PATCH: RFC supporting SASL authentication

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History: we currently provide two TCP sockets, one clear text, no  auth,
the other TLS with x509 client certificate verification for auth.  We 
also provide a UNIX domain socket relying on file perms to restrict access. 
I have previously provided a policykit patch for the latter allowing admin
defined auth policy for UNIX socket access.

The PolicyKit patch was flawed in that it did not provide a way for a client
app to determine whether the UNIX socket needed PolicyKit auth ahead of time
or not. This required apps to make assumptions prior to connecting which
is not really viable.

This mail is working towards a more flexible authentication solution, and
goes straight for the big picture by integrating SASL authentication.  This
gives us integration with Kerberos (GSSAPI) and PAM and whatever the hell
else SAS supports[1].

The critical decision in all this is the wire protocol & how to adapt it
to slot in authentication in a way that is compatible with existing clients.
As it stands the decision to use clear data vs TLS on the wire is based on
the socket the client connects to - we do a TLS handshake at the very start.
We need to be able to support SASL on all sockets, TCP, TLS & UNIX since
they can all benefit from stuff like Kerberos. So I decided we need to 
integrate at the RPC layer for this to work.

The general protocol picture

It helps to look at qemud/remote_protocol.x when reading this next ...

Every API basically has an RPC call & reply pair. The reply messages have
a status field, either 'REMOTE_OK' or 'REMOTE_ERROR'. In the former case
the normal API return values follow on the wire. In the latter case a
virErrroPtr object is serialized on the wire.

For this patch I decided to add a 3rd code,  REMOTE_AUTH. If an application
tries to make an RPC call on a socket requiring authentication, and has not
yet authenticated the server will return REMOTE_AUTH code. It then also returns
an int (remote_auth_type) specifying the authentication method to use. I have 
defined two:

  enum remote_auth_type {

With plans to add REMOTE_AUTH_POLKIT in a future patch.

A legacy client getting back REMOTE_AUTH code will just quit the connection
attempt since they don't support authentication. If the admin so desires
they can still provide the TLS socket in a non-authenticated mode and only
turn on SASL for the TCP socket. So the decision about whether to enable
legacy clients is admin controlled. This is the best we can do.

A new client getting back REMOTE_AUTH code will then read the remote_auth_type
off the wire. If the requested type is one that the client supports then it
can begin the authentication process, otherwise we virRaiseError and stop

The SASL specific picture

For the SASL auth the process involves a multi-phase handshake looking
something like:

    client                                server
1.           -> ask for mechanism list ->  new ctx

2.  new ctx  <-  list of mechanisms  <-

3.  start auth  -> initial auth data  ->   start auth

4.  step auth   <- reply auth data   <-

5.              -> step auth data ->      step auth

    goto 4.     <- reply auth data <-

Authentication can complete at step 4 in this process, or steps 4 & 5
can repeat an arbitrary number of times.

So, to implement this if it neccessary to define 3 new RPC calls internal
to the remote driver/daemon (aka not exposed to public API like the rest
of the RPC calls). These are:


These are basically just punting back & forth the data going in & out of
the appropriate SASL apis. sasl_{server,client}_{new,start,step} See
the man pages for more info.

So on the server end, if a socket is configured to require SASL auth, the
server will reject all RPC calls *except* for those three above with the
REMOTE_AUTH code.  Once SASL auth has completed, it will allow all the 
normal RPC calls. The effect is basically that the client is not able to
call virConnectOpen & friends until auth has completed.

On the client end, the fun is in the 'call' method of remote_internal.c. 
This has been split in two. The original method is now 'onecall', and there
is a thin wrapper named 'call'.  'call' simply invokves onecall, and if it
gets back a REMOTE_AUTH code, will do the SASL handshake & then re-run the
original call. So again the effect is basically that the first virConnectOpen
will cause the auth handshake to be performed.

The SASL implementation details

This is the bare minimum SASL integration. I have not attempted to hook
up any callbacks for gathering credentials. This basically means that the
only SASL mechanism which works is Kerberos GSSAPI - its credentials are
fetched out-of-band & so don't require callbacks.  We do need to consider
callbacks later so we can do username/password auth, and all the various
other methods SASL has.

As well as authentication, some SASL mechanisms provide a way to negotiate
a data encryption layer for the subsequent session. GSSAPI is the only
commonly used mechanism which supports this. I have not implemented this
yet though. What we would do though is to enable this capability on the
the plain TCP socket only.  This would make the TCP socket truely secure,
and avoid any extra overhead on the TLS socket or UNIX domain socket.

I have set the wire packet size for the SASL negotiation to 8192 bytes at
a time. This has been sufficient so far, but I need to validate this
before we commit, because this will be wire ABI sensitive. Or I could
change the XDR spec to be variable length. Anyway needs re-visiting

This only deals with authentication. I have not attempted any authoriztion
controls. So anyone who has a valid kerberos principle can connect to the
server. We clearly need a local group list as we do for the x509 client
certificates. Ultimately we could try LDAP lookups & other intersting

The SASL stuff is detected in configure & enabled/disabled as appropriate.
I need to add extra config file params though to let the sysadmin control
what socket uses what auth mechanism.

The setup / usage details

As I said, I only used GSSAPI so far. To use this all your clients need to
be able to kinit & get a ticket. For testing I have setup my own personal
Kerberos server using Fedora 7 & FreeIPA ( Each libvirt
server needs to be issued with a Kerberos service principle. I am using the
word 'libvirt' as the service name. The service principle must match the
FQDN of the server host.  So on your Kerberos server you can issue a service
principle with

   > addprinc  libvirt/
   > ktadd -k /tmp/ libvirt/
   > quit

Then copy the /tmp/ file to /etc/libvirt/ on the
server in question. (Change the hostnames & REALM as needed of course).

If you want to change the GSSAPI mechanism, the settings are in the file
/etc/sasl2/libvirt.conf. Though again only GSSAPI works so far.

If you edit the /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf file you can enable listen_tcp=1
and run run  libvirtd --listen.

>From the client machine it should now be possible to do

   $ kinit berrange@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
   $ virsh --connect xen+tcp://

You probably screwed something up though along the way because Kerberos
is nasty like that.  If you use --verbose with libvirtd it'll show details
of any errors during authentication.  On the client end you can add in
a param on the connect URI  of  ?debug=stderr  and it'll print some info
about the auth process to stderr.  Check that it shows 'GSSAPI' as a
valid mechanism. If it doesn't, then your server is not configured as it
should be - check keytab file - check you have cyrus-sasl-gssapi RPM.

If that's ok, then check 'klist' on the client - if the first phase of
chatter between the client & the KDC worked you should see the principle
of the server cached on the client. If you don't, then check the KDC logs
in  /var/log/krb5kdc.log

Kerberos/GSSAPI error reporting sucks really bad. That said, I'm sure
I'm missing something, because the errors I get out of SASL are even worse
than normal.

BTW, you can see various 'XXX' in my patch. Basically all of them need to
be addressed before I'd consider this patch suitable to merge.                        |   39 +++
 include/libvirt/virterror.h         |    1                     |    3 
 qemud/                   |   21 +-
 qemud/internal.h                    |    8 
 qemud/              |    3 
 qemud/libvirtd.sysconf              |    3 
 qemud/qemud.c                       |   29 ++
 qemud/remote.c                      |  370 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 qemud/remote_dispatch_localvars.h   |    5 
 qemud/remote_dispatch_proc_switch.h |   24 ++
 qemud/remote_dispatch_prototypes.h  |    3 
 qemud/remote_protocol.c             |  164 +++++++++++++++
 qemud/remote_protocol.h             |   59 +++++
 qemud/remote_protocol.x             |   53 ++++-
 src/                     |    3 
 src/remote_internal.c               |  307 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/virsh.c                         |    4 
 src/virterror.c                     |    6 
 tests/                   |    2 
 20 files changed, 1073 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)


