JB Segal wrote:
A somewhat more than cursory glance at the archives doesn't show the
answer to this...
At the end of a manually-configured install, where I spent a reasonable
amount of time
going through the available packages, picking those I wanted, and those
I didn't, the only
evidence of this left in the anaconda-ks.cfg is the wholly-insubstantial
and that's IT.
I installed a clone. I don't recall doing much package selection as I
wanted to replicate my package selection from my nahant-clone out of
FC3. My list looks better than my list:
You can patch your list with
rpm --qa >>anaconda-ks.cfg
similar to Jason's suggestion. It's not as nice as Anaconda's doing it
right, but it should be a satisfactory workaround while RH sorts out the
bug report you're about to file.
For anyone who's intesteded, the Summerfield technique of "upgrading"
the cross-breed involved
1. Preparing a package list on nahant-clone with
"rpm -qa --qf '%{name}\n' >packages"
2. Installing Tikanga-clone.
3. Configuring yum to install from the install source any other likely
sources of packages such as atrpms.
4. Copying the package list
5. A loop like this:
cat packages | while read p ; do yum -y install ${p};done
which ran for quite some time and, to my delight, picked up such
essentials as PINE.
6. Cloning users and groups from nahant-clone.
7. Copying /home
A) Would anyone like to guess whether this is a bug, a design lacuna, or
a 'feature'?
B) Is there any way to generate an appropriate ks.cfg based upon this
While it seems that the KS docs have been revised and updated for RHEL5,
at this hour on
a Sunday, I'm not managing to find anything about reverse-engineering a
package list, nor
anything about why I should ever NEED to do that.
-- spambait
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