Following up on the XML format for the Linux Container support I
proposed... I've made the following recommended changes:
* Changed mount tags
* Changed nameserver tag to be consistent with gateway
* Moved cpushare and memory tags outside container tag
This is the updated format:
<domain type='linuxcontainer'>
<source dir="/home/user/lxc_files/etc/"/>
<target dir="/etc/"/>
<source dir="/home/user/lxc_files/var/"/>
<target dir="/var/"/>
<network hostname='browndog'>
<ip address="" netmask=""/>
<gateway address=""/>
<nameserver address=""/nameserver>
<console tty='/dev/pts/4'/>
Does this look ok now? All comments and questions are welcome.
Best Regards,
Dave Leskovec
IBM Linux Technology Center
Open Virtualization
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