Kyle Powell a écrit :
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Ugo Bellavance wrote:
They're the right version on the filesystem, but when I access them via
apache, the files are totally different. The change I did is that I
mounted the 5.2 iso instead of the 5.0. I restarted httpd a few times
since, but I'm confused about what could that happen. I've deleted my
browser cache and I'm not going through a proxy.
Any idea why that could happen?
Nope. I have no idea why apache would send you a different file than what's on
the filesystem.
I got it, it was an alias...
Alias /pxe/rhel564/Server/repodata "/var/www/html/pxe/reporhel564/repodata"
I wonder why it's there... I'm not the one who configured it...
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