[1] Not entirely true. Some auth methods require credentials to be fetched
    from the user, so we can only support methods for which we have callbacks.
    This patch ignores the callback question, so only support GSSAPI where
    the credentials are fetched out-of-band. This can be addressed later.
|=- Red Hat, Engineering, Emerging Technologies, Boston.  +1 978 392 2496 -=|
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|=-  GnuPG: 7D3B9505   F3C9 553F A1DA 4AC2 5648 23C1 B3DF F742 7D3B 9505  -=| 
diff -r 2ebd10b676a9
--- a/	Wed Oct 17 15:03:04 2007 -0400
+++ b/	Wed Oct 17 15:03:07 2007 -0400
@@ -329,6 +329,40 @@ AC_CHECK_TYPE(gnutls_session,
 	[#include <gnutls/gnutls.h>])
+dnl Cyrus SASL
+  [  --with-sasl         use cyrus SASL for authentication],
+  [],
+  [with_sasl=yes])
+if test "$with_sasl" != "no"; then
+  if test "$with_sasl" != "yes"; then
+    SASL_CFLAGS="-I$with_sasl"
+    SASL_LIBS="-L$with_sasl"
+  fi
+  old_cflags="$CFLAGS"
+  old_libs="$LIBS"
+  AC_CHECK_HEADER([sasl/sasl.h],
+       [],
+       AC_MSG_ERROR([You must install the Cyrus SASL development package in order to compile libvirt]))
+  AC_CHECK_LIB(sasl2, sasl_client_init,
+       [],
+       [AC_MSG_ERROR([You must install the Cyrus SASL library in order to compile and run libvirt])])
+  CFLAGS="$old_cflags"
+  LIBS="$old_libs"
+  SASL_LIBS="$SASL_LIBS -lsasl2"
+  AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_SASL, 1, [whether Cyrus SASL is available for authentication])
+AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_SASL, [test "$with_sasl" != "no"])
 dnl Avahi library
@@ -537,6 +571,11 @@ AC_MSG_NOTICE([])
+if test "$with_sasl" != "no" ; then
+AC_MSG_NOTICE([   sasl: no])
 if test "$with_avahi" = "yes" ; then
diff -r 2ebd10b676a9 include/libvirt/virterror.h
--- a/include/libvirt/virterror.h	Wed Oct 17 15:03:04 2007 -0400
+++ b/include/libvirt/virterror.h	Wed Oct 17 15:03:07 2007 -0400
@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ typedef enum {
     VIR_ERR_NO_DOMAIN, /* domain not found or unexpectedly disappeared */
     VIR_ERR_NO_NETWORK, /* network not found */
     VIR_ERR_INVALID_MAC, /* invalid MAC adress */
+    VIR_ERR_AUTH_FAILED, /* authentication failed */
 } virErrorNumber;
diff -r 2ebd10b676a9
--- a/	Wed Oct 17 15:03:04 2007 -0400
+++ b/	Wed Oct 17 15:15:04 2007 -0400
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ Requires: dnsmasq
 Requires: dnsmasq
 Requires: bridge-utils
 Requires: iptables
+Requires: cyrus-sasl
 BuildRequires: xen-devel
 BuildRequires: libxml2-devel
 BuildRequires: readline-devel
@@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ BuildRequires: avahi-devel
 BuildRequires: avahi-devel
 BuildRequires: dnsmasq
 BuildRequires: bridge-utils
+BuildRequires: cyrus-sasl-devel
 Obsoletes: libvir
 ExclusiveArch: i386 x86_64 ia64
@@ -131,6 +133,7 @@ fi
 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/libvirtd
 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/libvirt/libvirtd.conf
 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/libvirt/qemu.conf
+%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sasl2/libvirt.conf
 %dir %{_datadir}/libvirt/
 %dir %{_datadir}/libvirt/networks/
diff -r 2ebd10b676a9 qemud/
--- a/qemud/	Wed Oct 17 15:03:04 2007 -0400
+++ b/qemud/	Wed Oct 17 15:21:35 2007 -0400
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST = libvirtd.s
 	remote_dispatch_localvars.h \
 	remote_dispatch_proc_switch.h \
 	mdns.c mdns.h \
+        libvirtd.sasl \
 libvirtd_SOURCES = \
@@ -28,14 +29,14 @@ libvirtd_SOURCES = \
 libvirtd_CFLAGS = \
         -I$(top_srcdir)/include -I$(top_builddir)/include \
         $(WARN_CFLAGS) -DLOCAL_STATE_DIR="\"$(localstatedir)\"" \
         -DSYSCONF_DIR="\"$(sysconfdir)\"" \
 libvirtd_DEPENDENCIES = ../src/
 libvirtd_LDADD = ../src/
@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ libvirtd_LDADD += $(AVAHI_LIBS)
 libvirtd_LDADD += $(AVAHI_LIBS)
-install-data-local: install-init
+install-data-local:: install-init install-data-sasl
 	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/libvirt/qemu/networks/autostart
 	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/default-network.xml $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/libvirt/qemu/networks/default.xml
 	sed -i -e "s,</name>,</name>\n  <uuid>$(UUID)</uuid>," $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/libvirt/qemu/networks/default.xml
@@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ install-data-local: install-init
 	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(localstatedir)/run/libvirt
 	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(localstatedir)/lib/libvirt
-uninstall-local: uninstall-init
+uninstall-local:: uninstall-init uninstall-data-sasl
 	rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/libvirt/qemu/networks/autostart/default.xml
 	rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/libvirt/qemu/networks/default.xml
 	rmdir $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/libvirt/qemu/networks/autostart || :
@@ -63,6 +64,18 @@ uninstall-local: uninstall-init
 	rmdir $(DESTDIR)$(localstatedir)/run/libvirt || :
 	rmdir $(DESTDIR)$(localstatedir)/lib/libvirt || :
+install-data-sasl:: install-init
+	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/sasl2/
+	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/libvirtd.sasl $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/sasl2/libvirt.conf
+uninstall-data-sasl:: install-init
+	rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/sasl2/libvirt.conf
+	rmdir $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/sasl2/
 	rm -f $@
diff -r 2ebd10b676a9 qemud/internal.h
--- a/qemud/internal.h	Wed Oct 17 15:03:04 2007 -0400
+++ b/qemud/internal.h	Wed Oct 17 15:03:07 2007 -0400
@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@
 #include <gnutls/gnutls.h>
 #include <gnutls/x509.h>
 #include "../src/gnutls_1_0_compat.h"
+#include <sasl/sasl.h>
 #include "remote_protocol.h"
 #include "../config.h"
@@ -85,6 +88,10 @@ struct qemud_client {
     int tls;
     gnutls_session_t session;
     enum qemud_tls_direction direction;
+    int auth;
+    sasl_conn_t *saslconn;
     unsigned int incomingSerial;
     unsigned int outgoingSerial;
@@ -110,6 +117,7 @@ struct qemud_socket {
     int readonly;
     /* If set, TLS is required on this socket. */
     int tls;
+    int auth;
     int port;
     struct qemud_socket *next;
diff -r 2ebd10b676a9 qemud/
--- a/qemud/	Wed Oct 17 15:03:04 2007 -0400
+++ b/qemud/	Wed Oct 17 15:40:49 2007 -0400
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ PROCESS=libvirtd
 test -f @sysconfdir@/sysconfig/libvirtd && . @sysconfdir@/sysconfig/libvirtd
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ RETVAL=0
 start() {
     echo -n $"Starting $SERVICE daemon: "
     [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch @localstatedir@/lock/subsys/$SERVICE
diff -r 2ebd10b676a9 qemud/libvirtd.sysconf
--- a/qemud/libvirtd.sysconf	Wed Oct 17 15:03:04 2007 -0400
+++ b/qemud/libvirtd.sysconf	Wed Oct 17 15:03:07 2007 -0400
@@ -4,3 +4,6 @@
 # Listen for TCP/IP connections
 # NB. must setup TLS/SSL keys prior to using this
+# Override Kerberos service keytab for SASL/GSSAPI
diff -r 2ebd10b676a9 qemud/qemud.c
--- a/qemud/qemud.c	Wed Oct 17 15:03:04 2007 -0400
+++ b/qemud/qemud.c	Wed Oct 17 15:03:07 2007 -0400
@@ -577,7 +577,8 @@ static int
 static int
 remoteListenTCP (struct qemud_server *server,
                  const char *port,
-                 int tls)
+                 int tls,
+                 int auth)
     int fds[2];
     int nfds = 0;
@@ -606,6 +607,7 @@ remoteListenTCP (struct qemud_server *se
         sock->fd = fds[i];
         sock->tls = tls;
+        sock->auth = auth;
         if (getsockname(sock->fd, (struct sockaddr *)(&sa), &salen) < 0)
             return -1;
@@ -699,6 +701,7 @@ static struct qemud_server *qemudInitial
     struct qemud_socket *sock;
     char sockname[PATH_MAX];
     char roSockname[PATH_MAX];
