Re: [libvirt] [RFC] Power Hypervisor Libvirt support

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> > The only feature we have until now is just to list the LPARs ("Logical
> > PARtitions", the IBM virtual machines for Power). Once this code is safe
> > and goot enough, the implementations of new commands will be much faster
> > and easier.
> I think for a initial commit of the driver I'd like to see it able
> to generate an XML description for each guest domain on the system.
> And also implement the listing of inactive domains.
> So these three extra driver API points:
> >     NULL,                       /* domainDumpXML */
> >     NULL,                       /* listDefinedDomains */
> >     NULL,                       /* numOfDefinedDomains */
> This would be enough to make the 2 core virsh commands work 
> fully with the drier
>   virsh list --all
>   virsh dumpxml GUEST

I just opened a new thread in order to discuss the usage of this
function and UUID. 

> >     /*starting ssh connection */
> >     if (ssh_connect(session)) {
> >         virRaiseError(conn, NULL, NULL, 0, VIR_FROM_PHYP, VIR_ERR_ERROR,
> >                       NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, "%s",
> >                       _("connection failed"));
> >         ssh_disconnect(session);
> >         ssh_finalize();
> >     }
> > 
> >     /*trying to use pub key */
> >     if ((ssh_auth =
> >          ssh_userauth_autopubkey(session, NULL)) == SSH_AUTH_ERROR) {
> >         virRaiseError(conn, NULL, NULL, 0, VIR_FROM_PHYP, VIR_ERR_ERROR,
> >                       NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, "%s : %s",
> >                       _("authenticating with public key ailed"),
> >                       ssh_get_error(session));
> >     }
> >
> > 
> >     if ((banner = ssh_get_issue_banner(session))) {
> >         virRaiseError(conn, NULL, NULL, 0, VIR_FROM_PHYP, VIR_ERR_ERROR,
> >                       NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, "%s", banner);
> >         VIR_FREE(banner);
> >     }
> If you call virRaiseError in these 3 cases, then you need to also 
> return from this function with VIR_DRV_OPEN_ERROR so caller can 
> see it failed.  If these are merely warnings, and you do intend
> to continue, then VIR_WARN() (from logging.h is most appropriate)

I adjusted the level of problem as I thought that would be more
consistent. (the fixed phyp_driver.c is attatched)

> > 
> >         char *password = creds[0].result;
> >         char *username = conn->uri->user;
> > 
> >         if (ssh_userauth_password(session, username, password) !=
> >             SSH_AUTH_SUCCESS) {
> >             virRaiseError(conn, NULL, NULL, 0, VIR_FROM_PHYP,
> >                           VIR_ERR_ERROR, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, "%s : %
> > s",
> >                           "authentication failed",
> > ssh_get_error(session));
> >             ssh_disconnect(session);
> >             memset(password, 0, strlen(password));
> >             memset(username, 0, strlen(username));
> >             goto err;
> >         } else
> >             goto exec;
> I imagine you want to blank out the password in both branches
> of that if() statement. Blanking the username is redundant
> since its permanently stored in the xmlURIPtr

Agreed and fixed.

> >     } else
> >         goto exec;
> > 
> >   err:
> >     exit_status = SSH_CONN_ERR;
> >     return VIR_DRV_OPEN_DECLINED;
> You should use OPEN_ERROR in this location. Only use OPEN_DECLINED
> if the initial conn->uri was not for the phy:// driver (you already
> handle this scenario correctly earlier on in this method)


> > 
> > /* this functions is the layer that manipulates the ssh channel itself
> > * and executes the commands on the remote machine */
> > static char *
> > __inner_exec_command(SSH_SESSION * session, char *cmd, int *exit_status)
> Having an exit_status var here is overkill, since the caller
> already checks the return value for NULL and can thus detect
> error there.

The exit_status here refers to the exit status of the command executed
remotely and not the return of the function. The return of the
'__inner_exec_command' function is NULL or the textual return from the
remote command.

> > {
> >     CHANNEL *channel = channel_new(session);
> >     char buf[4096] = { 0 };
> >     virBuffer tex_ret = VIR_BUFFER_INITIALIZER;
> > 
> >     int ret = 0;
> > 
> >     if (channel_open_session(channel) == SSH_ERROR)
> >         goto err;
> > 
> >     if (channel_request_exec(channel, cmd) == SSH_ERROR)
> >         goto err;
> > 
> >     if (channel_send_eof(channel) == SSH_ERROR)
> >         goto err;
> It is desired to have each of these errors virRaiseError
> with the specific details of what went wrong.

