The timezone specified (Europe/London) automatically changes between Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) for winter months, and British Summer Time (BST) for summer months. The dates of the switch are end-of-March and end-of-October. The --utc switch says your hardware clock will be set to and maintained as UTC, which is the same time as GMT. Terry ----- Original Message ----- From: Tom Brown <tom@xxxxxxxx> Sent: Tue, 12/5/2009 14:06 To: kickstart-list@xxxxxxxxxx Subject: timezone on RHEL5.3 In my kickstart i set my language and timezone to be lang en_US.UTF-8 langsupport --default=en_US.UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8 timezone --utc Europe/London The build goes fine however on the built system the timezone is BST - any clue as to why? thanks _______________________________________________ Kickstart-list mailing list Kickstart-list@xxxxxxxxxx ----------------------------------------- NOTICE: This message contains privileged and confidential information intended only for the addressee. If you have received this message in error you must not disseminate, copy or take action on it; please notify postmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Opinions expressed in this message are those of the sender and do not necessarily represent those of Specsavers. Although this e-mail and any attachments are believed to be virus free, e-mail communications are not 100% secure and Specsavers makes no warranty that this message is secure or virus free. All references to Specsavers mean Specsavers Optical Group Limited or any member of the Specsavers Group of Companies. Nothing in this transmission shall or shall be deemed to constitute an offer or acceptance of an offer or otherwise have the effect of forming a contract by electronic communication. Your name and address may be stored to facilitate communications. _______________________________________________ Kickstart-list mailing list Kickstart-list@xxxxxxxxxx