+    int err;
     if (!(server = calloc(1, sizeof(struct qemud_server)))) {
         qemudLog(QEMUD_ERR, "Failed to allocate struct qemud_server");
@@ -713,6 +716,7 @@ static struct qemud_server *qemudInitial
     if (qemudInitPaths(server, sockname, roSockname, PATH_MAX) < 0)
         goto cleanup;
+    /* XXX configurable auth */
     if (qemudListenUnix(server, sockname, 0) < 0)
         goto cleanup;
@@ -728,15 +732,30 @@ static struct qemud_server *qemudInitial
+    if ((err = sasl_server_init(NULL, "libvirt")) != SASL_OK) {
+        qemudLog(QEMUD_ERR, "Failed to initialize SASL authentication %s",
+                 sasl_errstring(err, NULL, NULL));
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
     if (ipsock) {
-        if (listen_tcp && remoteListenTCP (server, tcp_port, 0) < 0)
+        /* XXX configurable auth */
+        if (listen_tcp && remoteListenTCP (server, tcp_port, 0, REMOTE_AUTH_SASL) < 0)
             goto cleanup;
+        if (listen_tcp && remoteListenTCP (server, tcp_port, 0, REMOTE_AUTH_NONE) < 0)
+            goto cleanup;
         if (listen_tls) {
             if (remoteInitializeGnuTLS () < 0)
                 goto cleanup;
-            if (remoteListenTCP (server, tls_port, 1) < 0)
+            /* XXX configurable auth */
+            if (remoteListenTCP (server, tls_port, 1, REMOTE_AUTH_NONE) < 0)
                 goto cleanup;
@@ -1046,6 +1065,7 @@ static int qemudDispatchServer(struct qe
     client->fd = fd;
     client->readonly = sock->readonly;
     client->tls = sock->tls;
+    client->auth = sock->auth;
     memcpy (&client->addr, &addr, sizeof addr);
     client->addrlen = addrlen;
@@ -1126,6 +1146,9 @@ static void qemudDispatchClientFailure(s
     if (client->conn)
+    if (client->saslconn) sasl_dispose(&client->saslconn);
     if (client->tls && client->session) gnutls_deinit (client->session);
diff -r 2ebd10b676a9 qemud/remote.c
--- a/qemud/remote.c	Wed Oct 17 15:03:04 2007 -0400
+++ b/qemud/remote.c	Wed Oct 17 15:03:07 2007 -0400
@@ -55,6 +55,11 @@ static void remoteDispatchError (struct 
 static void remoteDispatchError (struct qemud_client *client,
                                  remote_message_header *req,
                                  const char *fmt, ...);
+/* Send a reply back to client indicating they need
+ * to authentication before continuing
+ */
+static void remoteDispatchNeedAuth (struct qemud_client *client,
+                                    remote_message_header *req);
 static virDomainPtr get_nonnull_domain (virConnectPtr conn, remote_nonnull_domain domain);
 static virNetworkPtr get_nonnull_network (virConnectPtr conn, remote_nonnull_network network);
 static void make_nonnull_domain (remote_nonnull_domain *dom_dst, virDomainPtr dom_src);
@@ -113,6 +118,31 @@ remoteDispatchClientRequest (struct qemu
     if (req.status != REMOTE_OK) {
         remoteDispatchError (client, &req, "status (%d) != REMOTE_OK",
                              (int) req.status);
+        xdr_destroy (&xdr);
+        return;
+    }
+    switch (client->auth) {
+        /* Only allow SASL call while in SASL auth method */
+        if (req.proc != REMOTE_PROC_AUTH_SASL_INIT &&
+            req.proc != REMOTE_PROC_AUTH_SASL_START &&
+            req.proc != REMOTE_PROC_AUTH_SASL_STEP) {
+            remoteDispatchNeedAuth (client, &req);
+            xdr_destroy (&xdr);
+            return;
+        }
+        break;
+        /* No auth, allow all calls */
+        break;
+    default:
+        /* Unexpected auth - deny all calls */
+        remoteDispatchError (client, &req, "unexpected authentication method");
         xdr_destroy (&xdr);
@@ -274,23 +304,14 @@ remoteDispatchClientRequest (struct qemu
  * reply.
 static void
-remoteDispatchError (struct qemud_client *client,
-                     remote_message_header *req,
-                     const char *fmt, ...)
+remoteDispatchSendError (struct qemud_client *client,
+                         remote_message_header *req,
+                         int code, const char *msg)
     remote_message_header rep;
     remote_error error;
-    va_list args;
-    char msgbuf[1024];
-    char *msg = msgbuf;
     XDR xdr;
     int len;
-    va_start (args, fmt);
-    vsnprintf (msgbuf, sizeof msgbuf, fmt, args);
-    va_end (args);
-    qemudDebug ("%s", msgbuf);
     /* Future versions of the protocol may use different vers or prog.  Try
      * our hardest to send back a message that such clients could see.
@@ -312,12 +333,12 @@ remoteDispatchError (struct qemud_client
     /* Construct the error. */
-    error.code = VIR_ERR_RPC;
+    error.code = code;
     error.domain = VIR_FROM_REMOTE;
-    error.message = &msg;
+    error.message = (char**)&msg;
     error.level = VIR_ERR_ERROR;
     error.dom = NULL;
-    error.str1 = &msg;
+    error.str1 = (char**)&msg;
     error.str2 = NULL;
     error.str3 = NULL;
     error.int1 = 0;
@@ -339,6 +360,106 @@ remoteDispatchError (struct qemud_client
     if (!xdr_remote_error (&xdr, &error)) {
+        xdr_destroy (&xdr);
+        return;
+    }
+    len = xdr_getpos (&xdr);
+    if (xdr_setpos (&xdr, 0) == 0) {
+        xdr_destroy (&xdr);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (!xdr_int (&xdr, &len)) {
+        xdr_destroy (&xdr);
+        return;
+    }
+    xdr_destroy (&xdr);
+    /* Send it. */
+    client->mode = QEMUD_MODE_TX_PACKET;
+    client->bufferLength = len;
+    client->bufferOffset = 0;
+    if (client->tls) client->direction = QEMUD_TLS_DIRECTION_WRITE;
+static void
+remoteDispatchFailAuth (struct qemud_client *client,
+                        remote_message_header *req)
+    remoteDispatchSendError (client, req, VIR_ERR_AUTH_FAILED, "");
+static void
+remoteDispatchError (struct qemud_client *client,
+                     remote_message_header *req,
+                     const char *fmt, ...)
+    va_list args;
+    char msgbuf[1024];
+    char *msg = msgbuf;
+    va_start (args, fmt);
+    vsnprintf (msgbuf, sizeof msgbuf, fmt, args);
+    va_end (args);
+    qemudDebug ("%s", msgbuf);
+    remoteDispatchSendError (client, req, VIR_ERR_RPC, msg);
+/* Authentication is required before calling this func (ie. not
+ * an error from the function being called).  We return auth type
+ * reply.
+ */
+static void
+remoteDispatchNeedAuth (struct qemud_client *client,
+                        remote_message_header *req)
+    remote_message_header rep;
+    remote_auth_type type;
+    XDR xdr;
+    int len;
+    /* Future versions of the protocol may use different vers or prog.  Try
+     * our hardest to send back a message that such clients could see.
+     */
+    if (req) {
+        rep.prog = req->prog;
+        rep.vers = req->vers;
+        rep.proc = req->proc;
+        rep.direction = REMOTE_REPLY;
+        rep.serial = req->serial;
+        rep.status = REMOTE_AUTH;
+    } else {
+        rep.prog = REMOTE_PROGRAM;
+        rep.vers = REMOTE_PROTOCOL_VERSION;
+        rep.proc = REMOTE_PROC_OPEN;
+        rep.direction = REMOTE_REPLY;
+        rep.serial = 1;
+        rep.status = REMOTE_AUTH;
+    }
+    /* Construct the error. */
+    type = client->auth;
+    /* Serialise the return header and error. */
+    xdrmem_create (&xdr, client->buffer, sizeof client->buffer, XDR_ENCODE);
+    len = 0; /* We'll come back and write this later. */
+    if (!xdr_int (&xdr, &len)) {
+        xdr_destroy (&xdr);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (!xdr_remote_message_header (&xdr, &rep)) {
+        xdr_destroy (&xdr);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (!xdr_remote_auth_type (&xdr, &type)) {
         xdr_destroy (&xdr);
@@ -1945,6 +2066,225 @@ remoteDispatchNumOfNetworks (struct qemu
     return 0;
+ * Initializes the SASL session in prepare for authentication
+ * and gives the client a list of allowed mechansims to choose
+ *
+ * XXX request wire encryption for non-TLS links
+ * XXX callbacks for stuff like password verification ?
