[PATCH] hyperv: add new WMI classes and improve generator

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 src/hyperv/hyperv_wmi_generator.input | 485 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/hyperv/hyperv_wmi_generator.py    |  57 +++-
 2 files changed, 539 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/hyperv/hyperv_wmi_generator.input b/src/hyperv/hyperv_wmi_generator.input
index 97f9dff..abd72e8 100644
--- a/src/hyperv/hyperv_wmi_generator.input
+++ b/src/hyperv/hyperv_wmi_generator.input
@@ -296,3 +296,488 @@ class Win32_Processor
     string   Version
     uint32   VoltageCaps
+class CIM_DataFile
+    uint32   AccessMask
+    boolean  Archive
+    string   Caption
+    boolean  Compressed
+    string   CompressionMethod
+    string   CreationClassName
+    datetime CreationDate
+    string   CSCreationClassName
+    string   CSName
+    string   Description
+    string   Drive
+    string   EightDotThreeFileName
+    boolean  Encrypted
+    string   EncryptionMethod
+    string   Extension
+    string   FileName
+    uint64   FileSize
+    string   FileType
+    string   FSCreationClassName
+    string   FSName
+    boolean  Hidden
+    datetime InstallDate
+    uint64   InUseCount
+    datetime LastAccessed
+    datetime LastModified
+    string   Manufacturer
+    string   Name
+    string   Path
+    boolean  Readable
+    string   Status
+    boolean  System
+    string   Version
+    boolean  Writeable
+class Win32_ComputerSystemProduct
+    string   Caption
+    string   Description
+    string   IdentifyingNumber
+    string   Name
+    string   SKUNumber
+    string   UUID
+    string   Vendor
+    string   Version
+class Win32_PerfRawData_HvStats_HyperVHypervisorVirtualProcessor
+    uint64   AddressDomainFlushesPersec
+    uint64   AddressSpaceEvictionsPersec
+    uint64   AddressSpaceFlushesPersec
+    uint64   AddressSpaceSwitchesPersec
+    uint64   APICEOIAccessesPersec
+    uint64   APICIPIsSentPersec
+    uint64   APICMMIOAccessesPersec
+    uint64   APICSelfIPIsSentPersec
+    uint64   APICTPRAccessesPersec
+    string   Caption
+    uint64   ControlRegisterAccessesCost
+    uint64   ControlRegisterAccessesCost_Base
+    uint64   ControlRegisterAccessesPersec
+    uint64   CPUIDInstructionsCost
+    uint64   CPUIDInstructionsCost_Base
+    uint64   CPUIDInstructionsPersec
+    uint64   CPUWaitTimePerDispatch
+    uint64   CPUWaitTimePerDispatch_Base
+    uint64   DebugRegisterAccessesCost
+    uint64   DebugRegisterAccessesCost_Base
+    uint64   DebugRegisterAccessesPersec
+    string   Description
+    uint64   EmulatedInstructionsCost
+    uint64   EmulatedInstructionsCost_Base
+    uint64   EmulatedInstructionsPersec
+    uint64   ExternalInterruptsCost
+    uint64   ExternalInterruptsCost_Base
+    uint64   ExternalInterruptsPersec
+    uint64   Frequency_Object
+    uint64   Frequency_PerfTime
+    uint64   Frequency_Sys100NS
+    uint64   GlobalGVARangeFlushesPersec
+    uint64   GPASpaceHypercallsPersec
+    uint64   GuestPageTableMapsPersec
+    uint64   HardwareInterruptsPersec
+    uint64   HLTInstructionsCost
+    uint64   HLTInstructionsCost_Base
+    uint64   HLTInstructionsPersec
+    uint64   HypercallsCost
+    uint64   HypercallsCost_Base
+    uint64   HypercallsPersec
+    uint64   IOInstructionsCost
+    uint64   IOInstructionsCost_Base
+    uint64   IOInstructionsPersec
+    uint64   IOInterceptMessagesPersec
+    uint64   LargePageTLBFillsPersec
+    uint64   LocalFlushedGVARangesPersec
+    uint64   LogicalProcessorDispatchesPersec
+    uint64   LogicalProcessorHypercallsPersec
+    uint64   LogicalProcessorMigrationsPersec
