[PATCH 12/12] qemu: monitor: Kill qemuMonitorGetBlockStats(Info, ParamsNumber)

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The functions and their QMP and HMP implementations are no longer needed
since everything is now done via the *AllStats functions.
 src/qemu/qemu_monitor.c      |  62 --------------
 src/qemu/qemu_monitor.h      |  14 ---
 src/qemu/qemu_monitor_json.c | 135 -----------------------------
 src/qemu/qemu_monitor_json.h |  12 ---
 src/qemu/qemu_monitor_text.c | 198 -------------------------------------------
 src/qemu/qemu_monitor_text.h |  12 ---
 6 files changed, 433 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/qemu/qemu_monitor.c b/src/qemu/qemu_monitor.c
index e4ff06e..4bdd8d8 100644
--- a/src/qemu/qemu_monitor.c
+++ b/src/qemu/qemu_monitor.c
@@ -1808,45 +1808,6 @@ qemuMonitorBlockInfoLookup(virHashTablePtr blockInfo,
     return info;

-int qemuMonitorGetBlockStatsInfo(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                                 const char *dev_name,
-                                 long long *rd_req,
-                                 long long *rd_bytes,
-                                 long long *rd_total_times,
-                                 long long *wr_req,
-                                 long long *wr_bytes,
-                                 long long *wr_total_times,
-                                 long long *flush_req,
-                                 long long *flush_total_times)
-    int ret;
-    VIR_DEBUG("mon=%p dev=%s", mon, dev_name);
-    if (!mon) {
-        virReportError(VIR_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "%s",
-                       _("monitor must not be NULL"));
-        return -1;
-    }
-    if (mon->json)
-        ret = qemuMonitorJSONGetBlockStatsInfo(mon, dev_name,
-                                               rd_req, rd_bytes,
-                                               rd_total_times,
-                                               wr_req, wr_bytes,
-                                               wr_total_times,
-                                               flush_req,
-                                               flush_total_times);
-    else
-        ret = qemuMonitorTextGetBlockStatsInfo(mon, dev_name,
-                                               rd_req, rd_bytes,
-                                               rd_total_times,
-                                               wr_req, wr_bytes,
-                                               wr_total_times,
-                                               flush_req,
-                                               flush_total_times);
-    return ret;

  * qemuMonitorGetAllBlockStatsInfo:
@@ -1921,29 +1882,6 @@ qemuMonitorBlockStatsUpdateCapacity(qemuMonitorPtr mon,

-/* Return 0 and update @nparams with the number of block stats
- * QEMU supports if success. Return -1 if failure.
- */
-int qemuMonitorGetBlockStatsParamsNumber(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                                         int *nparams)
-    int ret;
-    VIR_DEBUG("mon=%p nparams=%p", mon, nparams);
-    if (!mon) {
-        virReportError(VIR_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "%s",
-                       _("monitor must not be NULL"));
-        return -1;
-    }
-    if (mon->json)
-        ret = qemuMonitorJSONGetBlockStatsParamsNumber(mon, nparams);
-    else
-        ret = qemuMonitorTextGetBlockStatsParamsNumber(mon, nparams);
-    return ret;
 int qemuMonitorGetBlockExtent(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
                               const char *dev_name,
                               unsigned long long *extent)
diff --git a/src/qemu/qemu_monitor.h b/src/qemu/qemu_monitor.h
index 72498b3..b30da34 100644
--- a/src/qemu/qemu_monitor.h
+++ b/src/qemu/qemu_monitor.h
@@ -357,17 +357,6 @@ struct qemuDomainDiskInfo *
 qemuMonitorBlockInfoLookup(virHashTablePtr blockInfo,
                            const char *dev_name);