+ * XXX fill in real hostname (from config file?)
+ * XXX fill in user realm (from config file ?)
+ * XXX fill in local & remote IP
+ */
+static int
+remoteDispatchAuthSaslInit (struct qemud_client *client,
+                            remote_message_header *req,
+                            void *args ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
+                            remote_auth_sasl_init_ret *ret)
+    const char *mechlist = NULL;
+    int err;
+    qemudDebug("Initialize SASL auth\n");
+    if (client->auth != REMOTE_AUTH_SASL ||
+        client->saslconn != NULL) {
+        qemudLog(QEMUD_ERR, "client tried illegal SASL init request");
+        remoteDispatchFailAuth(client, req);
+        return -2;
+    }
+    err = sasl_server_new("libvirt",
+                          NULL, /* XXX Server FQDN */
+                          NULL, /* XXX User realm */
+                          NULL, /* XXX IP local */
+                          NULL, /* XXX IP remote */
+                          NULL, /* XXX Callbacks */
+                          SASL_SUCCESS_DATA,
+                          &client->saslconn);
+    if (err != SASL_OK) {
+        qemudLog(QEMUD_ERR, "sasl context setup failed %d (%s)",
+                 err, sasl_errstring(err, NULL, NULL));
+        remoteDispatchFailAuth(client, req);
+        client->saslconn = NULL;
+        return -2;
+    }
+    err = sasl_listmech(client->saslconn,
+                        NULL, /* XXX username */
+                        "", /* Prefix */
+                        ",", /* Separator */
+                        "", /* Suffix */
+                        &mechlist,
+                        NULL,
+                        NULL);
+    if (err != SASL_OK) {
+        qemudLog(QEMUD_ERR, "cannot list SASL mechanisms %d (%s)",
+                 err, sasl_errstring(err, NULL, NULL));
+        remoteDispatchFailAuth(client, req);
+        sasl_dispose(&client->saslconn);
+        client->saslconn = NULL;
+        return -2;
+    }
+    qemudDebug("Available mechanisms for client: '%s'", mechlist);
+    ret->mechlist = strdup(mechlist);
+    if (!ret->mechlist) {
+        remoteDispatchFailAuth(client, req);
+        sasl_dispose(&client->saslconn);
+        client->saslconn = NULL;
+        return -2;
+    }
+    return 0;
+    qemudLog(QEMUD_ERR, "client tried unsupported SASL init request");
+    remoteDispatchFailAuth(client, req);
+    return -2;
+ * This starts the SASL authentication negotiation.
+ */
+static int
+remoteDispatchAuthSaslStart (struct qemud_client *client,
+                             remote_message_header *req ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
+                             remote_auth_sasl_start_args *args,
+                             remote_auth_sasl_start_ret *ret)
+    const char *serverout;
+    unsigned int serveroutlen;
+    int err;
+    qemudDebug("Start SASL auth");
+    if (client->auth != REMOTE_AUTH_SASL ||
+        client->saslconn == NULL) {
+        qemudLog(QEMUD_ERR, "client tried illegal SASL start request");
+        remoteDispatchFailAuth(client, req);
+        return -2;
+    }
+    qemudDebug("Using SASL mechanism %s. Data %d bytes, nil: %d",
+               args->mech, args->datalen, args->nil);
+    err = sasl_server_start(client->saslconn,
+                            args->mech,
+                            /* NB, distinction of NULL vs "" is *critical* in SASL */
+                            args->nil ? NULL : args->data,
+                            args->datalen,
+                            &serverout,
+                            &serveroutlen);
+    if (err != SASL_OK &&
+        err != SASL_CONTINUE) {
+        qemudLog(QEMUD_ERR, "sasl start failed %d (%s)",
+                 err, sasl_errstring(err, NULL, NULL));
+        sasl_dispose(&client->saslconn);
+        client->saslconn = NULL;
+        remoteDispatchFailAuth(client, req);
+        return -2;
+    }
+    if (serveroutlen > REMOTE_AUTH_SASL_DATA_MAX) {
+        qemudLog(QEMUD_ERR, "sasl start reply data too long %d", serveroutlen);
+        sasl_dispose(&client->saslconn);
+        client->saslconn = NULL;
+        remoteDispatchFailAuth(client, req);
+        return -2;
+    }
+    /* NB, distinction of NULL vs "" is *critical* in SASL */
+    if (serverout)
+        memcpy(ret->data, serverout, serveroutlen);
+    else
+        ret->nil = 1;
+    ret->datalen = serveroutlen;
+    qemudDebug("SASL return data %d bytes, nil; %d", ret->datalen, ret->nil);
+    if (err == SASL_CONTINUE) {
+        ret->complete = 0;
+    } else {
+        qemudDebug("Authentication successful");
+        ret->complete = 1;
+        client->auth = REMOTE_AUTH_NONE;
+    }
+    return 0;
+    qemudLog(QEMUD_ERR, "client tried unsupported SASL start request");
+    remoteDispatchFailAuth(client, req);
+    return -2;
+static int
+remoteDispatchAuthSaslStep (struct qemud_client *client,
+                            remote_message_header *req,
+                            remote_auth_sasl_step_args *args,
+                            remote_auth_sasl_step_ret *ret)
+    const char *serverout;
+    unsigned int serveroutlen;
+    int err;
+    qemudDebug("Step SASL auth");
+    if (client->auth != REMOTE_AUTH_SASL ||
+        client->saslconn == NULL) {
+        qemudLog(QEMUD_ERR, "client tried illegal SASL start request");
+        remoteDispatchFailAuth(client, req);
+        return -2;
+    }
+    qemudDebug("Using SASL Data %d bytes, nil: %d",
+               args->datalen, args->nil);
+    err = sasl_server_step(client->saslconn,
+                           /* NB, distinction of NULL vs "" is *critical* in SASL */
+                           args->nil ? NULL : args->data,
+                           args->datalen,
+                           &serverout,
+                           &serveroutlen);
+    if (err != SASL_OK &&
+        err != SASL_CONTINUE) {
+        qemudLog(QEMUD_ERR, "sasl step failed %d (%s)",
+                 err, sasl_errstring(err, NULL, NULL));
+        sasl_dispose(&client->saslconn);
+        client->saslconn = NULL;
+        remoteDispatchFailAuth(client, req);
+        return -2;
+    }
+    if (serveroutlen > REMOTE_AUTH_SASL_DATA_MAX) {
+        qemudLog(QEMUD_ERR, "sasl step reply data too long %d", serveroutlen);
+        sasl_dispose(&client->saslconn);
+        client->saslconn = NULL;
+        remoteDispatchFailAuth(client, req);
+        return -2;
+    }
+    /* NB, distinction of NULL vs "" is *critical* in SASL */
+    if (serverout)
+        memcpy(ret->data, serverout, serveroutlen);
+    else
+        ret->nil = 1;
+    ret->datalen = serveroutlen;
+    qemudDebug("SASL return data %d bytes, nil; %d", ret->datalen, ret->nil);
+    if (err == SASL_CONTINUE) {
+        ret->complete = 0;
+    } else {
+        qemudDebug("Authentication successful");
+        ret->complete = 1;
+        client->auth = REMOTE_AUTH_NONE;
+    }
+    return 0;
+    qemudLog(QEMUD_ERR, "client tried unsupported SASL step request");
+    remoteDispatchFailAuth(client, req);
+    return -1;
 /*----- Helpers. -----*/
 /* get_nonnull_domain and get_nonnull_network turn an on-wire
diff -r 2ebd10b676a9 qemud/remote_dispatch_localvars.h
--- a/qemud/remote_dispatch_localvars.h	Wed Oct 17 15:03:04 2007 -0400
+++ b/qemud/remote_dispatch_localvars.h	Wed Oct 17 15:07:55 2007 -0400
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ remote_list_defined_domains_ret lv_remot
 remote_list_defined_domains_ret lv_remote_list_defined_domains_ret;
 remote_get_capabilities_ret lv_remote_get_capabilities_ret;
 remote_domain_set_max_memory_args lv_remote_domain_set_max_memory_args;
+remote_auth_sasl_init_ret lv_remote_auth_sasl_init_ret;
 remote_domain_get_os_type_args lv_remote_domain_get_os_type_args;
 remote_domain_get_os_type_ret lv_remote_domain_get_os_type_ret;
 remote_domain_get_autostart_args lv_remote_domain_get_autostart_args;
@@ -36,6 +37,8 @@ remote_domain_create_linux_args lv_remot
