Michael DeHaan wrote:
Shabazian, Chip wrote:
You could start with the presentation I gave at last years LinuxWorld:
My biggest tip is to "yum install system-config-kickstart" (which I
believe Chip mentions).
It can help guide you through the install questions and builds a
kickstart along the way. That's a good way to see what
the various options are (and is a bit easier than reading some of the
docs for the first couple of times -- eventually you
probably won't need the tool).
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That's a good tip, but for people who don't have X installed (for
example setting up servers), the GUI based kickstart config tool won't
work. I also had to go through this exercise but soon found a lot of
sites on the net with good sample kickstart files. One thing I want to
add though. If it's possible, setup sometimes like XEN / VMWare /
Virtualbox / QMU / etc to test the CD ISO. It's a pain in the neck to
first create the CD ISO with makeisofs, then burn it to CD, and then
putting it into my test machine to test it.
Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers
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