[PATCH v2 8/11] hyperv: update wmi code generator.

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This patch updates the code generator that outputs C headers and code
for WMI classes. It has been updated to handle multiple versions (or
namespaces) of the same class which were introduced with Hyperv 2012+

changes in v2:
 * make it pass "make syntax-check"
 src/hyperv/hyperv_wmi_generator.py | 407 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 283 insertions(+), 124 deletions(-)
 mode change 100755 => 100644 src/hyperv/hyperv_wmi_generator.py

diff --git a/src/hyperv/hyperv_wmi_generator.py b/src/hyperv/hyperv_wmi_generator.py
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 8c62882..21934fd
--- a/src/hyperv/hyperv_wmi_generator.py
+++ b/src/hyperv/hyperv_wmi_generator.py
@@ -1,153 +1,308 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
-# hyperv_wmi_generator.py: generates most of the WMI type mapping code
-# Copyright (C) 2011 Matthias Bolte <matthias.bolte@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library.  If not, see
-# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 import sys
 import os
 import os.path
+separator = "/*" + ("*" * 50) + "*\n"
+wmi_version_separator = "/"
+wmi_classes_by_name = {}
+class WmiClass:
+    """Represents WMI class and provides methods to generate C code.
+    This class holds one or more instances of WmiClassVersion because with the
+    Windows 2012 release, Microsoft introduced "v2" version of Msvm_* family of
+    classes that need different URI for making wsman requests and also have
+    some additional/changed properties (though many of the properies are the
+    same as in "v1". Therefore, this class makes sure that C code is generated
+    for each of them while avoiding name conflics, identifies common members,
+    and defined *_WmiInfo structs holding info about each version so the driver
+    code can make the right choices based on which Hyper-v host it's connected
+    to.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, name, versions = []):
+        self.name = name
+        self.versions = versions
+        self.common = None
-separator = "/* " + ("* " * 37) + "*\n"
+    def prepare(self):
+        """Prepares the class for code generation
+        Makes sure that "versioned" classes are sorted by version, identfies
+        common properies and ensures that they are aligned by name and
+        type in each version
+        """
+        # sort vesioned classes by version in case input file did not have them
+        # in order
+        self.versions = sorted(self.versions, key=lambda cls: cls.version)
+        # if there's more than one verion make sure first one has name suffixed
+        # because we'll generate "common" memeber and will the "base" name
+        if len(self.versions) > 1:
+            first = self.versions[0]
+            first.name = "%s_%s" % (first.name, first.version)
-class Class:
-    def __init__(self, name, properties):
-        self.name = name
-        self.properties = properties
+        # finally, identify common members in all versions and make sure they
+        # are in the same order - to ensure C struc member alignment
+        self._align_property_members()
+    def generate_classes_header(self):
+        """Generate C header code and return it as string
+        Declares:
+          <class_name>_Data - used as one of hypervObject->data members
+          <class_name>_TypeInfo - used as wsman XmlSerializerInfo
+          <class_name> - "inherits" hypervObject struct
+        """
-    def generate_header(self):
         name_upper = self.name.upper()
         header = separator
         header += " * %s\n" % self.name
         header += " */\n"
         header += "\n"
-        header += "int hypervGet%sList(hypervPrivate *priv, virBufferPtr query, %s **list);\n" \
-                  % (self.name.replace("_", ""), self.name)
-        header += "\n"
+        header += "#define %s_CLASSNAME \\\n" % name_upper
+        header += "    \"%s\"\n" % self.name
         header += "\n"
+        header += "#define %s_WQL_SELECT \\\n" % name_upper
+        header += "    \"SELECT * FROM %s \"\n" % self.name
         header += "\n"
+        header += "extern hypervWmiClassInfoListPtr %s_WmiInfo;\n\n" % self.name
+        header += self._declare_data_structs()
+        header += self._declare_hypervObject_struct()
         return header
+    def generate_classes_source(self):
+        """Returns a C code string defining wsman data structs
+        Defines:
+          <class_name>_Data structs
+          <class_name>_WmiInfo - list holding metadata (e.g. request URIs) for
+                                 each known version of WMI class.