 remote_domain_create_linux_args lv_remote_domain_create_linux_args;
 remote_domain_create_linux_ret lv_remote_domain_create_linux_ret;
 remote_domain_set_scheduler_parameters_args lv_remote_domain_set_scheduler_parameters_args;
+remote_auth_sasl_start_args lv_remote_auth_sasl_start_args;
+remote_auth_sasl_start_ret lv_remote_auth_sasl_start_ret;
 remote_domain_interface_stats_args lv_remote_domain_interface_stats_args;
 remote_domain_interface_stats_ret lv_remote_domain_interface_stats_ret;
 remote_domain_get_max_vcpus_args lv_remote_domain_get_max_vcpus_args;
@@ -50,6 +53,8 @@ remote_network_get_bridge_name_args lv_r
 remote_network_get_bridge_name_args lv_remote_network_get_bridge_name_args;
 remote_network_get_bridge_name_ret lv_remote_network_get_bridge_name_ret;
 remote_domain_destroy_args lv_remote_domain_destroy_args;
+remote_auth_sasl_step_args lv_remote_auth_sasl_step_args;
+remote_auth_sasl_step_ret lv_remote_auth_sasl_step_ret;
 remote_domain_migrate_finish_args lv_remote_domain_migrate_finish_args;
 remote_domain_migrate_finish_ret lv_remote_domain_migrate_finish_ret;
 remote_domain_get_vcpus_args lv_remote_domain_get_vcpus_args;
diff -r 2ebd10b676a9 qemud/remote_dispatch_proc_switch.h
--- a/qemud/remote_dispatch_proc_switch.h	Wed Oct 17 15:03:04 2007 -0400
+++ b/qemud/remote_dispatch_proc_switch.h	Wed Oct 17 15:07:55 2007 -0400
@@ -2,6 +2,30 @@
  * Do not edit this file.  Any changes you make will be lost.
+	fn = (dispatch_fn) remoteDispatchAuthSaslInit;
+	ret_filter = (xdrproc_t) xdr_remote_auth_sasl_init_ret;
+	ret = (char *) &lv_remote_auth_sasl_init_ret;
+	memset (&lv_remote_auth_sasl_init_ret, 0, sizeof lv_remote_auth_sasl_init_ret);
+	break;
+	fn = (dispatch_fn) remoteDispatchAuthSaslStart;
+	args_filter = (xdrproc_t) xdr_remote_auth_sasl_start_args;
+	args = (char *) &lv_remote_auth_sasl_start_args;
+	memset (&lv_remote_auth_sasl_start_args, 0, sizeof lv_remote_auth_sasl_start_args);
+	ret_filter = (xdrproc_t) xdr_remote_auth_sasl_start_ret;
+	ret = (char *) &lv_remote_auth_sasl_start_ret;
+	memset (&lv_remote_auth_sasl_start_ret, 0, sizeof lv_remote_auth_sasl_start_ret);
+	break;
+	fn = (dispatch_fn) remoteDispatchAuthSaslStep;
+	args_filter = (xdrproc_t) xdr_remote_auth_sasl_step_args;
+	args = (char *) &lv_remote_auth_sasl_step_args;
+	memset (&lv_remote_auth_sasl_step_args, 0, sizeof lv_remote_auth_sasl_step_args);
+	ret_filter = (xdrproc_t) xdr_remote_auth_sasl_step_ret;
+	ret = (char *) &lv_remote_auth_sasl_step_ret;
+	memset (&lv_remote_auth_sasl_step_ret, 0, sizeof lv_remote_auth_sasl_step_ret);
+	break;
 	fn = (dispatch_fn) remoteDispatchClose;
diff -r 2ebd10b676a9 qemud/remote_dispatch_prototypes.h
--- a/qemud/remote_dispatch_prototypes.h	Wed Oct 17 15:03:04 2007 -0400
+++ b/qemud/remote_dispatch_prototypes.h	Wed Oct 17 15:07:55 2007 -0400
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
  * Do not edit this file.  Any changes you make will be lost.
+static int remoteDispatchAuthSaslInit (struct qemud_client *client, remote_message_header *req, void *args, remote_auth_sasl_init_ret *ret);
+static int remoteDispatchAuthSaslStart (struct qemud_client *client, remote_message_header *req, remote_auth_sasl_start_args *args, remote_auth_sasl_start_ret *ret);
+static int remoteDispatchAuthSaslStep (struct qemud_client *client, remote_message_header *req, remote_auth_sasl_step_args *args, remote_auth_sasl_step_ret *ret);
 static int remoteDispatchClose (struct qemud_client *client, remote_message_header *req, void *args, void *ret);
 static int remoteDispatchDomainAttachDevice (struct qemud_client *client, remote_message_header *req, remote_domain_attach_device_args *args, void *ret);
 static int remoteDispatchDomainBlockStats (struct qemud_client *client, remote_message_header *req, remote_domain_block_stats_args *args, remote_domain_block_stats_ret *ret);
diff -r 2ebd10b676a9 qemud/remote_protocol.c
--- a/qemud/remote_protocol.c	Wed Oct 17 15:03:04 2007 -0400
+++ b/qemud/remote_protocol.c	Wed Oct 17 15:07:54 2007 -0400
@@ -100,6 +100,15 @@ xdr_remote_error (XDR *xdrs, remote_erro
 	 if (!xdr_int (xdrs, &objp->int2))
 		 return FALSE;
 	 if (!xdr_remote_network (xdrs, &objp->net))
+		 return FALSE;
+	return TRUE;
+xdr_remote_auth_type (XDR *xdrs, remote_auth_type *objp)
+	 if (!xdr_enum (xdrs, (enum_t *) objp))
 		 return FALSE;
 	return TRUE;
@@ -1222,6 +1231,161 @@ xdr_remote_network_set_autostart_args (X
+xdr_remote_auth_sasl_init_ret (XDR *xdrs, remote_auth_sasl_init_ret *objp)
+	 if (!xdr_remote_nonnull_string (xdrs, &objp->mechlist))
+		 return FALSE;
+	return TRUE;
+xdr_remote_auth_sasl_start_args (XDR *xdrs, remote_auth_sasl_start_args *objp)
+	 if (!xdr_remote_nonnull_string (xdrs, &objp->mech))
+		 return FALSE;
+	 if (!xdr_int (xdrs, &objp->nil))
+		 return FALSE;
+	 if (!xdr_u_int (xdrs, &objp->datalen))
+		 return FALSE;
+	 if (!xdr_vector (xdrs, (char *)objp->data, REMOTE_AUTH_SASL_DATA_MAX,
+		sizeof (char), (xdrproc_t) xdr_char))
+		 return FALSE;
+	return TRUE;
+xdr_remote_auth_sasl_start_ret (XDR *xdrs, remote_auth_sasl_start_ret *objp)
+	register int32_t *buf;
+	if (xdrs->x_op == XDR_ENCODE) {
+		buf = XDR_INLINE (xdrs, 3 * BYTES_PER_XDR_UNIT);
+		if (buf == NULL) {
+			 if (!xdr_int (xdrs, &objp->complete))
+				 return FALSE;
+			 if (!xdr_int (xdrs, &objp->nil))
+				 return FALSE;
+			 if (!xdr_u_int (xdrs, &objp->datalen))
+				 return FALSE;
+		} else {
+		(void)IXDR_PUT_INT32(buf, objp->complete);
+		(void)IXDR_PUT_INT32(buf, objp->nil);
+		(void)IXDR_PUT_U_INT32(buf, objp->datalen);
+		}
+		 if (!xdr_vector (xdrs, (char *)objp->data, REMOTE_AUTH_SASL_DATA_MAX,
+			sizeof (char), (xdrproc_t) xdr_char))
+			 return FALSE;
+		return TRUE;
+	} else if (xdrs->x_op == XDR_DECODE) {
+		buf = XDR_INLINE (xdrs, 3 * BYTES_PER_XDR_UNIT);
+		if (buf == NULL) {
+			 if (!xdr_int (xdrs, &objp->complete))
+				 return FALSE;
+			 if (!xdr_int (xdrs, &objp->nil))
+				 return FALSE;
+			 if (!xdr_u_int (xdrs, &objp->datalen))
+				 return FALSE;
+		} else {
+		objp->complete = IXDR_GET_LONG(buf);
+		objp->nil = IXDR_GET_LONG(buf);
+		objp->datalen = IXDR_GET_U_LONG(buf);
+		}
+		 if (!xdr_vector (xdrs, (char *)objp->data, REMOTE_AUTH_SASL_DATA_MAX,
+			sizeof (char), (xdrproc_t) xdr_char))
+			 return FALSE;
+	 return TRUE;
+	}
+	 if (!xdr_int (xdrs, &objp->complete))
+		 return FALSE;
+	 if (!xdr_int (xdrs, &objp->nil))
+		 return FALSE;
+	 if (!xdr_u_int (xdrs, &objp->datalen))
+		 return FALSE;
+	 if (!xdr_vector (xdrs, (char *)objp->data, REMOTE_AUTH_SASL_DATA_MAX,
+		sizeof (char), (xdrproc_t) xdr_char))
+		 return FALSE;
+	return TRUE;
+xdr_remote_auth_sasl_step_args (XDR *xdrs, remote_auth_sasl_step_args *objp)
+	 if (!xdr_int (xdrs, &objp->nil))
+		 return FALSE;
+	 if (!xdr_u_int (xdrs, &objp->datalen))
+		 return FALSE;
+	 if (!xdr_vector (xdrs, (char *)objp->data, REMOTE_AUTH_SASL_DATA_MAX,
+		sizeof (char), (xdrproc_t) xdr_char))
+		 return FALSE;
+	return TRUE;
+xdr_remote_auth_sasl_step_ret (XDR *xdrs, remote_auth_sasl_step_ret *objp)
+	register int32_t *buf;
+	if (xdrs->x_op == XDR_ENCODE) {
+		buf = XDR_INLINE (xdrs, 3 * BYTES_PER_XDR_UNIT);
+		if (buf == NULL) {
+			 if (!xdr_int (xdrs, &objp->complete))
+				 return FALSE;
+			 if (!xdr_int (xdrs, &objp->nil))
+				 return FALSE;
+			 if (!xdr_u_int (xdrs, &objp->datalen))
+				 return FALSE;
+		} else {
+		(void)IXDR_PUT_INT32(buf, objp->complete);
+		(void)IXDR_PUT_INT32(buf, objp->nil);
+		(void)IXDR_PUT_U_INT32(buf, objp->datalen);
+		}
+		 if (!xdr_vector (xdrs, (char *)objp->data, REMOTE_AUTH_SASL_DATA_MAX,
+			sizeof (char), (xdrproc_t) xdr_char))
+			 return FALSE;
+		return TRUE;
+	} else if (xdrs->x_op == XDR_DECODE) {
+		buf = XDR_INLINE (xdrs, 3 * BYTES_PER_XDR_UNIT);
+		if (buf == NULL) {
+			 if (!xdr_int (xdrs, &objp->complete))
+				 return FALSE;
+			 if (!xdr_int (xdrs, &objp->nil))
+				 return FALSE;
+			 if (!xdr_u_int (xdrs, &objp->datalen))
+				 return FALSE;
+		} else {
+		objp->complete = IXDR_GET_LONG(buf);
+		objp->nil = IXDR_GET_LONG(buf);