-int qemuMonitorGetBlockStatsInfo(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                                 const char *dev_name,
-                                 long long *rd_req,
-                                 long long *rd_bytes,
-                                 long long *rd_total_times,
-                                 long long *wr_req,
-                                 long long *wr_bytes,
-                                 long long *wr_total_times,
-                                 long long *flush_req,
-                                 long long *flush_total_times);
 typedef struct _qemuBlockStats qemuBlockStats;
 typedef qemuBlockStats *qemuBlockStatsPtr;
 struct _qemuBlockStats {
@@ -394,9 +383,6 @@ int qemuMonitorBlockStatsUpdateCapacity(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
                                         bool backingChain)

-int qemuMonitorGetBlockStatsParamsNumber(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                                         int *nparams);
 int qemuMonitorGetBlockExtent(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
                               const char *dev_name,
                               unsigned long long *extent);
diff --git a/src/qemu/qemu_monitor_json.c b/src/qemu/qemu_monitor_json.c
index 76baaf6..0f32a0a 100644
--- a/src/qemu/qemu_monitor_json.c
+++ b/src/qemu/qemu_monitor_json.c
@@ -1668,67 +1668,6 @@ int qemuMonitorJSONGetBlockInfo(qemuMonitorPtr mon,

-int qemuMonitorJSONGetBlockStatsInfo(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                                     const char *dev_name,
-                                     long long *rd_req,
-                                     long long *rd_bytes,
-                                     long long *rd_total_times,
-                                     long long *wr_req,
-                                     long long *wr_bytes,
-                                     long long *wr_total_times,
-                                     long long *flush_req,
-                                     long long *flush_total_times)
-    qemuBlockStats *stats;
-    virHashTablePtr blockstats = NULL;
-    int ret = -1;
-    *rd_req = *rd_bytes = -1;
-    *wr_req = *wr_bytes = -1;
-    if (rd_total_times)
-        *rd_total_times = -1;
-    if (wr_total_times)
-        *wr_total_times = -1;
-    if (flush_req)
-        *flush_req = -1;
-    if (flush_total_times)
-        *flush_total_times = -1;
-    if (!(blockstats = virHashCreate(10, virHashValueFree)))
-        goto cleanup;
-    if (qemuMonitorJSONGetAllBlockStatsInfo(mon, blockstats, false) < 0)
-        goto cleanup;
-    if (!(stats = virHashLookup(blockstats, dev_name))) {
-        virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
-                       _("cannot find statistics for device '%s'"), dev_name);
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    *rd_req = stats->rd_req;
-    *rd_bytes = stats->rd_bytes;
-    *wr_req = stats->wr_req;
-    *wr_bytes = stats->wr_bytes;
-    if (rd_total_times)
-        *rd_total_times = stats->rd_total_times;
-    if (wr_total_times)
-        *wr_total_times = stats->wr_total_times;
-    if (flush_req)
-        *flush_req = stats->flush_req;
-    if (flush_total_times)
-        *flush_total_times = stats->flush_total_times;
-    ret = 0;
- cleanup:
-    virHashFree(blockstats);
-    return ret;
 typedef enum {
@@ -2013,80 +1952,6 @@ qemuMonitorJSONBlockStatsUpdateCapacity(qemuMonitorPtr mon,