+        """
+        source = separator
+        source += " * %s\n" % self.name
+        source += " */\n"
+        for cls in self.versions:
+            source += "SER_START_ITEMS(%s_Data)\n" % cls.name
+            for property in cls.properties:
+                source += property.generate_classes_source(cls.name)
+            source += "SER_END_ITEMS(%s_Data);\n\n" % cls.name
+        source += self._define_WmiInfo_struct()
+        source += "\n\n"
+        return source
     def generate_classes_typedef(self):
-        typedef = "typedef struct _%s_Data %s_Data;\n" % (self.name, self.name)
-        typedef += "typedef struct _%s %s;\n" % (self.name, self.name)
+        """Returns C string for typdefs"""
+        typedef = "typedef struct _%s %s;\n" % (self.name, self.name)
+        if self.common is not None:
+            typedef += "typedef struct _%s_Data %s_Data;\n" % (self.name, self.name)
+        for cls in self.versions:
+            typedef += "typedef struct _%s_Data %s_Data;\n" % (cls.name, cls.name)
         return typedef
-    def generate_classes_header(self):
-        name_upper = self.name.upper()
-        header = separator
-        header += " * %s\n" % self.name
-        header += " */\n"
-        header += "\n"
-        header += "#define %s_RESOURCE_URI \\\n" % name_upper
+    def _declare_data_structs(self):
+        """Returns string C code declaring data structs.
-        if self.name.startswith("Win32_") or self.name.startswith("CIM_"):
-            header += "    \"http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/wmi/root/cimv2/%s\"\n"; % self.name
-        else:
-            header += "    \"http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/wmi/root/virtualization/%s\"\n"; % self.name
+        The *_Data structs are members of hypervObject data union. Each one has
+        corresponding *_TypeInfo that is used for wsman unserialization of
+        response XML into the *_Data structs. If there's a "common" member, it
+        won't have corresponding *_TypeInfo becuase this is a special case only
+        used to provide a common "view" of v1, v2 etc members
+        """
-        header += "\n"
-        header += "#define %s_CLASSNAME \\\n" % name_upper
-        header += "    \"%s\"\n" % self.name
-        header += "\n"
-        header += "#define %s_WQL_SELECT \\\n" % name_upper
-        header += "    \"select * from %s \"\n" % self.name
-        header += "\n"
-        header += "struct _%s_Data {\n" % self.name
+        header = ""
+        if self.common is not None:
+            header += "struct _%s_Data {\n" % self.name
+            for property in self.common:
+                header += property.generate_classes_header()
+            header += "};\n\n"
-        for property in self.properties:
-            header += property.generate_classes_header()
+        # Declare actual data struct for each versions
+        for cls in self.versions:
+            header += "#define %s_RESOURCE_URI \\\n" % cls.name.upper()
+            header += "    \"%s\"\n" % cls.uri_info.resourceUri
+            header += "\n"
+            header += "struct _%s_Data {\n" % cls.name
+            for property in cls.properties:
+                header += property.generate_classes_header()
+            header += "};\n\n"
+            header += "SER_DECLARE_TYPE(%s_Data);\n" % cls.name
-        header += "};\n"
-        header += "\n"
-        header += "SER_DECLARE_TYPE(%s_Data);\n" % self.name
-        header += "\n"
+        return header
+    def _declare_hypervObject_struct(self):
+        """Return string for C code declaring hypervObject instance"""
+        header = "\n/* must match hypervObject */\n"
         header += "struct _%s {\n" % self.name
-        header += "    XmlSerializerInfo *serializerInfo;\n"
-        header += "    %s_Data *data;\n" % self.name
+        header += "    union {\n"
+        # if there's common use it as "common" else first and only version is
+        # the "common" member
+        if self.common is not None:
+            header += "        %s_Data *common;\n" % self.name
+        else:
+            header += "        %s_Data *common;\n" % self.versions[0].name
+        for cls in self.versions:
+            header += "        %s_Data *%s;\n" % (cls.name, cls.version)
+        header += "    } data;\n"
+        header += "    hypervWmiClassInfoPtr info;\n"
         header += "    %s *next;\n" % self.name
         header += "};\n"
-        header += "\n"
-        header += "\n"
-        header += "\n"
+        header += "\n\n\n"
         return header
-    def generate_source(self):
-        name_upper = self.name.upper()
+    def _define_WmiInfo_struct(self):
+        """Return string for C code defining *_WmiInfo struct
-        source = separator
-        source += " * %s\n" % self.name
-        source += " */\n"
-        source += "\n"
-        source += "int\n"
-        source += "hypervGet%sList(hypervPrivate *priv, virBufferPtr query, %s **list)\n" \
-                  % (self.name.replace("_", ""), self.name)
-        source += "{\n"
-        if self.name.startswith("Win32_") or self.name.startswith("CIM_"):