+    uint64   LongSpinWaitHypercallsPersec
+    uint64   MemoryInterceptMessagesPersec
+    uint64   MSRAccessesCost
+    uint64   MSRAccessesCost_Base
+    uint64   MSRAccessesPersec
+    uint64   MWAITInstructionsCost
+    uint64   MWAITInstructionsCost_Base
+    uint64   MWAITInstructionsPersec
+    string   Name
+    uint64   NestedPageFaultInterceptsCost
+    uint64   NestedPageFaultInterceptsCost_Base
+    uint64   NestedPageFaultInterceptsPersec
+    uint64   OtherHypercallsPersec
+    uint64   OtherInterceptsCost
+    uint64   OtherInterceptsCost_Base
+    uint64   OtherInterceptsPersec
+    uint64   OtherMessagesPersec
+    uint64   PageFaultInterceptsCost
+    uint64   PageFaultInterceptsCost_Base
+    uint64   PageFaultInterceptsPersec
+    uint64   PageInvalidationsCost
+    uint64   PageInvalidationsCost_Base
+    uint64   PageInvalidationsPersec
+    uint64   PageTableAllocationsPersec
+    uint64   PageTableEvictionsPersec
+    uint64   PageTableReclamationsPersec
+    uint64   PageTableResetsPersec
+    uint64   PageTableValidationsPersec
+    uint64   PageTableWriteInterceptsPersec
+    uint64   PendingInterruptsCost
+    uint64   PendingInterruptsCost_Base
+    uint64   PendingInterruptsPersec
+    uint64   PercentGuestRunTime
+    uint64   PercentGuestRunTime_Base
+    uint64   PercentHypervisorRunTime
+    uint64   PercentHypervisorRunTime_Base
+    uint64   PercentRemoteRunTime
+    uint64   PercentRemoteRunTime_Base
+    uint64   PercentTotalRunTime
+    uint64   PercentTotalRunTime_Base
+    uint64   ReflectedGuestPageFaultsPersec
+    uint64   SmallPageTLBFillsPersec
+    uint64   SyntheticInterruptHypercallsPersec
+    uint64   SyntheticInterruptsPersec
+    uint64   Timestamp_Object
+    uint64   Timestamp_PerfTime
+    uint64   Timestamp_Sys100NS
+    uint64   TotalInterceptsCost
+    uint64   TotalInterceptsCost_Base
+    uint64   TotalInterceptsPersec
+    uint64   TotalMessagesPersec
+    uint64   VirtualInterruptHypercallsPersec
+    uint64   VirtualInterruptsPersec
+    uint64   VirtualMMUHypercallsPersec
+    uint64   VirtualProcessorHypercallsPersec
+class Win32_OperatingSystem
+    string   BootDevice
+    string   BuildNumber
+    string   BuildType
+    string   Caption
+    string   CodeSet
+    string   CountryCode
+    string   CreationClassName
+    string   CSCreationClassName
+    string   CSDVersion
+    string   CSName
+    uint16   CurrentTimeZone
+    boolean  DataExecutionPrevention_Available
+    boolean  DataExecutionPrevention_32BitApplications
+    boolean  DataExecutionPrevention_Drivers
+    uint8    DataExecutionPrevention_SupportPolicy
+    boolean  Debug
+    string   Description
+    boolean  Distributed
+    uint32   EncryptionLevel
+    uint8    ForegroundApplicationBoost
+    uint64   FreePhysicalMemory
+    uint64   FreeSpaceInPagingFiles
+    uint64   FreeVirtualMemory
+    datetime InstallDate
+    uint32   LargeSystemCache
+    datetime LastBootUpTime
+    datetime LocalDateTime
+    string   Locale
+    string   Manufacturer
+    uint32   MaxNumberOfProcesses
+    uint64   MaxProcessMemorySize
+    string   MUILanguages[]
+    string   Name
+    uint32   NumberOfLicensedUsers
+    uint32   NumberOfProcesses
+    uint32   NumberOfUsers
+    uint32   OperatingSystemSKU
+    string   Organization
+    string   OSArchitecture
+    uint32   OSLanguage
+    uint32   OSProductSuite
+    uint16   OSType
+    string   OtherTypeDescription
+    boolean  PAEEnabled
+    string   PlusProductID
+    string   PlusVersionNumber
+#   boolean  PortableOperatingSystem # documented, but not found
+    boolean  Primary
+    uint32   ProductType