-int qemuMonitorJSONGetBlockStatsParamsNumber(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                                             int *nparams)
-    int ret, num = 0;
-    size_t i;
-    virJSONValuePtr cmd = qemuMonitorJSONMakeCommand("query-blockstats",
-                                                     NULL);
-    virJSONValuePtr reply = NULL;
-    virJSONValuePtr devices = NULL;
-    virJSONValuePtr dev = NULL;
-    virJSONValuePtr stats = NULL;
-    if (!cmd)
-        return -1;
-    ret = qemuMonitorJSONCommand(mon, cmd, &reply);
-    if (ret == 0)
-        ret = qemuMonitorJSONCheckError(cmd, reply);
-    if (ret < 0)
-        goto cleanup;
-    ret = -1;
-    devices = virJSONValueObjectGet(reply, "return");
-    if (!devices || devices->type != VIR_JSON_TYPE_ARRAY) {
-        virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s",
-                       _("blockstats reply was missing device list"));
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    dev = virJSONValueArrayGet(devices, 0);
-    if (!dev || dev->type != VIR_JSON_TYPE_OBJECT) {
-        virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s",
-                       _("blockstats device entry was not in expected format"));
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    if ((stats = virJSONValueObjectGet(dev, "stats")) == NULL ||
-        stats->type != VIR_JSON_TYPE_OBJECT) {
-        virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s",
-                       _("blockstats stats entry was not in expected format"));
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < stats->data.object.npairs; i++) {
-        const char *key = stats->data.object.pairs[i].key;
-        if (STREQ(key, "rd_bytes") ||
-            STREQ(key, "rd_operations") ||
-            STREQ(key, "rd_total_time_ns") ||
-            STREQ(key, "wr_bytes") ||
-            STREQ(key, "wr_operations") ||
-            STREQ(key, "wr_total_time_ns") ||
-            STREQ(key, "flush_operations") ||
-            STREQ(key, "flush_total_time_ns")) {
-            num++;
-        } else {
-            /* wr_highest_offset is parsed by qemuMonitorJSONGetBlockExtent. */
-            if (STRNEQ(key, "wr_highest_offset"))
-                VIR_DEBUG("Missed block stat: %s", key);
-        }
-    }
-    *nparams = num;
-    ret = 0;
- cleanup:
-    virJSONValueFree(cmd);
-    virJSONValueFree(reply);
-    return ret;
 static int
 qemuMonitorJSONReportBlockExtentError(qemuMonitorBlockExtentError error)
diff --git a/src/qemu/qemu_monitor_json.h b/src/qemu/qemu_monitor_json.h
index 0fcb0c0..8ceea8a 100644
--- a/src/qemu/qemu_monitor_json.h
+++ b/src/qemu/qemu_monitor_json.h
@@ -71,24 +71,12 @@ int qemuMonitorJSONSetMemoryStatsPeriod(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
                                         int period);
 int qemuMonitorJSONGetBlockInfo(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
                                 virHashTablePtr table);
-int qemuMonitorJSONGetBlockStatsInfo(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                                     const char *dev_name,
-                                     long long *rd_req,
-                                     long long *rd_bytes,
-                                     long long *rd_total_times,
-                                     long long *wr_req,
-                                     long long *wr_bytes,
-                                     long long *wr_total_times,
-                                     long long *flush_req,
-                                     long long *flush_total_times);
 int qemuMonitorJSONGetAllBlockStatsInfo(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
                                         virHashTablePtr hash,
                                         bool backingChain);
 int qemuMonitorJSONBlockStatsUpdateCapacity(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
                                             virHashTablePtr stats,
                                             bool backingChain);
-int qemuMonitorJSONGetBlockStatsParamsNumber(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                                             int *nparams);
 int qemuMonitorJSONGetBlockExtent(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
                                   const char *dev_name,
                                   unsigned long long *extent);
diff --git a/src/qemu/qemu_monitor_text.c b/src/qemu/qemu_monitor_text.c
index 203859c..9973a17 100644
--- a/src/qemu/qemu_monitor_text.c
+++ b/src/qemu/qemu_monitor_text.c
@@ -975,204 +975,6 @@ qemuMonitorTextGetAllBlockStatsInfo(qemuMonitorPtr mon,

