[libosinfo PATCH v2 6/6] media: Check whether PPC ISOs are bootable

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PPC ISOs do not have the "El Torito" extension that describes whether
the media is bootable or not. However, they have a "bootinfo.txt" file
placed under "ppc" directory in order to specify the media is bootable.

So, let's add a few more checks looking for "/ppc/bootinfo.txt" in case
the El Torito header is not found.

The whole implementation has been based on the following sources:
- The ISO 9660 (ECMA-119) specification:
- The ISO 9660 osdev wiki page:
- IBM's developer article:

And what the implementation does is:
- Access the *root* directory record, which has a fixed size of 33 bytes
  and is located at the bytes offset 156 of the PVD;
- Load the *root* directory record extent content into the memory and:
  - Search for the the dir/file we're looking at;
  - In the dir is present, we load its directory record extent content
    into the memory and search for the next dir/file;
    - In case the file is present, we return that the media is bootable;
    - Otherwise, we return the media is non bootable;

Mind, though, that this code is *not* generic enough to be adapted in
case we want to search for a different dir/file and the reason for that
is related to some ISOs using a TRANS.TBL table that translates the
given name of a file to the shown name of the same file.

If, for some reason, we ever want to take the path of having this code
more generic we'd have to:
- For each directory acessed, search for TRANS.TBL;
  - In case it's present, load its content into a hash table and, for
    each dir/file, check the name of the file we're looking for with the
    shown name (only present in the TRANS.TBL;
  - Otherwise, just follow the very same code we currently have;

The decision for not implementing this TRANS.TBL changes is, mainly,
because it'd make the code circa twice slower than it currently is
(as we'd have to search for the TRANS.TBL as the first thing ...)
without any specific gain for the needs we have right now. In case
there's the need, in the future, it could be implemented in the way
described here.