+    string   RegisteredUser
+    string   SerialNumber
+    uint16   ServicePackMajorVersion
+    uint16   ServicePackMinorVersion
+    uint64   SizeStoredInPagingFiles
+    string   Status
+    uint32   SuiteMask
+    string   SystemDevice
+    string   SystemDirectory
+    string   SystemDrive
+    uint64   TotalSwapSpaceSize
+    uint64   TotalVirtualMemorySize
+    uint64   TotalVisibleMemorySize
+    string   Version
+    string   WindowsDirectory
+class Msvm_VirtualSwitch
+    string Caption
+    string Description
+    string ElementName
+    datetime InstallDate
+    uint16 OperationalStatus[]
+    string StatusDescriptions[]
+    string Status
+    uint16 HealthState
+    uint16 EnabledState
+    string OtherEnabledState
+    uint16 RequestedState
+    uint16 EnabledDefault
+    datetime TimeOfLastStateChange
+    string CreationClassName
+    string Name
+    string PrimaryOwnerContact
+    string PrimaryOwnerName
+    string Roles[]
+    string NameFormat
+    string OtherIdentifyingInfo[]
+    string IdentifyingDescriptions[]
+    uint16 Dedicated[]
+    string OtherDedicatedDescriptions[]
+    uint16 ResetCapability
+    uint16 PowerManagementCapabilities[]
+    string ScopeOfResidence
+    uint32 NumLearnableAddresses
+    uint32 MaxVMQOffloads
+    uint32 MaxChimneyOffloads
+class Msvm_VirtualSystemManagementService
+    string   Caption
+    string   Description
+    string   ElementName
+    datetime InstallDate
+    uint16   OperationalStatus
+    string   StatusDescriptions
+    string   Status
+    uint16   HealthState
+    uint16   EnabledState
+    string   OtherEnabledState
+    uint16   RequestedState
+    uint16   EnabledDefault
+    datetime TimeOfLastStateChange
+    string   SystemCreationClassName
+    string   SystemName
+    string   CreationClassName
+    string   Name
+    string   PrimaryOwnerName
+    string   PrimaryOwnerContact
+    string   StartMode
+    boolean  Started
+class Msvm_VirtualSystemGlobalSettingData
+    string   Caption
+    string   Description
+    string   ElementName
+    string   InstanceID
+    string   SystemName
+    uint16   SettingType
+    uint16   VirtualSystemType
+    string   OtherVirtualSystemType
+    boolean  AutoActivate
+    datetime CreationTime
+    string   ExternalDataRoot
+    string   SnapshotDataRoot
+    uint16   AutomaticStartupAction
+    datetime AutomaticStartupActionDelay
+    uint16   AutomaticShutdownAction
+    uint16   AutomaticRecoveryAction
+    string   AdditionalRecoveryInformation
+    string   ScopeOfResidence
+    uint32   DebugChannelId
+    boolean  AllowFullSCSICommandSet
+    string   Version
+class Msvm_VirtualSwitch
+    string Caption
+    string Description
+    string ElementName
+    datetime InstallDate
+    uint16 OperationalStatus[]
+    string StatusDescriptions[]
+    string Status
+    uint16 HealthState
+    uint16 EnabledState
+    string OtherEnabledState
+    uint16 RequestedState
+    uint16 EnabledDefault
+    datetime TimeOfLastStateChange
+    string CreationClassName
+    string Name
+    string PrimaryOwnerContact
+    string PrimaryOwnerName
+    string Roles[]
+    string NameFormat
+    string OtherIdentifyingInfo[]
+    string IdentifyingDescriptions[]
+    uint16 Dedicated[]
+    string OtherDedicatedDescriptions[]
+    uint16 ResetCapability
+    uint16 PowerManagementCapabilities[]
+    string ScopeOfResidence
+    uint32 NumLearnableAddresses
+    uint32 MaxVMQOffloads
+    uint32 MaxChimneyOffloads
+class Msvm_ResourceAllocationSettingData
+    string  Caption
+    string  Description
+    string  InstanceID
+    string  ElementName
+    uint16  ResourceType