-int qemuMonitorTextGetBlockStatsInfo(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                                     const char *dev_name,
-                                     long long *rd_req,
-                                     long long *rd_bytes,
-                                     long long *rd_total_times,
-                                     long long *wr_req,
-                                     long long *wr_bytes,
-                                     long long *wr_total_times,
-                                     long long *flush_req,
-                                     long long *flush_total_times)
-    char *info = NULL;
-    int ret = -1;
-    char *dummy;
-    const char *p, *eol;
-    int devnamelen = strlen(dev_name);
-    if (qemuMonitorHMPCommand(mon, "info blockstats", &info) < 0)
-        goto cleanup;
-    /* If the command isn't supported then qemu prints the supported
-     * info commands, so the output starts "info ".  Since this is
-     * unlikely to be the name of a block device, we can use this
-     * to detect if qemu supports the command.
-     */
-    if (strstr(info, "\ninfo ")) {
-        virReportError(VIR_ERR_OPERATION_INVALID,
-                       "%s",
-                       _("'info blockstats' not supported by this qemu"));
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    *rd_req = *rd_bytes = -1;
-    *wr_req = *wr_bytes = -1;
-    if (rd_total_times)
-        *rd_total_times = -1;
-    if (wr_total_times)
-        *wr_total_times = -1;
-    if (flush_req)
-        *flush_req = -1;
-    if (flush_total_times)
-        *flush_total_times = -1;
-    /* The output format for both qemu & KVM is:
-     *   blockdevice: rd_bytes=% wr_bytes=% rd_operations=% wr_operations=%
-     *   (repeated for each block device)
-     * where '%' is a 64 bit number.
-     */
-    p = info;
-    while (*p) {
-        /* New QEMU has separate names for host & guest side of the disk
-         * and libvirt gives the host side a 'drive-' prefix. The passed
-         * in dev_name is the guest side though
-         */
-            p += strlen(QEMU_DRIVE_HOST_PREFIX);
-        if (STREQLEN(p, dev_name, devnamelen)
-            && p[devnamelen] == ':' && p[devnamelen+1] == ' ') {
-            eol = strchr(p, '\n');
-            if (!eol)
-                eol = p + strlen(p);
-            p += devnamelen+2;         /* Skip to first label. */
-            while (*p) {
-                if (STRPREFIX(p, "rd_bytes=")) {
-                    p += strlen("rd_bytes=");
-                    if (virStrToLong_ll(p, &dummy, 10, rd_bytes) == -1)
-                        VIR_DEBUG("error reading rd_bytes: %s", p);
-                } else if (STRPREFIX(p, "wr_bytes=")) {
-                    p += strlen("wr_bytes=");
-                    if (virStrToLong_ll(p, &dummy, 10, wr_bytes) == -1)
-                        VIR_DEBUG("error reading wr_bytes: %s", p);
-                } else if (STRPREFIX(p, "rd_operations=")) {
-                    p += strlen("rd_operations=");
-                    if (virStrToLong_ll(p, &dummy, 10, rd_req) == -1)
-                        VIR_DEBUG("error reading rd_req: %s", p);
-                } else if (STRPREFIX(p, "wr_operations=")) {
-                    p += strlen("wr_operations=");
-                    if (virStrToLong_ll(p, &dummy, 10, wr_req) == -1)
-                        VIR_DEBUG("error reading wr_req: %s", p);
-                } else if (rd_total_times &&
-                           STRPREFIX(p, "rd_total_time_ns=")) {
-                    p += strlen("rd_total_time_ns=");
-                    if (virStrToLong_ll(p, &dummy, 10, rd_total_times) == -1)
-                        VIR_DEBUG("error reading rd_total_times: %s", p);
-                } else if (wr_total_times &&
-                           STRPREFIX(p, "wr_total_time_ns=")) {
-                    p += strlen("wr_total_time_ns=");
-                    if (virStrToLong_ll(p, &dummy, 10, wr_total_times) == -1)
-                        VIR_DEBUG("error reading wr_total_times: %s", p);
-                } else if (flush_req &&
-                           STRPREFIX(p, "flush_operations=")) {
-                    p += strlen("flush_operations=");
-                    if (virStrToLong_ll(p, &dummy, 10, flush_req) == -1)
-                        VIR_DEBUG("error reading flush_req: %s", p);
-                } else if (flush_total_times &&
-                           STRPREFIX(p, "flush_total_time_ns=")) {
-                    p += strlen("flush_total_time_ns=");
