Re: [PATCH 2/2] rbd: Implement buildVolFrom using RBD cloning

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On 12/23/2015 04:29 AM, Wido den Hollander wrote:
> RBD supports cloning by creating a snapshot, protecting it and create
> a child image based on that snapshot afterwards.
> The RBD storage driver will try to find a snapshot with zero deltas between
> the current state of the original volume and the snapshot.
> If such a snapshot is found a clone/child image will be created using
> the rbd_clone2() function from librbd.
> It will use the same features, strip size and stripe count as the parent image.
> This implementation will only create a single snapshot on the parent image if
> this never changes. That should improve performance when removing the parent
> image at some point.
> During build the decision will be made to user rbd_diff_iterate() or rbd_diff_iterate2().
> The latter is faster, but only available on Ceph versions after 0.94 (Hammer).
> Cloning is only supported if RBD format 2 is used. All images created by libvirt
> are already format 2.
> If a RBD format 1 image is used as the original volume libvirt will return VIR_ERR_OPERATION_UNSUPPORTED

Long line...  and the API should return 0 or -1 (based on other
backends)... Caller doesn't expect that VIR_ERR* on return...

I assume you realize that 'virsh vol-create-from' and 'vol-clone' end up
using the same API...

FWIW: I reviewed bottom up - I may also have been distracted more than
once looking for specific code. Hopefully this is coherent ;-)

> Signed-off-by: Wido den Hollander <wido@xxxxxxxxx>
> ---
>  src/storage/storage_backend_rbd.c | 340 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  1 file changed, 340 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/src/storage/storage_backend_rbd.c b/src/storage/storage_backend_rbd.c
> index 5e16e7a..d22e5e0 100644
> --- a/src/storage/storage_backend_rbd.c
> +++ b/src/storage/storage_backend_rbd.c
> @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
>  #include "viruuid.h"
>  #include "virstring.h"
>  #include "virutil.h"
> +#include "time.h"

Instead of time, perhaps virrandom...  see note below

>  #include "rados/librados.h"
>  #include "rbd/librbd.h"
> @@ -632,6 +633,344 @@ virStorageBackendRBDBuildVol(virConnectPtr conn,
>      return ret;
>  }
> +static int virStorageBackendRBDImageInfo(rbd_image_t image, char *volname,
> +                                         uint64_t *features,
> +                                         uint64_t *stripe_unit,
> +                                         uint64_t *stripe_count)

static int

and one line per parameter

Also, I think this moves to help with the previous patch...

> +{
> +    int r = -1;

int ret = -1;

> +    uint8_t oldformat;
> +
> +    r = rbd_get_old_format(image, &oldformat);
> +    if (r < 0) {

You could use (in more places than just here):

    "if ((r = rbd_*(...)) < 0) {"

I'll just mention it once though...

> +        virReportSystemError(-r, _("failed to get the format of RBD image %s"),
> +                             volname);
> +        goto cleanup;
> +    }
> +
> +    if (oldformat != 0) {
> +        virReportError(VIR_ERR_OPERATION_UNSUPPORTED,
> +                       _("RBD image %s is old format. Does not support "
> +                         "extended features and striping"),
> +                       volname);


> +        goto cleanup;
> +    }

This is the check I'm referring to in the review of the other patch.

> +
> +    r = rbd_get_features(image, features);
> +    if (r < 0) {
> +        virReportSystemError(-r, _("failed to get the features of RBD image %s"),
> +                             volname);
> +        goto cleanup;
> +    }
> +
> +    r = rbd_get_stripe_unit(image, stripe_unit);
> +    if (r < 0) {
> +        virReportSystemError(-r, _("failed to get the stripe unit of RBD image %s"),
> +                             volname);
> +        goto cleanup;
> +    }
> +
> +    r = rbd_get_stripe_count(image, stripe_count);
> +    if (r < 0) {
> +        virReportSystemError(-r, _("failed to get the stripe count of RBD image %s"),
> +                             volname);
> +        goto cleanup;
> +    }

    ret = 0;

> +
> + cleanup:
> +    return r;

    return ret;

> +}
> +
> +/* Callback function for rbd_diff_iterate() */
> +static int virStorageBackendRBDIterateCb(uint64_t offset ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
> +                                         size_t length ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
> +                                         int exists ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
> +                                         void *arg)

static int

> +{
> +    /*
> +     * Just set that there is a diff for this snapshot, we do not care where
> +     */
> +    *(int*) arg = 1;
> +    return -1;

So I assume the only reason this gets called then is when there is a

> +}
> +

This one will require some comments w/r/t what it returns...  I'm also
curious how would the caller distinguish between EPERM and a -1 return
call?  That's the problem with returning negative errno values. I think
you need to pick specific numbers to return and not mess w/ errno.

