- *                  @arch [string]: optional architecture string, can be NULL to get default
- *                  @flags [int]: flags for getting sound hardware. Can be either 0 or VIR_CONNECT_SOUNDHW_GET_NAMES
- * Returns:         array of models
- */
-    php_libvirt_connection *conn = NULL;
-    zval *zconn;
-    char *arch = NULL;
-    strsize_t arch_len;
-    char *tmp;
-    zend_long flags = 0;
-    GET_CONNECTION_FROM_ARGS("r|sl", &zconn, &arch, &arch_len, &flags);
-    if ((arch == NULL) || (arch_len == 0))
-        arch = NULL;
-    /* Disable getting it on remote connections */
-    if (!is_local_connection(conn->conn)) {
-        set_error("This function works only on local connections" TSRMLS_CC);
-        RETURN_FALSE;
-    }
-#ifndef EXTWIN
-    /* This approach is working only for QEMU driver so bails if not currently using it */
-    if (strcmp(virConnectGetType(conn->conn), "QEMU") != 0) {
-        set_error("This function can be used only for QEMU driver" TSRMLS_CC);
-        RETURN_FALSE;
-    }
-    tmp = connection_get_emulator(conn->conn, arch TSRMLS_CC);
-    if (tmp == NULL) {
-        set_error("Cannot get emulator" TSRMLS_CC);
-        RETURN_FALSE;
-    }
-    char cmd[4096] = { 0 };
-    snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s -soundhw help 2>&1", tmp);
-    FILE *fp = popen(cmd, "r");
-    if (fp == NULL)
-        RETURN_FALSE;
-    short inFunc = 0;
-    int n = 0;
-    array_init(return_value);
-    while (!feof(fp)) {
-        memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
-        if (!fgets(cmd, sizeof(cmd), fp))
-            break;
-        if (strncmp(cmd, "Valid ", 6) == 0) {
-            inFunc = 1;
-            continue;
-        } else
-            if (strlen(cmd) < 2)
-                inFunc = 0;
-        if (inFunc) {
-            int i = 0;
-            char desc[1024] = { 0 };
-            tTokenizer t = tokenize(cmd, " ");
-            if (t.numTokens == 0)
-                continue;
-            if ((i > 0) && (flags & CONNECT_FLAG_SOUNDHW_GET_NAMES)) {
-                zval *arr;
-                memset(desc, 0, sizeof(desc));
-                for (i = 1; i < t.numTokens; i++) {
-                    strcat(desc, t.tokens[i]);
-                    if (i < t.numTokens - 1)
-                        strcat(desc, " ");
-                }
-                VIRT_ARRAY_INIT(arr);
-                VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(arr, "name", t.tokens[0]);
-                VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(arr, "description", desc);
-                add_next_index_zval(return_value, arr);
-            } else {
-                char tmp2[16] = { 0 };
-                snprintf(tmp2, sizeof(tmp2), "%d", n++);
-                VIRT_ADD_ASSOC_STRING(return_value, tmp2, t.tokens[0]);
-            }
-            free_tokens(t);
-        }
-    }
-    fclose(fp);
 void parse_array(zval *arr, tVMDisk *disk, tVMNetwork *network)
     HashTable *arr_hash;
diff --git a/src/libvirt-php.h b/src/libvirt-php.h
index 66be53a..6cbcd27 100644
--- a/src/libvirt-php.h
+++ b/src/libvirt-php.h
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
 #ifndef PHP_LIBVIRT_H
 #define PHP_LIBVIRT_H 1
 /* Network constants */
 #define VIR_NETWORKS_ACTIVE     1
 #define VIR_NETWORKS_INACTIVE       2
@@ -50,10 +49,10 @@
 #ifndef VERSION
-#define VERSION "0.5.1"
+#define VERSION "0.5.5"
 #define VERSION_MAJOR 0
 #define VERSION_MINOR 5
-#define VERSION_MICRO 1
+#define VERSION_MICRO 5
 #include <libvirt/libvirt.h>
@@ -109,17 +108,15 @@ typedef uint64_t arch_uint;
 #define UINTx PRIx64
-typedef struct tTokenizer {
-    char **tokens;
-    int numTokens;
-} tTokenizer;
-typedef struct _resource_info {
-    int type;
-    virConnectPtr conn;
-    void *mem;
-    int overwrite;
-} resource_info;
+#  define DEBUG_CORE
