Within %post, hostname is available like this: hostname=`grep HOSTNAME /etc/sysconfig/network |cut -d'=' -f2` Note that the hostname was not provided at kickstart time, it came from DNS. And I haven't tried it, but as Chip suggested, the ip, if you need it, should be available by processing /proc/cmdline, something like: ip=`cat /proc/cmdline |perl -e 'if (<> =~ /\sip=(.*?)\s/) {print $1}'` -Ed
Hi thanks everyone for your replies. The cobbler tips I'm gonna try as a last resort. I'm now using a VMware appliance from http://www.rtfm-ed.co.uk/?cat=11 called the UDA. Its a simple pxe / dhcp server build on a minimal Fedora Core 5. I'm using it to roll-out VMware ESX servers. Because the webinterface on the UDA, it will be very easy for the admins to accept my concept and realy use it. If I had to let them edit all scripts on the command line, they won't accept it (it is a windows company). Therefore, I'm first gonna try to do things using the /proc/cmdline options. Which, as I'm lookin' at ip=`cat /proc/cmdline |perl -e 'if (<> =~ /\sip=(.*?)\s/) {print $1}'` is gonna give me quite a headache figuring out how this works :-) But then again, the result will great :-) So, if I get this right.... I can use /proc/cmdline to read the command line that kickstart has been called from and use the output in the kickstart file (network section)? Without using /proc/cmdline, I got this far: network ip= (by hand) %post ESXIP= ESXVMOTION= lwp-download http://webserver/centralscript.sh /tmp/centralscript.sh chmod a+x /tmp/centralscript.sh /tmp/centralscript.sh $ESXIP $ESXVMOTION And in centralscript.sh I can use them like $1 and $2. Which is an improvement, but if I'm able to use /proc/cmdline I would be the hero of my department :p Thanks everybode for the replies !!! Gabrie