On 11/15/2018 07:36 AM, Fabiano Fidêncio wrote:
Several distros follow the approach of realeasing ISOs that would be
focused on Desktop or Server usage. In order to allow Apps to sort the
ISOs they have according to its "purpose" let's add an additional
argument to the media element in order to make this distinction.
An example of the XML would be:
<media arch="i686" purpose="server">
<volume-id>Ubuntu-Server 17.04(.\d)? i386</volume-id>
Again, the "purpose" attribute is optional and may have the following
values: server, desktop, or generic.
"generic" is the value chosen in case it's not defined.
Is this approach reasonable? I'd like to get some feedback here before
implenting the libosinfo side of this. :-)
Seems reasonable to me, but I'm trying to think of how apps/boxes will
consume this. Let's imagine how we will use this to annotate some
current os entries:
Ubuntu 18.04: There's one desktop media listed, and multiple server
media, but all with distinct arch. So the combo of purpose+arch is
always unique only matches one media entry
Fedora 29: There's two possible purpose=desktop and two purpose=server
media entries here, the netinst versions and the non-netinst versions.
What does boxes do here? Does it offer both media options to the user?
If it only wants to show the non-netinst, how does it do that filtering
in a maintainable way?
CentOS: Ships both a LiveKDE and LiveGNOME which would both get
purpose=desktop annotations I suppose. The other piece of media is
Everything which I guess is just purpose=generic. What would gnome-boxes
do in this case?
Fedora Atomic: this isn't exposed in osinfo yet but I'm bringing it up
as another potential future data point: if it's a fedora-X variant then
that's an additional piece of ISO media we would likely label
purpose=server. rhel-atomic is a separate OS entry though so maybe
fedora would follow that pattern
Food for thought
Signed-off-by: Fabiano Fidêncio <fidencio@xxxxxxxxxx>
data/schema/osinfo.rng.in | 13 +++++++++++++
1 file changed, 13 insertions(+)
diff --git a/data/schema/osinfo.rng.in b/data/schema/osinfo.rng.in
index 6693391..e09d43b 100644
--- a/data/schema/osinfo.rng.in
+++ b/data/schema/osinfo.rng.in
@@ -337,6 +337,14 @@
+ <define name='purposenames'>
+ <choice>
+ <value>generic</value>
+ <value>desktop</value>
+ <value>server</value>
+ </choice>
+ </define>
<define name='media'>
<element name='media'>
<attribute name='arch'>
@@ -362,6 +370,11 @@
<ref name='bool'/>
+ <optional>
+ <attribute name='purpose'>
+ <ref name='purposenames'/>
+ </attribute>
+ </optional>
<element name='variant'>
- Cole
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