Agreed. Actually this was at my todo list and its done now.

> > 
> >     while (channel && channel_is_open(channel)) {
> >         ret = channel_read(channel, buf, sizeof(buf), 0);
> >         if (ret < 0)
> >             goto err;
> > 
> >         if (ret == 0) {
> >             channel_send_eof(channel);
> >             if (channel_get_exit_status(channel) == -1)
> >                 goto err;
> > 
> >             if (channel_close(channel) == SSH_ERROR)
> >                 goto err;
> > 
> >             channel_free(channel);
> >             channel = NULL;
> >             goto exit;
> >         }
> > 
> >         virBufferAdd(&tex_ret, (const char *) &buf, sizeof(buf));
> >     }
> > 
> >   err:
> >     (*exit_status) = SSH_CMD_ERR;
> >     return NULL;
> Here you need to free the buffer
>    char *buf = virBufferContentAndReset(&tex_ret)
>    VIR_FREE(buf);
> > 
> >   exit:
> >     return virBufferContentAndReset(&tex_ret);
> This also needs a check for OOM, so you can report ther error
> message
>    if (virBufferError(&tex_ret))
>      virReportOOMError(conn);
>      return NULL;
>    return virBufferContentAndReset(&tex_ret)

In order to check virBufferError and virReportOOMError I added
'virConnectPtr conn' as parameter to __inner_exec_command function.
Everything is recorded now.

> > 
> > /* return the lpar name given a lpar_id and a managed system name */
> > static char *
> > phypGetLparNAME(SSH_SESSION * ssh_session, const char *managed_system,
> >                 unsigned int lpar_id, int *exit_status)
> > {
> >     char *cmd;
> > 
> >     if (virAsprintf(&cmd,
> >                     "lssyscfg -r lpar -m %s --filter lpar_ids=%d -F
> > name",
> >                     managed_system, lpar_id) < 0)
> >         return NULL;
> > 
> >     char *lpar_name =
> >         __inner_exec_command(ssh_session, cmd, (int *) exit_status);
> This is forgetting to check lpar_name for NULL.
> > 
> >     char *striped_lpar_name = (char *) malloc(sizeof(lpar_name) - 1);
> > 
> >     stripNewline(striped_lpar_name, lpar_name);
> malloc()/free/calloc/realloc should all be avoided, in favour
> of using the VIR_ALLOC/ALLOC_N/REALLOC_N/FREE comamnds instead.
> In this case though, the malloc() is overkill - just modify
> the original string, rather than reallocating it 1 byte
> shorter.  
> eg replace those 2 lines with
>        char *nl = strchr(lpar_name, '\n');
>        if (nl) *nl = '\0';

These two lines opened my mind yesterday and made me remove those two
ugly function. I wasn't happy with them and I was trying other ways to
handle those chars. The new "stripPath" is reduced to: 

    char *managed_system = conn->uri->path;

    if (managed_system[0] == '/')

And the new "stripNewline" I did as you told me:

    char *char_ptr = strchr(lpar_uuid, '\n');

    if (char_ptr)
        *char_ptr = '\0';

> > 
> > /* return the lpar_uuid (which for now is its logical serial number) 
> > * given a lpar id and a managed system name */
> > static unsigned char *
> > phypGetLparUUID(SSH_SESSION * ssh_session, const char *managed_system,
> >                 unsigned int lpar_id, int *exit_status)
> > {
> >     char *cmd;
> > 
> >     if (virAsprintf(&cmd,
> >                     "lssyscfg -r lpar -m %s --filter lpar_ids=%d -F
> > logical_serial_num",
> >                     managed_system, lpar_id) < 0)
> >         return NULL;
> >     unsigned char *lpar_uuid =
> >         (unsigned char *) __inner_exec_command(ssh_session, cmd,
> >                                                (int *) exit_status);
> > 
> >     unsigned char *striped_lpar_uuid =
> >         (unsigned char *) malloc(sizeof(lpar_uuid) - 1);
> >     stripNewline((char *) striped_lpar_uuid, (char *) lpar_uuid);
> When a UUID is declared 'unsigned char*', this is intended to
> be the raw binary 16 byte array. So just casting from a NULL
> terminated string is not sufficient. Instead call into the
> virUUIDParse() method from src/uuid.h to convert from NULL
> terminated string, to raw byte array.