Signed-off-by: Fabiano Fidêncio <fidencio@xxxxxxxxxx>
 osinfo/osinfo_media.c | 291 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 osinfo/osinfo_media.h |   3 +-
 2 files changed, 287 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/osinfo/osinfo_media.c b/osinfo/osinfo_media.c
index ffa0aa2..15feb5b 100644
--- a/osinfo/osinfo_media.c
+++ b/osinfo/osinfo_media.c
@@ -39,6 +39,34 @@
 #define PVD_OFFSET 0x00008000
+#define PPC_BOOTINFO "/ppc/bootinfo.txt"
+enum {
+    DIRECTORY_RECORD_FLAG_RECORD          = 1 << 3,
+typedef struct _DirectoryRecord DirectoryRecord;
+struct __attribute__((packed)) _DirectoryRecord {
+    guint8 length;
+    guint8 ignored;
+    guint32 extent_location[2];
+    guint32 extent_size[2];
+    guint8 ignored2[7];
+    guint8 flags;
+    guint8 ignored3[6];
+    guint8 filename_length;
+    gchar filename[1];
+G_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(struct _DirectoryRecord) == 34);
 typedef struct _PrimaryVolumeDescriptor PrimaryVolumeDescriptor;
@@ -50,11 +78,13 @@ struct _PrimaryVolumeDescriptor {
     guint32 volume_space_size[2];
     guint8 ignored3[40];
     guint16 logical_blk_size[2];
-    guint8 ignored4[186];
+    guint8 ignored4[24];
+    guint8 root_directory_entry[33];
+    guint8 ignored5[129];
     gchar  publisher[MAX_PUBLISHER]; /* Publisher ID */
-    guint8 ignored5[128];
+    guint8 ignored6[128];
     gchar  application[MAX_APPLICATION]; /* Application ID */
-    guint8 ignored6[1346];
+    guint8 ignored7[1346];
 /* the PrimaryVolumeDescriptor struct must exactly 2048 bytes long
@@ -70,6 +100,32 @@ struct _SupplementaryVolumeDescriptor {
     gchar  system[MAX_SYSTEM]; /* System ID */
+typedef struct _SearchPPCBootinfoAsyncData SearchPPCBootinfoAsyncData;
+struct _SearchPPCBootinfoAsyncData {
+    GTask *res;
+    PrimaryVolumeDescriptor *pvd;
+    guint8 *extent;
+    gchar **filepath;
+    gsize filepath_index;
+    gsize filepath_index_max;
+    gsize offset;
+    gsize length;
+static void search_ppc_bootinfo_async_data_free(SearchPPCBootinfoAsyncData *data)
+    g_object_unref(data->res);
+    g_strfreev(data->filepath);
+    g_free(data->extent);
+    g_slice_free(SearchPPCBootinfoAsyncData, data);
 typedef struct _CreateFromLocationAsyncData CreateFromLocationAsyncData;
 struct _CreateFromLocationAsyncData {
     GFile *file;
@@ -774,6 +830,216 @@ create_from_location_async_data(CreateFromLocationAsyncData *data)
     return media;
+static gboolean check_directory_record_entry_flags(guint8 flags,
+                                                   gboolean is_dir)
+    if (is_dir)
+        return (flags & DIRECTORY_RECORD_FLAG_DIRECTORY) != 0;
+    return (flags & DIRECTORY_RECORD_FLAG_DIRECTORY) == 0;
+static void on_directory_record_extent_read(GObject *source,
+                                            GAsyncResult *res,
+                                            gpointer user_data)
+    GInputStream *stream = G_INPUT_STREAM(source);
+    SearchPPCBootinfoAsyncData *data;
+    DirectoryRecord *dr;
+    gsize offset;
+    gssize ret;
+    gboolean is_dir;
+    guint8 index = (G_BYTE_ORDER == G_LITTLE_ENDIAN) ? 0 : 1;
+    GError *error = NULL;
+    data = (SearchPPCBootinfoAsyncData *)user_data;
+    ret = g_input_stream_read_finish(stream, res, &error);
+    if (ret < 0) {
+        g_prefix_error(&error,
+                       _("Failed to read \"%s\" directory record extent: "),
+                       data->filepath[data->filepath_index]);
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    if (ret == 0) {
+        g_set_error(&error,
+                    OSINFO_MEDIA_ERROR,
+                    _("No \"%s\" directory record extent"),
+                    data->filepath[data->filepath_index]);
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    data->offset += ret;
+    if (data->offset < data->length) {
+        g_input_stream_read_async(stream,
+                                  ((gchar *)data->extent + data->offset),
+                                  data->length - data->offset,
+                                  g_task_get_priority(data->res),
+                                  g_task_get_cancellable(data->res),
+                                  on_directory_record_extent_read,
+                                  data);
+        return;
+    }
+    is_dir = data->filepath_index < data->filepath_index_max - 1;
+    offset = 0;
+    do {
+        gboolean check;
+        dr = (DirectoryRecord *)&data->extent[offset];
+        if (dr->length == 0) {
+            offset++;
+            continue;
+        }
+        check = check_directory_record_entry_flags(dr->flags, is_dir);
+        if (check &&
+            strncmp(data->filepath[data->filepath_index], dr->filename, strlen(data->filepath[data->filepath_index])) == 0) {
+            data->filepath_index++;
+            break;
+        }
+        offset += dr->length;
+    } while (offset < data->length);
+    if (offset >= data->length) {
+        set_non_bootable_media_error(&error);
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    /* It just means that we walked through all the filepath entries and we
+     * found the file we're looking for! Just return TRUE! */
+    if (data->filepath_index == data->filepath_index_max)
+        goto cleanup;
+    if (!g_seekable_seek(G_SEEKABLE(stream),
+                         dr->extent_location[index]  * data->pvd->logical_blk_size[index],
+                         G_SEEK_SET,
+                         g_task_get_cancellable(data->res),
