[PATCH 13/13] qemu: monitor: Kill legacy PCI hotplug code

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 src/qemu/qemu_monitor.c      |  83 -------------
 src/qemu/qemu_monitor.h      |  23 ----
 src/qemu/qemu_monitor_json.c |  50 --------
 src/qemu/qemu_monitor_text.c | 278 -------------------------------------------
 src/qemu/qemu_monitor_text.h |  20 ----
 5 files changed, 454 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/qemu/qemu_monitor.c b/src/qemu/qemu_monitor.c
index 2ec4222..0170850 100644
--- a/src/qemu/qemu_monitor.c
+++ b/src/qemu/qemu_monitor.c
@@ -2405,73 +2405,6 @@ qemuMonitorGraphicsRelocate(qemuMonitorPtr mon,

-qemuMonitorAddPCIHostDevice(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                            virDevicePCIAddress *hostAddr,
-                            virDevicePCIAddress *guestAddr)
-    VIR_DEBUG("domain=%d bus=%d slot=%d function=%d",
-              hostAddr->domain, hostAddr->bus, hostAddr->slot, hostAddr->function);
-    if (mon->json)
-        return qemuMonitorJSONAddPCIHostDevice(mon, hostAddr, guestAddr);
-    else
-        return qemuMonitorTextAddPCIHostDevice(mon, hostAddr, guestAddr);
-qemuMonitorAddPCIDisk(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                      const char *path,
-                      const char *bus,
-                      virDevicePCIAddress *guestAddr)
-    VIR_DEBUG("path=%s bus=%s", path, bus);
-    if (mon->json)
-        return qemuMonitorJSONAddPCIDisk(mon, path, bus, guestAddr);
-    else
-        return qemuMonitorTextAddPCIDisk(mon, path, bus, guestAddr);
-qemuMonitorAddPCINetwork(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                         const char *nicstr,
-                         virDevicePCIAddress *guestAddr)
-    VIR_DEBUG("nicstr=%s", nicstr);
-    if (mon->json)
-        return qemuMonitorJSONAddPCINetwork(mon, nicstr, guestAddr);
-    else
-        return qemuMonitorTextAddPCINetwork(mon, nicstr, guestAddr);
-qemuMonitorRemovePCIDevice(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                           virDevicePCIAddress *guestAddr)
-    VIR_DEBUG("domain=%d bus=%d slot=%d function=%d",
-              guestAddr->domain, guestAddr->bus, guestAddr->slot,
-              guestAddr->function);
-    if (mon->json)
-        return qemuMonitorJSONRemovePCIDevice(mon, guestAddr);
-    else
-        return qemuMonitorTextRemovePCIDevice(mon, guestAddr);
 qemuMonitorSendFileHandle(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
                           const char *fdname,
                           int fd)
@@ -2763,22 +2696,6 @@ qemuMonitorGetChardevInfo(qemuMonitorPtr mon,

-qemuMonitorAttachPCIDiskController(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                                   const char *bus,
-                                   virDevicePCIAddress *guestAddr)
-    VIR_DEBUG("type=%s", bus);
-    if (mon->json)
-        return qemuMonitorJSONAttachPCIDiskController(mon, bus, guestAddr);
-    else
-        return qemuMonitorTextAttachPCIDiskController(mon, bus, guestAddr);
 qemuMonitorGetAllPCIAddresses(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
                               qemuMonitorPCIAddress **addrs)
diff --git a/src/qemu/qemu_monitor.h b/src/qemu/qemu_monitor.h
index 7825781..d4909d8 100644
--- a/src/qemu/qemu_monitor.h
+++ b/src/qemu/qemu_monitor.h
@@ -628,29 +628,6 @@ int qemuMonitorGraphicsRelocate(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
                                 int tlsPort,
                                 const char *tlsSubject);