+    string  OtherResourceType
+    string  ResourceSubType
+    string  PoolID
+    uint16  ConsumerVisibility
+    string  HostResource[]
+    string  AllocationUnits
+    uint64  VirtualQuantity
+    uint64  Reservation
+    uint64  Limit
+    uint32  Weight
+    boolean AutomaticAllocation
+    boolean AutomaticDeallocation
+    string  Parent
+    string  Connection[]
+    string  Address
+    uint16  MappingBehavior
+    string  VirtualSystemIdentifiers[]
+class Msvm_AllocationCapabilities
+    string Caption
+    string Description
+    string ElementName
+    string InstanceID
+    string OtherResourceType
+    uint16 RequestTypesSupported
+    string ResourceSubType
+    uint16 ResourceType
+    uint16 SharingMode
+    uint16 SupportedAddStates[]
+    uint16 SupportedRemoveStates[]
+class Msvm_SwitchPort
+    string Caption
+    string ElementName
+    datetime InstallDate
+    string StatusDescriptions[]
+    string Status
+    uint16 HealthState
+    string OtherEnabledState
+    uint16 RequestedState
+    uint16 EnabledDefault
+    string SystemCreationClassName
+    string SystemName
+    string CreationClassName
+    string Description
+    uint16 OperationalStatus[]
+    uint16 EnabledState
+    datetime TimeOfLastStateChange
+    string Name
+    string NameFormat
+    uint16 ProtocolType
+    uint16 ProtocolIFType
+    string OtherTypeDescription
+    boolean BroadcastResetSupported
+    uint16 PortNumber
+    string ScopeOfResidence
+    uint32 VMQOffloadWeight
+    uint32 ChimneyOffloadWeight
+    uint32 VMQOffloadUsage
+    uint32 ChimneyOffloadUsage
+    uint32 VMQOffloadLimit
+    uint32 ChimneyOffloadLimit
+    boolean AllowMacSpoofing
+class Msvm_SyntheticEthernetPortSettingData
+    string Caption
+    string Description
+    string InstanceID
+    string ElementName
+    uint16 ResourceType
+    string OtherResourceType
+    string ResourceSubType
+    string PoolID
+    uint16 ConsumerVisibility
+    string HostResource[]
+    string AllocationUnits
+    uint64 VirtualQuantity
+    uint64 Reservation
+    uint64 Limit
+    uint32 Weight
+    boolean AutomaticAllocation
+    boolean AutomaticDeallocation
+    string Parent
+    string Connection[]
+    string Address
+    uint16 MappingBehavior
+    string VirtualSystemIdentifiers[]
+    boolean StaticMacAddress
+class Msvm_VirtualSwitchManagementService
+    string Caption
+    string Description
+    string ElementName
+    datetime InstallDate
+    uint16 OperationalStatus[]
+    string StatusDescriptions[]
+    string Status
+    uint16 HealthState
+    uint16 EnabledState
+    string OtherEnabledState
+    uint16 RequestedState
+    uint16 EnabledDefault
+    datetime TimeOfLastStateChange
+    string SystemCreationClassName
+    string SystemName
+    string CreationClassName
+    string Name
+    string PrimaryOwnerName
+    string PrimaryOwnerContact
+    string StartMode
+    boolean Started
+class Msvm_VirtualHardDiskSettingData
+    string InstanceID
+    string Caption
+    string Description
+    string ElementName
+    uint16 Type
+    uint16 Format
+    string Path
+    string ParentPath
+    uint64 MaxInternalSize
+    uint32 BlockSize
+    uint32 LogicalSectorSize
+    uint32 PhysicalSectorSize
+    string VirtualDiskId
diff --git a/src/hyperv/hyperv_wmi_generator.py b/src/hyperv/hyperv_wmi_generator.py
index f767d54..8384634 100755
--- a/src/hyperv/hyperv_wmi_generator.py
+++ b/src/hyperv/hyperv_wmi_generator.py
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class Class:
         header += "\n"
         header += "#define %s_RESOURCE_URI \\\n" % name_upper
-        if self.name.startswith("Win32_"):
