Pablo Iranzo Gómez wrote:
On Wed, 27 Feb 2008, Rudi Ahlers wrote:
Well, I only started playing with kickstart yesterday And my brain hurts
by now, but I'm learning a lot :)
That's nice ;)
How does it work? Do I copy all the rpm's I want to use to the CentOS
folder, and then run createrepo on that folder?
Yes, but first, you need to test dependencies in order to have
"ALL REQUIRED" packages ;)
After that, you can remove not needed ones. Usually one way to do
that is to try installing to a different folder, not your system so you
can keep rpm complaining of missing dependencies... and when everything is
fine, then you can "createrepo" and master a custom cd.
Are you using CentOS 5?
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This is a bit above me.
I use SME 7.3 (which is built on CentOS 4.6) as inhouse production
server, and then I have my (soon to colocate) test server, which
currently runs CentOS 5.1 64.
How would I test an rpm on an already running system?
What I have done till now, is todo a base install, and then create only
use the files installed (as per /installation.log) in my new CD. There's
still quite a few programs that I don't need and could probably delete
them from the CentOS folder on the CD, but I still need to figure out
how these file are installed. I saw the repodata/comps.xml file, but
it's LONG, and have a lot of different languages, not some something I
can take on right now. It's almost easier to run something like "yum
remove {package-name} from the kickstart file
Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers
CEO, SoftDux
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