-int qemuMonitorAddPCIHostDevice(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                                virDevicePCIAddress *hostAddr,
-                                virDevicePCIAddress *guestAddr);
-/* XXX disk driver type eg,  qcow/etc.
- * XXX cache mode
- */
-int qemuMonitorAddPCIDisk(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                          const char *path,
-                          const char *bus,
-                          virDevicePCIAddress *guestAddr);
-/* XXX do we really want to hardcode 'nicstr' as the
- * sendable item here
- */
-int qemuMonitorAddPCINetwork(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                             const char *nicstr,
-                             virDevicePCIAddress *guestAddr);
-int qemuMonitorRemovePCIDevice(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                               virDevicePCIAddress *guestAddr);
 int qemuMonitorSendFileHandle(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
                               const char *fdname,
                               int fd);
diff --git a/src/qemu/qemu_monitor_json.c b/src/qemu/qemu_monitor_json.c
index 5092548..e0dbda1 100644
--- a/src/qemu/qemu_monitor_json.c
+++ b/src/qemu/qemu_monitor_json.c
@@ -3032,46 +3032,6 @@ int qemuMonitorJSONGraphicsRelocate(qemuMonitorPtr mon,

-int qemuMonitorJSONAddPCIHostDevice(qemuMonitorPtr mon ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-                                    virDevicePCIAddress *hostAddr ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-                                    virDevicePCIAddress *guestAddr ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-    virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s",
-                   _("pci_add not supported in JSON mode"));
-    return -1;
-int qemuMonitorJSONAddPCIDisk(qemuMonitorPtr mon ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-                              const char *path ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-                              const char *bus ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-                              virDevicePCIAddress *guestAddr ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-    virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s",
-                   _("pci_add not supported in JSON mode"));
-    return -1;
-int qemuMonitorJSONAddPCINetwork(qemuMonitorPtr mon ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-                                 const char *nicstr ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-                                 virDevicePCIAddress *guestAddr ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-    virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s",
-                   _("pci_add not supported in JSON mode"));
-    return -1;
-int qemuMonitorJSONRemovePCIDevice(qemuMonitorPtr mon ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-                                   virDevicePCIAddress *guestAddr ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-    virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s",
-                   _("pci_del not supported in JSON mode"));
-    return -1;
 int qemuMonitorJSONSendFileHandle(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
                                   const char *fdname,
                                   int fd)
@@ -3570,16 +3530,6 @@ qemuMonitorJSONGetChardevInfo(qemuMonitorPtr mon,

-int qemuMonitorJSONAttachPCIDiskController(qemuMonitorPtr mon ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-                                           const char *bus ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-                                           virDevicePCIAddress *guestAddr ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-    virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s",
-                   _("pci_add not supported in JSON mode"));
-    return -1;
 int qemuMonitorJSONGetAllPCIAddresses(qemuMonitorPtr mon ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
                                       qemuMonitorPCIAddress **addrs ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
diff --git a/src/qemu/qemu_monitor_text.c b/src/qemu/qemu_monitor_text.c
index 707addc..ddf16b2 100644
--- a/src/qemu/qemu_monitor_text.c
+++ b/src/qemu/qemu_monitor_text.c
@@ -1572,245 +1572,6 @@ int qemuMonitorTextGraphicsRelocate(qemuMonitorPtr mon,