Seems like you have 1 for success, 0 for nothing found, and -1 for
error. Then your caller is adjusted thusly.

> +static int virStorageBackendRBDSnapshotFindNoDiff(rbd_image_t image, char *imgname,
> +                                                  virBufferPtr snapname)

static int

and one line per parameter

> +{
> +    int r = -1;

    int ret = -1;

> +    int snap_count;
> +    int max_snaps = 128;
> +    size_t i;
> +    int diff;
> +    rbd_snap_info_t *snaps = NULL;
> +    rbd_image_info_t info;
> +
> +    r = rbd_stat(image, &info, sizeof(info));
> +    if (r < 0) {
> +        virReportSystemError(-r, _("failed to stat the RBD image %s"),
> +                             imgname);
> +        goto cleanup;
> +    }

Perhaps interesting to note that virStorageBackendRBDVolWipe calls this
too - why not call it once and save/pass the result (by reference)?

> +
> +    do {
> +        if (VIR_ALLOC_N(snaps, max_snaps))
> +            goto cleanup;
> +
> +        snap_count = rbd_snap_list(image, snaps, &max_snaps);

There isn't an API to tell you how many are there?  Seems like a much
better idea to have that rather than iterative loop like this trying to
guess... Especially one that creates 128 to start... Lots of wasted
space if there's only 1. There are some API's where you pass NULL for
'snaps' and 'max_snaps = 0', then it returns the number found...  That
would be more useful here.

> +        if (snap_count <= 0)
> +            VIR_FREE(snaps);
> +
> +    } while (snap_count == -ERANGE);
> +
> +    VIR_DEBUG("Found %d snapshots for RBD image %s", snap_count, imgname);

Found -# snapshots will look very strange on error...

> +
> +    if (snap_count == 0) {
> +        r = -ENOENT;
> +        goto cleanup;
> +    }

This then becomes:

    if (snap_count <= 0) {
        if (snap_count == 0)
            ret = 0;
        goto cleanup;
> +
> +    if (snap_count > 0) {

That means this if goes away...

> +        for (i = 0; i < snap_count; i++) {
> +            VIR_DEBUG("Quering diff for RBD snapshot %s@%s", imgname,
> +                      snaps[i].name);

Querying or checking.

> +
> +            /* The callback will set diff to non-zero if there is a diff */
> +            diff = 0;
> +
> +/*
> + * rbd_diff_iterate2() is available in versions above Ceph 0.94 (Hammer)
> + * It uses a object map inside Ceph which is faster than rbd_diff_iterate()
> + * which iterates all objects.

Rather than split function calls between #if #else #endif - I'd copy
that duplicated line into both.

> + */
> +            r = rbd_diff_iterate2(image, snaps[i].name, 0, info.size, 0, 1,
> +#else
> +            r = rbd_diff_iterate(image, snaps[i].name, 0, info.size,
> +#endif
> +                                 virStorageBackendRBDIterateCb, (void *)&diff);
> +
> +            if (r < 0) {
> +                virReportSystemError(-r, _("failed to iterate RBD snapshot %s@%s"),
> +                                     imgname, snaps[i].name);
> +                goto cleanup;
> +            }
> +
> +            if (diff == 0) {

So this is the I found the matching image/snaps[i].name and it's exactly
the same?  I'm a bit unclear on what the iterate call does especially
with that callback function added into the mix.

> +                VIR_DEBUG("RBD snapshot %s@%s has no delta", imgname,
> +                          snaps[i].name);
> +                virBufferAsprintf(snapname, "%s", snaps[i].name);
> +                r = 0;

I assume though here we're saying match and the same, so the caller
should take a specific path, thus:

    ret = 1;

> +                goto cleanup;
> +            }
> +
> +            VIR_DEBUG("RBD snapshot %s@%s has deltas", imgname,
> +                      snaps[i].name);

Otherwise, we'll try the next snaps[i]?

> +        }
> +    }
> +
> +    r = -ENOENT;

Thus if we get here we found nothing matching, so:

    ret = 0;

> +
> + cleanup:
> +    if (snaps)
> +        rbd_snap_list_end(snaps);
> +
> +    VIR_FREE(snaps);
> +
> +    return r;

    return ret;

> +}
> +
> +static int virStorageBackendRBDSnapshotCreate(rbd_image_t image, char *imgname,
> +                                              char *snapname)

static int

one line per argument

> +{
> +    int r = -1;

    int ret = -1;

> +
> +    VIR_DEBUG("Creating RBD snapshot %s@%s", imgname, snapname);
> +
> +    r = rbd_snap_create(image, snapname);
> +    if (r < 0) {
> +        virReportSystemError(-r, _("failed to create RBD snapshot %s@%s"),
> +                                   imgname, snapname);
> +        goto cleanup;
> +    }

    ret = 0;

> +
> + cleanup:
> +    return r;

    return ret;

> +}
> +
> +static int virStorageBackendRBDSnapshotProtect(rbd_image_t image, char *imgname,
> +                                               char *snapname)

static int

And one line per parameter...

