Vimal Kumar wrote:
I have a scenario in which its not able to do a kickstart on IBM
servers, the process halts at the keymap. Tried various alternatives in
the kickstart config; gb, uk, us; and also changed the keyboard and
language settings. The problem occurs on both x86 or x86_64 bit RHEL5.
The IBM Servers are mainly x345s and x346s. Tried Compaq KVMs, HP KVMs,
standard Dell PS2 keyboards and other non-brand keyboards... with a
mixture of US and UK keymaps. It's not possible to use the keyboard at
all during the kickstart process... it's just garbled characters and
renders it useless.
The ks.cfg is as follows :
nfs --server=X.X.X.X --dir=/kickstart/install-tree/rhel-5
lang en_US
#langsupport --default=en_GB.UTF-8 en_GB.UTF-8
keyboard us
keymap us
I did a manual install of Tikanga-clone. There is no keymap statement in
the ks anaconda produced.
Try an interactive install, it will ask about your mistakes.
Here's the relevant part of my ks file:
# Kickstart file automatically generated by anaconda.
url --url http://rhel.demo.lan/ScientificLinux/5.0/i386/os
lang en_US.UTF-8
keyboard us
xconfig --startxonboot
network --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp
rootpw youwish
firewall --enabled --port=22:tcp
authconfig --enableshadow --enablemd5
selinux --enforcing
timezone Australia/Perth
bootloader --location=mbr --driveorder=hda,sda --append="rhgb quiet"
# The following is the partition information you requested
# Note that any partitions you deleted are not expressed
# here so unless you clear all partitions first, this is
# not guaranteed to work
-- spambait
1aaaaaaa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Z1aaaaaaa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
-- Advice
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