+        if self.name.startswith("Win32_") or self.name.startswith("CIM_DataFile"):
             header += "    \"http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/wmi/root/cimv2/%s\"\n"; % self.name
             header += "    \"http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/wmi/root/virtualization/%s\"\n"; % self.name
@@ -100,6 +100,25 @@ class Class:
         return header
+    def generate_cimtypes_header2(self):
+        header = separator
+        header += " * %s\n" % self.name
+        header += " */\n"
+        header += "\n"
+        header += "CimTypes cimTypes_%s[] = {\n" % self.name
+        for property in self.properties:
+            header += property.generate_cimtypes_header2()
+            header += ",\n"
+        header += "\t{ \"\", \"\", 0 },\n};\n\n"
+        return header
+    def generate_cimtypes_header3(self):
+        header = "	{ \"%s" % self.name
+        header += "\", cimTypes_%s" % self.name
+        header += " },\n"
+        return header
     def generate_source(self):
         name_upper = self.name.upper()
@@ -113,7 +132,7 @@ class Class:
                   % (self.name.replace("_", ""), self.name)
         source += "{\n"
-        if self.name.startswith("Win32_"):
+        if self.name.startswith("Win32_") or self.name.startswith("CIM_DataFile"):
             source += "    return hypervEnumAndPull(priv, query, ROOT_CIMV2,\n"
             source += "    return hypervEnumAndPull(priv, query, ROOT_VIRTUALIZATION,\n"
@@ -189,6 +208,16 @@ class Property:
             return "    SER_NS_%s(%s_RESOURCE_URI, \"%s\", 1),\n" \
                    % (Property.typemap[self.type], class_name.upper(), self.name)
+    def generate_cimtypes_header2(self):
+        header = "	{ \"%s" % self.name
+        header += "\", \"%s\", " % self.type
+        if self.is_array:
+            header += "true"
+        else:
+            header += "false"
+        header += " }"
+        return header
 def open_and_print(filename):
@@ -238,7 +267,20 @@ def parse_class(block):
     return Class(name=name, properties=properties)
+def generate_cimtypes_header1():
+    header = "struct cimTypes{\n"
+    header += "	const char *name;\n"
+    header += "	const char *type;\n"
+    header += "	bool isArray;\n"
+    header += "};\n"
+    header += "typedef struct cimTypes CimTypes;\n\n"
+    header += "struct cimClasses{\n"
+    header += "	const char *name;\n"
+    header += "	CimTypes *cimTypesPtr;\n"
+    header += "};\n"
+    header += "typedef struct cimClasses CimClasses;\n\n"
+    return header
 def main():
     if "srcdir" in os.environ:
@@ -253,6 +295,7 @@ def main():
     classes_typedef = open_and_print(os.path.join(output_dirname, "hyperv_wmi_classes.generated.typedef"))
     classes_header = open_and_print(os.path.join(output_dirname, "hyperv_wmi_classes.generated.h"))
     classes_source = open_and_print(os.path.join(output_dirname, "hyperv_wmi_classes.generated.c"))
+    cimtypes_header = open_and_print(os.path.join(output_dirname, "hyperv_wmi_cimtypes.generated.h"))
     # parse input file
     number = 0
@@ -294,6 +337,8 @@ def main():
+    cimtypes_header.write(notice)
+    cimtypes_header.write(generate_cimtypes_header1())
     names = classes_by_name.keys()
@@ -304,6 +349,12 @@ def main():
+        cimtypes_header.write(classes_by_name[name].generate_cimtypes_header2())
+    cimtypes_header.write("CimClasses cimClasses[] = {\n")
+    for name in names:
+        cimtypes_header.write(classes_by_name[name].generate_cimtypes_header3())
+    cimtypes_header.write("\t{ \"\", NULL },\n};\n")

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