>>> "Bryan D. Payne" <bryan@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 04/04/06 6:23 PM >>> >> I'm just not seeing it included in path returned by >> xs_get_domain_path(), only see /local/domain/<num> > For what it's worth, I was trying to put a patch together for this, >but I kept getting memory corruption errors. I was trying to access >the name through the xenstore as shown below... > > /* lookup is easier with the Xen store so try it first */ > if (conn->xshandle != NULL) { > char *namepath = NULL; > path = xs_get_domain_path(conn->xshandle, (unsigned int) id); > namepath = strdup(path); > strcat(namepath, "/name"); > name = xs_read(conn->xshandle, NULL, namepath, NULL); > if (namepath) free(namepath); > } My brain is not working today :-). Don't know why I didn't consider xs_read(). I'll fix up your patch and test/submit it tomorrow. I think the only problem is concatenating "/name" on the end of namepath, which has only been allocated enough memory to hold path via strdup(). Thanks, Jim