-            source += "    return hypervEnumAndPull(priv, query, ROOT_CIMV2,\n"
-        else:
-            source += "    return hypervEnumAndPull(priv, query, ROOT_VIRTUALIZATION,\n"
+        Those structs hold info with meta-data needed to make wsman requests for
+        each version of WMI class
+        """
+        source = "hypervWmiClassInfoListPtr %s_WmiInfo = &(hypervWmiClassInfoList) {\n" % self.name
+        source += "    .count = %d,\n" % len(self.versions)
+        source += "    .objs = (hypervWmiClassInfoPtr []) {\n"
+        for cls in self.versions:
+            source += "        &(hypervWmiClassInfo) {\n"
+            source += "            .name = %s_CLASSNAME,\n" % self.name.upper()
+            source += "            .version = \"%s\",\n" % cls.version
+            source += "            .rootUri = %s,\n" % cls.uri_info.rootUri
+            source += "            .resourceUri = %s_RESOURCE_URI,\n" % cls.name.upper()
+            source += "            .serializerInfo = %s_Data_TypeInfo\n" % cls.name
+            source += "        },\n"
-        source += "                             %s_Data_TypeInfo,\n" % self.name
-        source += "                             %s_RESOURCE_URI,\n" % name_upper
-        source += "                             %s_CLASSNAME,\n" % name_upper
-        source += "                             (hypervObject **)list);\n"
-        source += "}\n"
-        source += "\n"
-        source += "\n"
-        source += "\n"
+        source += "    }\n"
+        source += "};\n"
         return source
-    def generate_classes_source(self):
-        name_upper = self.name.upper()
+    def _align_property_members(self):
+        """Identifies common properties in all class versions.
-        source = separator
-        source += " * %s\n" % self.name
-        source += " */\n"
-        source += "\n"
-        source += "SER_START_ITEMS(%s_Data)\n" % self.name
+        Makes sure that properties in all versions are ordered with common
+        members first and that they are in the same order. This makes the
+        generated C structs memory aligned and safe to access via the "common"
+        struct that "shares" members with v1, v2 etc.
+        """
-        for property in self.properties:
-            source += property.generate_classes_source(self.name)
+        num_classes = len(self.versions)
+        common = {}
+        property_info = {}
-        source += "SER_END_ITEMS(%s_Data);\n" % self.name
-        source += "\n"
-        source += "\n"
-        source += "\n"
+        if num_classes < 2:
+            return
+        # count property occurences in all class versions
+        for cls in self.versions:
+            for prop in cls.properties:
+                # consdered same if matches by name AND type
+                key = "%s_%s" % (prop.name, prop.type)
+                if key in property_info:
+                    property_info[key][1] += 1
+                else:
+                    property_info[key] = [prop, 1]
+        # isolate those that are common for all and keep track of their postions
+        pos = 0
+        for key in property_info:
+            info = property_info[key]
+            # exists in all class versions
+            if info[1] == num_classes:
+                common[info[0].name] = [info[0], pos]
+                pos += 1
+        # alter each versions's property list so that common members are first
+        # and in the same order as in the common dictionary
+        total = len(common)
+        for cls in self.versions:
+            index = 0
+            count = len(cls.properties)
+            while index < count:
+                prop = cls.properties[index]
+                # it's a "common" proptery
+                if prop.name in common:
+                    pos = common[prop.name][1]
+                    # move to the same position as in "common" dictionary
+                    if index != pos:
+                        tmp = cls.properties[pos]
+                        cls.properties[pos] = prop
+                        cls.properties[index] = tmp
+                    else:
+                        index += 1
+                else:
+                    index += 1
+        # finally, get common properties as list sorted by position in dictionary
+        tmp = sorted(common.values(), key=lambda x: x[1])
+        self.common = []
+        for x in tmp:
+            self.common.append(x[0])
+class ClassUriInfo:
+    """Prepares URI information needed for wsman requests."""
+    def __init__(self, wmi_name, version):
+        self.rootUri = "ROOT_CIMV2"
+        self.resourceUri = None
+        baseUri = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/wmi/root/cimv2";
+        if wmi_name.startswith("Msvm_"):
+            baseUri = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/wmi/root/virtualization";
+            self.rootUri = "ROOT_VIRTUALIZATION"
+            if version == "v2":
+                baseUri += "/v2"
+                self.rootUri = "ROOT_VIRTUALIZATION_V2"
+        self.resourceUri = "%s/%s" % (baseUri, wmi_name)
+class WmiClassVersion:
+    """Represents specific verssion of WMI class."""