-static int
-qemuMonitorTextParsePCIAddReply(qemuMonitorPtr mon ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-                                const char *reply,
-                                virDevicePCIAddress *addr)
-    char *s, *e;
-    /* If the command succeeds qemu prints:
-     * OK bus 0, slot XXX...
-     * or
-     * OK domain 0, bus 0, slot XXX
-     */
-    if (!(s = strstr(reply, "OK ")))
-        return -1;
-    s += 3;
-    if (STRPREFIX(s, "domain ")) {
-        s += strlen("domain ");
-        if (virStrToLong_ui(s, &e, 10, &addr->domain) == -1) {
-            VIR_WARN("Unable to parse domain number '%s'", s);
-            return -1;
-        }
-        if (!STRPREFIX(e, ", ")) {
-            VIR_WARN("Expected ', ' parsing pci_add reply '%s'", s);
-            return -1;
-        }
-        s = e + 2;
-    }
-    if (!STRPREFIX(s, "bus ")) {
-        VIR_WARN("Expected 'bus ' parsing pci_add reply '%s'", s);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    s += strlen("bus ");
-    if (virStrToLong_ui(s, &e, 10, &addr->bus) == -1) {
-        VIR_WARN("Unable to parse bus number '%s'", s);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    if (!STRPREFIX(e, ", ")) {
-        VIR_WARN("Expected ', ' parsing pci_add reply '%s'", s);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    s = e + 2;
-    if (!STRPREFIX(s, "slot ")) {
-        VIR_WARN("Expected 'slot ' parsing pci_add reply '%s'", s);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    s += strlen("slot ");
-    if (virStrToLong_ui(s, &e, 10, &addr->slot) == -1) {
-        VIR_WARN("Unable to parse slot number '%s'", s);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    return 0;
-int qemuMonitorTextAddPCIHostDevice(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                                    virDevicePCIAddress *hostAddr,
-                                    virDevicePCIAddress *guestAddr)
-    char *cmd;
-    char *reply = NULL;
-    int ret = -1;
-    memset(guestAddr, 0, sizeof(*guestAddr));
-    if (hostAddr->domain) {
-        /* if domain > 0, the caller has already verified that this qemu
-         * supports specifying domain in pci_add command
-         */
-        if (virAsprintf(&cmd,
-                        "pci_add pci_addr=auto host host=%.4x:%.2x:%.2x.%.1x",
-                        hostAddr->domain, hostAddr->bus,
-                        hostAddr->slot, hostAddr->function) < 0)
-            goto cleanup;
-    } else {
-        if (virAsprintf(&cmd, "pci_add pci_addr=auto host host=%.2x:%.2x.%.1x",
-                        hostAddr->bus, hostAddr->slot, hostAddr->function) < 0)
-            goto cleanup;
-    }
-    if (qemuMonitorHMPCommand(mon, cmd, &reply) < 0)
-        goto cleanup;
-    if (strstr(reply, "invalid type: host")) {
-        virReportError(VIR_ERR_OPERATION_INVALID, "%s",
-                       _("PCI device assignment is not supported by this version of qemu"));
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    if (qemuMonitorTextParsePCIAddReply(mon, reply, guestAddr) < 0) {
-        virReportError(VIR_ERR_OPERATION_FAILED,
-                       _("parsing pci_add reply failed: %s"), reply);
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    ret = 0;
- cleanup:
-    VIR_FREE(cmd);
-    VIR_FREE(reply);
-    return ret;
-int qemuMonitorTextAddPCIDisk(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                              const char *path,
-                              const char *bus,
-                              virDevicePCIAddress *guestAddr)
-    char *cmd = NULL;
-    char *reply = NULL;
-    char *safe_path = NULL;
-    bool tryOldSyntax = false;
-    int ret = -1;
-    safe_path = qemuMonitorEscapeArg(path);
-    if (!safe_path)
-        return -1;
- try_command:
-    if (virAsprintf(&cmd, "pci_add %s storage file=%s,if=%s",
-                    (tryOldSyntax ? "0": "pci_addr=auto"), safe_path, bus) < 0)
-        goto cleanup;
-    if (qemuMonitorHMPCommand(mon, cmd, &reply) < 0)
-        goto cleanup;
-    if (qemuMonitorTextParsePCIAddReply(mon, reply, guestAddr) < 0) {
-        if (!tryOldSyntax && strstr(reply, "invalid char in expression")) {
-            VIR_FREE(reply);
-            VIR_FREE(cmd);
-            tryOldSyntax = true;
-            goto try_command;
-        }
-        virReportError(VIR_ERR_OPERATION_FAILED,
-                       _("adding %s disk failed %s: %s"), bus, path, reply);
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    ret = 0;
- cleanup:
-    VIR_FREE(safe_path);
-    VIR_FREE(cmd);
-    VIR_FREE(reply);
-    return ret;
-int qemuMonitorTextAddPCINetwork(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                                 const char *nicstr,
-                                 virDevicePCIAddress *guestAddr)
-    char *cmd;
-    char *reply = NULL;
-    int ret = -1;
-    if (virAsprintf(&cmd, "pci_add pci_addr=auto nic %s", nicstr) < 0)
-        return -1;
-    if (qemuMonitorHMPCommand(mon, cmd, &reply) < 0)
-        goto cleanup;
-    if (qemuMonitorTextParsePCIAddReply(mon, reply, guestAddr) < 0) {
-        virReportError(VIR_ERR_OPERATION_FAILED,
-                       _("parsing pci_add reply failed: %s"), reply);
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    ret = 0;
- cleanup:
-    VIR_FREE(reply);
-    VIR_FREE(cmd);
-    return ret;
-int qemuMonitorTextRemovePCIDevice(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                                   virDevicePCIAddress *guestAddr)
-    char *cmd = NULL;
-    char *reply = NULL;
-    bool tryOldSyntax = false;
-    int ret = -1;
- try_command:
-    if (tryOldSyntax) {
-        if (virAsprintf(&cmd, "pci_del 0 %.2x", guestAddr->slot) < 0)
-            goto cleanup;
-    } else {
-        /* XXX function ? */
-        if (virAsprintf(&cmd, "pci_del pci_addr=%.4x:%.2x:%.2x",
-                        guestAddr->domain, guestAddr->bus, guestAddr->slot) < 0)
-            goto cleanup;
-    }
-    if (qemuMonitorHMPCommand(mon, cmd, &reply) < 0)
-        goto cleanup;
-    /* Syntax changed when KVM merged PCI hotplug upstream to QEMU,
-     * so check for an error message from old KVM indicating the
-     * need to try the old syntax */
-    if (!tryOldSyntax &&
-        strstr(reply, "extraneous characters")) {
-        tryOldSyntax = true;
-        VIR_FREE(reply);
-        VIR_FREE(cmd);
-        goto try_command;
-    }
-    /* If the command fails due to a wrong slot qemu prints: invalid slot,
-     * nothing is printed on success */
-    if (strstr(reply, "invalid slot") ||
-        strstr(reply, "Invalid pci address")) {
-        virReportError(VIR_ERR_OPERATION_FAILED,
-                       _("failed to detach PCI device, invalid address %.4x:%.2x:%.2x: %s"),
-                       guestAddr->domain, guestAddr->bus, guestAddr->slot, reply);
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    ret = 0;
- cleanup:
-    VIR_FREE(cmd);
-    VIR_FREE(reply);
-    return ret;
 int qemuMonitorTextSendFileHandle(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
                                   const char *fdname,
                                   int fd)
@@ -2072,45 +1833,6 @@ int qemuMonitorTextGetChardevInfo(qemuMonitorPtr mon,