> +{
> +    int r = -1;

   int ret = -1;

> +    int protected;
> +
> +    VIR_DEBUG("Quering if RBD snapshot %s@%s is protected", imgname, snapname);

Querying or Checking

> +
> +    r = rbd_snap_is_protected(image, snapname, &protected);
> +    if (r < 0) {
> +        virReportSystemError(-r, _("failed verify if RBD snapshot %s@%s "
> +                                   "is protected"), imgname, snapname);
> +        goto cleanup;
> +    }
> +
> +    if (protected == 0) {
> +        VIR_DEBUG("RBD Snapshot %s@%s is not protected, protecting",
> +                  imgname, snapname);
> +
> +        r = rbd_snap_protect(image, snapname);
> +        if (r < 0) {
> +            virReportSystemError(-r, _("failed protect RBD snapshot %s@%s"),
> +                                       imgname, snapname);
> +            goto cleanup;
> +        }
> +    } else {
> +        VIR_DEBUG("RBD Snapshot %s@%s is already protected", imgname, snapname);
> +    }
> +
    ret = 0;

> + cleanup:
> +    return r;

    return ret;

> +}
> +
> +static int virStorageBackendRBDCloneImage(rados_ioctx_t io, char *origvol,
> +                                          char *newvol)

static int

Also one line per parameter...

> +{
> +    int r = -1;

    int ret = -1;

> +    int order = 0;
> +    uint64_t features;
> +    uint64_t stripe_count;
> +    uint64_t stripe_unit;
> +    virBuffer snapname = VIR_BUFFER_INITIALIZER;
> +    char *snapname_buff;

 = NULL;

Since we can get to cleanup without ever initializing...

> +    rbd_image_t image = NULL;
> +
> +    r = rbd_open(io, origvol, &image, NULL);
> +    if (r < 0) {
> +        virReportSystemError(-r, _("failed to open the RBD image %s"),
> +                             origvol);
> +        goto cleanup;
> +    }
> +
> +    r = virStorageBackendRBDImageInfo(image, origvol, &features, &stripe_unit,
> +                                      &stripe_count);
> +    if (r < 0) {
> +        virReportSystemError(-r, _("failed to get info from RBD image %s"),
> +                             origvol);

Don't overwrite error messages from virStorageBackendRBDImageInfo

This then just becomes:

    if (virStorageBackendRBDImageInfo() < 0)

Yes, I see this is where the commit message claim about returning
VIR_ERR_OPERATION_UNSUPPORTED is sourced, but I don't think that's the
right choice...

> +        goto cleanup;
> +    }
> +
> +    /*
> +     * First we attempt to find a snapshot which has no differences between
> +     * the current state of the RBD image.
> +     *
> +     * This prevents us from creating a new snapshot for every clone operation
> +     * while it could be that the original volume has not changed
> +     */
> +    r = virStorageBackendRBDSnapshotFindNoDiff(image, origvol, &snapname);
> +    if (r < 0 && r != -ENOENT) {
> +        virReportSystemError(-r, _("failed to find snapshot for RBD image %s"),
> +                             origvol);
> +        goto cleanup;
> +    }

Same here regarding error message...

Using my suggestions above "if (r < 0) goto cleanup;"

> +
> +    /*
> +     * No such snapshot could be found, so we will create a new snapshot
> +     * and use that for cloning
> +     */
> +    if (r == -ENOENT) {

again from my suggestion "if (r == 0)"

> +        VIR_DEBUG("No RBD snapshot with zero delta could be found for image %s",
> +                  origvol);
> +
> +        virBufferAsprintf(&snapname, "libvirt-%d", (int)time(NULL));

Ewww...  I assume you're shooting for unique name, why not use

> +
> +        if (virBufferCheckError(&snapname) < 0)
> +            goto cleanup;
> +
> +        snapname_buff = virBufferContentAndReset(&snapname);
> +
> +        r = virStorageBackendRBDSnapshotCreate(image, origvol, snapname_buff);
> +        if (r < 0) {
> +            virReportSystemError(-r, _("failed to snapshot RBD image %s"),
> +                                 origvol);
> +            goto cleanup;
> +        }

Same here regarding error message

> +    } else {
> +        snapname_buff = virBufferContentAndReset(&snapname);

This path assumes snapname was generated via the virBufferAsprintf in
the called function, but this path doesn't do the virBufferCheckError
leaving the possibility that the virBufferAsprintf failed and then the
snapname_buff could be "NULL" (if error was set), resulting in issues

> +
> +        VIR_DEBUG("Found RBD snapshot %s with zero delta for image %s",
> +                  snapname_buff, origvol);

