[libvirt-test-API][PATCH] Rewrite case for listAllInterfaces() API

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Using actual python API to validate test case, rather than use
virsh iface-* command lines.
 cases/basic_interface.conf    |  12 ++
 repos/interface/iface_list.py | 299 ++++++++++++------------------------------
 2 files changed, 99 insertions(+), 212 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cases/basic_interface.conf b/cases/basic_interface.conf
index e2125bb..43e37e8 100644
--- a/cases/basic_interface.conf
+++ b/cases/basic_interface.conf
@@ -15,3 +15,15 @@ interface:define
+    flags
+        all
+    flags
+        active
+    flags
+        inactive
diff --git a/repos/interface/iface_list.py b/repos/interface/iface_list.py
index 49f0c05..85f9df9 100644
--- a/repos/interface/iface_list.py
+++ b/repos/interface/iface_list.py
@@ -1,65 +1,26 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
+# test listAllInterfaces() API 
 import os
-import sys
-import re
-import commands
+import libvirt
-required_params = ('ifaceopt',)
-optional_params = {}
-VIRSH_QUIET_IFACE_LIST = "virsh --quiet iface-list %s | awk '{print ""$%s""}'"
-NETWORK_CONFIG = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/"
-IFCONFIG_DRIVER = "ifconfig %s | sed 's/[ \t].*//;/^$/d'"
-GET_MAC = "ip link show %s |sed -n '2p'| awk '{print $2}'"
-VIRSH_IFACE_LIST = "virsh iface-list %s"
-names = []
-state = []
-macs = []
-def get_option_list(params):
-    """return options we need to test
-    """
-    logger = params['logger']
-    option_list=[]
+from libvirt import libvirtError
+from src import sharedmod
+from utils import utils
-    value = params['ifaceopt']
-    if value == 'all':
-        option_list = [' ', '--all', '--inactive']
-    elif value == '--all' or value == '--inactive':
-        option_list.append(value)
-    else:
-        logger.error("value %s is not supported" % value)
-        return 1, option_list
+required_params = ('flags',)
+optional_params = {}
-    return 0, option_list
+NETWORK_CONFIG = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/"
+IFCONFIG_DRIVER = "ifconfig %s | sed 's/[ \t].*//;/^$/d'| cut -d \":\" -f -1"
-def get_output(command, logger):
-    """execute shell command
+def get_inteface_list_from_ifcfg(logger):
+    """ 
+       return host interface list from ifcfg-*
-    status, ret = commands.getstatusoutput(command)
-    if status:
-        logger.error("executing "+ "\"" +  command  + "\"" + " failed")
-        logger.error(ret)
-    return status, ret
-def get_interface_list(option, logger):
-    """ return active host interface list """
-    interface_list = []
-    status, interface_str = get_output(IFCONFIG_DRIVER % option, logger)
-    if not status:
-        interface_list = interface_str.split('\n')
-        return interface_list
-    else:
-        logger.error("\"" + IFCONFIG_DRIVER % option + "\"" + "error")
-        logger.error(interface_str)
-        return interface_list
-def check_ifacename(names, option, logger):
-    """ verify the validity of output data """
     ifcfg_files = []
+    nic_names = []
     for f in os.listdir(NETWORK_CONFIG):
         if f.startswith("ifcfg-"):
             f_path = os.path.join(NETWORK_CONFIG, f)
@@ -67,18 +28,6 @@ def check_ifacename(names, option, logger):
                 logger.warn("%s is not a regular file" % f_path)
-    interface_active = get_interface_list('', logger)
-    logger.debug("list of active host interface: %s" % interface_active)
-    if interface_active == None:
-        return 1
-    interface_all = get_interface_list('-a', logger)
-    logger.debug("list of all host interface: %s" % interface_all)
-    if interface_all == None:
-        return 1
     for ifcfg_file in ifcfg_files:
         fp = open(ifcfg_file, 'r')
@@ -87,165 +36,91 @@ def check_ifacename(names, option, logger):
                 device_str = eachLine.rstrip()
                 nic_string = device_str.split("=")[1]
                 if nic_string.startswith("\""):
-                    nic_name = nic_string[1:-1]
+                    nic_names = nic_string[1:-1]
-                    nic_name = nic_string
+                    nic_names.append(nic_string)
+    return list(set(nic_names))
-        if option == ' ':
