Basically 3 things that are a problem with this nics.
1st the problem you’re talking about I think it’s definitely because of the topology of the network given that the bnx2 family sometimes takes some time in bringing the link up which will lead into
The ks process timing out and asking you to enter the ip manually.
With the HPs I’ve had 2 problems, 1st one the nics weren’t detected @ boot time, the pxe was doing fine, but the OS wasn’t able to bring up the nics
This one was fixed disabled the apci=off to on (or vice versa, I can’t really remember well that one, but it’s definitely something to do with that.
THEN when the boxes were installed ok, the problem was that if I wanted to do a /etc/init.d/network restart the nic died and won’t come back until the next reboot
The error in the restart was something related to “ chipset failed to reset “
This was due to the complicated nature of the board itself being HP and supporting iSCSI, the only solution was to replace the nics
This were PCI-E nics, the onboard ones worked fine with the apci=off thing..
Hope this helps
On 28/04/2008 09:43, "Gerrard Geldenhuis" <Gerrard.Geldenhuis@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: kickstart-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:kickstart-list-
> bounces@xxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Wilson Felipe
> Sent: 25 April 2008 16:28
> To: kickstart-list@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: problem with the module bnx2
> hello,
> We are starting to install redhat 5.1 and centos 5.1 in our
> environment, and it all went well until we tried with Dell machines
> (PE1950 and 860), which have network cards using bnx2 (using MSI). The
> problem is at the bnx2 module, we found out 2 way:
> - using dhcp at pxe and at the boot:
> the kernel and the initrd loads from pxe boot, and stops at
> downloading the ks file, though it gets the ip from the dhcp, but the
> network link is never put up, but in messages it prints "the link
> becomes ready"
> - using dhcp at pxe, and static ip at the boot
> the kernel and the initrd loads from pxe boot, and also stops at
> download the ks file, but after a few seconds, the links becomes ready
> and we can get the ks file and the installation goes all well
> has anyone seen this behavior using bnx2?
We use HP machines with bnx2(broadcom) and e1000(intel) nics and we have
not seen the same behaviour. Could it be switch related?
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