+    def __init__(self, name, version, properties, uri_info):
+        self.name = name
+        self.version = version
+        self.properties = properties
+        self.uri_info = uri_info
-        return source
 class Property:
@@ -155,9 +310,13 @@ class Property:
                "string"   : "STR",
                "datetime" : "STR",
                "int8"     : "INT8",
+               "sint8"    : "INT8",
                "int16"    : "INT16",
+               "sint16"   : "INT16",
                "int32"    : "INT32",
+               "sint32"   : "INT32",
                "int64"    : "INT64",
+               "sint64"   : "INT64",
                "uint8"    : "UINT8",
                "uint16"   : "UINT16",
                "uint32"   : "UINT32",
@@ -189,8 +348,6 @@ class Property:
             return "    SER_NS_%s(%s_RESOURCE_URI, \"%s\", 1),\n" \
                    % (Property.typemap[self.type], class_name.upper(), self.name)
 def open_and_print(filename):
     if filename.startswith("./"):
         print "  GEN      " + filename[2:]
@@ -217,8 +374,15 @@ def parse_class(block):
     assert header_items[0] == "class"
     name = header_items[1]
     properties = []
+    version = "v1"
+    wmi_name = name
+    ns_separator = name.find(wmi_version_separator)
+    if ns_separator != -1:
+        version = name[:ns_separator]
+        wmi_name = name[ns_separator + 1:]
+        name = "%s_%s" % (wmi_name, version)
     for line in block[1:]:
         # expected format: <type> <name>
@@ -236,7 +400,13 @@ def parse_class(block):
         properties.append(Property(type=items[0], name=items[1],
-    return Class(name=name, properties=properties)
+    cls = WmiClassVersion(name=name, version=version, properties=properties,
+                          uri_info=ClassUriInfo(wmi_name, version))
+    if wmi_name in wmi_classes_by_name:
+        wmi_classes_by_name[wmi_name].versions.append(cls)
+    else:
+        wmi_classes_by_name[wmi_name] = WmiClass(wmi_name, [cls])
@@ -248,15 +418,13 @@ def main():
         input_filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "hyperv_wmi_generator.input")
         output_dirname = os.getcwd()
-    header = open_and_print(os.path.join(output_dirname, "hyperv_wmi.generated.h"))
-    source = open_and_print(os.path.join(output_dirname, "hyperv_wmi.generated.c"))
     classes_typedef = open_and_print(os.path.join(output_dirname, "hyperv_wmi_classes.generated.typedef"))
     classes_header = open_and_print(os.path.join(output_dirname, "hyperv_wmi_classes.generated.h"))
     classes_source = open_and_print(os.path.join(output_dirname, "hyperv_wmi_classes.generated.c"))
-    # parse input file
     number = 0
-    classes_by_name = {}
     block = None
     for line in file(input_filename, "rb").readlines():
@@ -268,7 +436,7 @@ def main():
         line = line.lstrip().rstrip()
         if len(line) < 1:
-            continue
+                continue
         if line.startswith("class"):
             if block is not None:
@@ -279,31 +447,22 @@ def main():
         if block is not None:
             if line == "end":
                 if block[0][1].startswith("class"):
-                    cls = parse_class(block)
-                    classes_by_name[cls.name] = cls
+                    parse_class(block)
                 block = None
                 block.append((number, line))
-    # write output files
-    notice = "/* Generated by hyperv_wmi_generator.py */\n\n\n\n"
-    header.write(notice)
-    source.write(notice)
-    classes_typedef.write(notice)
-    classes_header.write(notice)
-    classes_source.write(notice)
-    names = classes_by_name.keys()
+    names = wmi_classes_by_name.keys()
     for name in names:
-        header.write(classes_by_name[name].generate_header())
-        source.write(classes_by_name[name].generate_source())
-        classes_typedef.write(classes_by_name[name].generate_classes_typedef())
-        classes_header.write(classes_by_name[name].generate_classes_header())
-        classes_source.write(classes_by_name[name].generate_classes_source())
+        cls = wmi_classes_by_name[name]
+        cls.prepare()
+        classes_typedef.write(cls.generate_classes_typedef())
+        classes_header.write(cls.generate_classes_header())
+        classes_source.write(cls.generate_classes_source())

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