SSTinsley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
kickstart-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx wrote on 05/16/2007 08:28:48 PM:
The reason you can get an IP and PXEboot is because the NIC is up for
more than 30 seconds, which gives the switch time to negotiate with the
NIC and turn up the port. When anaconda starts, it recycles the NIC (to
load the driver). If you have portfast issues, anaconda will timeout
before your switch makes the port live.
Ananacoda will also recycle the NIC one more time after it gets the
ks.cfg, but that one never causes portfast timeout issues.
I here what your saying. I took your suggestion to the network guys and
they confirmed the
switch is configured correctly. So short of calling them liars, I am
pretty much at a
standstill and have to go with the ks.cfg on CDROM.
You don't have to call them rude names, and if you asked, "Is your
switch configured properly?" then of course it is, but if you can
explain "we have a problem, is there something we can try to get around
it?" the response might be more accommodating.
"Can we change timeouts?" It might be increasing the time before
something times out won't have any effect in the ordinary course of
events, but help in your case.
'Can we ...?"
There's never only one correct configuration for anything
computer-related, and if there's something not working there may be
improvements available.
Thanks for your time.
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