[PATCH 2/6] Inactive domain support: new virHash APIs

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The attached patch adds a couple of new APIs to the hash table object to
allow various different ways of iterating over the contents of the hash
table. The methods are:


Docs for these methods are all inline. Compared to previous patch a logic
flaw in the virHashRemoveSet method was fixed prevently some severe memory

|=- Red Hat, Engineering, Emerging Technologies, Boston.  +1 978 392 2496 -=|
|=-           Perl modules: http://search.cpan.org/~danberr/              -=|
|=-               Projects: http://freshmeat.net/~danielpb/               -=|
|=-  GnuPG: 7D3B9505   F3C9 553F A1DA 4AC2 5648 23C1 B3DF F742 7D3B 9505  -=| 
Index: src/hash.c
RCS file: /data/cvs/libvirt/src/hash.c,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -c -r1.10 hash.c
*** src/hash.c	21 Sep 2006 15:24:37 -0000	1.10
--- src/hash.c	15 Nov 2006 02:34:00 -0000
*** 473,478 ****
--- 473,597 ----
+ /**
+  * virHashForEach
+  * @table: the hash table to process
+  * @iter: callback to process each element
+  * @data: opaque data to pass to the iterator
+  *
+  * Iterates over every element in the hash table, invoking the
+  * 'iter' callback. The callback must not call any other virHash*
+  * functions, and in particular must not attempt to remove the
+  * element.
+  *
+  * Returns 0 on completion, -1 on failure
+  */
+ int virHashForEach(virHashTablePtr table, virHashIterator iter, const void *data) {
+     int i;
+     if (table == NULL || iter == NULL)
+         return (-1);
+     for (i = 0 ; i < table->size ; i++) {
+         virHashEntryPtr entry = table->table + i;
+         while (entry) {
+             if (entry->valid) {
+                 iter(entry->payload, entry->name, data);
+             }
+             entry = entry->next;
+         }
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+  * virHashRemoveSet
+  * @table: the hash table to process
+  * @iter: callback to identify elements for removal
+  * @f: callback to free memory from element payload
+  * @data: opaque data to pass to the iterator
+  *
+  * Iterates over all elements in the hash table, invoking the 'iter'
+  * callback. If the callback returns a non-zero value, the element
+  * will be removed from the hash table & its payload passed to the
+  * callback 'f' for de-allocation.
+  *
+  * Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure
+  */
+ int virHashRemoveSet(virHashTablePtr table, virHashSearcher iter, virHashDeallocator f, const void *data) {
+     int i;
+     if (table == NULL || iter == NULL)
+         return (-1);
+     for (i = 0 ; i < table->size ; i++) {
+         virHashEntryPtr prev = NULL;
+         virHashEntryPtr entry = &(table->table[i]);
+         while (entry && entry->valid) {
+             if (iter(entry->payload, entry->name, data)) {
+                 f(entry->payload, entry->name);
+                 if (entry->name)
+                     free(entry->name);
+                 if (prev) {
+                     prev->next = entry->next;
+                     free(entry);
+                 } else {
+                     if (entry->next == NULL) {
+                         entry->valid = 0;
+                         entry->name = NULL;
+                     } else {
+                         entry = entry->next;
+                         memcpy(&(table->table[i]), entry,
+                                sizeof(virHashEntry));
+                         free(entry);
+                         entry = NULL;
+                     }
+                 }
+                 table->nbElems--;
+             }
+             prev = entry;
+             if (entry) {
+                 entry = entry->next;
+             } else {
+                 entry = NULL;
+             }
+         }
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+  * virHashSearch:
+  * @table: the hash table to search
+  * @iter: an iterator to identify the desired element
+  * @data: extra opaque information passed to the iter
+  *
+  * Iterates over the hash table calling the 'iter' callback
+  * for each element. The first element for which the iter
+  * returns non-zero will be returned by this function.
+  * The elements are processed in a undefined order
+  */
+ void *virHashSearch(virHashTablePtr table, virHashSearcher iter, const void *data) {
+     int i;
+     if (table == NULL || iter == NULL)
+         return (NULL);
+     for (i = 0 ; i < table->size ; i++) {
+         virHashEntryPtr entry = table->table + i;
+         while (entry) {
+             if (entry->valid) {
+                 if (iter(entry->payload, entry->name, data))
+                     return entry->payload;
+             }
+             entry = entry->next;
+         }
+     }
+     return (NULL);
+ }
   *									*
   *			Domain and Connections allocations		*
*** 770,772 ****
--- 889,899 ----
+ /*
+  * Local variables:
+  *  indent-tabs-mode: nil
+  *  c-indent-level: 4
+  *  c-basic-offset: 4
+  *  tab-width: 4
+  * End:
+  */
Index: src/hash.h
RCS file: /data/cvs/libvirt/src/hash.h,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -c -r1.5 hash.h
*** src/hash.h	9 Apr 2006 13:11:22 -0000	1.5
--- src/hash.h	15 Nov 2006 02:34:00 -0000
*** 33,39 ****
   * Callback to free data from a hash.
! typedef void (*virHashDeallocator) (void *payload, char *name);
   * Constructor and destructor.
--- 33,41 ----
   * Callback to free data from a hash.
! typedef void (*virHashDeallocator) (void *payload, const char *name);
! typedef void (*virHashIterator) (const void *payload, const char *name, const void *data);
! typedef int (*virHashSearcher) (const void *payload, const char *name, const void *data);
   * Constructor and destructor.
*** 62,67 ****
--- 64,75 ----
  void *virHashLookup(virHashTablePtr table, const char *name);
+ int virHashForEach(virHashTablePtr table, virHashIterator iter, const void *data);
+ int virHashRemoveSet(virHashTablePtr table, virHashSearcher iter, virHashDeallocator f, const void *data);
+ void *virHashSearch(virHashTablePtr table, virHashSearcher iter, const void *data);
  #ifdef __cplusplus

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