This is not fixed in the phyp_driver.c that is attatched here, but will
be fixed as soon as we discuss that UUID issue in the thread is just

> > 
> > static virDomainPtr
> > phypDomainLookupByName(virConnectPtr conn, const char *name)
> > {
> >     SSH_SESSION *ssh_session = conn->privateData;
> >     virDomainPtr dom = NULL;
> > 
> >     int lpar_id = 0;
> >     int exit_status = 0;
> >     char managed_system[strlen(conn->uri->path) - 1];
> This is allocating a variable length array on the stack which
> is something its best to avoid - prefer to allocate on the
> heap instead. 

This also made me think a better way to handle managed_system without
this stack allocation. Also fixed.

> > void
> > stripPath(char *striped_path, char *path)
> > {
> >     unsigned int i = 0;
> > 
> >     for (i = 1; i <= strlen(path); i++)
> >         striped_path[i - 1] = path[i];
> >     striped_path[i] = '\0';
> >     return;
> > }
> I'm not convinced that the compiler will optimize this loop
> to avoid it being  O(n^2) on strlen(path). It can be simplified
> by just calling strcpy, or memmove()'ing the original string
> inplace.


> > /* function to strip out the '\n' of the end of some string */
> > void
> > stripNewline(char *striped_string, char *string)
> > {
> >     unsigned int i = 0;
> > 
> >     for (i = 0; i <= strlen(string); i++)
> >         if (string[i] != '\n')
> >             striped_string[i] = string[i];
> >     striped_string[strlen(string) - 1] = '\0';
> >     return;
> > }
> This can also be done in-place with a simple strchr() call


Eduardo Otubo
Software Engineer
Linux Technology Center
IBM Systems & Technology Group
Mobile: +55 19 8135 0885 
 * Copyright IBM Corp. 2009
 * phyp_driver.c: ssh layer to access Power Hypervisors
 * Authors:
 *  Eduardo Otubo <otubo at>
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

#include <config.h>

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include <libssh/libssh.h>

#include "internal.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "datatypes.h"
#include "buf.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "driver.h"
#include "libvirt/libvirt.h"
#include "virterror_internal.h"
#include "uuid.h"

#include "phyp_driver.h"


 * TODO: I still need to implement a way to distinguish
 * an HMC from an IVM
 * */

static virDrvOpenStatus
phypOpen(virConnectPtr conn,
         virConnectAuthPtr auth, int flags ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
    int ssh_auth = 0, exit_status = 0;
    char *banner;

    SSH_SESSION *session;
    SSH_OPTIONS *opt;

    if (!conn || !conn->uri)
        return VIR_DRV_OPEN_DECLINED;

    if (conn->uri->scheme == NULL || conn->uri->server == NULL
        || conn->uri->path == NULL)
        return VIR_DRV_OPEN_DECLINED;

    session = ssh_new();
    opt = ssh_options_new();

    if (!conn->uri->port)
        conn->uri->port = 22;

    /*setting some ssh options */
    ssh_options_set_host(opt, conn->uri->server);
    ssh_options_set_port(opt, conn->uri->port);
    ssh_options_set_username(opt, conn->uri->user);
    ssh_set_options(session, opt);

    /*starting ssh connection */
    if (ssh_connect(session)) {
        virRaiseError(conn, NULL, NULL, 0, VIR_FROM_PHYP, VIR_ERR_ERROR,
                      NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, "%s",
                      _("Connection failed."));
        goto err;

    /*trying to use pub key */
    if ((ssh_auth =
         ssh_userauth_autopubkey(session, NULL)) == SSH_AUTH_ERROR) {
        VIR_WARN("%s", "Authentication with public key failed.");

    if ((banner = ssh_get_issue_banner(session))) {
        VIR_WARN("%s", banner);

    if (ssh_auth != SSH_AUTH_SUCCESS) {
        int i;
        int hasPassphrase = 0;
        int auth_check = 0;

        virConnectCredential creds[] = {
            {VIR_CRED_PASSPHRASE, "password", "Password", NULL,
             NULL, 0},

        if (!auth || !auth->cb) {
            virRaiseError(conn, NULL, NULL, 0, VIR_FROM_PHYP,
                          VIR_ERR_ERROR, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, "%s",
                          _("No authentication callback provided."));
            goto err;