-            if nic_name not in interface_active:
-                continue
-            else:
-                if nic_name in names:
-                    logger.info("it contains interface %s in %s" % (nic_name, ifcfg_file))
-                else:
-                    logger.error("interface %s in %s couldn't \n\
-                              be in the output of virsh iface-list with option %s" % \
-                              (nic_name, ifcfg_file, option))
-                    return 1
-        elif option == '--all':
-            if nic_name in names:
-                logger.info("it contains interface %s in %s" % (nic_name, ifcfg_file))
-            else:
-                logger.error("interface %s in %s couldn't \n\
-                              be in the output of virsh iface-list with option %s" % \
-                              (nic_name, ifcfg_file, option))
-                return 1
-        elif option == '--inactive':
-            if nic_name in interface_active:
-                continue
-            else:
-                if nic_name in names:
-                    logger.info("it contains interface %s in %s" % (nic_name, ifcfg_file))
-                else:
-                    logger.error("interface %s in %s couldn't \n\
-                              be in the output of virsh iface-list with option %s" % \
-                              (nic_name, ifcfg_file, option))
-                    return 1
-    return 0
-def check_ifacestate(names, state, logger):
-    """ check the state of give host interface """
-    interface_active = get_interface_list('', logger)
-    if interface_active == None:
-        return 1
-    interface_all = get_interface_list('-a', logger)
-    if interface_all == None:
-        return 1
-    index = 0
-    count = len(names)
-    while(index < count):
-        if names[index] in interface_active and state[index] == 'active':
-            logger.info("interface %s is %s" % (names[index], state[index]))
-        elif names[index] not in interface_active and \
-             names[index] in interface_all and \
-             state[index] == 'inactive':
-            logger.info("interface %s is %s" % (names[index], state[index]))
-        else:
-            logger.error("interface %s is %s, but not we expected" % \
-                        (names[index], state[index]))
-            return 1
-        index = index + 1
-    return 0
-def check_ifacemac(names, macs, logger):
-    """ check if the mac corresponding to approriate name is correct """
-    index = 0
-    count = len(names)
-    while(index < count):
-        status, mac_shell = get_output(GET_MAC % names[index], logger)
-        if not status:
-            if mac_shell == macs[index]:
-                logger.info("interface %s's mac address is %s" % \
-                            (names[index], macs[index]))
-            else:
-                logger.error("interface %s's mac address from iface-list: %s \
-                              is different from one from ip link show: %s" % \
-                             (name[index], macs[indesx], mac_shell))
-                return 1
-        index = index + 1
-    return 0
-def iface_list_output(option, logger):
-    """ check the output of virsh iface-list with appropriate option """
-    global names, state, macs
-    status, ret = get_output(VIRSH_QUIET_IFACE_LIST % (option, 1), logger)
-    if not status:
-        names = ret.split('\n')
-        logger.info("interface names from option '%s' : %s" % (option, names))
-    else:
-        return 1
-    status, ret = get_output(VIRSH_QUIET_IFACE_LIST % (option, 2), logger)
-    if not status:
-        state = ret.split('\n')
-        logger.info("interface state from option '%s' : %s" % (option, state))
-    else:
-        return 1
-    status, ret = get_output(VIRSH_QUIET_IFACE_LIST % (option, 3), logger)
+def get_interface_list(option, logger):
+    """ 
+       return host interface list 
+    """
+    nic_names = []
+    status, nic_names = utils.exec_cmd(IFCONFIG_DRIVER % option, shell=True)
     if not status:
-        macs = ret.split('\n')
-        logger.info("interface macs from option '%s' : %s" % (option, macs))
+        return nic_names
-        return 1