+                         &error))
+        goto cleanup;
+    data->offset = 0;
+    data->length = dr->extent_size[index];
+    g_free(data->extent);
+    data->extent = g_malloc0(data->length);
+    g_input_stream_read_async(stream,
+                              data->extent,
+                              data->length,
+                              g_task_get_priority(data->res),
+                              g_task_get_cancellable(data->res),
+                              on_directory_record_extent_read,
+                              data);
+    return;
+ cleanup:
+    if (error != NULL)
+        g_task_return_error(data->res, error);
+    else
+        g_task_return_boolean(data->res, TRUE);
+    search_ppc_bootinfo_async_data_free(data);
+static void search_ppc_bootinfo_async(GInputStream *stream,
+                                      PrimaryVolumeDescriptor *pvd,
+                                      gint priority,
+                                      GCancellable *cancellable,
+                                      GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+                                      gpointer user_data)
+    SearchPPCBootinfoAsyncData *data;
+    DirectoryRecord *root_directory_entry = NULL;
+    GError *error = NULL;
+    guint8 index = (G_BYTE_ORDER == G_LITTLE_ENDIAN) ? 0 : 1;
+    g_return_if_fail(G_IS_INPUT_STREAM(stream));
+    g_return_if_fail(pvd != NULL);
+    data = g_slice_new0(SearchPPCBootinfoAsyncData);
+    data->pvd = pvd;
+    data->res = g_task_new(NULL,
+                           cancellable,
+                           callback,
+                           user_data);
+    g_task_set_priority(data->res, priority);
+    root_directory_entry = (DirectoryRecord *)&data->pvd->root_directory_entry;
+    if (!g_seekable_seek(G_SEEKABLE(stream),
+                         root_directory_entry->extent_location[index] * data->pvd->logical_blk_size[index],
+                         G_SEEK_SET,
+                         g_task_get_cancellable(data->res),
+                         &error))
+        goto cleanup;
+    data->offset = 0;
+    data->length = root_directory_entry->extent_size[index];
+    data->extent = g_malloc0(root_directory_entry->extent_size[index]);
+    data->filepath = g_strsplit(PPC_BOOTINFO, "/", -1);
+    /* As the path starts with "/", we can just ignore the first element of the
+     * split entry. */
+    data->filepath_index = 1;
+    data->filepath_index_max = g_strv_length(data->filepath);
+    g_input_stream_read_async(stream,
+                              data->extent,
+                              data->length,
+                              g_task_get_priority(data->res),
+                              g_task_get_cancellable(data->res),
+                              on_directory_record_extent_read,
+                              data);
+    return;
+ cleanup:
+    g_task_return_error(data->res, error);
+    search_ppc_bootinfo_async_data_free(data);
+static gboolean search_ppc_bootinfo_finish(GAsyncResult *res,
+                                           GError **error)
+    GTask *task = G_TASK(res);
+    g_return_val_if_fail(error == NULL || *error == NULL, FALSE);
+    return g_task_propagate_boolean(task, error);
+static void search_ppc_bootinfo_callback(GObject *source,
+                                         GAsyncResult *res,
+                                         gpointer user_data)
+    OsinfoMedia *media = NULL;
+    GInputStream *stream = G_INPUT_STREAM(source);
+    GError *error = NULL;
+    CreateFromLocationAsyncData *data;
+    gboolean ret;
+    data = (CreateFromLocationAsyncData *)user_data;
+    ret = search_ppc_bootinfo_finish(res, &error);
+    if (!ret)
+        goto cleanup;
+    media = create_from_location_async_data(data);
+ cleanup:
+    if (error != NULL)
+        g_task_return_error(data->res, error);
+    else
+        g_task_return_pointer(data->res, media, g_object_unref);
+    g_object_unref(stream);
+    create_from_location_async_data_free(data);
 static void on_svd_read(GObject *source,
                          GAsyncResult *res,
                          gpointer user_data)
@@ -819,9 +1085,22 @@ static void on_svd_read(GObject *source,
     if (strncmp(BOOTABLE_TAG, data->svd.system, sizeof(BOOTABLE_TAG)) != 0) {
-        set_non_bootable_media_error(&error);
-        goto cleanup;
+        /*
+         * In case we reached this point, there are basically 2 alternatives:
+         * - the media is a PPC media and we should check for the existence of
+         *   "/ppc/bootinfo.txt" file
+         * - the media is not bootable.
+         *
+         * Let's check for the existence of the "/ppc/bootinfo.txt" file and,
+         * only after that, return whether the media is bootable or not.
+         */
+        search_ppc_bootinfo_async(stream,
+                                  &data->pvd,
+                                  g_task_get_priority(data->res),
+                                  g_task_get_cancellable(data->res),
+                                  search_ppc_bootinfo_callback,
+                                  data);
+        return;
     media = create_from_location_async_data(data);
diff --git a/osinfo/osinfo_media.h b/osinfo/osinfo_media.h
index 27d77ae..6adc4be 100644
--- a/osinfo/osinfo_media.h
+++ b/osinfo/osinfo_media.h
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ typedef enum {
 } OsinfoMediaError;

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