+		objp->datalen = IXDR_GET_U_LONG(buf);
+		}
+		 if (!xdr_vector (xdrs, (char *)objp->data, REMOTE_AUTH_SASL_DATA_MAX,
+			sizeof (char), (xdrproc_t) xdr_char))
+			 return FALSE;
+	 return TRUE;
+	}
+	 if (!xdr_int (xdrs, &objp->complete))
+		 return FALSE;
+	 if (!xdr_int (xdrs, &objp->nil))
+		 return FALSE;
+	 if (!xdr_u_int (xdrs, &objp->datalen))
+		 return FALSE;
+	 if (!xdr_vector (xdrs, (char *)objp->data, REMOTE_AUTH_SASL_DATA_MAX,
+		sizeof (char), (xdrproc_t) xdr_char))
+		 return FALSE;
+	return TRUE;
 xdr_remote_procedure (XDR *xdrs, remote_procedure *objp)
diff -r 2ebd10b676a9 qemud/remote_protocol.h
--- a/qemud/remote_protocol.h	Wed Oct 17 15:03:04 2007 -0400
+++ b/qemud/remote_protocol.h	Wed Oct 17 15:07:53 2007 -0400
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ typedef remote_nonnull_string *remote_st
 typedef char remote_uuid[VIR_UUID_BUFLEN];
@@ -63,6 +64,12 @@ struct remote_error {
 typedef struct remote_error remote_error;
+enum remote_auth_type {
+typedef enum remote_auth_type remote_auth_type;
 struct remote_vcpu_info {
 	u_int number;
 	int state;
@@ -659,6 +666,42 @@ struct remote_network_set_autostart_args
 	int autostart;
 typedef struct remote_network_set_autostart_args remote_network_set_autostart_args;
+struct remote_auth_sasl_init_ret {
+	remote_nonnull_string mechlist;
+typedef struct remote_auth_sasl_init_ret remote_auth_sasl_init_ret;
+struct remote_auth_sasl_start_args {
+	remote_nonnull_string mech;
+	int nil;
+	u_int datalen;
+typedef struct remote_auth_sasl_start_args remote_auth_sasl_start_args;
+struct remote_auth_sasl_start_ret {
+	int complete;
+	int nil;
+	u_int datalen;
+typedef struct remote_auth_sasl_start_ret remote_auth_sasl_start_ret;
+struct remote_auth_sasl_step_args {
+	int nil;
+	u_int datalen;
+typedef struct remote_auth_sasl_step_args remote_auth_sasl_step_args;
+struct remote_auth_sasl_step_ret {
+	int complete;
+	int nil;
+	u_int datalen;
+typedef struct remote_auth_sasl_step_ret remote_auth_sasl_step_ret;
 #define REMOTE_PROGRAM 0x20008086
@@ -728,6 +771,9 @@ enum remote_procedure {
 typedef enum remote_procedure remote_procedure;
@@ -741,6 +787,7 @@ enum remote_message_status {
 enum remote_message_status {
 	REMOTE_OK = 0,
 typedef enum remote_message_status remote_message_status;
@@ -766,6 +813,7 @@ extern  bool_t xdr_remote_domain (XDR *,
 extern  bool_t xdr_remote_domain (XDR *, remote_domain*);
 extern  bool_t xdr_remote_network (XDR *, remote_network*);
 extern  bool_t xdr_remote_error (XDR *, remote_error*);
+extern  bool_t xdr_remote_auth_type (XDR *, remote_auth_type*);
 extern  bool_t xdr_remote_vcpu_info (XDR *, remote_vcpu_info*);
 extern  bool_t xdr_remote_sched_param_value (XDR *, remote_sched_param_value*);
 extern  bool_t xdr_remote_sched_param (XDR *, remote_sched_param*);
@@ -864,6 +912,11 @@ extern  bool_t xdr_remote_network_get_au
 extern  bool_t xdr_remote_network_get_autostart_args (XDR *, remote_network_get_autostart_args*);
 extern  bool_t xdr_remote_network_get_autostart_ret (XDR *, remote_network_get_autostart_ret*);
 extern  bool_t xdr_remote_network_set_autostart_args (XDR *, remote_network_set_autostart_args*);
+extern  bool_t xdr_remote_auth_sasl_init_ret (XDR *, remote_auth_sasl_init_ret*);
+extern  bool_t xdr_remote_auth_sasl_start_args (XDR *, remote_auth_sasl_start_args*);
+extern  bool_t xdr_remote_auth_sasl_start_ret (XDR *, remote_auth_sasl_start_ret*);
+extern  bool_t xdr_remote_auth_sasl_step_args (XDR *, remote_auth_sasl_step_args*);
+extern  bool_t xdr_remote_auth_sasl_step_ret (XDR *, remote_auth_sasl_step_ret*);
 extern  bool_t xdr_remote_procedure (XDR *, remote_procedure*);
 extern  bool_t xdr_remote_message_direction (XDR *, remote_message_direction*);
 extern  bool_t xdr_remote_message_status (XDR *, remote_message_status*);
@@ -878,6 +931,7 @@ extern bool_t xdr_remote_domain ();
 extern bool_t xdr_remote_domain ();
 extern bool_t xdr_remote_network ();
 extern bool_t xdr_remote_error ();
+extern bool_t xdr_remote_auth_type ();
 extern bool_t xdr_remote_vcpu_info ();
 extern bool_t xdr_remote_sched_param_value ();
 extern bool_t xdr_remote_sched_param ();
@@ -976,6 +1030,11 @@ extern bool_t xdr_remote_network_get_aut
 extern bool_t xdr_remote_network_get_autostart_args ();
 extern bool_t xdr_remote_network_get_autostart_ret ();
 extern bool_t xdr_remote_network_set_autostart_args ();
+extern bool_t xdr_remote_auth_sasl_init_ret ();
+extern bool_t xdr_remote_auth_sasl_start_args ();
+extern bool_t xdr_remote_auth_sasl_start_ret ();
+extern bool_t xdr_remote_auth_sasl_step_args ();
+extern bool_t xdr_remote_auth_sasl_step_ret ();
 extern bool_t xdr_remote_procedure ();
 extern bool_t xdr_remote_message_direction ();
 extern bool_t xdr_remote_message_status ();
diff -r 2ebd10b676a9 qemud/remote_protocol.x
--- a/qemud/remote_protocol.x	Wed Oct 17 15:03:04 2007 -0400
+++ b/qemud/remote_protocol.x	Wed Oct 17 15:05:13 2007 -0400
@@ -80,6 +80,10 @@ const REMOTE_NETWORK_NAME_LIST_MAX = 256
 /* Upper limit on list of scheduler parameters. */
+/* Upper limit on SASL auth negotiation packet */
+/* XXX is this large enough for all SASL mechs ? */
 /* UUID.  VIR_UUID_BUFLEN definition comes from libvirt.h */
 typedef opaque remote_uuid[VIR_UUID_BUFLEN];
@@ -121,6 +125,12 @@ struct remote_error {
     int int1;
     int int2;
     remote_network net;
+/* Sent back with REMOTE_NEED_AUTH */
+enum remote_auth_type {
 /* Wire encoding of virVcpuInfo. */
@@ -610,6 +620,37 @@ struct remote_network_set_autostart_args
 struct remote_network_set_autostart_args {
     remote_nonnull_network net;
     int autostart;
+struct remote_auth_sasl_init_ret {
+    remote_nonnull_string mechlist;
+struct remote_auth_sasl_start_args {
+    remote_nonnull_string mech;
+    int nil;
+    unsigned datalen;
+    char data[REMOTE_AUTH_SASL_DATA_MAX];
+struct remote_auth_sasl_start_ret {
+    int complete;
+    int nil;
+    unsigned datalen;
+    char data[REMOTE_AUTH_SASL_DATA_MAX];
+struct remote_auth_sasl_step_args {
+    int nil;
+    unsigned datalen;
+    char data[REMOTE_AUTH_SASL_DATA_MAX];
+struct remote_auth_sasl_step_ret {
+    int complete;
+    int nil;
+    unsigned datalen;
+    char data[REMOTE_AUTH_SASL_DATA_MAX];
 /*----- Protocol. -----*/
@@ -683,7 +724,10 @@ enum remote_procedure {
 /* Custom RPC structure. */
@@ -714,7 +758,12 @@ enum remote_message_status {
     /* For replies, indicates that an error happened, and a struct
      * remote_error follows.
+    REMOTE_ERROR = 1,
+    /* Require authentication before this call is allowed
+     * remote_auth_type follows.
+     */
+    REMOTE_AUTH = 2
 /* 4 byte length word per header */
diff -r 2ebd10b676a9 src/
--- a/src/	Wed Oct 17 15:03:04 2007 -0400
+++ b/src/	Wed Oct 17 15:03:07 2007 -0400
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ INCLUDES = -I$(top_builddir)/include \
 	   -I@top_srcdir@/qemud \
+	   $(SASL_CFLAGS) \
 	   -DBINDIR=\""$(libexecdir)"\" \
 	   -DSBINDIR=\""$(sbindir)"\" \
 	   -DSYSCONF_DIR="\"$(sysconfdir)\"" \
@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST = libvirt_sym.version $(conf_
 EXTRA_DIST = libvirt_sym.version $(conf_DATA)
 libvirt_la_LDFLAGS = -Wl,--version-script=$(srcdir)/libvirt_sym.version \
                     -version-info @LIBVIRT_VERSION_INFO@ \
diff -r 2ebd10b676a9 src/remote_internal.c
--- a/src/remote_internal.c	Wed Oct 17 15:03:04 2007 -0400
+++ b/src/remote_internal.c	Wed Oct 17 16:15:14 2007 -0400
@@ -46,6 +46,9 @@
 #include <gnutls/gnutls.h>
 #include <gnutls/x509.h>
 #include "gnutls_1_0_compat.h"
+#include <sasl/sasl.h>
 #include <libxml/uri.h>
 #include "internal.h"
@@ -71,6 +74,8 @@ struct private_data {
     int counter;                /* Generates serial numbers for RPC. */
     char *uri;                  /* Original (remote) URI. */
     int networkOnly;            /* Only used for network API */
+    char *hostname;             /* Original hostname */
+    FILE *debugLog;             /* Debug remote protocol */