        for (i = 0; i < auth->ncredtype; i++) {
            if (auth->credtype[i] == VIR_CRED_PASSPHRASE)
                hasPassphrase = 1;

        if (!hasPassphrase) {
            virRaiseError(conn, NULL, NULL, 0, VIR_FROM_PHYP,
                          VIR_ERR_ERROR, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, "%s",
                          _("Required credentials are not supported."));
            goto err;

        int res =
            (auth->cb) (creds, ARRAY_CARDINALITY(creds), auth->cbdata);

        if (res < 0) {
            virRaiseError(conn, NULL, NULL, 0, VIR_FROM_PHYP,
                          VIR_ERR_ERROR, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, "%s",
                          _("Unable to fetch credentials."));
            goto err;

        char *password = creds[0].result;
        char *username = conn->uri->user;

        auth_check = ssh_userauth_password(session, username, password);
        memset(password, 0, strlen(password));

        if (auth_check != SSH_AUTH_SUCCESS) {
            virRaiseError(conn, NULL, NULL, 0, VIR_FROM_PHYP,
                          VIR_ERR_ERROR, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, "%s : %s",
                          "Authentication failed.",
            goto err;
        } else
            goto exec;
    } else
        goto exec;

    exit_status = SSH_CONN_ERR;
    return VIR_DRV_OPEN_ERROR;

    conn->privateData = session;

static int
phypClose(virConnectPtr conn)
    SSH_SESSION *ssh_session = conn->privateData;


    return 0;

/* this functions is the layer that manipulates the ssh channel itself
 * and executes the commands on the remote machine */
static char *
__inner_exec_command(SSH_SESSION * session, char *cmd, int *exit_status,
                     virConnectPtr conn)
    CHANNEL *channel = channel_new(session);
    char buf[4096] = { 0 };
    virBuffer tex_ret = VIR_BUFFER_INITIALIZER;

    int ret = 0;

    if (channel_open_session(channel) == SSH_ERROR) {
        virRaiseError(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, VIR_FROM_PHYP,
                      VIR_ERR_ERROR, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, "%s",
                      _("Unable to open a SSH channel."));
        goto err;

    if (channel_request_exec(channel, cmd) == SSH_ERROR) {
        virRaiseError(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, VIR_FROM_PHYP,
                      VIR_ERR_ERROR, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, "%s",
                      _("Unable to execute remote command."));
        goto err;

    if (channel_send_eof(channel) == SSH_ERROR) {
        virRaiseError(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, VIR_FROM_PHYP,
                      VIR_ERR_ERROR, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, "%s",
                      _("Unable to send EOF."));
        goto err;

    while (channel && channel_is_open(channel)) {
        ret = channel_read(channel, buf, sizeof(buf), 0);
        if (ret < 0)
            goto err;

        if (ret == 0) {
            if (channel_get_exit_status(channel) == -1)
                goto err;

            if (channel_close(channel) == SSH_ERROR)
                goto err;

            channel = NULL;
            goto exit;

        virBufferAdd(&tex_ret, (const char *) &buf, sizeof(buf));

    (*exit_status) = SSH_CMD_ERR;
    char *cleanup_buf = virBufferContentAndReset(&tex_ret);

    return NULL;

    if (virBufferError(&tex_ret)) {
        return NULL;
    return virBufferContentAndReset(&tex_ret);

/* return the lpar_id given a name and a managed system name */
static int
phypGetLparID(SSH_SESSION * ssh_session, const char *managed_system,
              const char *name, virConnectPtr conn)
    int exit_status = 0;
    int lpar_id = 0;
    char *char_ptr;
    char *cmd;

    if (virAsprintf(&cmd,
                    "lssyscfg -r lpar -m %s --filter lpar_names=%s -F lpar_id",
                    managed_system, name) < 0) {
        goto err;

    const char *tex_ret =
        __inner_exec_command(ssh_session, cmd, &exit_status, conn);

    if (exit_status < 0 || tex_ret == NULL)
        goto err;

    if (virStrToLong_i(tex_ret, &char_ptr, 10, &lpar_id) == -1)
        goto err;

    return lpar_id;

    return 0;

