I have run into a problem with the network installation via pxe as it is
getting stuck trying to contact the dhcp server "Sending request for IP
information for eth0". I believe it must be some configuration issue
because it was previously working until I added a new OS using pxeos.
Then I noticed my default file was rewritten loosing some modifications
I made. I added back in the "ksdevice=eth0" as you can see here:
[root@mahi insors_ucs2]# cat /tftpboot/linux-install/pxelinux.cfg/default
default local
timeout 100
prompt 1
display msgs/boot.msg
F1 msgs/boot.msg
F2 msgs/general.msg
F3 msgs/expert.msg
F4 msgs/param.msg
F5 msgs/rescue.msg
F7 msgs/snake.msg
label local
localboot 1
label 0
localboot 1
label 1
kernel rhel4up3es/vmlinuz
append initrd=rhel4up3es/initrd.img ksdevice=eth0 ramdisk_size=7000
label 2
kernel host4/vmlinuz
append initrd=host4/initrd.img ksdevice=eth0 ramdisk_size=7000
label 3
kernel StandardUCS/vmlinuz
append initrd=StandardUCS/initrd.img ksdevice=eth0 ramdisk_size=7000
label 4
kernel UCSraid1/vmlinuz
append initrd=UCSraid1/initrd.img ksdevice=eth0 ramdisk_size=7000
label 5
kernel rhel3up8/vmlinuz
append initrd=rhel3up8/initrd.img ksdevice=eth0 ramdisk_size=7000
label 6
kernel rhel4up3/vmlinuz
append initrd=rhel4up3/initrd.img ksdevice=eth0 ramdisk_size=7000