 #define GET_PRIVATE(conn,retcode)                                       \
@@ -89,7 +94,14 @@ struct private_data {
         return (retcode);                                               \
-static int call (virConnectPtr conn, struct private_data *priv, int in_open, int proc_nr, xdrproc_t args_filter, char *args, xdrproc_t ret_filter, char *ret);
+static int call (virConnectPtr conn, struct private_data *priv,
+                 int in_open, int proc_nr,
+                 xdrproc_t args_filter, char *args,
+                 xdrproc_t ret_filter, char *ret);
+static int onecall (virConnectPtr conn, struct private_data *priv,
+                    int in_open, int in_auth, int proc_nr,
+                    xdrproc_t args_filter, char *args,
+                    xdrproc_t ret_filter, char *ret);
 static void error (virConnectPtr conn, virErrorNumber code, const char *info);
 static void server_error (virConnectPtr conn, remote_error *err);
 static virDomainPtr get_nonnull_domain (virConnectPtr conn, remote_nonnull_domain domain);
@@ -131,6 +143,20 @@ remoteStartup(void)
     inside_daemon = 1;
     return 0;
+static void
+remoteDebug(struct private_data *priv, const char *msg,...)
+    va_list args;
+    if (priv->debugLog == NULL)
+        return;
+    va_start(args, msg);
+    vfprintf(priv->debugLog, msg, args);
+    va_end(args);
+    fprintf(priv->debugLog, "\n");
  * remoteFindServerPath:
@@ -372,6 +398,12 @@ doRemoteOpen (virConnectPtr conn, struct
         } else if (strcasecmp (var->name, "no_tty") == 0) {
             no_tty = atoi (var->value);
             var->ignore = 1;
+        } else if (strcasecmp (var->name, "debug") == 0) {
+            if (var->value &&
+                strcasecmp(var->value, "stdout") == 0)
+                priv->debugLog = stdout;
+            else
+                priv->debugLog = stderr;
 #if DEBUG
@@ -648,6 +680,13 @@ doRemoteOpen (virConnectPtr conn, struct
     } /* switch (transport) */
+    priv->hostname = strdup (server);
+    if (!priv->hostname) {
+        error (NULL, VIR_ERR_NO_MEMORY, "allocating priv->hostname");
+        goto failed;
+    }
     /* Finally we can call the remote side's open function. */
     remote_open_args args = { &name, flags };
@@ -659,6 +698,8 @@ doRemoteOpen (virConnectPtr conn, struct
     /* Duplicate and save the uri_str. */
     priv->uri = strdup (uri_str);
     if (!priv->uri) {
+        free(priv->hostname);
+        priv->hostname = NULL;
         error (NULL, VIR_ERR_NO_MEMORY, "allocating priv->uri");
         goto failed;
@@ -1225,6 +1266,9 @@ doRemoteClose (virConnectPtr conn, struc
     /* Free URI copy. */
     if (priv->uri) free (priv->uri);
+    /* Free hostname copy */
+    if (priv->hostname) free (priv->hostname);
     /* Free private data. */
     priv->magic = DEAD;
@@ -2759,12 +2803,189 @@ remoteNetworkSetAutostart (virNetworkPtr
+/* Perform the SASL authentication process
+ *
+ * XXX negotiate a session encryption layer for non-TLS sockets
+ * XXX fetch credentials from a libvirt client app callback
+ * XXX fill in local/remote IP details
+ * XXX use the real hostname from the connect URI
+ * XXX max packet size spec
+ * XXX better mechanism negotiation ? Ask client app ?
+ */
+static int
+remoteAuthSasl (virConnectPtr conn, struct private_data *priv,
+                int in_open /* if we are in virConnectOpen */) {
+    sasl_conn_t *saslconn;
+    remote_auth_sasl_init_ret iret;
+    remote_auth_sasl_start_args sargs;
+    remote_auth_sasl_start_ret sret;
+    remote_auth_sasl_step_args pargs;
+    remote_auth_sasl_step_ret pret;
+    const char *clientout, *serverin;
+    unsigned int clientoutlen, serverinlen;
+    const char *mech;
+    int err, complete;
+    remoteDebug(priv, "Client initialize SASL authentication");
+    err = sasl_client_init(NULL);
+    if (err != SASL_OK) {
+        __virRaiseError (in_open ? NULL : conn, NULL, NULL, VIR_FROM_REMOTE,
+                         VIR_ERR_AUTH_FAILED, VIR_ERR_ERROR, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0,
+                         "failed to initialize SASL library: %d (%s)",
+                         err, sasl_errstring(err, NULL, NULL));
+        return -1;
+    }
+    err = sasl_client_new("libvirt",
+                          priv->hostname,
+                          NULL, /* XXX local addr */
+                          NULL, /* XXX remote addr */
+                          NULL, /* XXX callbacks */
+                          SASL_SUCCESS_DATA,
+                          &saslconn);
+    if (err != SASL_OK) {
+        __virRaiseError (in_open ? NULL : conn, NULL, NULL, VIR_FROM_REMOTE,
+                         VIR_ERR_AUTH_FAILED, VIR_ERR_ERROR, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0,
+                         "Failed to create SASL client context: %d (%s)",
+                         err, sasl_errstring(err, NULL, NULL));
+        return -1;
+    }
+    /* First call is to inquire about supported mechanisms in the server */
+    memset (&iret, 0, sizeof iret);
+    if (onecall (conn, priv, in_open, 1, REMOTE_PROC_AUTH_SASL_INIT,
+                 (xdrproc_t) xdr_void, (char *)NULL,
+                 (xdrproc_t) xdr_remote_auth_sasl_init_ret, (char *) &iret) != 0) {
+        sasl_dispose(&saslconn);
+        return -1; /* virError already set by onecall */
+    }
+    /* Start the auth negotiation on the client end first */
+    remoteDebug(priv, "Client start negotiation mechlist '%s'", iret.mechlist);
+    err = sasl_client_start(saslconn,
+                            iret.mechlist,
+                            NULL, /* XXX interactions */
+                            &clientout,
+                            &clientoutlen,
+                            &mech);
+    if (err != SASL_OK && err != SASL_CONTINUE) {
+        __virRaiseError (in_open ? NULL : conn, NULL, NULL, VIR_FROM_REMOTE,
+                         VIR_ERR_AUTH_FAILED, VIR_ERR_ERROR, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0,
+                         "Failed to start SASL negotiation: %d (%s)",
+                         err, sasl_errstring(err, NULL, NULL));
+        free(iret.mechlist);
+        sasl_dispose(&saslconn);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    free(iret.mechlist);
+    if (clientoutlen > REMOTE_AUTH_SASL_DATA_MAX) {
+        __virRaiseError (in_open ? NULL : conn, NULL, NULL, VIR_FROM_REMOTE,
+                         VIR_ERR_AUTH_FAILED, VIR_ERR_ERROR, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0,
+                         "SASL negotiation data too long: %d bytes", clientoutlen);
+        sasl_dispose(&saslconn);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    /* NB, distinction of NULL vs "" is *critical* in SASL */
+    if (clientout)
+        memcpy(, clientout, clientoutlen);
+    else
+        sargs.nil = 1;
+    sargs.datalen = clientoutlen;
+    sargs.mech = (char*)mech;
+    remoteDebug(priv, "Server start negotiation with mech %s. Data %d bytes %p", mech, clientoutlen, clientout);
+    /* Now send the initial auth data to the server */
+    memset (&sret, 0, sizeof sret);
+    if (onecall (conn, priv, in_open, 1, REMOTE_PROC_AUTH_SASL_START,
+                 (xdrproc_t) xdr_remote_auth_sasl_start_args, (char *) &sargs,
+                 (xdrproc_t) xdr_remote_auth_sasl_start_ret, (char *) &sret) != 0) {
+        sasl_dispose(&saslconn);
+        return -1; /* virError already set by onecall */
+    }
+    complete = sret.complete;
+    /* NB, distinction of NULL vs "" is *critical* in SASL */
+    serverin = sret.nil ? NULL :;
+    serverinlen = sret.datalen;
+    remoteDebug(priv, "Client step result complete: %d. Data %d bytes %p",
+                complete, serverinlen, serverin);
+    /* Loop-the-loop...
+     * Even if the server has completed, the client must *always* do at least one step
+     * in this loop to verify the server isn't lieing about something. Mutual auth */
+    for (;;) {
+        err = sasl_client_step(saslconn,
