[PATCHv3 1/2] bhyve: Support /domain/bootloader configuration for non-FreeBSD guests.

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We still default to bhyveloader(1) if no explicit bootloader
configuration is supplied in the domain.

If the /domain/bootloader looks like grub-bhyve and the user doesn't
supply /domain/bootloader_args, we make an intelligent guess and try
chainloading the first partition on the disk (or a CD if one exists).

Caveat: Assumes the HDD boots from the msdos1 partition. I think this is
a pretty reasonable assumption for a VM. (DrvBhyve with Bhyveload
already assumes that the first disk should be booted.)

I've tested the HDD boot and it seems to work.

Sponsored by:   EMC / Isilon storage division

Signed-off-by: Conrad Meyer <conrad.meyer@xxxxxxxxxx>
 docs/drvbhyve.html.in     |  28 ++++++-
 docs/formatdomain.html.in |   4 +-
 po/libvirt.pot            |   4 +
 src/bhyve/bhyve_command.c | 204 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 src/bhyve/bhyve_driver.c  |   5 ++
 src/bhyve/bhyve_process.c |   5 ++
 src/bhyve/bhyve_utils.h   |   1 +
 7 files changed, 228 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/drvbhyve.html.in b/docs/drvbhyve.html.in
index 39afdf5..6e85800 100644
--- a/docs/drvbhyve.html.in
+++ b/docs/drvbhyve.html.in
@@ -37,8 +37,7 @@ bhyve+ssh://root@xxxxxxxxxxx/system (remote access, SSH tunnelled)
 <h3>Example config</h3>
 The bhyve driver in libvirt is in its early stage and under active development. So it supports
-only limited number of features bhyve provides. All the supported features could be found
-in this sample domain XML.
+only limited number of features bhyve provides.
@@ -50,8 +49,8 @@ up to 31 PCI devices.
 &lt;domain type='bhyve'&gt;
-  &lt;name&gt;bhyve&lt;/name&gt;
-  &lt;uuid&gt;df3be7e7-a104-11e3-aeb0-50e5492bd3dc&lt;/uuid&gt;
+    &lt;name&gt;bhyve&lt;/name&gt;
+    &lt;uuid&gt;df3be7e7-a104-11e3-aeb0-50e5492bd3dc&lt;/uuid&gt;
@@ -157,5 +156,26 @@ An example of domain XML device entry for that will look like:</p>
 <p>Please refer to the <a href="storage.html">Storage documentation</a> for more details on storage
+<h3><a name="grubbhyve">Using grub2-bhyve or Alternative Bootloaders</a></h3>
+<p>It's possible to boot non-FreeBSD guests by specifying an explicit
+bootloader, e.g. <code>grub-bhyve(1)</code>. Arguments to the bootloader may be
+specified as well. If no arguments are given and bootloader is
+<code>grub-bhyve</code>, libvirt will try and boot from the first partition of
+the disk image.</p>
+  ...
+    &lt;bootloader&gt;/usr/local/sbin/grub-bhyve&lt;/bootloader&gt;
+    &lt;bootloader_args&gt;...&lt;/bootloader_args&gt;
+  ...
+<p>(Of course, to install from a CD a user will have to supply explicit
+arguments to <code>grub-bhyve</code>.)</p>
+<p>Caveat: <code>bootloader_args</code> does not support any quoting.
+Filenames, etc, must not have spaces or they will be tokenized incorrectly.</p>
diff --git a/docs/formatdomain.html.in b/docs/formatdomain.html.in
index 0099ce7..b7b6c46 100644
--- a/docs/formatdomain.html.in
+++ b/docs/formatdomain.html.in
@@ -217,7 +217,9 @@
       a BIOS, and instead the host is responsible to kicking off the
       operating system boot. This may use a pseudo-bootloader in the
       host to provide an interface to choose a kernel for the guest.
-      An example is <code>pygrub</code> with Xen.
+      An example is <code>pygrub</code> with Xen. The Bhyve hypervisor
+      also uses a host bootloader, either <code>bhyveload</code> or
+      <code>grub-bhyve</code>.
diff --git a/po/libvirt.pot b/po/libvirt.pot
index 0b44ad7..d8c9a4d 100644
--- a/po/libvirt.pot
+++ b/po/libvirt.pot
@@ -851,6 +851,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "domain should have at least one disk defined"
 msgstr ""
+#: src/bhyve/bhyve_command.c:407
+msgid "Custom loader requires explicit %s configuration"
+msgstr ""
 #: src/bhyve/bhyve_device.c:50
 msgid "PCI bus 0 slot 1 is reserved for the implicit LPC PCI-ISA bridge"
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/src/bhyve/bhyve_command.c b/src/bhyve/bhyve_command.c
index bea4a59..fcaf077 100644
--- a/src/bhyve/bhyve_command.c
+++ b/src/bhyve/bhyve_command.c
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 #include <net/if_tap.h>
 #include "bhyve_command.h"
+#include "datatypes.h"
 #include "viralloc.h"
 #include "virfile.h"
