Hi I am sure there is some information regarding my request,
but I am unable to find it, hence the post. I configured my kickstart server using http. I am able to pxeboot the client, but my client is not able
to get the netstg2.img file from the server. I am able to http into my netstg2.img directory from a web
browser from another server in the same subnet successfully. Also I tried to put in a boot cdrom and run the following: Linux ks=http://<ServerIP>/ENT_LINUX_64/Enterprise/ks.cfg
ip=<ClientIP> netmask= gateway=<GatewayIP> Still no luck. It goes straight to the cd installer. I tried to tcpdump the traffic on the MAC address of the
client, it outputs the tftp information and after that it stops. I don’t see any http traffic coming from the client. I’d appreciate some help in this regard. I’ve spent all day trying to troubleshoot this but no
luck. Thanks Much Mukarram
Syed Unix Systems Administrator, |