+        logger.error("\"" + IFCONFIG_DRIVER % option + "\"" + "error")
+        logger.error(nic_names)
+        return nic_names
-    return 0
+def iface_list_output_from_ifconfig(flags, logger):
+    """ 
+       get all host interface using ifconfig command 
+    """
+    nic_names = [] 
+    if flags == 0:
+        nic_names = get_interface_list('-a', logger)
+    elif flags == 1:
+        interface_all = get_interface_list('-a', logger)
+        interface_active = get_interface_list('', logger) 
+        nic_names = list(set(interface_all) - set(interface_active))
+    elif flags == 2:
+        nic_names = get_interface_list('', logger)
+    if nic_names == None:
+        return False
+    return nic_names
+def iface_list_output_from_api(flags,logger):
+    """ 
+       get interface list using listAllInterfaces()
+    """
+    nic_names_api = []
+    for interface in conn.listAllInterfaces(flags):
+        nic_names_api.append(str(interface.name()))
+    return nic_names_api
 def iface_list(params):
-    """ test the validity of the output of iface_list with
-        default, --all, --inactive option, including
-        interface name, state, and mac
+    """ 
+       test listAllInterfaces() api
+    global conn
     logger = params['logger']
-    ret, option_list = get_option_list(params)
-    global names, state, macs
-    if ret:
-        return 1
-    for option in option_list:
-            logger.info("CHECK the output of virsh pool-list with option '%s'" % option)
-            logger.info("get the name, corresponding state and mac address of interfaces")
-            if iface_list_output(option, logger):
-                logger.error("faied to name, state, and mac from iface-list")
-                return 1
+    flags = params['flags']    
+    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']
+    logger.info("The given flags is %s " % flags)
+    if flags == "all":
+        flag = 0
+    elif flags == "inactive":
+        flag = 1
+    elif flags == "active":
+        flag = 2
+    try: 
+        iface_list = iface_list_output_from_api(flag, logger)
+        iface_list_ifconfig = iface_list_output_from_ifconfig(flag, logger)
+        if iface_list_ifconfig == False:
+            return 1
+        ifcfg = get_inteface_list_from_ifcfg(logger)
+        logger.info("interface list from API: %s" % iface_list)
+        logger.debug("interface list from ifcfg: %s" % ifcfg)   
+        for interface in iface_list_ifconfig:
+            if interface not in ifcfg:
+               iface_list_ifconfig.remove(interface)
+               logger.debug("%s has not regular ifcfg file" % interface) 
+        logger.info("interface list from ifconfig cmd: %s" % iface_list_ifconfig)
+        for interface in iface_list:
+            if interface in iface_list_ifconfig:
+                logger.debug("%s :Pass" % interface)
-                logger.info("then, check the validity of these interface names")
-                if check_ifacename(names, option, logger):
-                    logger.error("checking interface names FAILED")
-                    return 1
-                else:
-                    logger.info("checking interface names SUCCESSFULLY")
-                logger.info("check the state of these interfaces")
-                if check_ifacestate(names, state, logger):
-                    logger.error("checking interface state FAILED")
-                    return 1
-                else:
-                    logger.info("checking interface state SUCCESSFULLY")
-                logger.info("check the interface mac address")
-                if check_ifacemac(names, macs, logger):
-                    logger.error("checking interface mac address FAILED")
-                    return 1
-                else:
-                    logger.info("checking interface mac address SUCESSFULLY")
-                status, ret = get_output(VIRSH_IFACE_LIST % option, logger)
-                if not status:
-                    logger.info("\n" + ret)
+                logger.debug("%s :Fail" % interface)   
+                return 1
+    except libvirtError, e:
+        logger.error("API error message: %s" % e.message)
+        return 1
     return 0

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