 #include "virstring.h"
@@ -294,51 +295,218 @@ virBhyveProcessBuildDestroyCmd(bhyveConnPtr driver ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
     return cmd;
-virBhyveProcessBuildLoadCmd(virConnectPtr conn,
-                            virDomainDefPtr def)
+static virCommandPtr
+virBhyveProcessBuildBhyveloadCmd(virDomainDefPtr def, virDomainDiskDefPtr disk)
     virCommandPtr cmd;
-    virDomainDiskDefPtr disk;
+    char **blargs;
-    if (def->ndisks < 1) {
-        virReportError(VIR_ERR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED, "%s",
-                       _("domain should have at least one disk defined"));
+    cmd = virCommandNew(BHYVELOAD);
+    if (def->os.bootloaderArgs == NULL) {
+        VIR_DEBUG("%s: bhyveload with default arguments", __func__);
+        /* Memory (MB) */
+        virCommandAddArg(cmd, "-m");
+        virCommandAddArgFormat(cmd, "%llu",
+                               VIR_DIV_UP(def->mem.max_balloon, 1024));
+        /* Image path */
+        virCommandAddArg(cmd, "-d");
+        virCommandAddArg(cmd, virDomainDiskGetSource(disk));
+        /* VM name */
+        virCommandAddArg(cmd, def->name);
+    } else {
+        /* XXX: Handle quoted? */
+        blargs = virStringSplit(def->os.bootloaderArgs, " ", 0);
+        virCommandAddArgSet(cmd, (const char * const *)blargs);
+        virStringFreeList(blargs);
+    }
+    return cmd;
+static virCommandPtr
+virBhyveProcessBuildCustomLoaderCmd(virDomainDefPtr def)
+    virCommandPtr cmd;
+    char **blargs;
+    if (def->os.bootloaderArgs == NULL) {
+        virReportError(VIR_ERR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED,
+                       _("Custom loader requires explicit %s configuration"),
+                       "bootloader_args");
         return NULL;
-    disk = def->disks[0];
+    cmd = virCommandNew(def->os.bootloader);
+    VIR_DEBUG("%s: custom loader '%s' with arguments", __func__,
+                def->os.bootloader);
+    /* XXX: Handle quoted? */
+    blargs = virStringSplit(def->os.bootloaderArgs, " ", 0);
+    virCommandAddArgSet(cmd, (const char * const *)blargs);
+    virStringFreeList(blargs);
+    return cmd;
+static bool
+virBhyveUsableDisk(virConnectPtr conn, virDomainDiskDefPtr disk)
     if (virStorageTranslateDiskSourcePool(conn, disk) < 0)
-        return NULL;
+        return false;
     if ((disk->device != VIR_DOMAIN_DISK_DEVICE_DISK) &&
         (disk->device != VIR_DOMAIN_DISK_DEVICE_CDROM)) {
         virReportError(VIR_ERR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED, "%s",
                        _("unsupported disk device"));
-        return NULL;
+        return false;
     if ((virDomainDiskGetType(disk) != VIR_STORAGE_TYPE_FILE) &&
         (virDomainDiskGetType(disk) != VIR_STORAGE_TYPE_VOLUME)) {
         virReportError(VIR_ERR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED, "%s",
                        _("unsupported disk type"));
-        return NULL;
+        return false;
-    cmd = virCommandNew(BHYVELOAD);
+    return true;
-    /* Memory */
-    virCommandAddArg(cmd, "-m");
+static virCommandPtr
+virBhyveProcessBuildGrubbhyveCmd(virDomainDefPtr def, virConnectPtr conn)
+    bhyveConnPtr privconn = conn->privateData;
+    virDomainDiskDefPtr disk, cd;
+    virCommandPtr cmd;
+    size_t i;
+    FILE *f;
+    int rc;
+    if (def->os.bootloaderArgs != NULL)
+        return virBhyveProcessBuildCustomLoaderCmd(def);
+    /* Search disk list for CD or HDD device. */
+    cd = disk = NULL;
+    for (i = 0; i < def->ndisks; i++) {
+        if (!virBhyveUsableDisk(conn, def->disks[i]))
+            continue;
+        if (cd == NULL &&
+            def->disks[i]->device == VIR_DOMAIN_DISK_DEVICE_CDROM) {
+            cd = def->disks[i];
+            VIR_INFO("%s: Picking %s as boot CD", __func__,
+                     virDomainDiskGetSource(cd));
+        }
+        if (disk == NULL &&
+            def->disks[i]->device == VIR_DOMAIN_DISK_DEVICE_DISK) {
+            disk = def->disks[i];
+            VIR_INFO("%s: Picking %s as HDD", __func__,
+                     virDomainDiskGetSource(disk));
+        }
+    }
+    cmd = virCommandNew(def->os.bootloader);
+    VIR_DEBUG("%s: grub-bhyve with default arguments", __func__);
+    /*
+     * XXX Default grub-bhyve has some minor caveats, but MAY work for some
