I think some important things to remember regarding this question are: 1.) Anaconda (to the best of my knowledge) runs the kickstart script ON THE SERVER TO BE INSTALLED. It seems that you (Robert) might be confusing this with the idea that, by specifying the server the ks.cfg resides on, you are also specifying the directory/server to operate out of. It may be better to completely forget that the ks.cfg starts out on another server and look at all references to commands and files in kickstart relative to the server that's getting the install. Jesse Keating explained this better in his post on 13 Sept. 2.) With regards to the %pre/%post sections: remember that these are literally just copied to a file, and run through bash (or whatever interpreter you specify). Treat them exactly like <insert_your_interpreter> scripts. And if you want to see what they look like, in the middle of your %pre put a 'read'. Then alt-F2 to the alternate console and look at the /tmp directory. Your script should reside there as a separate file (can't remember the name). Also, if you do a 'ps' with the right switches you should see that the installer has actually called your interpreter and passed it the file under /tmp. 3.) anything you can('t) do in the alt-F2 shell you can('t) do in kickstart. I believe the documentation for Kickstart (in this rare case) is fairly accurate and complete. I think the problem is more with the fact that the file you're trying to include simply isn't present on the system, and there for it's rather difficult anaconda to 'include' it. If you focus your efforts on ensuring that the file you're trying to include actually makes it onto the server you may have more success. Some other tips that might help: - remember that anaconda RE-reads the whole kickstart file after executing the %pre section. So you can do whatever you want with 'include' files, or even the ks.cfg file itself during the pre section and those files will be re-read afterwards including the changes you made. - using 'read' instead of 'sleep <some_big_number>' may provide you with a more stable test situation. You can navigate alt-F2 freely, and when you wish to progress to the next 'read' you can do so by going back to alt-F2 and pressing enter. I think that the 'read' only works during the %pre section though so you may be left using 'sleep' during %post. - if you wish display something to the screen for whatever purpose, explicitly redirect to /dev/tty0 (echo -n "Is this correct? (y/N) " > /dev/tty0). If you don't you won't see anything. - an alternate method to explicitly declaring packages in the ks.cfg file is putting them in the comps.xml file. You can make your own group, including all the packages you wish, and even specify if it's a 'default' group, etc. Hope this all helps. -- Chris Pattullo Developer, Software Engineering ParaSun Technologies Inc. <http://www.parasun.com> PGP public key @ <http://pgp.mit.edu> 0x95A4A710 ParaSun Root Cert @ <https://xchange.parasun.com/ca.crt>