/* return the lpar name given a lpar_id and a managed system name */
static char *
phypGetLparNAME(SSH_SESSION * ssh_session, const char *managed_system,
                unsigned int lpar_id, int *exit_status, virConnectPtr conn)
    char *cmd;

    if (virAsprintf(&cmd,
                    "lssyscfg -r lpar -m %s --filter lpar_ids=%d -F name",
                    managed_system, lpar_id) < 0) {
        goto err;

    char *lpar_name =
        __inner_exec_command(ssh_session, cmd, (int *) exit_status, conn);

    if (lpar_name == NULL)
        goto err;

    char *char_ptr = strchr(lpar_name, '\n');

    if (char_ptr)
        *char_ptr = '\0';

    if ((*exit_status) < 0 || lpar_name == NULL)
        goto err;

    return lpar_name;

    return NULL;

/* return the lpar_uuid (which for now is its logical serial number) 
 * given a lpar id and a managed system name */
static unsigned char *
phypGetLparUUID(SSH_SESSION * ssh_session, const char *managed_system,
                unsigned int lpar_id, int *exit_status, virConnectPtr conn)
    char *cmd;

    if (virAsprintf(&cmd,
                    "lssyscfg -r lpar -m %s --filter lpar_ids=%d -F logical_serial_num",
                    managed_system, lpar_id) < 0) {
        goto err;
    unsigned char *lpar_uuid =
        (unsigned char *) __inner_exec_command(ssh_session, cmd,
                                               (int *) exit_status, conn);
    if (lpar_uuid == NULL)
        goto err;

    char *char_ptr = strchr(lpar_uuid, '\n');

    if (char_ptr)
        *char_ptr = '\0';

    //unsigned char *uuid;

    //if (virUUIDParse(lpar_uuid, uuid) < 0)
    //              goto err;

    if ((*exit_status) < 0)
        goto err;

    return lpar_uuid;

    return NULL;

static int
phypNumDomains(virConnectPtr conn)
    int exit_status = 0;
    int ndom = 0;
    char *char_ptr;
    char *cmd;
    char *managed_system = conn->uri->path;
    SSH_SESSION *ssh_session = conn->privateData;

    /* need to shift one byte in order to remove the first "/" of URI component */
    if (managed_system[0] == '/')

    if (virAsprintf(&cmd,
                    "lssyscfg -r lpar -m %s -F lpar_id|grep -c ^[0-9]*",
                    managed_system) < 0) {
        goto err;

    char *ret = __inner_exec_command(ssh_session, cmd, &exit_status, conn);

    if (exit_status < 0 || ret == NULL)
        goto err;

    if (virStrToLong_i(ret, &char_ptr, 10, &ndom) == -1)
        goto err;

    return ndom;

    return 0;

static int
phypListDomains(virConnectPtr conn, int *ids, int nids)
    int exit_status = 0;
    int got = 0;
    char *char_ptr;
    unsigned int i = 0, j = 0;
    char id_c[10];
    char *cmd;
    char *managed_system = conn->uri->path;
    SSH_SESSION *ssh_session = conn->privateData;

    /* need to shift one byte in order to remove the first "/" of URI component */
    if (managed_system[0] == '/')

    memset(id_c, 0, 10);

    if (virAsprintf(&cmd, "lssyscfg -r lpar -m %s -F lpar_id",
                    managed_system) < 0) {
        goto err;
    char *domains =
        __inner_exec_command(ssh_session, cmd, &exit_status, conn);

    /* I need to parse the textual return in order to get the domains */
    if (exit_status < 0 || domains == NULL)
        goto err;
    else {
        while (got < nids) {
            if (domains[i] == '\n') {
                if (virStrToLong_i(id_c, &char_ptr, 10, &ids[got]) == -1)
                    return 0;
                memset(id_c, 0, 10);
                j = 0;
            } else {
                id_c[j] = domains[i];

    return got;

    return 0;

static virDomainPtr
phypDomainLookupByName(virConnectPtr conn, const char *name)
    SSH_SESSION *ssh_session = conn->privateData;
    virDomainPtr dom = NULL;

    int lpar_id = 0;
    int exit_status = 0;
    char *managed_system = conn->uri->path;

