Re: Static IP on Kickstart

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On 01/13/2011 01:27 AM, Daniel Theisen wrote:
Hello all,
I've been struggling with an issue with my kickstart configuration for a while now.

My current installation procedure:
   1. Insert kickstart CD into server and boot
   2. Select which kickstart to config from menu
   3. Server grabs a DHCP address off a local LAN, gets install data off of a local mirror
   4. Coffee while it installs
   5. Server reboots
   6. Log in and manually run network configuration script (written in %post section) to configure new static IP

What I would like to do is move step 6 to after step 4. I want to be able to run some kind of network installation at the very end of the install process, but before the first reboot.

Our current situation is this. We do server installs on a daily basis, when we kickstart a machine, we plug it into our office VLAN and boot it. It then grabs a DHCP address from our office router and proceeds with a network installation.

Setting a static IP at the beginning of the install is not an option, because we have many different VLAN's for each of our subnets. Some of the VLAN's are offsite and going to our othr site to install a server is not ideal.

Static DHCP is also not an option for multiple reasons. Firtly, we have over 1000 servers already configured with static IP addresses. Although there's no conflict issues, we'd just like to keep IP addresses purely static for consistancy reasons. Secondly, there's the previous VLAN issue. Finally, there's the issue that we have some servers with 20+ IP addresses.

Baasically, it'd just be very nice to be able to configure a static IP address on a server during the actual install process.

Here is my current kickstart script:

   auth  --useshadow  --enablemd5
   bootloader --location=mbr
   clearpart --all --initlabel
   firewall --enabled --port=22:tcp
   firstboot --disable
   keyboard us
   lang en_US
   logging --level=info
   url --url=
   reboot --eject
   rootpw --iscrypted xx
   selinux --enforcing
   timezone --isUtc America/Detroit

   part /boot --bytes-per-inode=4096 --fstype="ext3" --size=512 --ondisk=sda
   part swap --bytes-per-inode=4096 --fstype="swap" --size=2048 --ondisk=sda
   part / --bytes-per-inode=4096 --fstype="ext3" --grow --size=1 --ondisk=sda
   part /backup --bytes-per-inode=4096 --fstype="ext3" --grow --size=1 --ondisk=sdb

   network --bootproto=dhcp --device=eth0

   %packages --nobase

   echo "nameserver">  /etc/resolv.conf
   echo "nameserver">>  /etc/resolv.conf

   # write netconfig script
   cat<<  EOF>  /bin/netconfig
   # check if user is root
   if [[ \$EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
       echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2
       exit 1
   # run system-config-network-tui
   # set variables
   # turn on eth1 if it has an address, remove gateway.. shouldn't be set here
   # anyways
   if [ -f "\$eth1f" ]; then
       if grep -q "IPADDR" \$eth1f; then
           sed -i 's/ONBOOT=no/ONBOOT=yes/' \$eth1f
           sed -i '/^GATEWAY/d' \$eth1f
           sed -i '/^HOTPLUG/d' \$eth1f
   # move gateway from ifcfg-eth0 to /etc/sysconfig/network
   if [ -f "\$eth0f" ]; then
       e0gw=\$(grep "GATEWAY" \$eth0f)
       sed -i '/^GATEWAY/d' \$eth0f
       # check to see if the gateway is already set. if it is, delete it first
       if ! grep -q "GATEWAY" /etc/sysconfig/network; then
           echo \$e0gw>>  \$netcfg
           sed -i '/^GATEWAY/d' \$netcfg
           echo \$e0gw>>  \$netcfg
   chmod +x /bin/netconfig

At the moment, I have a not-so-elegant script written to the server to be run manually after install. I began using system-config-network-tui vanilla, but realized it had some differences from the network configuration tool in anaconda (net.c?) I tried my best to correct those differences with my netconfig script. I've already tried running system-config-network-tui in the %post section, but it doesn't seem to work.

If anyone has had experience in dealing with a scenario such as this, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Daniel Theisen<dtheisen@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Kickstart-list mailing list
There is an undocumented option to the bootproto directive called query. 
This will pause the kickstart process and ask you for the network info. 
This happens just after the kickstart process starts.
Another option would be to configure DHCP to set static IP addresses. It 
would be an extra step in the configuration process but takes out the 
need to configure network info.

John Kennedy

Kickstart-list mailing list

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