+#  define DEBUG_VNC
+# endif
+/* PHP functions are prefixed with `zif_` so strip it */
+# define PHPFUNC (__FUNCTION__ + 4)
 #ifdef ZTS
 #define LIBVIRT_G(v) TSRMG(libvirt_globals_id, zend_libvirt_globals *, v)
@@ -130,9 +127,6 @@ typedef struct _resource_info {
 #define PHP_LIBVIRT_WORLD_EXTNAME "libvirt"
-/* Connect flags */
 /* Domain flags */
@@ -147,7 +141,6 @@ typedef struct _resource_info {
 #define DOMAIN_DISK_ACCESS_ALL      0x04
 /* Internal resource identifier objects */
 #define INT_RESOURCE_DOMAIN         0x02
 #define INT_RESOURCE_NETWORK        0x04
 #define INT_RESOURCE_NODEDEV        0x08
@@ -157,6 +150,18 @@ typedef struct _resource_info {
 #define INT_RESOURCE_STREAM         0x50
 #define INT_RESOURCE_NWFILTER       0x60
+typedef struct tTokenizer {
+    char **tokens;
+    int numTokens;
+} tTokenizer;
+typedef struct _resource_info {
+    int type;
+    virConnectPtr conn;
+    void *mem;
+    int overwrite;
+} resource_info;
 typedef struct tVMDisk {
     char *path;
     char *driver;
@@ -172,22 +177,10 @@ typedef struct tVMNetwork {
     char *model;
 } tVMNetwork;
-/* TODO: Temporary due to code movement to util.h - will be removed when
- *       libvirt-connection.h is separated out
- */
-typedef zend_resource virt_resource;
-typedef virt_resource *virt_resource_handle;
-typedef long virt_resource_handle;
+/* TODO: temporary forward declaration until other parts are "modularized" */
+typedef struct _php_libvirt_connection php_libvirt_connection;
 /* Libvirt-php types */
-typedef struct _php_libvirt_connection {
-    virConnectPtr conn;
-    virt_resource_handle resource;
-} php_libvirt_connection;
 typedef struct _php_libvirt_stream {
     virStreamPtr stream;
     php_libvirt_connection* conn;
@@ -228,25 +221,42 @@ typedef struct _php_libvirt_nwfilter {
     php_libvirt_connection* conn;
 } php_libvirt_nwfilter;
-typedef struct _php_libvirt_cred_value {
-    int count;
-    int type;
-    char *result;
-    unsigned int    resultlen;
-} php_libvirt_cred_value;
 typedef struct _php_libvirt_hash_key_info {
     char *name;
     unsigned int length;
     unsigned int type;
 } php_libvirt_hash_key_info;
+    char *last_error;
+    char *vnc_location;
+    zend_bool longlong_to_string_ini;
+    char *iso_path_ini;
+    char *image_path_ini;
+    zend_long max_connections_ini;
+    int debug;
+# endif
+    resource_info *binding_resources;
+    int binding_resources_count;
 /* Private definitions */
+void set_error(char *msg TSRMLS_DC);
+void reset_error(TSRMLS_D);
+int count_resources(int type TSRMLS_DC);
+int resource_change_counter(int type, virConnectPtr conn, void *mem, int inc TSRMLS_DC);
+void free_resource(int type, void *mem TSRMLS_DC);
+char *connection_get_emulator(virConnectPtr conn, char *arch TSRMLS_DC);
+int is_local_connection(virConnectPtr conn);
+tTokenizer tokenize(char *string, char *by);
+void free_tokens(tTokenizer t);
 int set_logfile(char *filename, long maxsize TSRMLS_DC);
 char *get_string_from_xpath(char *xml, char *xpath, zval **val, int *retVal);
 char **get_array_from_xpath(char *xml, char *xpath, int *num);
-#define PHP_LIBVIRT_CONNECTION_RES_NAME "Libvirt connection"
 #define PHP_LIBVIRT_DOMAIN_RES_NAME "Libvirt domain"
 #define PHP_LIBVIRT_STREAM_RES_NAME "Libvirt stream"
 #define PHP_LIBVIRT_STORAGEPOOL_RES_NAME "Libvirt storagepool"
@@ -264,22 +274,6 @@ PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION(libvirt);
 /* Common functions */
-/* Connect functions */
 /* Node functions */
diff --git a/src/util.h b/src/util.h
index 6400164..167bd90 100644
--- a/src/util.h
+++ b/src/util.h
@@ -10,13 +10,6 @@
 # include <stdint.h>
 # include "libvirt-php.h"
-#  define DEBUG_CORE
-#  define DEBUG_VNC
-# endif
 # define DEBUG_INIT(source)     \
     static const char *debugSource = "" source ""

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