Le 22/02/2016 12:08, Jean-Marc LIGER a écrit :
Le 19/02/2016 11:40, Miroslav Suchý a écrit :
Dne 19.1.2016 v 17:01 Jean-Marc LIGER napsal(a):
I'm facing the problem below on epel-6-x86_64 chroot for both from
URL and upload SRPM :
[2016-01-19 15:16:26,790][ INFO][PID:3241] Setting up builder:
[2016-01-19 15:16:27,991][ INFO][PID:3241] marking build dir with
[2016-01-19 15:16:27,992][ INFO][PID:3241] Start build:
BuildJob<id: 154509, owner: jmliger, project: virt6-upstream,
git branch: el6, git_hash: acef5efd6153aa8f9ea760f468333e65c9b46a4e,
status: 3 >
[2016-01-19 15:16:27,993][ INFO][PID:3241] putting into minimal
buildroot of epel-6-x86_64
[2016-01-19 15:16:28,902][ INFO][PID:3241] Cloning Dist Git repo
jmliger/virt6-upstream/libvirt, branch
acef5efd6153aa8f9ea760f468333e65c9b46a4e, hash el6
[2016-01-19 15:16:30,906][ ERROR][PID:3241] Failed to obtain srpm
from dist-git
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/copr/backend/mockremote/builder.py", line 209,
in download_job_pkg_to_builder
self.remote_pkg_path =
list(results["contacted"].values())[0][u"stdout"].split("Wrote: ")[1]
IndexError: list index out of range
[2016-01-19 15:16:30,911][ ERROR][PID:3241] builder.build error
building pkg `libvirt`: BuildError: Failed to obtain
srpm from dist-git: ansible results {'dark': {}, 'contacted':
{'': {'cmd': 'rm -rf /tmp/build_package_repo
&& mkdir /tmp/build_package_repo && cd /tmp/build_package_repo &&
git clone
&& cd libvirt && git checkout
acef5efd6153aa8f9ea760f468333e65c9b46a4e && fedpkg-copr --dist el6
srpm', 'end': '2016-01-19 15:16:30.308282', 'stdout':
'Downloading libvirt-1.3.1.tar.gz\n\r
100.0%', 'changed': True, 'start':
'2016-01-19 15:16:28.758321', 'delta': '0:00:01.549961', 'stderr':
"Cloning into 'libvirt'...\nNote: checking out
'acef5efd6153aa8f9ea760f468333e65c9b46a4e'.\n\nYou are in 'detached
HEAD' state. You can look around, make
experimental\nchanges and commit them, and you can discard any
commits you make in this\nstate without impacting any
branches by performing another checkout.\n\nIf you want to create a
new branch to retain commits you create, you may\ndo
so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again.
Example:\n\n git checkout -b <new-branch-name>\n\nHEAD
is now at acef5ef... import_srpm\nerror: line 1800: Trigger fired by
the same package is already defined in spec file:
%post daemon-config-network\n\nerror: query of specfile
/tmp/build_package_repo/libvirt/libvirt.spec failed, can't
parse\n\nCould not execute srpm: Could not get n-v-r-e from
'\\n\\n'", 'rc': 1, 'invocation': {'module_name': 'shell',
'module_complex_args': {}, 'module_args': u'rm -rf
/tmp/build_package_repo && mkdir /tmp/build_package_repo && cd
/tmp/build_package_repo && git clone
cd libvirt && git checkout acef5efd6153aa8f9ea760f468333e65c9b46a4e
&& fedpkg-copr --dist el6 srpm'}, 'warnings':
['Consider using file module with state=absent rather than running
[2016-01-19 15:16:31,759][ INFO][PID:3241] End Build: BuildJob<id:
154509, owner: jmliger, project: virt6-upstream, git
branch: el6, git_hash: acef5efd6153aa8f9ea760f468333e65c9b46a4e,
status: 3 >
Jean-Marc LIGER
copr-devel mailing list
It is some problem with your spec file.
You can reproduce it by installing fedpkg-copr from our Copr project and
git clone
cd libvirt
git checkout acef5efd6153aa8f9ea760f468333e65c9b46a4e
fedpkg-copr -vvv --dist el6 srpm
Which will fails on:
rpm --define '_sourcedir /tmp/libvirt' --define '_specdir
/tmp/libvirt' --define '_builddir /tmp/libvirt' --define
'_srcrpmdir /tmp/libvirt' --define '_rpmdir /tmp/libvirt' --define
'dist .el6' --define 'rhel 6' --eval '%undefine
fedora' --define 'el6 1' --eval '%undefine fc23' -q --qf "%{NAME}
%{EPOCH} %{VERSION} %{RELEASE}??" --specfile
error: line 1800: Trigger fired by the same package is already
defined in spec file: %post daemon-config-network
error: query of specfile /tmp/libvirt/libvirt.spec failed, can't parse
And your spec file is so complex that I have no idea why it is
failing. You may ask on RPM mailing list.
Thanks for your reply, I'm addressing this problem to the libvirt list.
Your feedback was helpfull to resolve this trigger issue :
I will submit a patch to the libvirt list.
libvir-list mailing list