Error from driveorder command

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Hello List,
I've recently been seeing a problem that I cannot figure out. We have an appliance that runs Fedora 10, and we install this appliance via Anaconda During an install, we will occasionally see the following error: "Specified nonexistent disk sdd in driveorder command". The user is then left with no option but to reboot and try again. It usually succeeds after the reboot, but lately, I've seen it fail 5 or more times in a row.
  So, the error is straightforward, but I'm not sure why I'm seeing  
it.  If I look at the generated driveorder directive in the bootloader  
command, I see that it is set to the following: "bootloader -- 
location=mbr --driveorder=sdd,sda,sdb,sdc,sde".  An "fdisk -l"  
confirms the existence of all 5 drives, as does /proc/partitions.  I'm  
at a loss here.  Has anyone run across this?  I don't see why it  
should fail, but is doing it fairly frequently.
Thank you,
  Jason Maestri

Jason C. Maestri
Senior Software Engineer
Solera Networks
O (801) 545.4076
C (801) 867.7654

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