+                               serverin,
+                               serverinlen,
+                               NULL, /* XXX interactions */
+                               &clientout,
+                               &clientoutlen);
+        if (err != SASL_OK && err != SASL_CONTINUE) {
+            __virRaiseError (in_open ? NULL : conn, NULL, NULL, VIR_FROM_REMOTE,
+                             VIR_ERR_AUTH_FAILED, VIR_ERR_ERROR, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0,
+                             "Failed step %d %s",
+                             err, sasl_errstring(err, NULL, NULL));
+            sasl_dispose(&saslconn);
+            return -1;
+        }
+        remoteDebug(priv, "Client step result %d. Data %d bytes %p", err, clientoutlen, clientout);
+        /* Previous server call showed completion & we're now locally complete too */
+        if (complete && err == SASL_OK)
+            break;
+        /* Not done, prepare to talk with the server for another iteration */
+        /* NB, distinction of NULL vs "" is *critical* in SASL */
+        if (clientout) {
+            memcpy(, clientout, clientoutlen);
+            pargs.nil = 0;
+        } else {
+            pargs.nil = 1;
+        }
+        pargs.datalen = clientoutlen;
+        remoteDebug(priv, "Server step with %d bytes %p", clientoutlen, clientout);
+        memset (&pret, 0, sizeof pret);
+        if (onecall (conn, priv, in_open, 1, REMOTE_PROC_AUTH_SASL_STEP,
+                     (xdrproc_t) xdr_remote_auth_sasl_step_args, (char *) &pargs,
+                     (xdrproc_t) xdr_remote_auth_sasl_step_ret, (char *) &pret) != 0) {
+            sasl_dispose(&saslconn);
+            return -1; /* virError already set by onecall */
+        }
+        complete = pret.complete;
+        /* NB, distinction of NULL vs "" is *critical* in SASL */
+        serverin = pret.nil ? NULL :;
+        serverinlen = pret.datalen;
+        remoteDebug(priv, "Client step result complete: %d. Data %d bytes %p",
+                    complete, serverinlen, serverin);
+        /* This server call shows complete, and earlier client step was OK */
+        if (complete && err == SASL_OK)
+            break;
+    }
+    remoteDebug(priv, "SASL authentication complete");
+    /* XXX keep this around for wire encoding */
+    sasl_dispose(&saslconn);
+    return 0;
 static int really_write (virConnectPtr conn, struct private_data *priv,
                          int in_open, char *bytes, int len);
 static int really_read (virConnectPtr conn, struct private_data *priv,
                         int in_open, char *bytes, int len);
-/* This function performs a remote procedure call to procedure PROC_NR.
+/* This function performs a single remote procedure call to procedure PROC_NR.
+ * It will not retry a call if it fails due to lack of authentication
  * NB. This does not free the args structure (not desirable, since you
  * often want this allocated on the stack or else it contains strings
@@ -2773,13 +2994,19 @@ static int really_read (virConnectPtr co
  * NB(2). Make sure to memset (&ret, 0, sizeof ret) before calling,
  * else Bad Things will happen in the XDR code.
+ *
+ * If in_auth is set:
+ * Return 0 on success, -1 on failure or auth request
+ * else
+ * Return 0 on success, -1 on failure, > 0 for auth type
 static int
-call (virConnectPtr conn, struct private_data *priv,
-      int in_open /* if we are in virConnectOpen */,
-      int proc_nr,
-      xdrproc_t args_filter, char *args,
-      xdrproc_t ret_filter, char *ret)
+onecall (virConnectPtr conn, struct private_data *priv,
+         int in_open /* if we are in virConnectOpen */,
+         int in_auth, /* if we are doing an auth call */
+         int proc_nr,
+         xdrproc_t args_filter, char *args,
+         xdrproc_t ret_filter, char *ret)
     char buffer[REMOTE_MESSAGE_MAX];
     char buffer2[4];
@@ -2787,6 +3014,7 @@ call (virConnectPtr conn, struct private
     XDR xdr;
     int len;
     struct remote_error rerror;
+    enum remote_auth_type rauth;
     /* Get a unique serial number for this message. */
     int serial = priv->counter++;
@@ -2933,6 +3161,20 @@ call (virConnectPtr conn, struct private
         xdr_free ((xdrproc_t) xdr_remote_error, (char *) &rerror);
         return -1;
+    case REMOTE_AUTH:
+        if (in_auth) {
+            error (in_open ? NULL : conn,
+                   VIR_ERR_RPC, "recursive authentication requests");
+            return -1;
+        }
+        if (!xdr_remote_auth_type (&xdr, &rauth)) {
+            error (in_open ? NULL : conn,
+                   VIR_ERR_RPC, "unmarshalling remote_auth");
+            return -1;
+        }
+        xdr_destroy(&xdr);
+        return rauth;
         __virRaiseError (in_open ? NULL : conn, NULL, NULL, VIR_FROM_REMOTE,
                          VIR_ERR_RPC, VIR_ERR_ERROR, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0,
@@ -2942,6 +3184,57 @@ call (virConnectPtr conn, struct private
         return -1;
+/* This function performs a remote procedure call to procedure PROC_NR.
+ * If a call fails due to requiring authentication, it may do an auth
+ * handshake consisting of several RPCs, and then re-try the original call.
+ *
+ * NB. This does not free the args structure (not desirable, since you
+ * often want this allocated on the stack or else it contains strings
+ * which come from the user).  It does however free any intermediate
+ * results, eg. the error structure if there is one.
+ *
+ * NB(2). Make sure to memset (&ret, 0, sizeof ret) before calling,
+ * else Bad Things will happen in the XDR code.
+ *
+ * Return 0 on success, -1 on failure
+ */
+static int
+call (virConnectPtr conn, struct private_data *priv,
+      int in_open /* if we are in virConnectOpen */,
+      int proc_nr,
+      xdrproc_t args_filter, char *args,
+      xdrproc_t ret_filter, char *ret)
+    int err;
+ redocall:
+    err = onecall(conn, priv, in_open, 0, proc_nr,
+                  args_filter, args,
+                  ret_filter, ret);
+    if (err > 0) {
+        switch (err) {
+        case REMOTE_AUTH_SASL:
+            if (remoteAuthSasl(conn, priv, in_open) < 0)
+                return -1;
+            goto redocall;
+        default:
+            __virRaiseError (in_open ? NULL : conn, NULL, NULL, VIR_FROM_REMOTE,
+                             VIR_ERR_AUTH_FAILED, VIR_ERR_ERROR, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0,
+                             "unsupported auth type %d", err);
+            return -1;
+        }
+    } else {
+        return err;
+    }
 static int
 really_write (virConnectPtr conn, struct private_data *priv,
diff -r 2ebd10b676a9 src/virsh.c
--- a/src/virsh.c	Wed Oct 17 15:03:04 2007 -0400
+++ b/src/virsh.c	Wed Oct 17 15:03:07 2007 -0400
@@ -4512,8 +4512,10 @@ vshInit(vshControl * ctl)
      * vshConnectionUsability, except ones which don't need a connection
      * such as "help".
-    if (!ctl->conn)
+    if (!ctl->conn) {
         vshError(ctl, FALSE, _("failed to connect to the hypervisor"));
+        return FALSE;
+    }
     return TRUE;
diff -r 2ebd10b676a9 src/virterror.c
--- a/src/virterror.c	Wed Oct 17 15:03:04 2007 -0400
+++ b/src/virterror.c	Wed Oct 17 15:03:07 2007 -0400
@@ -652,6 +652,12 @@ __virErrorMsg(virErrorNumber error, cons
 		errmsg = _("invalid MAC adress: %s");
+	    if (info == NULL)
+		errmsg = _("authentication failed");
+	    else
+		errmsg = _("authentication failed: %s");
+	    break;
     return (errmsg);
diff -r 2ebd10b676a9 tests/
--- a/tests/	Wed Oct 17 15:03:04 2007 -0400
+++ b/tests/	Wed Oct 17 15:03:07 2007 -0400
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ INCLUDES = \
 	-I$(top_srcdir)/src \
         -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=199506L \
          $(COVERAGE_CFLAGS) \
@@ -27,6 +28,7 @@ LDADDS = \
         $(GNUTLS_LIBS) \
+        $(SASL_LIBS) \
         $(WARN_CFLAGS) \
 	$(LIBVIRT) \
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