Floydsmith@xxxxxxx wrote:
I am runing revisor on a f9-i386 trying get an upgrade image for such so
I can make a custom kickstart install for such.
During the revisor building phase I got:
"Got an error from /usr/lib/revisor/scripts/F9-buildinstall (return code 1)"
Does this mean I have to update some other pkg before starting the
revsor - I used yum to upgrage revisor so I would think I should not
have to that.
I have revisor-2.1.1-5.fc9.noarch currently installed.
Revisor has it's own mailing list at
Worthwhile to look through the archives as well, as the answer is
already there;
It has to do with hostname "localrepo" not resolving on end-user
systems, and the way Revisor, when calling buildinstall, does not take
this into account.
Kind regards,
Jeroen van Meeuwen
Kickstart-list mailing list