-                    if (virStrToLong_ll(p, &dummy, 10, flush_total_times) == -1)
-                        VIR_DEBUG("error reading flush_total_times: %s", p);
-                } else {
-                    VIR_DEBUG("unknown block stat near %s", p);
-                }
-                /* Skip to next label. */
-                p = strchr(p, ' ');
-                if (!p || p >= eol) break;
-                p++;
-            }
-            ret = 0;
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* Skip to next line. */
-        p = strchr(p, '\n');
-        if (!p) break;
-        p++;
-    }
-    /* If we reach here then the device was not found. */
-    virReportError(VIR_ERR_INVALID_ARG,
-                   _("no stats found for device %s"), dev_name);
- cleanup:
-    VIR_FREE(info);
-    return ret;
-int qemuMonitorTextGetBlockStatsParamsNumber(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                                             int *nparams)
-    char *info = NULL;
-    int ret = -1;
-    int num = 0;
-    const char *p, *eol;
-    if (qemuMonitorHMPCommand(mon, "info blockstats", &info) < 0)
-        goto cleanup;
-    /* If the command isn't supported then qemu prints the supported
-     * info commands, so the output starts "info ".  Since this is
-     * unlikely to be the name of a block device, we can use this
-     * to detect if qemu supports the command.
-     */
-    if (strstr(info, "\ninfo ")) {
-        virReportError(VIR_ERR_OPERATION_INVALID,
-                       "%s",
-                       _("'info blockstats' not supported by this qemu"));
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    /* The output format for both qemu & KVM is:
-     *   blockdevice: rd_bytes=% wr_bytes=% rd_operations=% wr_operations=%
-     *   (repeated for each block device)
-     * where '%' is a 64 bit number.
-     */
-    p = info;
-    eol = strchr(p, '\n');
-    if (!eol)
-        eol = p + strlen(p);
-    /* Skip the device name and following ":", and spaces (e.g.
-     * "floppy0: ")
-     */
-    p = strchr(p, ' ');
-    while (p && p < eol) {
-        if (STRPREFIX(p, " rd_bytes=") ||
-            STRPREFIX(p, " wr_bytes=") ||
-            STRPREFIX(p, " rd_operations=") ||
-            STRPREFIX(p, " wr_operations=") ||
-            STRPREFIX(p, " rd_total_time_ns=") ||
-            STRPREFIX(p, " wr_total_time_ns=") ||
-            STRPREFIX(p, " flush_operations=") ||
-            STRPREFIX(p, " flush_total_time_ns=")) {
-            num++;
-        } else {
-            VIR_DEBUG("unknown block stat near %s", p);
-        }
-        /* Skip to next label. */
-        p = strchr(p + 1, ' ');
-    }
-    *nparams = num;
-    ret = 0;
- cleanup:
-    VIR_FREE(info);
-    return ret;
 int qemuMonitorTextGetBlockExtent(qemuMonitorPtr mon ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
                                   const char *dev_name ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
                                   unsigned long long *extent ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
diff --git a/src/qemu/qemu_monitor_text.h b/src/qemu/qemu_monitor_text.h
index a1bc2b2..40edc9a 100644
--- a/src/qemu/qemu_monitor_text.h
+++ b/src/qemu/qemu_monitor_text.h
@@ -63,18 +63,6 @@ int qemuMonitorTextGetBlockInfo(qemuMonitorPtr mon,

 int qemuMonitorTextGetAllBlockStatsInfo(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
                                         virHashTablePtr hash);
-int qemuMonitorTextGetBlockStatsInfo(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                                     const char *dev_name,
-                                     long long *rd_req,
-                                     long long *rd_bytes,
-                                     long long *rd_total_times,
-                                     long long *wr_req,
-                                     long long *wr_bytes,
-                                     long long *wr_total_times,
-                                     long long *flush_req,
-                                     long long *flush_total_times);
-int qemuMonitorTextGetBlockStatsParamsNumber(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
-                                             int *nparams);
 int qemuMonitorTextGetBlockExtent(qemuMonitorPtr mon,
                                   const char *dev_name,
                                   unsigned long long *extent);

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