    /* need to shift one byte in order to remove the first "/" of uri component */
    if (managed_system[0] == '/')

    lpar_id = phypGetLparID(ssh_session, managed_system, name, conn);
    if (lpar_id == PHYP_NO_MEM)
        goto err;

    unsigned char *lpar_uuid =
        phypGetLparUUID(ssh_session, managed_system, lpar_id,
                        &exit_status, conn);

    if (exit_status == PHYP_NO_MEM || lpar_uuid == NULL)
        goto err;

    dom = virGetDomain(conn, name, lpar_uuid);

    if (dom)
        dom->id = lpar_id;

    return dom;

    return NULL;

static virDomainPtr
phypDomainLookupByID(virConnectPtr conn, int lpar_id)
    SSH_SESSION *ssh_session = conn->privateData;
    virDomainPtr dom = NULL;
    int exit_status = 0;
    char *managed_system = conn->uri->path;

    /* need to shift one byte in order to remove the first "/" of uri component */
    if (managed_system[0] == '/')

    char *lpar_name = phypGetLparNAME(ssh_session, managed_system, lpar_id,
                                      &exit_status, conn);

    if (exit_status == PHYP_NO_MEM)
        goto err;

    unsigned char *lpar_uuid =
        phypGetLparUUID(ssh_session, managed_system, lpar_id,
                        &exit_status, conn);

    if (exit_status == PHYP_NO_MEM)
        goto err;

    dom = virGetDomain(conn, lpar_name, lpar_uuid);

    if (dom)
        dom->id = lpar_id;

    return dom;

    return NULL;

static virDriver phypDriver = {
    phypOpen,                   /* open */
    phypClose,                  /* close */
    NULL,                       /* supports_feature */
    NULL,                       /* type */
    NULL,                       /* version */
    NULL,                       /* getHostname */
    NULL,                       /* getMaxVcpus */
    NULL,                       /* nodeGetInfo */
    NULL,                       /* getCapabilities */
    phypListDomains,            /* listDomains */
    phypNumDomains,             /* numOfDomains */
    NULL,                       /* domainCreateXML */
    phypDomainLookupByID,       /* domainLookupByID */
    NULL,                       /* domainLookupByUUID */
    phypDomainLookupByName,     /* domainLookupByName */
    NULL,                       /* domainSuspend */
    NULL,                       /* domainResume */
    NULL,                       /* domainShutdown */
    NULL,                       /* domainReboot */
    NULL,                       /* domainDestroy */
    NULL,                       /* domainGetOSType */
    NULL,                       /* domainGetMaxMemory */
    NULL,                       /* domainSetMaxMemory */
    NULL,                       /* domainSetMemory */
    NULL,                       /* domainGetInfo */
    NULL,                       /* domainSave */
    NULL,                       /* domainRestore */
    NULL,                       /* domainCoreDump */
    NULL,                       /* domainSetVcpus */
    NULL,                       /* domainPinVcpu */
    NULL,                       /* domainGetVcpus */
    NULL,                       /* domainGetMaxVcpus */
    NULL,                       /* domainGetSecurityLabel */
    NULL,                       /* nodeGetSecurityModel */
    NULL,                       /* domainDumpXML */
    NULL,                       /* listDefinedDomains */
    NULL,                       /* numOfDefinedDomains */
    NULL,                       /* domainCreate */
    NULL,                       /* domainDefineXML */
    NULL,                       /* domainUndefine */
    NULL,                       /* domainAttachDevice */
    NULL,                       /* domainDetachDevice */
    NULL,                       /* domainGetAutostart */
    NULL,                       /* domainSetAutostart */
    NULL,                       /* domainGetSchedulerType */
    NULL,                       /* domainGetSchedulerParameters */
    NULL,                       /* domainSetSchedulerParameters */
    NULL,                       /* domainMigratePrepare */
    NULL,                       /* domainMigratePerform */
    NULL,                       /* domainMigrateFinish */
    NULL,                       /* domainBlockStats */
    NULL,                       /* domainInterfaceStats */
    NULL,                       /* domainBlockPeek */
    NULL,                       /* domainMemoryPeek */
    NULL,                       /* nodeGetCellsFreeMemory */
    NULL,                       /* getFreeMemory */
    NULL,                       /* domainEventRegister */
    NULL,                       /* domainEventDeregister */
    NULL,                       /* domainMigratePrepare2 */
    NULL,                       /* domainMigrateFinish2 */
    NULL,                       /* nodeDeviceDettach */
    NULL,                       /* nodeDeviceReAttach */
    NULL,                       /* nodeDeviceReset */

    return 0;
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