-int qemuMonitorTextAttachPCIDiskController(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                                           const char *bus,
-                                           virDevicePCIAddress *guestAddr)
-    char *cmd = NULL;
-    char *reply = NULL;
-    bool tryOldSyntax = false;
-    int ret = -1;
- try_command:
-    if (virAsprintf(&cmd, "pci_add %s storage if=%s",
-                    (tryOldSyntax ? "0": "pci_addr=auto"), bus) < 0)
-        goto cleanup;
-    if (qemuMonitorHMPCommand(mon, cmd, &reply) < 0)
-        goto cleanup;
-    if (qemuMonitorTextParsePCIAddReply(mon, reply, guestAddr) < 0) {
-        if (!tryOldSyntax && strstr(reply, "invalid char in expression")) {
-            VIR_FREE(reply);
-            VIR_FREE(cmd);
-            tryOldSyntax = true;
-            goto try_command;
-        }
-        virReportError(VIR_ERR_OPERATION_FAILED,
-                       _("adding %s disk controller failed: %s"), bus, reply);
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    ret = 0;
- cleanup:
-    VIR_FREE(cmd);
-    VIR_FREE(reply);
-    return ret;
  * The format we're after looks like this
diff --git a/src/qemu/qemu_monitor_text.h b/src/qemu/qemu_monitor_text.h
index d62e668..d30f1a4 100644
--- a/src/qemu/qemu_monitor_text.h
+++ b/src/qemu/qemu_monitor_text.h
@@ -119,22 +119,6 @@ int qemuMonitorTextGraphicsRelocate(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
                                     int tlsPort,
                                     const char *tlsSubject);

-int qemuMonitorTextAddPCIHostDevice(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                                    virDevicePCIAddress *hostAddr,
-                                    virDevicePCIAddress *guestAddr);
-int qemuMonitorTextAddPCIDisk(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                              const char *path,
-                              const char *bus,
-                              virDevicePCIAddress *guestAddr);
-int qemuMonitorTextAddPCINetwork(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                                 const char *nicstr,
-                                 virDevicePCIAddress *guestAddr);
-int qemuMonitorTextRemovePCIDevice(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                                   virDevicePCIAddress *guestAddr);
 int qemuMonitorTextSendFileHandle(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
                                   const char *fdname,
                                   int fd);
@@ -158,10 +142,6 @@ int qemuMonitorTextRemoveNetdev(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
 int qemuMonitorTextGetChardevInfo(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
                                   virHashTablePtr info);

-int qemuMonitorTextAttachPCIDiskController(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                                           const char *bus,
-                                           virDevicePCIAddress *guestAddr);
 int qemuMonitorTextGetAllPCIAddresses(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
                                       qemuMonitorPCIAddress **addrs);


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