+     * typical configurations. In particular:
+     *
+     *   - For HDD boot, assumes a GRUB install on hd0,msdos1
+     */
+    VIR_FREE(privconn->grub_devicesmap_file);
+    rc = virAsprintf(&privconn->grub_devicesmap_file,
+                     "%s/grub-bhyve-device.map_%ju", BHYVE_STATE_DIR,
+                     (uintmax_t)getpid());
+    if (rc < 0)
+        goto error;
+    f = fopen(privconn->grub_devicesmap_file, "wb");
+    if (f == NULL) {
+        virReportSystemError(errno, _("Failed to open '%s'"),
+                             privconn->grub_devicesmap_file);
+        goto error;
+    }
+    /* Grub device.map (just for boot) */
+    if (disk)
+        fprintf(f, "(hd0) %s\n", virDomainDiskGetSource(disk));
+    if (cd != NULL) {
+        fprintf(f, "(cd) %s\n", virDomainDiskGetSource(cd));
+        VIR_WARN("Trying to boot cd with grub-bhyve. If this is "
+                 "not what you wanted, specify <bootloader_args>.");
+        virCommandAddArg(cmd, "--root");
+        virCommandAddArg(cmd, "cd");
+    } else {
+        VIR_WARN("Trying to boot hd0,msdos1 with grub-bhyve. If this is "
+                 "not what you wanted, specify <bootloader_args>.");
+        virCommandAddArg(cmd, "--root");
+        virCommandAddArg(cmd, "hd0,msdos1");
+    }
+    if (VIR_FCLOSE(f) < 0) {
+        virReportSystemError(errno, "%s", _("failed to close file"));
+        goto error;
+    }
+    virCommandAddArg(cmd, "--device-map");
+    virCommandAddArg(cmd, privconn->grub_devicesmap_file);
+    /* Memory in MB */
+    virCommandAddArg(cmd, "--memory");
     virCommandAddArgFormat(cmd, "%llu",
                            VIR_DIV_UP(def->mem.max_balloon, 1024));
-    /* Image path */
-    virCommandAddArg(cmd, "-d");
-    virCommandAddArg(cmd, virDomainDiskGetSource(disk));
     /* VM name */
     virCommandAddArg(cmd, def->name);
     return cmd;
+ error:
+    virCommandFree(cmd);
+    return NULL;
+virBhyveProcessBuildLoadCmd(virConnectPtr conn,
+                            virDomainDefPtr def)
+    virDomainDiskDefPtr disk;
+    if (def->ndisks < 1) {
+        virReportError(VIR_ERR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED, "%s",
+                       _("domain should have at least one disk defined"));
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (def->os.bootloader == NULL) {
+        disk = def->disks[0];
+        if (!virBhyveUsableDisk(conn, disk))
+            return NULL;
+        if (def->ndisks > 1) {
+            VIR_WARN("%s: drvbhyve attempting to boot from device %s of multiple-"
+                    "device configuration", __func__,
+                    virDomainDiskGetSource(disk));
+        }
+        return virBhyveProcessBuildBhyveloadCmd(def, disk);
+    } else if (strstr(def->os.bootloader, "grub-bhyve") != NULL) {
+        return virBhyveProcessBuildGrubbhyveCmd(def, conn);
+    } else {
+        return virBhyveProcessBuildCustomLoaderCmd(def);
+    }
diff --git a/src/bhyve/bhyve_driver.c b/src/bhyve/bhyve_driver.c
index eb0d455..5642f85 100644
--- a/src/bhyve/bhyve_driver.c
+++ b/src/bhyve/bhyve_driver.c
@@ -1128,6 +1128,11 @@ bhyveStateCleanup(void)
     if (bhyve_driver == NULL)
         return -1;
+    if (bhyve_driver->grub_devicesmap_file != NULL) {
+        ignore_value(unlink(bhyve_driver->grub_devicesmap_file));
+        VIR_FREE(bhyve_driver->grub_devicesmap_file);
+    }
diff --git a/src/bhyve/bhyve_process.c b/src/bhyve/bhyve_process.c
index 0bbe388..3689a6a 100644
--- a/src/bhyve/bhyve_process.c
+++ b/src/bhyve/bhyve_process.c
@@ -266,6 +266,11 @@ virBhyveProcessStop(bhyveConnPtr driver,
     virPidFileDelete(BHYVE_STATE_DIR, vm->def->name);
     virDomainDeleteConfig(BHYVE_STATE_DIR, NULL, vm);
+    if (driver->grub_devicesmap_file != NULL) {
+        ignore_value(unlink(driver->grub_devicesmap_file));
+        VIR_FREE(driver->grub_devicesmap_file);
+    }
     return ret;
diff --git a/src/bhyve/bhyve_utils.h b/src/bhyve/bhyve_utils.h
index 848f9a1..c9c4a2c 100644
--- a/src/bhyve/bhyve_utils.h
+++ b/src/bhyve/bhyve_utils.h
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ struct _bhyveConn {
     virCapsPtr caps;
     virDomainXMLOptionPtr xmlopt;
     char *pidfile;
+    char *grub_devicesmap_file;
     virSysinfoDefPtr hostsysinfo;
     virObjectEventStatePtr domainEventState;

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