This is somewhat redundant with the VIR_DEBUG in the *NoDiff helper

> +    }
> +
> +    VIR_DEBUG("Using snapshot name %s for cloning RBD image %s to %s",
> +              snapname_buff, origvol, newvol);
> +
> +    /*
> +     * RBD snapshots have to be 'protected' before they can be used
> +     * as a parent snapshot for a child image
> +     */
> +    r = virStorageBackendRBDSnapshotProtect(image, origvol, snapname_buff);
> +    if (r < 0) {
> +        virReportSystemError(-r, _("failed to protect RBD snapshot %s@%s"),
> +                             origvol, snapname_buff);
> +        goto cleanup;
> +    }

Same here regarding error message.

> +
> +    VIR_DEBUG("Performing RBD clone from %s to %s", origvol, newvol);
> +
> +    r = rbd_clone2(io, origvol, snapname_buff, io, newvol, features, &order,
> +                   stripe_unit, stripe_count);

Seeing rbd_clone2 makes me wonder is there an rbd_clone?  and if so,
then what version does rbd_clone2 show up in?  e.g. why no

Why even get this far if rbd_clone2 isn't available?

> +    if (r < 0) {
> +        virReportSystemError(-r, _("failed to clone RBD volume %s to %s"),
> +                             origvol, newvol);
> +        goto cleanup;
> +    }
> +
> +    VIR_DEBUG("Cloned RBD image %s to %s", origvol, newvol);
> +
    ret = 0;

> + cleanup:
> +    virBufferFreeAndReset(&snapname);
> +    VIR_FREE(snapname_buff);
> +
> +    if (image)
> +        rbd_close(image);
> +
> +    return r;

    return ret;

> +}
> +

Since the code relies upon rbd_clone2, rather than go through all the
effort in the code only to fail because the right function isn't
available - check once, early on and be done.  I used 266 here because
it's the *iterate2 - if "rbd_clone2" is later, then that version should
be used. Just be sure to document your choice.


> +static int virStorageBackendRBDBuildVolFrom(virConnectPtr conn,
> +                                            virStoragePoolObjPtr pool,
> +                                            virStorageVolDefPtr newvol,
> +                                            virStorageVolDefPtr origvol,
> +                                            unsigned int flags)

static int

> +{
> +    virStorageBackendRBDState ptr;
> +    ptr.cluster = NULL;
> +    ptr.ioctx = NULL;
> +    int r = -1;

Add a 'int ret = -1;'

> +
> +    VIR_DEBUG("Creating clone of RBD image %s/%s with name %s",
> +              pool->def->, origvol->name, newvol->name);
> +
> +    virCheckFlags(0, -1);
> +
> +    if (virStorageBackendRBDOpenRADOSConn(&ptr, conn, &pool->def->source) < 0)
> +        goto cleanup;
> +
> +    if (virStorageBackendRBDOpenIoCTX(&ptr, pool) < 0)
> +        goto cleanup;
> +
> +    r = virStorageBackendRBDCloneImage(ptr.ioctx, origvol->name, newvol->name);
> +    if (r < 0) {
> +        virReportSystemError(-r, _("failed to clone volume '%s/%s' to %s"),
> +                             pool->def->, origvol->name,
> +                             newvol->name);

This will replicate or overwrite an error from called function?  Causing
the user to look deeper in error log history...  If you really need the
pool name, then pass it since you're passing the other two.

Thus this could just become:

    if (virStorage*() < 0)

> +        goto cleanup;
> +    }

   ret = 0;

> +
> + cleanup:
> +    virStorageBackendRBDCloseRADOSConn(&ptr);
> +    return r;

    return ret;

> +}
> +


static int
virStorageBackendRBDBuildVolFrom(virConnectPtr conn ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
                                 virStoragePoolObjPtr pool ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
                                 virStorageVolDefPtr newvol
                                 virStorageVolDefPtr origvol
                                 unsigned int flags ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
    virReportError(VIR_ERR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED, "%s",

Devise an appropriate error message...

    return -1;



>  static int virStorageBackendRBDRefreshVol(virConnectPtr conn,
>                                            virStoragePoolObjPtr pool ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
>                                            virStorageVolDefPtr vol)
> @@ -793,6 +1132,7 @@ virStorageBackend virStorageBackendRBD = {
>      .refreshPool = virStorageBackendRBDRefreshPool,
>      .createVol = virStorageBackendRBDCreateVol,
>      .buildVol = virStorageBackendRBDBuildVol,
> +    .buildVolFrom = virStorageBackendRBDBuildVolFrom,
>      .refreshVol = virStorageBackendRBDRefreshVol,
>      .deleteVol = virStorageBackendRBDDeleteVol,
>      .wipeVol = virStorageBackendRBDVolWipe,

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