Re: Unable to eject boot cd during kickstart install

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Thanks. Right after I sent that email, I poked around on my Fedora 8 DVD and found the very same boot.iso file. I made a CD and tried it, and it works as advertised. I used to use the first CD of the Fedora set for my boot disk, and it never was locked in there before. The behavior of anaconda has changed, but I know now that I should have been using the boot.iso.
On Feb 14, 2008, at 9:34 AM, Gary Thomas wrote:

Peter Schwenk wrote:
I, the OP, am in fact doing a network install. I get the ball rolling with the CD. I never tried Fedora 7, but Fedoras 6 and prior didn't lock the CD in the drive during the network install. I am reluctant to start killing processes during the install just so I can remove my CD as dwight at suggested. I'm booting from the Rescue CD to do my installs, and one thing I noticed is that a message box pops up indicating that the install found local install media. This message hadn't appeared with the earlier Fedoras. I'll try to make a bare-bones boot CD somehow with no install files to see if that helps keep the CD from being locked in.
If you're doing a pure network install, then don't use the rescue  
disk :-)
Boot from 'boot.iso' (found in the main distribution).  Then you can
select a network install (using kickstart or manually) and the CD can
be ejected once the system starts (it only contains the kernel and initial
ram disk)

On Feb 14, 2008, at 6:50 AM, John Summerfield wrote:
dwight at wrote:
It sounds like there's some process left around which is keeping the device open. That would be the first thing I'd check. If nothing is obvious from a ps(1), then you'll have to dig deeper.
I'm going to take this to the Anaconda list, because it  
illustrates something that's been on my mind for a while.
When I boot CD to net install (which I suppose the OP is doing coz  
otherwise it doesn;t make sense to head for other parts, media in  
hand), I'd like it to spit the CD out as soon as it's not required.
Gary Thomas                 |  Consulting for the
MLB Associates              |    Embedded world

Kickstart-list mailing list

- Peter Schwenk
- CITA-3, Systems Administrator
- Mathematical Sciences
- University of Delaware
- schwenk _at_ math _dot_ udel _dot_ edu

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